America’s elites are neither bright, competent, nor qualified

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2022 Sep 14, 11:39am   1,834 views  27 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


America’s elites are neither bright, competent, nor qualified...

These elites mostly arise from the same socio-economic background and all share the same credentialing and a worldview. This is the core marker of what makes a person part of the elite: do you hold the correct opinions on a certain number of hot-button, social, domestic, and foreign policy issues? Are you pro-vaxx and anti-butter? Pro-jogging and anti-weightlifting? Pro-Ukraine and anti-Hungary? Pro-BLM and anti-PBA? Etc. Holding the right opinions—i.e., adherence to the doctrine—is the defining characteristic of our elite. With the correct opinions, you are not guaranteed a spot among the elite, but without them, you are certain to be shut out. ...

I propose, not as definitive but provisional, three related explanations for elite behavior that fit the observable facts. First, the elites’ top priority is simply to stay in power and self-perpetuate as a caste; what they do with their power is secondary. Second, they think only short-term. Whatever they need to do in the here and now, to get them through this or that crisis, they will do, long-term consequences be damned. Third and perhaps most important, they are in the grip of a faith-like ideology that they cannot question. None of it has been thought through, but its basic tenets (the doctrine) are known to all and treated like scripture from which it is heresy to deviate. ...

In fact, the elites have been burning through the credibility of arguably their two most important institutions: the universities and the news media. These still have enormous power and prestige, but they are now believed and respected by, at best, half the country (it might be as low as a third) and positively despised by the other half. When the most important foundation for your rule is propaganda, this is a problem.

But anyway, subject almost any issue to this same analysis. COVID increased their power, harmed Trump, arguably turned the 2020 election, and is now an article of faith (mask up!). But their overreaction also caused lasting damage to the economy that generates their wealth and the people who fix their jets. BLM motivates their base, harms Trump, arguably also tipped the 2020 election, and is certainly an article of faith: white-on-black violence is the greatest crisis in American history! But their central cities were destroyed and haven’t recovered, crime is up everywhere, and their most loyal constituencies are suffering the most. The promotion of trannyism feeds the psychic need of the most vocal among their psychologically deranged base, but over the long-term riles up parents appalled at the idea of having their children genitally mutilated by sinister doctors in league with the schools, social workers, and the state. But that doesn’t matter, because trannyism is sacred and cannot be questioned, consequences be damned. And so on, and so forth. ...

Don’t even get me started on what the elites are doing to medicine. Medicine! Just as pilots will soon not know how to fly, doctors will soon not know how to heal. (But both will be intimately familiar with the latest in intersectionality theory, which is what really matters.) What explains this? Do elites not get sick? Have they built a parallel medical system we don’t know about, which only they can use? I guess by definition I wouldn’t know if they had, but isn’t the more plausible explanation that they are all in grip of mass hysteria?

A wise, competent, qualified elite would not do this, nor much else besides. They justify their rule based on their alleged expertise, but they appear to have expertise only in self-perpetuation. And it’s reasonable to wonder how long even that can last given their abysmal record. For how long can they stay on top if they keep acting for their short-term perceived interest in ways that undermine, or even cannibalize, their long-term interests? For how long can they remain in charge if their belief system is explicitly anti-nature, contrary to the hard-coded order of things? ...

Whatever the case, it’s only natural for an elite to want to stay in power. That’s in part what our elites’ bleating about “our democracy” is really about. Things that secure their power are “democratic.” Movements, candidates, laws, votes, etc., that threaten their power are undemocratic. Actually, “undemocratic” has become a passé term, too mild for the present ruling class. No, anything they don’t like is now “fascist.”

One other thing that characterizes our elite is anger: anger at your ingratitude and lack of respect. In their mind, the elites believe they deserve what they have. They are “meritocrats,” the “best and brightest.” They earned their position in the elite via their GPAs, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, and the “community service” work they did to pad their college applications. They believe they are very, very smart and that intelligence is the supreme, and perhaps the only, virtue. They also, as they never tire of reminding you, “work hard.” They thus really believe that they deserve our admiration and gratitude. It never occurs to them that their arrogance, insults, and misrule might, to the contrary, earn them the opposite. Hence when confronted with the opposite, they get angry. Just as there is no moderation in them, there is no soul-searching or self-reflection either. They never fail; you, rather, fail to appreciate their superiority. For that, you must be punished.

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3   Ceffer   2022 Sep 14, 12:55pm  

"Yikes! The Parallel Processing Mass Brain has uncovered and exposed us! How do we defeat it without bringing down the whole system and bending it to our ends again?" Hegelian brain storm: "Bring down the whole system!"
4   Ceffer   2022 Sep 14, 3:21pm  

Elites don't always get the best care, because their vanity and various notions of entitlement along with big bucks often buys them Biden Actor doctors i.e. the ones who indulge them incessantly with flattery and obeisance, with prescription pads always at the ready, and who 'look' the role, like tanned country club soap opera stars. Their hospitals are on demand resorts. Anybody who works on them must have their own version of steely narcissism, because the errors are subject to imperial retributions.

Most 'real' doctors like to work on real problems, not tread a mine field of richfuck delusionary grief. Being a potemkin Marcus Welby to the rich is a specialty all by itself, can be richly rewarding for the right actors. Doctors who like doctoring are grateful for these actors for relieving them of a burden.

The rich can get referrals to high end 'real' doctors, but even doctors don't always know the best people to go to, they don't know everybody.
5   GNL   2022 Sep 14, 3:48pm  

Ceffer says

Elites don't always get the best care, because their vanity and various notions of entitlement along with big bucks often buys them Biden Actor doctors i.e. the ones who indulge them incessantly with flattery and obeisance, with prescription pads always at the ready, and who 'look' the role, like tanned country club soap opera stars. Their hospitals are on demand resorts. Anybody who works on them must have their own version of steely narcissism, because the errors are subject to imperial retributions.

Most 'real' doctors like to work on real problems, not tread a mine field of richfuck delusionary grief. Being a potemkin Marcus Welby to the rich is a specialty all by itself, can be richly rewarding for the right actors. Doctors who like doctoring are grateful for these actors for relieving them of a burden.

The rich can get referrals to high end 'real' doctors, but even doctors don't always know the best people to go to, they don't know everybody.

Interesting comment. Steve Jobs and his medical issue he died from comes to mind.
6   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 15, 4:03am  

Calling them "elites" gives them an undeserved status. They are where they are through nepotism, connections, lies, MSM brainwashing, as representatives of oligarchical parasites. They demonstrate repeatedly that they are incompetent.
8   Patrick   2022 Oct 17, 3:53pm  


Wow a lot of doctors are obviously incompetent.
9   HeadSet   2022 Oct 17, 7:40pm  

Patrick says


Wow a lot of doctors are obviously incompetent.

This has got tt be a collection of facetious posts, poking fun at mask weareet al. For example:

She deliberately mixed-up terms by saying "eating cock" and "sucking pussy" rather than sucking cock and eating pussy. Also, you do not get oral fecal matter from either, she is poking fun at analingus, or at least at a cock that was up a rectum first.
10   MMR   2022 Oct 18, 12:45pm  

cisTits says

GNL says

Yes, I am sure there is a parallel medical system for the elite. Why wouldn't there be?

Just like in Saudi. Nobody goes under the knife of a Saudi trained surgeon. They spent 6/8 of their studying time banging their heads on the prayer mat and quoting from the Koran.

So the Saudis fly in surgeons or fly out to other countries for their surgery needs.

They do import a lot of doctors but they also train a significant number through the SACM


Many of their doctors come from India Jordan and Palestine

The UAE has mayo and Cleveland clinic Qatar has Weill/Cornell but most of the doctors are from there
15   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 1:06am  


... The election of Trump was never allowed in their country. They would have done anything to keep him out of power. They protested violently, they negotiated with electors, they blamed Putin for Russian interference then they set about removing Trump from power from Day One.

Yes, and remember, that’s for them to decide, not you the voters. This is their country. You are invited to stand numbly from the sidelines, maybe buy a ticket to a rodeo once in a while, pay your taxes then sit down and shut up.

Stephen King perched upon the millions he made from writing about the very class of people who voted for Trump, loves to take any opportunity to remind them of their place in the American hierarchy. They have no power in a country ruled by an oligarchy of a new Gilded Age. ...

They want to save their country from Trump. They want the people who want to vote for Trump never to vote for him again, or else. ...

Of course, Judge Tanya Chutkan was tough on the Jan 6ers. She, like so many in America, who still trust mainstream media to tell them the truth [insert loud guffaw here] had already convicted the Trump supporters long before they showed up at the Capitol to “stop the steal.”

All they needed was the MAGA hat, the MAGA flag, and maybe a US flag for good measure - some guy to wave around a Confederate flag and just like that, the thing they most feared magically appeared.

Kind of an amazing coincidence, isn’t it? Now, they had their second Civil War that was as bad as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, so said Kamala Harris. Now, they could weaponize political dissent. See how easy it is to manipulate people in the grips of mass hysteria?

The low-frequency hum of fear that racists infested much of this country in the flyover states was quickly spreading throughout culture and on college campuses, even in some high schools.

Racism, they were certain, was driving the populism fueling the Tea Party, Sarah Palin eventually, and then, of course, Donald Trump, with his accusations against Obama’s birth certificate. That was the last straw. Racism had invaded their utopia, and the hum was getting louder.

Race would be Trump’s original sin, but that would be compounded by another word, rape. A racist and a rapist was what Trump was convicted of by the left the day he took office.

By the end, he would be much more than that. A Russian asset, a fascist, a terrorist, a traitor, an insurrectionist. He was too fat for women. His hair was all wrong. They mocked how walked down a ramp, how he drank water, how he spoke. He was stupid, they said.

Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury. The same way the Devil coming to Salem had unlocked and unleashed something wild in the pent-up and frustrated young girls who now had the power to decide who lived or who died, those on the Left needed Trump to be every bad thing they could not touch or name. ...

As a “sexual assault survivor,” as I’d begin so many of my tweets, I felt the light shining on me in ways it never had before. Now, I was aligned with all of the other women who felt like victims at the hands of men and Trump.

Suddenly, everywhere we looked, we could only see rapists. Was every romantic encounter we had in our lives actually a sex crime? Men were scary now. Their masculinity and sexuality were a major threat. Consent had to be given at all times, for handshakes even, for hugs, for drinks bought at a bar, and of course, for every kiss. We sought to dismantle The rapist patriarchy Me Too by Me Too. ...

But then, things started to get weird. We imagined things in our mind’s eye and used that as proof to convict. Spectral evidence, just as they did in Salem in 1692. We could imagine Al Franken was a sexual harasser, and so he was.

One by one, the high-profile senators joined the pressure campaign to push Franken out. Some of the biggest names in the Democratic Party signed their names to the letter that forced his resignation with no due process.

The Al Franken incident was the first step in my eventually abandoning what the Left had become. I did start pushing back against what I recognized as mass hysteria. It did not go well. ...

After each hanging, the Puritans would celebrate in the tavern, relieved to have won one more battle in their ongoing war against the Devil.

Jack Smith, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Adam Schiff, and so many in the FBI and in our government are like the Oyer in Terminer in Salem by now. They’ve gone too far to turn back. They will have to see it through, no matter the cost to all of us. No matter the cost to the country.

The adaptation to Trump has always been to shrug and move on, not to try to tame such a wild spirit, but to be better, more interesting, more compelling, more entertaining. But they can’t do that because they are trapped inside a prison of their own making, one that has made them hesitant and afraid.

They’ve lost everything that made them free, everything that made them great, and all for what? To bring down their imaginary dragon?

And they, too will celebrate, as will there rest of those who believe Trump’s mere existence has taken something vital away from them. And maybe for a while, they too will feel like they won an important battle in an ongoing war. That is until the next finger is pointed at the next threat to their utopia.

Best line: "Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."
16   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 3, 1:28am  

I prefer Indian, Spanish, Mexican, etc. doctors to any American one under 40 now.
17   richwicks   2023 Aug 3, 2:42am  

AmericanKulak says

I prefer Indian, Spanish, Mexican, etc. doctors to any American one under 40 now.

Good luck with inclusion instead of competence.
18   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 10:01am  

Patrick says

Best line: "Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."

19   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 10:09am  

Patrick says

"Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."

20   Patrick   2023 Aug 6, 9:15am  


Mandy Cohen, current @CDCDirector, talking and laughing about how she made policy decisions during COVID.

Her approach?

She would ask friends, "Well, what are you planning to do?" And they would casually agree on some policy on the phone and then do that.

Completely unreal.
21   Patrick   2023 Aug 13, 1:44pm  


Public Figures "Afraid they Will Lose More" if they Warn About COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Twitter Poll Reveals Fear of Loss is Silencing Victims

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Almost everyday there is another athlete, actor, musician, politician—all public figures who have suffered an obvious COVID-19 vaccine injury syndrome such as myocarditis, blood clots, autoimmune illness, and more. Instead of being angry for suffering this new medical problem from one or more shots, the most common response is silence dropping support for the vaccines.

We have chronicled many examples on the Courageous Discourse where a public figure is pushing vaccination and encouraging others until the hammer drops with a catastrophic side effect; they fall into a trancelike daze, remorseful yet silent, and no longer talking enthusiastically about the genetic injections in prepared statements or interviews.

Recall Deion Sanders, Demar Hamlin, Bruce Arians, Kirk Herbstreit, Al Roker, Justin Bieber, Jaime Foxx, and the list could go on and on. So I took a Twitter to poll to get your viewpoint. As you can see, 46.7% believe the person is staying quiet because the fear they will lose even more of what they have—fame, contracts, future work, etc. About 33.8% believe there is a “pay off” that is money is changing hands buy silence. If this was the case it must be an elaborate, airtight plan with some means of getting around the IRS at the end of the year. Together, 80.5% of you believe public figures realize they were stung by the vaccine and now have to deal with it internally. That would explain why they tacitly drop their support of the shots.

We will never really know why other superstars come out and tell the truth—Eric Clapton, Jessica Sutta, and the late Óscar Cabrera Adames, professional Dominican basketball player who died two years being diagnosed with COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis. Maybe it’s an intrinsic understanding as in the case of Adames, loss has already occurred, and the only thing to do now is warn others.
22   Patrick   2023 Aug 28, 5:34pm  


The deep state refers to the power wielded by unelected government functionaries and their paragovernmental adjuncts who have administrative power to override the official, legal procedures of a government. But a ruling class describes a social group whose members are bound together by something deeper than institutional position: their shared values and instincts. While the term is often used loosely and sometimes as a pejorative rather than a descriptive label, in fact the American ruling class can be simply and straightforwardly defined.

Two criteria define membership in the ruling class. First, as Michael Lind has written, it is made up of people who belong to a “homogeneous national oligarchy, with the same accent, manners, values, and educational backgrounds from Boston to Austin and San Francisco to New York and Atlanta.” America has always had regional elites; what is unique about the present is the consolidation of a single, national ruling class.

Second, to be a member of the ruling class is to believe that only other members of your class can be allowed to lead the country. That is to say, members of the ruling class refuse to submit to the authority of anyone outside the group, whom they disqualify from eligibility by casting them as in some way illegitimate. ...

What do the members of the ruling class believe? They believe, I argue, “in informational and management solutions to existential problems” and in their “own provi­dential destiny and that of people like them to rule, regardless of their failures.” As a class, their highest principle is that they alone can wield power. If any other group were to rule, all progress and hope would be lost, and the dark forces of fascism and barbarism would at once sweep back over the earth. While technically an opposition party is still permitted to exist in the United States, the last time it attempted to govern nationally, it was subjected to a yearslong coup. In effect, any challenge to the authority of the ruling party, which represents the interests of the ruling class, is depicted as an existential threat to civilization.
23   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 28, 10:40pm  

Patrick says

Patrick says

Best line: "Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."

24   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 28, 10:43pm  

Patrick says

Second, to be a member of the ruling class is to believe that only other members of your class can be allowed to lead the country. That is to say, members of the ruling class refuse to submit to the authority of anyone outside the group, whom they disqualify from eligibility by casting them as in some way illegitimate. ...

That's it right there. And the class began with Old Yankees, just as Barnes Law talks about, and Caroll Quigley discussed. McCarthy attempted to hold members of the ruling elite responsible for lying about their communist affiliations; the Ruling Elite took him out.

Alex Jones is the biggest popularizer of it all; the rest are mere pikers in comparison. I don't say that he invented the theory; he just promoted things like Operation Northwoods, Caroll Quigley's book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, etc.

Intel agents and jealous influencers (not mutually exclusive) want him to focus on traditional scapegoats to get the heat off the Ruling Class.
25   richwicks   2023 Aug 29, 2:05am  

AmericanKulak says

Intel agents and jealous influencers (not mutually exclusive) want him to focus on traditional scapegoats to get the heat off the Ruling Class.

And that is what he does.

He never calls out Zionist racist bigots. That's who runs our foreign policy.
26   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 29, 7:11am  

What elites are all of that?
27   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 29, 7:36am  

richwicks says

And that is what he does.

He never calls out Zionist racist bigots. That's who runs our foreign policy.

Yes, good example: Some are obsessed with blaming everything on amazing Hebrew Nationalists, aka Zionists, and ignoring the over a century of Gettys, Morgans, Rockefellers, Koch Brothers, Vanderbilts, Walker-Bush, etc. on a host of issues.

Alex keeps his eyes on the prize and not the red herring distraction. He's been spreading the word on radio, public access TV, and documentaries going back to "Waco or Wake up" back before the current batch of his jealous Millie/GenZ competitors were picking their nose in JHS or not even born yet in the 1990s.

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