by jykiodfgr ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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I read Biden wants more regulation on crypto like Bitcoin.
I know with bitcoin they reduce the number of coins over time to try to make it more scarce and hence more valuable.
The Titanic is more valuable pulling it up from the bottom of the Ocean. lol.
WookieMan says
The Titanic is more valuable pulling it up from the bottom of the Ocean. lol.
It's mostly rust by now.
Crypto is more worthless.
WookieMan says
Crypto is more worthless.
True, as silver has more of intrinsic or tangible value than crypto like bitcoin or shitcoin. I was thinking just of electronics and electrical systems in regards to silver.
So. How do ya'll feel about the CBDC that is rolling out in the US next July?
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