What game are they playing with pelosi's taiwan trip?

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2022 Aug 1, 11:55am   12,413 views  72 comments

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34   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 9:36am  


Shall we invade Cuba then? Overthtown by Russia - check. Controlled by Russia - check. Right next door - check.

Would be fun to watch "richwicks" wiggle out of this one.

We did try to invade Cuba. Bay of Pigs ring a bell?

SHOULD the Cuban Missile Crisis have happened? Yes - but as always we only get 1/2 the story. The United States was placing nuclear weaponry in Turkey before the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the USSR was caught (maybe intentionally caught?) one of the conditions of withdrawal was the US would withdraw their nuclear weaponry from Turkey.

Bet you never knew that.

My main complaint is people are mostly full of shit. For SOME reason now that Russia is no longer communist, the US is in constant conflict with them - constantly sanctioning them, lying about them, endless stupid CHILDISH propaganda. I'm just sick of it.

But the US establishment LOVES China, you know, that communist nation.

The US wasn't at conflict with the USSR because it was communist. It's not at conflict with Cuba because it is communist. It's just another fucking lie. I'm so sick of it, and the reason people don't recognize it as a lie, is because they have been trained LIKE RATS, to reject critical thinking. The reasons we're given for our government doing EVERYTHING is false.

Remember when we had to bomb Libya to prevent Qaddafi from causing a humanitarian crisis, then left it in civil war with slavery markets? The US didn't bomb Libya over humanitarian reasons. It's not bombing Syria over humanitarian reasons. It didn't bomb Iraq over that, it didn't bomb Afghanistan over 9/11 or binLaden.

Don't you ever get sick of being lied to - or do really not realize you're lied to? Every fucking goddamned time? How can you not see the obvious? Do you see the obvious but you're too much of a coward to admit the OBVIOUS?
35   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 9:37am  

richwicks says

We did try to invade Cuba. Bay of Pigs ring a bell?

History is history. Shall we do it NOW? And with real forces. Checks all the requisite boxes as correctly stated above.
36   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 9:43am  

richwicks says

I said the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014 and eastern Ukraine didn't accept the coup. This immediately started a civil war.

Except the FSB operative who infiltrated into Slovyansk (Igor Strelkov aka Girkin) in March with a bunch of Russian guerilla and started the shooting war has openly testified that locals didn't want anything to do with it and they had to be conscripted and othervise coersed into participation. Later - in June-Aug - Russian troops were captured well inside Ukrainian territory and taken POW and then exchanged for Ukrainian POW. So "civil war" is another fake.
37   Onvacation   2022 Aug 2, 9:44am  


Shall we invade Cuba then? Overthtown by Russia - check. Controlled by Russia - check. Right next door - check.

Aren't they a sovereign country? If Russia invaded Cuba, Mexico, or Canada we should definitely stop them, just as I would expect Russia to stop us if we invaded one of their neighbors or started a coup or something.

I don't really know enough about Ukraine to have an educated opinion, but I do know that the US government has been spreading some evil. We still don't know what Hunter was doing at Burisma though we suspect he was working for the "big guy".
38   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 9:47am  

Onvacation says


Shall we invade Cuba then? Overthtown by Russia - check. Controlled by Russia - check. Right next door - check.

Aren't they a sovereign country?

They are. So is Ukraine. But richwicks is very keen on Russia's supposed rights to invade Ukraine but somehow against invasion of Cuba. He also used to be very anti-war, specifically anti Iraq war (because Putin was against it) but now he's very pro-war, and especially likes the war against Ukraine (because, again, Putin is for it).
39   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 9:47am  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

We did try to invade Cuba. Bay of Pigs ring a bell?

History is history. Shall we do it NOW? And with real forces. Checks all the requisite boxes as correctly stated above.

Is Cuba hosting Russian weapons and BSL5 labs because Russia is expanding the Warsaw Pact?

Nope, but NATO is being expanded. NATO hosts American weapons, and NATO has moved in BSL5 labs into Ukraine. The US gets to pay for it all.

Why the FUCK am I paying for this bullshit, why the FUCK do you support paying for this bullshit? What? We don't have enough fucking BSL5 labs? Why are they in goddamned Ukraine, and not the United States? I am so fucking tired of people bending over to get fucked and be like "what's the matter, you don't like being fucked?"

People like you hurt the entire nation by having an OBVIOUSLY criminal group of sociopaths free reign to do what ever stupid fucking bullshit they want to do in foreign countries using our military and our money, We couldn't afford 13 billion dollars to end illegal immigration between Mexico and the United States. Too expensive!! - but $40 billion to Ukraine, well no problem.

I'm tired of it.

Our own fucking government was doing gain of function research on coronaviruses in Wuhan, literally blocks away from the "we market" that, sars-cov2-19 originated from. In all likelihood, because our government is a fucking sociopath compulsive liar about every FUCKING thing, they made the sars-cov2-19 virus and released it.

Those are the fucking assholes you have lined up behind to support. Fuck you. No matter how much they fuck you, or me, or your neighbor, your wife, your country men, foreign nations, you will ALWAYS defend them. What a set of principles.
40   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 9:50am  

richwicks says

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

We did try to invade Cuba. Bay of Pigs ring a bell?

History is history. Shall we do it NOW? And with real forces. Checks all the requisite boxes as correctly stated above.

Is Cuba hosting Russian weapons and BSL5 labs because Russia is expanding the Warsaw Pact?

Of course they do: they have plenty of Russian ATGMs, waay more than 160 Jav tubes Ukraine had prior the war. And Russian IAD. And Russian fighter planes. And since Russia has no problem with NATO expansion, what does (long defunct) Warsaw Pact has to do with anything? Let's drop this red herring, shall we?
41   Onvacation   2022 Aug 2, 9:56am  

Eric Holder says

against invasion of Cuba.

Why do you want to invade Cuba?Eric Holder says

but now he's very pro-war, and especially likes the war against Ukraine

I don't think Rich is for war. What I hear him saying is Ukraine is none of our business.
42   Onvacation   2022 Aug 2, 9:58am  

Eric Holder says

Of course they do: they have plenty of Russian ATGMs, waay more than 160 Jav tubes Ukraine had prior the war. And Russian IAD. And Russian fighter planes. And since Russia has no problem with NATO expansion, what does (long defunct) Warsaw Pact has to do with anything? Let's drop this red herring, shall we?

Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Empire?
43   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 9:59am  

Eric Holder says

Of course they do: they have plenty of Russian ATGMs, waay more than 160 Jav tubes Ukraine had prior the war.

Source? How old are these? When did Russia do this? Are they a threat to the United States? Has the United States government objected? Have they attempted to negotiate, I mean with a diplomat, not some crazy Zionist cunt like Victoria Nuland, but with a sane person?

Eric Holder says

And since Russia has no problem with NATO expansion, what does (long defunct) Warsaw Pact has to do with anything?

Russia's main public excuse to invade Ukraine was NATO expansion. Ukraine must remain neutral, Russia has been saying this since 2014.
44   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 9:59am  

Onvacation says

Eric Holder says

against invasion of Cuba.

Why do you want to invade Cuba

I don't want to invade anybody. I'm exposing the hipocricy of our "anti-war" "independent thinker" who's only against wars Putin is against. Some independent thinking right there!
45   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 10:03am  

richwicks says

Russia's main public excuse to invade Ukraine was NATO expansion. Ukraine must remain neutral, Russia has been saying this since 2014.

So it's not a real concern then? Good on you to admit that. I do agree - NATO expansion is a red herring and fake grievance. Now, why should Ukraine "remain neutral" and what right Russia has to demand that? It's not in any treaty, in fact Russia has repeatedly asserted Ukrainian independence and sovereignty, the latter meaning that the country is free to pursue whatever alliances it deems beneficial. And why is Russia OK with Sweden and Finland not being neutral anymore? Shouldn't Sweden and Finland "remain neutral"? What's the difference (except wanting to restore the USSR and Sweden wasn't a part of that shit).
46   Ceffer   2022 Aug 2, 10:06am  

""NANCY SHOWDOWN" a DISTRACTION for PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN 6 STATES?"https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=204643

China cooperating with the distraction?
"hmmmm maybe this is the reason:

Primary Election Day in these states

• Arizona
• Kansas
• Michigan
• Missouri
• Ohio
• Washington

***anything to keep people from voting and KEEP THEM OCCUPIED watching the S***show!"
47   Ceffer   2022 Aug 2, 10:08am  

"Pelosi's plane landed safely n the capital city of Taiwan"

OK, the body double allegedly landed in Taiwan without incident. It was a distraction, all a show, to fuck the primary elections. The underhanded agendas emerge? Also some kind of feint to make Pelosi look like she is a brave warrior? A pox on these depraved idiots on both sides.

Major Global sleight of hand and bullshit, AGAIN!
48   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:08am  

Eric Holder says

I don't want to invade anybody. I'm exposing the hipocricy of our "anti-war" "independent thinker" who's only against wars Putin is against. Some independent thinking right there!

What do you think my position is? I've explained it repeatedly. Explain, in detail, what you think my actual position on wars that the US government brings us into, and the result of US intervention.

You constantly strawman my positions. To put an end to this, I want you to make a full strawman, and I will take that, and turn it into my ACTUAL position.

I'm tired of endless argument. There's no hypocrisy in my viewpoint that I'm aware of but if there is, I will eliminate it.

I find NOTHING but hypocrisy with you. If the US can lie to blow up Iraq and kill 100,000 to 800,000 people and this is "legal under international law" - why can't Russia do the same to Ukraine? They're just murdering people and making up a complete bullshit excuse to do it. What's wrong with that? The US does it all the fucking time. I mean, Shock and Awe, they LEVELED city blocks just to get the population so afraid, they would turn against their government.

They are doing this in Syria now.

You think there was something wrong with that? If not, why the fuck have you never spoken out against it?
49   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 10:09am  

richwicks says

Eric Holder says

Of course they do: they have plenty of Russian ATGMs, waay more than 160 Jav tubes Ukraine had prior the war.

Source? How old are these? When did Russia do this?

Now you want a source? Where is your source for "scary NATO weapons stationed in Ukraine"? Especially the kind capable to threaten a nuclear power with the 2nd military in the world. You consistently failed to provide anything on this subject (beyond bunch of blankets provided by Obama and 160 Jav tubes provided by Trump which are common knowledge ).

Cuban military is and has always been armed by Russia. So whatever they have is Russian weapons. And they are not exactly unarmed. So there we have it: Cuba is hosting Russian weapons. And since Russia is a member of a CSTO Cuba is hosting CSTO weapons.

All boxes are ticked. Shall we invade?
50   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 10:12am  

richwicks says

Eric Holder says

I don't want to invade anybody. I'm exposing the hipocricy of our "anti-war" "independent thinker" who's only against wars Putin is against. Some independent thinking right there!

What do you think my position is? I've explained it repeatedly.

Yes, you did. You support the invasion of Ukraine. So it this, and only this case, you are pro-war. Isn't it curious?
51   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:19am  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

Russia's main public excuse to invade Ukraine was NATO expansion. Ukraine must remain neutral, Russia has been saying this since 2014.

So it's not a real concern then? Good on you to admit that.

Again, another fucking stawman.

I'm stating this is Russia's STATED objective. I don't know if they're being honest or not. I know that the US always, and I mean ALWAYS, lies about its wars, but I'm not certain Russia is being dishonest. What do you think their actual objective is?

I know the US lies claiming that Russia intends to rebuild the USSR. Well, if that were true, the would have taken over S. Ossetia and Georgia years ago when Mikheil Saakashvili was president - he began an attack against S. Ossetia in much the same way Arseniy Yatseniuk did against the Donbass. The situation was quite similar. S. Ossetia asked Russia for help, and Russia went in did.

Eric Holder says

I do agree - NATO expansion is a red herring and fake grievance. Now, why should Ukraine "remain neutral" and what right Russia has the right to demand that? It's not in any treaty, in fact Russia has repeatedly asserted Ukrainian independence and sovereignty, the latter meaning that the country is free to pursue whatever alliances it deems beneficial. And why is Russia OK with Sweden and Finland not being neutral anymore? Shouldn't Sweden and Finland "remain neutral"? What's the difference (except wanting to restore the USSR and Sweden wasn't a part of that shit).

I'm going to ignore the rest of this since you are again, strawmanning my position.

You pretend not to understand me, then expect me to defend a position I don't hold OR explain AGAIN how you made a "mistake" in interpreting what I said.

What I know, with absolute certainty, is the United States federal government is lying about everything in this conflict, again. That's all they ever do, and if they have to lie to gain my support, they don't deserve my support. It's that simple.

I don't have to understand the actual reasons of why the United States is backing Ukraine, I can speculate about it (for example, it appears that the last 20 years of wars in the Middle East and so on MOSTLY has to do with competing against Russian to provide Europe with Energy, certain this is the case with Syria, at least partially with Iraq, and quite probably with Libya) but I don't have to know. I just know that the truth of why the US is involved isn't a good enough explanation to get the dumb, stupid public, on board with it.
52   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:23am  

Eric Holder says

Yes, you did. You support the invasion of Ukraine. So it this, and only this case, you are pro-war. Isn't it curious?

No I don't.

I support the end of US involvement in Ukraine.

The war is happening because US puppets are in Ukraine in control of Ukraine.

If the United States didn't overthrow Ukraine in 2014, there wouldn't be a war between Russia and Ukraine.

Since there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, and I expect Ukraine has as much of a chance of "winning" against Russia as Iraq does against the United States, they may as well give up.

I hope the US puppets are tried, convicted, and executed for being traitors to their people.

I don't think Zelenskyy gives a FUCK about how many people die, he's now a billionaire thanks to the criminal mafioso Ihor Kolomoyskyi who is ultimately under the control of the US intelligence agencies.

US intervention not only caused this conflict, but is purposely prolonging it. If Ukraine cannot win, there is no point in fighting it, because it just increases the death toll. The demands of Russia has been "stay neutral, stop bombing the Donbass region" and although Russia could have invaded ANYHOW, they wouldn't have any excuse to invade if Ukraine just did this, but they didn't, because the US told them not to.
53   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:27am  

Eric Holder says

Now you want a source? Where is your source for "scary NATO weapons stationed in Ukraine"?

We're sending them there now.

I don't seriously think you're this dumb. You want an argument, pick one with your wife.

But if you want to have a discussion, let's have a discussion.

What weapons has Cuba received from Russia, are they a threat to the United States, when was this done, and what's your source for this information?

I ask this, because I don't think you're honest, and in fact, I know you aren't.

Let's have a discussion if you want one, but I'm not interested in just having a fucking argument.
54   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:48am  

Eric Holder says

Russia has repeatedly said that extending NATO to its borders does not concern it. Want to hear it right from Putin's mouth? I can dig up a video for you, but it shouldn't be hard to find his statements on official Russian news agencies sites.

No, you do it.
55   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 10:53am  

Eric Holder says

Except the FSB operative who infiltrated into Slovyansk (Igor Strelkov aka Girkin) in March with a bunch of Russian guerilla and started the shooting war has openly testified that locals didn't want anything to do with it and they had to be conscripted and othervise coersed into participation. Later - in June-Aug - Russian troops were captured well inside Ukrainian territory and taken POW and then exchanged for Ukrainian POW. So "civil war" is another fake.


That's a very old article in Wikipedia from 2014 discussing the developing situation. When a situation is developing, Wikipedia (at least WAS) free from intelligence influence.

Even our own piece of shit, fucked up, worthless press was reporting on it back then.

We built the fucking internet so you could be educated. I had NO idea how much propaganda the US government made back then, but I do now. They always lie, about everything, They NEVER tell the truth, ever. They will tell you the most LUDICROUS lies, and 99.9% of people will believe them, more than that.
56   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 2, 11:18am  

Mutual interests being served by this theater.
57   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 11:34am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Mutual interests being served by this theater.

The problem I have is that the only interests the US government has serves a few criminals in the US government. This conflict does NOT serve the United Stats as a nation.
58   Ceffer   2022 Aug 2, 11:52am  

I officially declare the Nancy in Taiwan misdirection an act of complete bullshit on all sides. The fact that it was all deception is just the way they roll, they have their Satanic religions to follow.
59   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 2:15pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

richwicks says

Why does anybody care?

If China really gets fed up with US bullshit, they'll just terminate all exports to the United States. This is just another distraction. China can fuck the United States within 6 months by doing nothing.

Except when Trump fucked up ZTE almost into bankruptcy with sanctions and promised to do the same to Huawei and the rest, it was Xi who came crawling on his belly and begging for mercy, not the other way around. Why didn't they "terminate all the exports to the US" and "show who's boss" then?

Nobody was begging and crawling on their knees.

China is a strategic nation.

They can see we're TOTALLY fucked. We have a 30 trillion dollar debt now, it will be 60 trillion in 8 years. Don't fuck with an enemy when they are making a mistake, and that's AL the US does. Shit, we fucking have spies in Congress overseeing Nancy Pelosi. The Biden's are directly engaged with illegal activity in China.

Our "leaders" are just stripping the nation before it collapses.

The United States is one of the most fucking corrupt nations in the West. Do you think China or Russia want to clean that up?

Americans are in this stupid childish denial about it too. Every one of our experts is a fucking fraud that is on the take. Our financial system is filled with thieves and frauds, Dimon should be in jail. They lie us into wars, they lie us into lockdowns. Our "news" media is nothing but non stop bullshit, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

The US, it's a joke now. We don't even have the ability to make mops on a mass scale anymore. The F-35, that's a 1.5 trillion dollar JOKE.

China EXECUTES corrupt executives in their nation. We never will, even when they arrange to cause a mass starvation in this country, which they are.

Land of the free and the brave - fuck everybody that says that. Most Americans are too fucking pussy to even acknowledge in their own mind, the reality.
61   Ceffer   2022 Aug 3, 12:28pm  

The Great Pelosi Dumass WWIII Head Fake is over. Time for the next, great Dumass Head Fake. Was all that China war scrambling a hand job?
62   komputodo   2022 Aug 3, 9:09pm  

Was that award for her famous "fart clouds"?
63   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Aug 3, 9:39pm  

komputodo says


Our cheap Chinese products would go away, but most Americans would be fine without them

Thats actually funny...what else would american couch potatoes do if they didnt have shopping for cheap chinese shit to entertain them

out here in potato land plenty to do. we don’t even stay indoors, outdoors is everything. haven’t bought anything. just fertilizer and seed.
64   richwicks   2022 Aug 3, 9:43pm  

Ceffer says

The Great Pelosi Dumass WWIII Head Fake is over. Time for the next, great Dumass Head Fake. Was all that China war scrambling a hand job?

I think the great scam of our Central Bank is ending, and they are desperately trying to seek a new world war to blame the collapse on, and everybody knows it.

Russia and China are just giving them more rope. I don't expect WWIII no matter what these assholes do, I expect a Soviet style collapse.

China will "save face" but allowing these mother fuckers to hang themselves. I'm not a big fan of their government, but it's not my nation. I'm certainly not a fan of MY government. Warmongering twats.
65   Ceffer   2022 Aug 4, 10:51am  

I still haven't found a firm theory about the why of this false flag diversion. Nancy Pelosi Body Double was clearly drawing attention away from something else going on, but what? What was the sleight of hand?
66   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 10:59am  

komputodo says


Our cheap Chinese products would go away, but most Americans would be fine without them

Thats actually funny...what else would american couch potatoes do if they didnt have shopping for cheap chinese shit to entertain them

Cheap Vietnamese shit, cheap Malaysian shit, cheap Mexican shit, cheap Korean shit, cheap Indonesian shit, etc.

There is nothing special about China really.
67   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 10:59am  

Ceffer says

I still haven't found a firm theory about the why of this false flag diversion. Nancy Pelosi Body Double was clearly drawing attention away from something else going on, but what? What was the sleight of hand?

You say that dick in Xi's throat was not Nancy's but some unwashed body double's? And it makes it better for Xi exactly how?
68   Onvacation   2022 Aug 4, 11:00am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

we don’t even stay indoors

Tell us that in January.
69   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 11:03am  

Onvacation says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

we don’t even stay indoors

Tell us that in January.

... and post your heating bill. =)
70   Onvacation   2022 Aug 4, 11:04am  

richwicks says

I think the great scam of our Central Bank is ending, and they are desperately trying to seek a new world war to blame the collapse on, and everybody knows it.

Beware the cornered animal. They have already weaponized and released a virus as well as stealing the US election. They are fighting for their life.
71   Onvacation   2022 Aug 4, 11:06am  

Eric Holder says

There is nothing special about China really.

I've already noticed a lot of "made in Vietnam" tags where I expected China.
72   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 11:11am  

Onvacation says

Eric Holder says

Of course they do: they have plenty of Russian ATGMs, waay more than 160 Jav tubes Ukraine had prior the war. And Russian IAD. And Russian fighter planes. And since Russia has no problem with NATO expansion, what does (long defunct) Warsaw Pact has to do with anything? Let's drop this red herring, shall we?

Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Empire?

Yep, Pulter has came out of the closet during St. Petersburg Economic Forum and said it out loud that the goal is to restore the empire like Peter the Great did. Which makes it even more funny to poke alinas and watch them regurgitate all the shit which was made irrelevant on the day the confession was made.

Putin actually always confesses to the real thing later in the game after all the red herrings outlive their usefulness. I guess it gives him pleasure to rub it in. Case in point - Crimea invasion and annexation of 2014: before it he said "there is no way, no how we plan to go for Crimea", then, when the whole "special operation" was underway he was saying that he doesn't know who the "little green man" are and then, finally, he said that these were members Russian military all along. Same with the Dumb Ass "people's uprising": it went from "miners and farmers who rebelled using tanks and MRLRs they found in abandoned mines" to "our military people performing tasks of military nature".

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