Turdeau Must Go

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2022 Jul 27, 9:46am   29,230 views  232 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Dear Prime Minister,

I’m a Canadian Muslim woman of Pakistani origin — all three. Muslim, woman and ethnicity are labels you claim to support. So, it is my humble plea that it is time for you to resign as prime minister.

I don’t say this because I don’t like your face — nice haircut though! But around the globe the Italian prime minister resigned; the Pakistani prime minister was pushed out and the Sri Lankan head of state ran for the hills (in his case, the airport). The Tory party in U.K. threw Boris Johnson out.

All for less than you and your cronies have subjected Canada to. If you care to listen, I’ll share with you:

You had a fantastic career as prime minister in which you showed the Canadian public how to do Bhangra in India with a questionable

You showed Canadians that blackface matters.

You love selfies and photo-ops but when real media ask you pertinent questions that impact your citizens, you hide behind a plant.

Alexa : Mr. Trudeau, what other agreement, besides the Known Travellers Digital Identity, have you signed with the World Economic Forum?@JustinTrudeau : no answer! pic.twitter.com/Gn9AENf1P5

— Alexandra Lavoie (@ThevoiceAlexa) July 12, 2022
You hold friendship very dear, so you helped your friends as SNC Lavalin and a few other questionable organizations.

You paid off a terrorist and turn a blind eye to government funding of organizations with a history of antisemitism and hate.

You’re beholden to Communist regimes.

You’re paranoid when you see a truck. You have imprisoned a native ‘real Canadian’ woman — Tamara Lich — for allegations that are
contrary to our freedoms and democracy.

Your minister of transportation has made Canadian airports the laughing stock of the world. From being the best airport in North America to the worst in the world! And please don’t give me the COVID BS, being prepared was your government's responsibility.

In your words, “a Canadian, is a Canadian is a Canadian”! So, aren’t unvaxed Canadians — Canadian?

And to make matters worse (if that’s possible) now there is a SURPRISE at the airport. When you come back already tired from a long trip and have to wait a couple of hours to be randomly tested. From a dynamic G7 country, are you trying to make Canada a third world country?

Your best present to Canadians was the ArriveCan app. By the way, how does one get a passport? Do we apply to you directly?


I’m tired of just listing all your activities. I think it's time you took a vacation again on one of the Aga Khan’s Islands and you might do Canadians a favour this time by just staying there. And while you’re at it, please take your inexperienced, inefficient, intolerant cronies with you.

Goodbye. Hasta la vista. Au revoir.

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105   stereotomy   2023 Jul 25, 10:53am  

They'll gobble cock on their knees while being demolished in the pooper at the same time. They're complete degenerate globohomo whores.
107   stereotomy   2023 Jul 29, 7:34am  

zzyzzx says

For any man thinking of reproduction, he's gotta keep "the boys" cool. Oh wait, they're both globohomo, so nevermind. An asshole doesn't need refrigeration, just lubrication.
108   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 2, 10:25pm  

Turdeau and wife seperate after 18 years.


109   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 1:15am  


In a brief statement, Trudeau called for privacy as his life crumbled around him. "Please stop asking if Sophie was really a woman," said a tearful Trudeau. "You're hurting my feelings! Sophie is real. She's real! The next person who asks is getting curb stomped by a Mountie!"

Trudeau's Canadian wife, who no one has ever seen and may not exist, has reportedly had her bank account and assets frozen pending reconciliation. If she returns home and lets her husband decorate the living room of the Rideau Cottage the way he wants, she will be welcomed back with open arms. "The ball is in her court," Trudeau maintained. "She has to stop having her own opinions and feelings."

"Or else," he added ominously.
115   Booger   2023 Sep 30, 6:33pm  

Ripped off from another thread:

119   HeadSet   2023 Oct 20, 10:42am  

Patrick says

Not much different than the druggie dying of an overdose.
121   stereotomy   2023 Oct 26, 10:05am  

^^^ That doesn't look like an EV RV.
124   Patrick   2023 Nov 10, 5:49pm  


💉 Finally, to help start your weekend off right, for your Friday amusement, enjoy this comical public service announcement from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Remember ladies, he’s single again!:

The “booster advisory” clip shows a slack-jawed, chuckling, lightly tattooed man sitting in a chair and getting his shoulders wiped with prep pads. That’s it. For the life of me, I can’t understand why they would so obviously cut away —twice— deliberately not showing the injections, which were the whole point of the message.

Maybe the Prime Minister cried when he got the real shots, and they had to film it over again, once he was feeling better and had his lollipop.

128   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 1, 1:30pm  

The arguments of this neoCon Globalist Nazi are not valid:
• If the vaccine offers protection to the vaccinated then why is he considering the unvaccinated to be a threat to the vaccinated? Where is the logic here?
• Besides, this loser is not a medical doctor, so why is he practicing medicine? Who asked him?

Patrick says

133   Blue   2023 Dec 25, 1:30pm  

Patrick says

LOL, It looks like the place where I come from! The only way to know the prices was after checkout! no return policy!
135   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 9:43am  


OTTAWA — A new law passed in Canada this week required all men's room across the country to stock tampons in case Justin Trudeau pops in and happens to be on "that time of the month," sources confirmed Wednesday morning.

Dubbed "Trudeau's Law," the new regulation ensures that men's rooms will have everything the Prime Minister requires for his visits to the bathroom, from tampons to thick, extra-absorbent pads "for those heavy days."

"This is a huge step forward in inclusivity for people named Justin Trudeau," Trudeau said solemnly at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. He wiped away tears as he spoke. "I can finally feel comfortable going into the bathroom and knowing I'll be able to take care of my hygienic needs, no matter what gender identity expression I've taken on for the day."

"We are inclusive. We are diverse. We are Canada - and we will not apologize," Trudeau said triumphantly while reporters cheered. "Well, we will apologize, but not for this."

At publishing time, Trudeau had just used the ladies' room like normal.
136   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 9:57am  


Congratulations to Canada, which now has tampons in the men's bathrooms on Parliament Hill
137   Patrick   2024 Jan 8, 4:47pm  

Wow, a reporter was arrested for assault in Turdeau's neo-fascist Canada:

139   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 8, 4:58pm  

Look at the video. Cop deliberately set him up. No denying that.
140   gabbar   2024 Jan 8, 7:11pm  

Patrick says

Saul Alinsky's tactic.
142   Patrick   2024 Jan 8, 8:10pm  


How bad is it in Canada?

Rebel News reporter David Menzies (@TheMenzoid) was "arrested for assault" for asking Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland questions.

You can clearly see David did not "assault" Freeland. It's arguable that never even made physical contact.

Worse yet, Justin Trudeau has effectively suppressed Canadians' access to independent media, compelling them to otherwise go to the CBC, what Elon Musk would call "government-funded media."

Trudeau has admitted, "There's a level of admiration I have for China." Is it too late to save Canada?
143   Patrick   2024 Jan 10, 12:36pm  


Canada has thrown its full support behind the World Health Organization’s (WHO) power grab that seeks to gain control over sovereign nations under its new “Global Pandemic Treaty.”

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government is now lobbying other nations to also back changes to the WHO’s treaty to expand the definition of a pandemic to include “climate change.”

If approved, the move would grant the WHO sweeping global powers to override the laws of individual nations to enforce “climate lockdowns,” travel limits, bans on private car ownership and use, and restrictions on meat and dairy consumption.

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