Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   83,025 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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171   Ceffer   2022 Dec 17, 2:34pm  

NuttBoxer says

Sometime next year Ukraine will become another Iraq/Syria. A completely destabilized shit hole. Another casualty of the US MIC.

Yup, but a dysfunctional Ukraine is of no use as an ongoing criminal circuit, whereas stealing oil from Syria is still a thing.
172   Bd6r   2022 Dec 17, 3:08pm  

NuttBoxer says

Sometime next year Ukraine will become another Iraq/Syria. A completely destabilized shit hole. Another casualty of the US MIC.

Very unlikely IMHO. No tribal culture which is necessary for this outcome. See WW1 and following multi year civil wars all over E Europe which were more devastating than current Ukrainian Russian war, and did not end in completely destabized shithole countries. In contrast, many, such as Finland, found their national identities.
173   DD214   2022 Dec 18, 7:19am  

PeopleUnited says

I’m prepping for the return of Jesus, then there will be 7 years of great tribulation.

174   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 21, 11:04am  

"Climate propaganda is almost in its grave now.

Gender/sex/queer propaganda is backlashing bigtime.

Race propaganda will be tried again but will not be able to light the same fire.

End of democracy propaganda was a one-hit wonder.

All that leaves is COVID.

Buckle up! 🚨"

Lost the source, from twitter. My bad
175   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 21, 11:38am  

AmericanKulak says

All that leaves is COVID.

So what wave it's gonna be? 4th? 5th?
176   stereotomy   2022 Dec 21, 12:22pm  

When all is said and done, the deaths from the clot shot will exceed 10 million worldwide. Noone will be held accountable.
177   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 2:50pm  

AmericanKulak says

Climate propaganda is almost in its grave now.

Seems to me they are just getting started with a new phase. Every day the newspaper mentions climate change as if it were proven fact. Articles talk about what steps people and agencies need to do to protect against climate change, and even blamed the mass influx at the southern border on climate change.
178   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 2:51pm  

stereotomy says

When all is said and done, the deaths from the clot shot will exceed 10 million worldwide. Noone will be held accountable.

10 million in a world of 8 billion is negligible. That's 0.125% of the population. It would have to be at least 10 times that number before the average person would even take notice of it.
179   stereotomy   2022 Dec 21, 3:20pm  

richwicks says

stereotomy says

When all is said and done, the deaths from the clot shot will exceed 10 million worldwide. Noone will be held accountable.

10 million in a world of 8 billion is negligible. That's 0.125% of the population. It would have to be at least 10 times that number before the average person would even take notice of it.

Be careful of what you wish for . . . it might just come true.

Seriously, I'd rather the branch covidians largely survive than perish from the death jab. Let fate/karma deal with them. In the meantime, I hope to rise to the task that that cis white racist male Abraham Lincoln, said upon the conclusion of the Civil War:

"With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
180   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 4:36pm  

richwicks says

stereotomy says

When all is said and done, the deaths from the clot shot will exceed 10 million worldwide. Noone will be held accountable.

10 million in a world of 8 billion is negligible. That's 0.125% of the population. It would have to be at least 10 times that number before the average person would even take notice of it.

Or politics. How many died of AIDs? Yet AIDs deaths to population were also insignificant (especially in the US).
181   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 6:57pm  

stereotomy says

Be careful of what you wish for . . . it might just come true.

Look I'm not wishing for anything.

But I won't lie, I will laugh my ass off if there's a major die off after the way I've been treated for using my brain and thinking, and being condemned for it.

I know a person that wouldn't let me into her home because I wouldn't get vaccinated, who got sars-cov2-19, after 3 shots, and got a 4th "because she didn't want to go through that again". How am I supposed to feel about people like that? I'm fed up with stupidity.

I knew a researcher at Genetec that worked on DNA vaccines 15 years ago. I was like "cool - pretty soon we'll be able to inoculate against anything!!" only to have her explain, in detail, why she thought it was a dead end, and why she was leaving the field. But 4 corporations all came up with GENE THERAPIES at the same time using this technology. The vaccines don't work, they don't grant immunity, and they very much appear to be dangerous. I've explained this in detail to the woman that won't let me into her home, fuck her. I'm fed up with having knowledge and having people listen to the teeeeeveeeee instead. I even showed her a video that demonstrated how frequently the media lies, and she still trusts the media.

original link

I'm fucking fed up. I live and work in silly con valley, and I'm surrounded by idiots. I'm tired of it. I moved here PARTLY because I was sick and tired of living among idiots, but you can't escape them!

I honestly find that it's incredibly rare to really run into a "stupid" person, but a propagandized person? They're everywhere, and deprogramming them is a FEAT. I'm sick and tired of being relegated to being "a conspiracy theorist", when time and time again, I call out bullshit years ahead, I'm correct, only to have the motherfuckers tell me when they FINALLY realize they were fooled "oh, I knew that all along!". Bull Shit. This was the REAL test if the vaccines are deadly. If they kill off those that took them, great, I don't have to deal with them any more. I can be satisfied with that.
182   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 7:06pm  

HeadSet says

Or politics. How many died of AIDs? Yet AIDs deaths to population were also insignificant (especially in the US).

Nobody really cares how many people died from AIDs. All they had to do was wear a condom.

There's vaginal condoms, and they existed during the "pandemic". The reality is (and I have friends and family that are homosexual), is you only get it by being reckless. I know reckless people too..
183   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 21, 7:11pm  

HeadSet says

Or politics. How many died of AIDs? Yet AIDs deaths to population were also insignificant (especially in the US).

One day we'll have to have a tallk about how much money and re-jiggering of the law there was for AIDS/HIV.

Shit that would get one seriously locked up for any other disease, though negligent and not intentional, is decriminalized for buttfucking, though the perp keeps his victim uninformed. "Bugcatchers". Drugs especially for the bottoms of infected gays. The billions spent...
184   HeadSet   2022 Dec 22, 11:46am  

richwicks says

Nobody really cares how many people died from AIDs.

The point is that millions of dollars were spent and AIDs was all over the news for months despite the low death rate at large. One was called "homophobic" if one did not support massive efforts to find a cure. You would also get chastised if you suggested closing bathhouses, quarantines, or any other solution that would actively work to stop the spread but would involve putting a crimp in the pecker parade.
185   HeadSet   2022 Dec 22, 11:54am  

richwicks says

I've explained this in detail to the woman that won't let me into her home, fuck her. I'm fed up with having knowledge and having people listen to the teeeeeveeeee instead. I even showed her a video that demonstrated how frequently the media lies, and she still trusts the media.

Yep, convincing people like her is tough. The problem is to see the truth, she would have to change her self perception from being a sophisticated and scientific woman of reason to just being another duped fool.
186   richwicks   2022 Dec 22, 12:01pm  

HeadSet says

The point is that millions of dollars were spent and AIDs was all over the news for months despite the low death rate at large. One was called "homophobic" if one did not support massive efforts to find a cure. You would also get chastised if you suggested closing bathhouses, quarantines, or any other solution that would actively work to stop the spread but would involve putting a crimp in the pecker parade.

I was a teenager when it came to prominence. Part of the problem was the misinformation.

As a KID, I was taught that homosexual couples were quite similar to heterosexual couples, and therefore the disease wasn't just confined to just the male gay community. What I found out in my adulthood, around 30, is that homosexual men have FAR MORE partners than heterosexual men. Lesbians often only have 1 or 2 partners in their entire life.

Lesbians hardly ever get STDs, but it's endemic in the homosexual male population. Who can forget Sebastian Kohn, the Monkey Pox man? That disgusting slut. That walking talking disease vector that went to a "birthday orgy"? I mean, what the fuck?

Still, I think there should have been an effort to contain and control the AIDs. It largely is. Protease inhibitors work so well, that a person that is HIV+ can give blood without infecting the recipient although they shouldn't do this.

Every health scare is over-exaggerated and our "news" systems love to incite panic. You saw it in the last 2 years.
187   stereotomy   2022 Dec 22, 1:24pm  

richwicks says

stereotomy says

Be careful of what you wish for . . . it might just come true.

Look I'm not wishing for anything.

But I won't lie, I will laugh my ass off if there's a major die off after the way I've been treated for using my brain and thinking, and being condemned for it.

I know a person that wouldn't let me into her home because I wouldn't get vaccinated, who got sars-cov2-19, after 3 shots, and got a 4th "because she didn't want to go through that again". How am I supposed to feel about people like that? I'm fed up with stupidity.

I knew a researcher at Genetec that worked on DNA vaccines 15 years ago. I was like "cool - pretty soon we'll be able to inoculate against anything!!" only to have her explain, in detail, why she thought it was a dead end, and why she was leaving the field. But 4 corporations all came up with GENE THERAPIES at the sam...

I sympathize. For a while many years ago I was very angry. My rage was such that I could barely control it, and badly at that. I hurt my family and I'm ashamed that I did what I did, but OMG I felt such burning rage - it was like a blast furnace fire. I scared people, not because I was violent, but just because they could literally feel the rage and hurt emanating from me. About 2 years of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me come to grips with it, and yes I was very reluctant to let someone mess with my head.

In the current insanity, I have to remember what pulled me back from the brink earlier. Ultimately, I had to let go of the rage and hurt for my family's sake, because a man enraged cannot provide clear leadership for his family.
188   richwicks   2022 Dec 22, 1:38pm  

stereotomy says

In the current insanity, I have to remember what pulled me back from the brink earlier. Ultimately, I had to let go of the rage and hurt for my family's sake, because a man enraged cannot provide clear leadership for his family.

I don't feel any rage whatsoever.

What I feel is a complete disconnect of what I formerly considered "humanity". Most people I know, don't think. They are automatons, not people.
189   Ceffer   2022 Dec 22, 1:45pm  

I think AIDS has returned to 'mystery puzzle status'. Has the fingerprints of Deep State bioweapons shit and, of course, Fauci management all over it. With unblinkered scientists saying its religion isn't correct, the HIV alleged particle is a false flag virus, the real story is of course it was man made and deliberate, along with other annual inflicted plague prototypes since the 60's.

The Mengeles have been tossing smallpox blankets at us for a while, and studying the response and what will 'stick' as a fear totem contagion.

They sprayed Legionnaire's disease over the Bay Area, what are they not capable of? Their greatest regret is the ongoing resilience of the target populations.
190   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 22, 4:55pm  

Wait let's dig up last years predictions, I want receipts.

I think 2023 is they year, that your Yellow Vests, Dutch Farmers, Canadian Truckers, American and other disenfranchised sectors, in other countries, screwed over by the Commie Creep of the NWO. Make a unified revolt, how the global establishment responds will be the question. Will it usher in the one world police state?

I think there's going to be upheaval and major pushback against unelected bureaucratic NGO's and billionaires making decisions for every citizen in the world, usurping constitutions and local government structures.
191   Onvacation   2022 Dec 22, 6:52pm  

stereotomy says

For a while many years ago I was very angry. My rage was such that I could barely control it, and badly at that.

Curious, what triggered your rage?
192   Onvacation   2022 Dec 22, 6:57pm  

richwicks says

I don't feel any rage whatsoever.

I was angry when I discovered the lies of the 3 WTC towers. I was angry when I saw the lies of the Covid scam.

I am no longer angry. I feel a zen like peacefulness from the fact that I can do very little. At this point it is almost amusing.
193   stereotomy   2022 Dec 22, 7:08pm  

Onvacation says

stereotomy says

For a while many years ago I was very angry. My rage was such that I could barely control it, and badly at that.

Curious, what triggered your rage?

It was my response to something like what @richwicks has described. I finally realized that society/government/other people are idiots at best and psychopathic murderous madmen at worst. It was realizing that pretty much everything I was ever told was a lie meant to gaslight me and turn me into a robot. It really came to a head after the housing meltdown. I actually did pretty well (thanks iTulip) but the shock of that whole compound clusterfuck scarred me.
194   Onvacation   2022 Dec 22, 8:23pm  

stereotomy says

compound clusterfuck

Realizing the world has always been a cluster fuck is helpful. The old AA, "...the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." Is also helpful.
195   richwicks   2022 Dec 22, 9:24pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

I don't feel any rage whatsoever.

I was angry when I discovered the lies of the 3 WTC towers. I was angry when I saw the lies of the Covid scam.

I am no longer angry. I feel a zen like peacefulness from the fact that I can do very little. At this point it is almost amusing.

I was pissed off to no end when I realized to what extent the government lied to me, but they've been lying so long, and the people around me are so oblivious, I can just laugh about it at this point.

It really seems that the people I know and have known for a long time, aren't even human. I can't talk to them. Television controls them, they don't control themselves and I know "smart people".
196   richwicks   2022 Dec 22, 9:30pm  

stereotomy says

Onvacation says

stereotomy says

For a while many years ago I was very angry. My rage was such that I could barely control it, and badly at that.

Curious, what triggered your rage?

It was my response to something like what richwicks has described. I finally realized that society/government/other people are idiots at best and psychopathic murderous madmen at worst. It was realizing that pretty much everything I was ever told was a lie meant to gaslight me and turn me into a robot. It really came to a head after the housing meltdown. I actually did pretty well (thanks iTulip) but the shock of that whole compound clusterfuck scarred me.

It's the realization that's the bombshell.

22 years ago I was walking with my cousin with my dogs and we were discussing the government and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and although we both knew we were being deceived, we didn't know to what level. It was brought up "would you rather be miserable and know the truth, or be oblivious and be happy?" We both decided it was better to be miserable and know the truth.

Well. I know the truth now but good goddamned luck telling anybody else about it, they won't believe you.

We're run by a bunch of sociopathic psychopaths who are controlled entirely by our banking system, we have propaganda 24 hours a day 7 days a week, propaganda is all over our "entertainment", and society's god is television. We are seriously in a dystopia.
197   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Dec 22, 10:06pm  

stereotomy says

It really came to a head after the housing meltdown.

Same. I was bitter for a while after that. I really hate seeing people being taken advantage of.
198   DD214   2022 Dec 23, 7:12am  

December 31st will roll into January 1st 2023 much like it has over millennia

We will all get one year older, while some of us will leave the mortal world and venture to Elysian Fields or other venues outside of the mortal realm

Nothing will change for the better in Washington, if anything it will get worse

Everything people argue and disagree with now will continue without missing a beat

Given there will be more people born each year without an equivalent number dying to keep some semblance of balance resources of every description especially potable water will increase exponentially in value and be the root cause of future armed conflict

My dog will continue to be my loyal companion and agree with everything I want to do and say.
199   Onvacation   2022 Dec 23, 7:14am  

DD214 says

Given there will be more people born each year without an equivalent number dying

Given? Are you sure?
200   DD214   2022 Dec 23, 7:15am  

There will be - guaranteed, unless you have an inside track on some impending mass extinction event, which in the case of humans would be a blessing to the planet
201   DD214   2022 Dec 23, 7:18am  


I am as sure there will me more people born than dying as some people are about elections.
202   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 23, 11:48am  

richwicks says

22 years ago I was walking with my cousin with my dogs and we were discussing the government and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and although we both knew we were being deceived, we didn't know to what level. It was brought up "would you rather be miserable and know the truth, or be oblivious and be happy?" We both decided it was better to be miserable and know the truth.

That Arafat ("Aref") was a KGB agent born in Egypt, and the PLO was "Plantation" whereas the PFLP was "Little Farm" in KGB documents?

That the Palestinians never revolted against decades of Jordanian annexation but claim it's just about being their own country?

That the Israeli state can and has offered and followed through on many concessions, but none with the Palestinians have ever resulted in them holding up the end of the Bargain?

That Bethlehem went from being a majority Christian town until the moment the Israelis signed the Oslo Accords and left, and then "magically", Christians are pushed, defrauded, and intimidated to the point where they are only 20% of Bethlehem in just 30 years?
203   richwicks   2022 Dec 23, 11:53am  

AmericanKulak says

That the Palestinians never revolted against decades of Jordanian annexation but claim it's just about being their own country?

The Palestinians in the West Bank haven't revolted in 20 years. They haven't done anything.

MOST of what we see are engineered terrorist campaigns controlled by Israel itself. Hezbollah was founded by Mossad for example. Just like Al Qaeda was created by the United States, and ISIS was created both by Israel and the United States.

Create the excuse to do what you want to do. Every country does it, and people should recognize it.

Israel will take over the West bank in time, then probably Gaza then expand into Syria. That's been the 70 year course. Who cares about what is morally right or wrong? The US and Israel nor the world at large don't, not in the slightest. They might PRETEND to, but they don't. It's all virtue signalling nonsense.

We are fed a constant stream of nonsense and propaganda about the situation, to the point it's sickening once you see it. Americans are totally uninformed on the situation, but we're not the worst, the Israelis have no idea. Netanyahu, unironically, told Jordan Peterson that there was nobody there when the Jewish people started moving in. I don't know if Netanyahu believes this, and I really don't care. If he believes it, that's pretty ignorant, if he doesn't, that's pretty dishonest, but Israelis do believe it by and large.

Who cares? It's just another stupid conflict.
204   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Dec 23, 1:08pm  

i predict another year of war since swamp rammed budget for next year before new congress takes over. fucking scammers.
205   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 24, 2:10am  

Eric Holder says

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't

Bold? Okay. Billions of people will die imminently or in 2023. Japan will be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The west coasts will be slammed by the largest tsunami ever witnessed in written history. Most SEA countries will face an extinction level event.

And no matter where you are, you'll know it's happening.
206   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Dec 24, 10:27am  

US CBDCs roll out with the 'promise', to "never get ride of cash".
207   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 24, 11:28am  

richwicks says

Israel will take over the West bank in time, then probably Gaza then expand into Syria. That's been the 70 year course. Who cares about what is morally right or wrong? The US and Israel nor the world at large don't, not in the slightest. They might PRETEND to, but they don't. It's all virtue signalling nonsense.

Right, Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza a decade ago and the total lack of free elections there is a sign Israel is planning to take over.

BTW, the Egyptians have a three-layer security wall with Gaza. When Gazans complain that the Israelis have shut down their border, they conveniently ignore that their Arab brethen don't want their Hamas Mafia and ISIS-affiliate gun smuggling campaign either.

Despite billions in aid ($200+M this year from US Taxpayers alone) the Palestinians never improve or fix infrastructure. Why should Hamas repair the fresh water treatment plant, when they can sell expensive bottled water whose profits enrich the leadership?

It's all grift. The PA and Hamas is a mafia, they don't want a solution, they maximize profits and get to wave the victim flag endlessly. If normalcy is being made, they blackmail some law students or hype some orphan males into a bombing or stabbing.

There's a reason why the Paleban Mafia doesn't want Israel making peace with Arab States, since it greatly effects their grift program. In the next decade, Israel will have normalized relations with almost every Arab state except perhaps the private fiefdom of the House of Assad
208   richwicks   2022 Dec 24, 11:39am  

AmericanKulak says

Right, Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza a decade ago and the total lack of free elections there is a sign Israel is planning to take over.

Israel withdrew from Gaza temporarily, and then once they did, continued to build settlements in the West Bank. Every settler in Gaza was given a new home in the West Bank, purchased with US "aid". It was simply an empty PR move.

AmericanKulak says

BTW, the Egyptians have a three-layer security wall with Gaza. When Gazans complain that the Israelis have shut down their border, they conveniently ignore that their Arab brethen don't want their Hamas Mafia and ISIS-affiliate gun smuggling campaign either.

So what? Do you think I am not aware that part of the conflict is that Israel is driving Palestinians into Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon?

AmericanKulak says

Despite billions in aid ($200+M this year from US Taxpayers alone) the Palestinians never improve or fix infrastructure.

There is no such thing as aid. It's just bribes. It is used to either keep oligarchs in power of the government, or the government in power directly. Aid never reaches the population. Do you think Ukrainians are getting aid?

AmericanKulak says

It's all grift. The PA and Hamas is a mafia, they don't want a solution

Yeah, that's absolutely correct. They don't want a solution, if there's a solution, that removes an excuse for "aid", it also threatens the current power structure, and it's not just true for Hamas and the Palestinian authority, it's true for Likud as well.

Every government is a criminal syndicate, including ours.AmericanKulak says

There's a reason why the Paleban Mafia doesn't want Israel making peace with Arab States, since it greatly effects their grift program.

We're in total agreement.
209   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 27, 9:31am  

Here's a juicy set of predictions for 2023:

DECEMBER 27, 2022 / 10:29 AM

(Reuters) - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, an arch loyalist of Vladimir Putin given a new job this week, predicted war between Germany and France next year and a civil war in the United States that would lead to Elon Musk becoming president.
Medvedev, deputy head of Putin’s advisory security council, served as president during a four-year spell when Putin held the office of prime minister. He appears to have seen his fortune rise in the Kremlin, which said on Monday he would now serve as Putin’s deputy on a body overseeing the military industry.
In his list of predictions for 2023, published on his personal Telegram and Twitter accounts, he also foresaw Britain rejoining the EU, which would in turn collapse.
210   Ceffer   2022 Dec 27, 9:37am  

Civil war in USA might be a campaign to extirpate the tainted fruits of stolen elections in the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC. The Republic won't go to war against itself.

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