Blasts detected near Nord Stream pipelines amid leak – Swedish seismologists.

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2022 Sep 27, 9:48am   32,895 views  239 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (6)   💰tip   ignore  

The pipelines suffered at least three major leaks, due to suspected sabotage.

Blasts detected near Nord Stream pipelines amid leak – Swedish seismologists

Scientists in Denmark and Sweden registered underwater explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines on Monday, when several major leaks were reported. Sabotage is now suspected as a key reason for the damage.

“There is no doubt that these were explosions,” seismologist Bjorn Lund with Sweden’s National Seismology Centre (SNSN) told public broadcaster SVT on Tuesday.

The Danish military released aerial footage of the leaks, showing large spots and visible bubbling in the water. Nord Stream 1 suffered two leaks northeast of the Danish island of Bornholm, while Nord Stream 2 was damaged south of Dueodde, a beach located at the island’s southernmost tip, the military noted.

Earlier in the day, Moscow said it has been looking into the reasons behind the leaks, suggesting the pipelines were targeted in an act of sabotage. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that currently “no option can be ruled out” on the causes of the incident.

The Nord Stream 1 pipeline was completed in 2011. Construction work on Nord Stream 2 began in 2018, and suffered numerous delays due to political pressure and sanctions from the US. The pipeline was finished and pressurized in September 2021, but never actually got online.

Two days before the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, the German government put its certification on indefinite hold, and has repeatedly rejected any suggestions, both domestic and from Moscow, to open the pipeline.


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119   Bd6r   2022 Sep 29, 9:05pm  

Reality says

So combining storage and the new Norway-Poland pipeline (that can deliver in all of 2023) result in enough natural gas for 2-3 months of electricity generation for Germany. Where is the gas for the other 9-10 months going to come from? That's for electricity generation alone, not counting winter heating use of natural gas. That's for Germany alone, not counting Poland and Baltic states.

Where did you get that Poland and Baltics will share this gas with Germany? It covers most of their gas needs, no reason to make Germans happy. Let'em eat green energy.

Analysts say the new Baltic Pipe should have benefits for countries beyond Poland.

"The Baltic Pipe will also be important for the Baltic States. They can receive gas through the GIPL — Gas Interconnector Poland Lithuania — the same way Poland has received gas from Lithuania since April," said Trine Villumsen Berling.

"The corridor is also suitable to transfer gas from Poland to the Danish market, further adding to the flexibility and security of energy supply in the region," the DIIS said an energy assessment published in July.

It highlighted Poland and Lithuania as having been in the forefront of calls for "greater unity within the EU and stronger sanctions on Russian fossil fuels".

"Although a number of strategic projects in the Polish and Lithuanian energy sectors are coming to fruition today, they are the outcomes of the two states’ long-term strategic visions of energy independence from Moscow’s grip," the report said.
120   Patrick   2022 Sep 29, 9:41pm  

Bd6r says

Where did you get that Poland and Baltics will share this gas with Germany? It covers most of their gas needs, no reason to make Germans happy. Let'em eat green energy.

That was also my thought. The Poles are no fans of either Germany or Russia, for good historical and geographic reasons.

Poland literally means something like "flat fields" and the country in an inviting target for tanks rolling in either direction, except in the mountainous south.
123   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 3:27am  

Uh, guess the Poles are bad spin doctors:
125   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Sep 30, 8:27am  

I have to give DoD credit, they are really good at spamming Twitter with propaganda. Naturally it's always bullshit, so kind of telling that it was US that did it. Considering the only beneficiary here is the US, makes sense. And it's not like Russian government will get their opinion from reading Twitter. They might retaliate in some way, who knows what it'll be.
126   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 30, 9:23am  

Too bad there are more people concerned with assigning blame than what this could mean for Europeans this winter.

2030, you'll freeze your ass off, and you'll be happy!
127   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 10:38am  


Since “Joe Biden” flat-out promised last February to “bring an end to the Nord Stream pipeline” — and let’s assume he meant both NS 1 and 2 — why seek further to unravel a fake mystery? Is our apparitional “president” not a man of his word? Of course, the machinery behind “Joe Biden” so far denies any credit for the consequential act, but who in this land is unaware that the US government’s default setting these days for answering anything is to lie.

The purpose of the act was likewise simple, plain, and obvious: to foreclose any possibility of Germany negotiating a separate peace with Russia around the financial and economic sanctions imposed by the USA over the Ukraine operation. Don’t you suppose it was clear to any German with half a brain that NATO’s joining of the sanctions was nothing less than a one-way ticket to Palookaville for Euroland? That it would mean goodbye to its advanced manufacturing economy and then goodbye to a comfortable, modern, standard of living?

Not many weeks ago German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock told the world that Germany would support Ukraine (and US-driven NATO policy) “no matter what German voters think.” That was all for show, you understand, to maintain the flimsy pretense that NATO had any actual stake in whatever happens in Ukraine — as the result of the dumpster fire set there by America. At the same time, that very same German foreign ministry was sneaking through back channels to feel out the Russian foreign ministry on ways Germany might get Russian natgas on the down-low, through third parties, say, Turkey, buying time until the glorious day those Nord Stream pipelines might re-open and the former normality of German economic life would resume?

“Joe Biden” slammed the door on that pretty conclusively Monday, blowing up the two pipelines, a premier act of insanity by a US government fueled at every level and in every direction by psychotic strategic thinking. For starters, consider that the Nord Stream sabotage amounts to the leading member of NATO committing an act-of-war against the rest of NATO. What else do you call depriving most of Europe the means to make a living — or merely to stay alive?

As it happens, Germany is in no position to answer this casus belli by going to war against the USA. Germany has a Potemkin military — America has made sure of that since 1945, the last time these Teutons of northern forests went batshit crazy against Western Civ. Seems to me that either Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledges this deadly affront to Germany and negates further participation in the NATO Ukraine idiocy, OR, within a few months he will face violent political uprising from his own people and his government will fall — and not necessarily within the framework of any orderly parliamentary procedure. More like mobs in the streets… chaos… government buildings torched… officials strung-up — real insurrection, not the fake kind we hear about endlessly from the American Party of Chaos. ...

“Joe Biden” and his regime of Satanic degenerates will just have to lump it. They will have lost Europe’s loyalty by the foolish Nord Stream caper. They will have enough trouble on their hands at home with America’s collapsing economy and all the ill-feeling they have generated with the Woke insults, persecutions, and punishments inflicted on half the population — not to mention the coming dire repercussions of the wicked Covid “vaccine” scam. In the meantime, “Joe Biden’s” Party of Chaos faces the wrath of American voters in the midterm election. And if, perchance, they take the majestically stupid step of cancelling, postponing or somehow messing with that election, they will face the wrath of the voters from the ground beneath the hanging tree.
128   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 11:23am  

Patrick says

“Joe Biden” and his regime of Satanic degenerates will just have to lump it.

They are still in the phase of 'generating the problem' i.e. deconstruction, treason, arson, and provoking deep divisions in order to force war. From 'Behold a Pale Horse', they have the notion of force amplifiers in the world circuits. The more death and violent division, the bertter.

The wax dummy actor playing Biden is even acting like Dr. Evil in smug, cackling expositions. We aren't watching a movie, we are watching a cartoon.
129   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 30, 12:20pm  

NuttBoxer says

Too bad there are more people concerned with assigning blame than what this could mean for Europeans this winter.

2030, you'll freeze your ass off, and you'll be happy!

Europe had a goal to have gas storage at 80% by Oct 1 in order to be safe until March. As of yesterday they are at 88.2%. And Norway just opened a new pipeline. Nobody will be freezing in Europe anytime soon. Maybe except some dumb fucks like Hungarians who made themselves even more dependent on Ruscist gas than stupid cunts in Germany. Nah, not even them will freeze - they are at 77%.
130   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 30, 12:34pm  

Eric Holder says

Europe had a goal to have gas storage at 80% by Oct 1 in order to be safe until March. As of yesterday they are at 88.2%. And Norway just opened a new pipeline. Nobody will be freezing in Europe anytime soon. Maybe except some dumb fucks like Hungarians who made themselves even more dependent on Ruscist gas than stupid cunts in Germany. Nah, not even them will freeze - they are at 77%.

Absolutely right if your numbers are accurate, and it's really just supply and demand. There are more than enough resources in the world for everyone to have what they need. But when you've got anti-environmental(green) agendas shutting down power plants, and you've got fascist dictators using every excuse to jack up prices, it becomes unaffordable for a lot of people.

An important point to remember though, depending on anyone else for your energy is never as good of a bet as depending on yourself. Bigger picture, we all need to be moving out of cities, and towards self-reliance. That's the best way to ensure 2030 never gets off the ground.
131   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 12:37pm  

Problem of being 'self sufficient' and moving off grid is they will find you eventually, anyway if conceded the absolute central power that they crave. Unless you are willing to huddle with Bigfoot, it will only be a temporary way of buying time to attempt to consolidate against the boot.
132   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 30, 12:39pm  

Ceffer says

Unless you are willing to huddle with Bigfoot,

133   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 12:44pm  

Eric Holder says

Europe had a goal to have gas storage at 80% by Oct 1 in order to be safe until March. As of yesterday they are at 88.2%. And Norway just opened a new pipeline. Nobody will be freezing in Europe anytime soon. Maybe except some dumb fucks like Hungarians who made themselves even more dependent on Ruscist gas than stupid cunts in Germany. Nah, not even them will freeze - they are at 77%.

I'm afraid you are mistaken. The entire gas storage capacity is much less than that which is required for electricity generation and heating through a winter. As I pointed out yesterday, Germany has by far the largest natural gas storage capacity in Europe. The capacity is 256 terawatt-hours natural gas energy content. Gas turbines have thermo efficiency around 20-40%, so that 256 terawatt-hours natural gas energy content translates to 65-100 terawatt-hours of electricity. German annual electricity generation/consumption is over 600 terawatt-hours. So total storage capacity is equivalent to about 1 to 2 months' burn rate, that's counting electricity generation use only, not counting winter heating use of natural gas. The new Norway-Poland gas pipeline is scheduled to deliver about 6.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2023; that translates to about 60 terawatt-hours natural gas energy content. That's equivalent to another 1 month for electricity generation alone (and will have to spread out over a year for delivery). So combining storage and the new Norway-Poland pipeline (that can deliver in all of 2023) result in enough natural gas for 2-3 months of electricity generation for Germany. Where is the gas for the other 9-10 months going to come from? That's for electricity generation alone, not counting winter heating use of natural gas. That's for German consumption alone, not counting Polish and Baltic states' consumption needs.

And as B6dr pointed out, contrary to the most optimistic scenario I illustrated above, the Norway-Poland pipleline is primarily for Poland and Baltic states. The entire Norway-Poland pipeline is scheduled to deliver 6.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2023, contrasting to 2x27.5 = 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas in a year through the twin pipes of Nordstream 1. The capacity is off by 9 fold. Frankly, even Poland and Baltic states with their nearly 50 million population, need more natural gas than the Norway-Poland pipe can deliver. So it is indeed a freeze-to-kill operation to recycle the money that Poles and Baltics (and Germans, especially East Germans) earned and saved in the past 30+ years, so the banksters won't have to deal with the dead savers showing up to withdraw money.
134   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 30, 12:45pm  

Ceffer says

Problem of being 'self sufficient' and moving off grid is they will find you eventually, anyway if conceded the absolute central power that they crave.

You assume they're capable of staying in power, which they aren't. I'm talking about starting over, reshaping our society into small communities that source most of what they need locally. The only other choice is slavery. Keep using their debt systems, keep relying on their central resources, keep reacting to the next planned disaster. I'm not putting a mask on again, and means I've got some fucking work to do to make I don't have ever have to.
135   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 1:32pm  

Reality says

The capacity is off by 9 fold. Frankly, even Poland and Baltic states with their nearly 50 million population, need more natural gas than the Norway-Poland pipe can deliver.

Butinge LNG terminal was feeding LNG to Baltics and PL already after Russian pipeline shutdown. I am not sure what is its capacity, and I am not sure how much LNG Baltics + Poland will need, but they will not freeze this winter since they have planned for this eventuality. However, it is clear that their heating cost will be up in hundreds of percent.

On top of that, the usual East European tactic of screwing everyone over if it benefits them is probably in action in Belarus and Baltics. I am nearly confident that pipeline from Belarus to Latvia carrying oil refinery products is quietly functioning...
136   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 1:34pm  

Ceffer says

Problem of being 'self sufficient' and moving off grid is they will find you eventually, anyway if conceded the absolute central power that they crave. Unless you are willing to huddle with Bigfoot, it will only be a temporary way of buying time to attempt to consolidate against the boot.


In 1936, their religion was under threat. After Karp Lykov's brother was killed by a Soviet patrol, Karp and Akulina Lykov with their two children, Savin and Natalia, fled their hometown of Lykovo (Tyumen Oblast) eastward. Two more children, Dmitry and Agafia, were born during the isolation. They ended up in a dwelling in the taiga, near the Yerinat River (Abakan river basin), 250 kilometres (160 mi) from any settlement. In 1978 their location was discovered by a helicopter pilot, who was flying a geological group into the region. The geologists made contact with the family, but the Lykovs decided not to leave the place.[4][1][5][6]

Akulina died of hunger in 1961, having sacrificed herself so that her children might survive. Three of the children died in 1981. Savin and Natalia suffered from kidney failure, most likely a result of their harsh diet. Dmitry died of pneumonia.[1] Karp died in 1988. He is survived by his daughter Agafia Lykova, who has over the years accumulated a herd of goats and flock of chickens and has built herself a decent hut.
137   EBGuy   2022 Sep 30, 2:10pm  

Reality says

The entire Norway-Poland pipeline is scheduled to deliver 6.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2023

And just for comparison LNG tankers average 150,000 cubic meters in capacity, which is enough gas to supply some 42,000 U.S. homes for a year. Pipelines are capital intensive (upfront) but you can see why they are desirable. I believe they usually require guarantees for 10 years for investors to be comfortable that they will be able to turn a profit.
138   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 2:33pm  

EBGuy says

And just for comparison LNG tankers average 150,000 cubic meters in capacity, which is enough gas to supply some 42,000 U.S. homes for a year. Pipelines are capital intensive (upfront) but you can see why they are desirable. I believe they usually require guarantees for 10 years for investors to be comfortable that they will be able to turn a profit.

Thanks for the info, which makes the situation even more dire than my analysis above showed. If average LNG tanker only carries 150,000 cubic meters of natural gas, that means filling the Norwegian terminal with 6.5 billion cubic meters will require 43,333 tanker-loads. Distance from Halifax to Norway is about 3000 miles, and those tankers likely travel at 15-20 knots, meaning a round trip taking 3 weeks. Even if the tankers don't need any downtime for maintenance, each tanker can only make 14 round trips in a year (with rotating crew members to keep the ships shuttling at all time). 43,333 / 14 = 3095. That's the number of LNG tankers required at the minimum. There are only 641 LNG tankers in the entire world! All the LNG tankers fleet in the entire world shuttling between Halifax (the northeast-most non-freezing major port on continental North America) and Norway can only replace about 2% of what Nordstream-1 delivered.

BTW, "LNG tankers average 150,000 cubic meters in capacity, which is enough gas to supply some 42,000 U.S. homes for a year" doesn't sound right. I just looked up my own natural gas usage, the total in the last 12 billing months was a little over 1200 therms, converted to metric units is about 3500 cubic meters. 150,000 cubic meters would be able to sustain 43 homes like mine in southern New England for a year (summer usage for heating water and gas stove cooking is about 15 therms per month, but winter heating can be as high as over 250 therms in Feb, despite Feb being a shortened month), not anywhere close to the 42,000 US homes figure. That's for heating use only, not including electricity generation. Most of central Europe has weather comparable to or colder than New England, not Florida weather. According to USDA zone map, my house is in the warmest part of Zone-6 (in a city and within 10 miles from the sea/ocean). Most of Germany is in Zone 6 and Zone 5 (colder); most of Poland and Baltics are deep into Zone 5.
139   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 3:08pm  

Bd6r says

Butinge LNG terminal was feeding LNG to Baltics and PL already after Russian pipeline shutdown. I am not sure what is its capacity, and I am not sure how much LNG Baltics + Poland will need, but they will not freeze this winter since they have planned for this eventuality. However, it is clear that their heating cost will be up in hundreds of percent.

Any tanker going into the Baltic Sea would only divert from the 641 global LNG tanker count for shuttling between Halifax and Norway. As calculated in my post above, 3000+ LNG tankers are needed to fulfil the 6.5 billion cubic meters target for the Norway-Poland pipeline. There are only 641 LNG tankers in the entire world as of this year.
140   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 3:11pm  

From a friend of mine in the Netherlands:

And the gas prices are skyrocketing here. We are currently paying 180EUR per month for electricity and gas combined, but our provider wants to raise it to 400EUR per month! My colleague at the office is now paying 693EUR, while her usual was 336EUR. Hopefully, this war in Ukraine will resolve soon and things will go back to normal. People in Europe are kind of depressed about this since we just came out of a pandemic a few months ago…
141   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 3:14pm  

Patrick says

People in Europe are kind of depressed about this since we just came out of a pandemic a few months ago…

I hear burning WEF and Globalist apparatchiks make excellent fuel for warmth, albeit a bit stinky.
142   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 3:24pm  

Reality says

If average LNG tanker only carries 150,000 cubic meters of natural gas, that means filling the Norwegian terminal with 6.5 billion cubic meters will require 43,333 tanker-loads. Distance from Halifax to Norway is about 3000 miles, and those tankers likely travel at 15-20 knots, meaning a round trip taking 3 weeks.

I believe Norway itself produces shitloads of Nat gas (4th in world after Russia, Qatar, US), why does it need to be shipped to there from Halifax?

From article I quoted above:

The pipeline will transport natural gas from the Norwegian shelf via Denmark and through the Baltic Sea to Poland.

The flows from Norway along with supplies via liquefied gas terminals are central to Poland's plan. The country was cut off from Russian gas supplies in April, allegedly for refusing to pay in roubles.

In 2020 Lithuania imported about 1.5M tons of LNG via Butinge. They will have more now via the new pipeline.
143   HeadSet   2022 Sep 30, 3:25pm  

Ceffer says

I hear burning WEF and Globalist apparatchiks make excellent fuel for warmth, albeit a bit stinky.

Borrow the sulfur scrubbers from the old coal fired plants.
144   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 3:36pm  

Bd6r says

I believe Norway itself produces shitloads of Nat gas (4th in world after Russia, Qatar, US), why does it need to be shipped to there from Halifax?

Because all the talks have been about replacing Russian gas with LNG shipment from the US. Halifax was actually a very optimistic loading location, as the gas pipeline through New England is already severely capacity-limited in winter even without any offloading onto tankers in Halifax. Any loading port south of NYC would add 1000+ miles shipping distance, requiring 33+% more tankers for the same flow rate.

The flows from Norway along with supplies via liquefied gas terminals are central to Poland's plan. The country was cut off from Russian gas supplies in April, allegedly for refusing to pay in roubles.

The plan might be freezing locals to death, so the banksters don't have to pay back deposits. 50 million population (Poland and Baltics) need much more than 6.5 billion cubic meters in a year. In USDA Zone-5 weather, summer vs. winter gas usage are entirely different. In my Zone-6 (10 degrees warmer than Zone-5) house, winter per day gas usage is nearly 20x that of summer. LNG shipment is a joke compared to the scale of big pipelines like Nordstream-1. The Norway-Poland pipeline can replace about 11% of NS-1, the LNG shipment can perhaps replace 2%. What's to replace the remaining 87% requirement?

For some real numbers, my house is kept to 68-degrees in winter in the warmest part of Zone-6. So a Zone-5 comparable house kept to 60-degrees F would consume at least comparable amount of natural gas as mine, 3500 cubic meters in a year, with 60% of that consumed in the three months of winter. Assuming those nearly 50 million people are packed into 10 million homes comparable to mine (5 people to a household, very high density assumption), that requires 35 billion cubic meters in a year, with about 20 billion cubic meters in the 3 months of winter. At significantly lower than 60F indoor temperature, a lot of people are going to get sick and die from cold.
145   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 3:48pm  


Felix Eick, Welt Reporter, on Why Dismantling Nord Stream Means Cutting Putin's "Arteries of Power"

Back in August, before the Nord Stream attacks, it was possible even for dim Green journalists to see that destroying the pipelines would be to Russia's disadvantage. ...

Two months ago, even arrant fools like Felix Eick could see that destroying Nord Stream would hurt Russia. Now that somebody has actually destroyed Nord Stream (or the better part of it), we have to read harebrained theory upon harebrained theory about why Russia is actually responsible and how the end of these pipelines confers an overwrought twelve-dimensional chess advantage to Putin or helps Gazprom escape hypothetical lawsuits or permits Russia to escape sanctions.
146   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 30, 3:53pm  

Russia and Germany harmed. Which European country is shedding no tears over that one?
147   socal2   2022 Sep 30, 4:08pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Russia and Germany harmed. Which European country is shedding no tears over that one?

Those dopey Germans laughing at Trump don't look so smart now.

Russia has been threatening to shut down energy to Europe for years long before the current war in Ukraine. What fool would ever rely on Russia for their energy supplies in the future after all this? Fool me once....
148   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 4:12pm  

Bd6r says

In 2020 Lithuania imported about 1.5M tons of LNG via Butinge. They will have more now via the new pipeline.

Lithuanian has a population of less than 3 million. 1.5M ton of LNG is equivalent to about 2 billion cubic meters of NG. At that ratio, 38 million Poles need 26 billion cubic meters of NG. The new pipe line from Norway to Poland can only deliver 6.5 billion cubic meters in all of 2023.
149   socal2   2022 Sep 30, 4:20pm  

Pretty reasonable argument suggesting that the pipeline explosion was an accident due to Russia's legendary incompetence.

- Gas kept in the pipe for months and months which could form hydrate crystals that could cause an explosion while Russia tried to drain the pipe.
- 2 explosions 17 hours apart relatively close together? What type of attack is that knowing that Russia would have had vessels at the site within short order?
- Russia is not making a big fuss blaming Ukraine or screaming at the UN about it.

150   EBGuy   2022 Sep 30, 4:26pm  

Reality says

Thanks for the info, which makes the situation even more dire than my analysis above showed.

Your analysis was so dire, I figured something must be off. Then I hit on this:
Tanker capacities are sometimes stated in cubic meters, but this can be confusing because this is cubic meters of liquid not gas.
Using the conversions from this page, I calculated that an average LNG tanker (150,000 cm) contains 94.4 million cubic meters of uncompressed gas. Perhaps some one can check my work. So the methane expands over 629 times from its volume at -162 deg C (LNG transport temperature). The 43,333 tanker-loads is replaced by a more reasonable 69 trips. I think....

From this page, looks like I am in the right neighborhood:
The LNG carriers are two units with capacity of 174 thousand cubic meters each, which means the size of the cargo that each vessel will be able to transport is approximately 100 mcm after regasification.
151   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 4:57pm  

EBGuy says

Tanker capacities are sometimes stated in cubic meters, but this can be confusing because this is cubic meters of liquid not gas.

I see. That's very good news indeed. Sub-100 round trips by the tanker fleet is much more feasible than 40k+ round trip by worldwide total of 641 tankers (many of which, perhaps the majority, are smaller than 150k cubic meters).

That solves the 6.5 billion cubic meter (gas) pipeline feed source, sufficient for the three Baltic States (less than 10 million population combined). Poland needs about 26 billion cubic meters (gas) for its 38 million population, and Germany needs about 55 billion cubic meters (gas) for its 80+ million population. About half of the annual total has to be delivered in the winter season.
152   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 5:18pm  

socal2 says

Pretty reasonable argument suggesting that the pipeline explosion was an accident due to Russia's legendary incompetence.

- Gas kept in the pipe for months and months which could form hydrate crystals that could cause an explosion while Russia tried to drain the pipe.
- 2 explosions 17 hours apart relatively close together? What type of attack is that knowing that Russia would have had vessels at the site within short order?
- Russia is not making a big fuss blaming Ukraine or screaming at the UN about it.


That explanation makes no sense: there is not nearly enough oxidizer in the pipeline to create an explosion that would register 2+ on the Richter Scale. A 200lb ice ball hitting the pipe wall in the bend won't register on the seismograph tens of miles away at all. If methane hydrates exploded on its own on the sea floor, there would be explosions on the sea floor all the time, and the seismograph would be registering them all the time . . . in that case there would be no point for NATO/US to have a dense network of listening devices on the Baltic sea floor to listen for all potential sorties by Soviet submarines coming out. The entire Baltic sea floor has been covered by the dense network of sensors, so we have been told as one of the good uses of taxpayer money during the Cold War.
153   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 5:19pm  

Reality says

Because all the talks have been about replacing Russian gas with LNG shipment from the US. Halifax was actually a very optimistic loading location, as the gas pipeline through New England is already severely capacity-limited in winter even without any offloading onto tankers in Halifax. Any loading port south of NYC would add 1000+ miles shipping distance, requiring 33+% more tankers for the same flow rate.

As far as I know, pipeline from Norway will be filled with Norwegian nat gas, so Halifax is irrelevant. US nat gas goes to Butinge.
154   Reality   2022 Sep 30, 5:42pm  

Bd6r says

As far as I know, pipeline from Norway will be filled with Norwegian nat gas, so Halifax is irrelevant. US nat gas goes to Butinge.

Unloading at Butinge would just add 200-400 miles to the trip, compared to unloading on Norwegian coast, in the mistaken analysis I did above (I didn't realize the 150,000 cubic meter capacity quoted for those ships was liquid NG volume not gaseous NG volume) but does make economic sense when shipping capacity is not the limiting factor.

If Norway can export enough additional natural gas to Germany and Poland to replace entirely what was delivered by NS-1 (and NS-2 in the near future), cutting the Nordstream lines won't hurt/kill as many Germans and Poles in the coming winter as I initially thought would be the case. The shipping distance from Norway to Polish terminal is much shorter than from the US, even by LNG tankers. A big "If."
155   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 30, 7:28pm  

What does Ukraine, the CIA, and M6 have on you guys, that you go to such extreme lengths to avoid the most obvious explanations? Did you all chart a trip on the Lolita express together or something?

This is what propaganda does to people. You can't admit you were fooled, because it's so damaging to your ego, so you double down on the lies, and logic gymnastics, rather than admit you were wrong. And because we have a bunch of sociopaths running things, this type of behavior is encouraged because it fosters extremism, and keeps the fingers pointed at each other.

Meanwhile, the NWO keep killing innocent Russians and Ukrainians. Europeans are getting squeezed into poverty, and billions of dollars are being laundered every month, robbing all of us. And none of you give a shit, because you're too busy justifying why you fell for such an obvious con.

Wake the fuck up! When you agree with every mainstream media outlet, every WEF leader, and the most senile person ever to set foot in the White House, you are wrong!
156   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 7:33pm  

Good summary @NuttBoxer

NuttBoxer says

logic gymnastics

I'm very impressed at the logic gymnastics required to blame Putin for an act of sabotage which is 100% in favor of the US deep state.

1. Biden: "I am going to have the Nordstream pipeline destroyed! Ha ha."
2. Biden orders pipeline destroyed.
3. PDS crowd: "Look at what Putin did!"
157   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 30, 7:46pm  

This forum was a ray of light and sanity through the scamdemic. To see people fall to propaganda who held strong these past two years, it just feels like such a step backwards.
158   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 7:50pm  

Like I joked before, it lends credence to the idea of mind control through vaxxing and 5G.

I don't really believe that's possible, but this does seem like exactly the kind of use the oligarchy would have for it.

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