Deaths from Wuhan Virus continue to be wildly exaggerated to keep fear and funding going

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2022 Sep 28, 11:21am   23,069 views  180 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office
Alex Berenson

Working on a bigger story but wanted to share this.

You may have wondered how the United States is still clocking 3000 Covid deaths a week when even Joe Biden - who can barely manage a staircase unaided - easily beat Omicron.

The Milwaukee coroner’s office has the answer. It publishes anonymized death reports, including cases where Covid is listed on the death certificate. Here are four of the seven from the last two weeks. Average age 90.

The youngster in the group was 80 and had metastatic prostate cancer.

And diabetes.

And Parkinson’s disease.


As for the others, they are all in their sixties.

Lest you accuse me of cherry-picking, here’s one of the younger deaths:

These folks are not the exceptions, they’re the rule. “From” versus “with” Covid is a pointless distinction for this population.

Anyone dying of Omicron is likely either incredibly old, incredibly sick.

And, according to the coroner’s office, most are vaccinated.

It should be obvious that Covid death counting is now pure theater and database matching, in a way it wasn’t even a few months ago.

Which raises a somewhat unpleasant question: if Covid is no longer killing anyone who wasn’t at death’s door, why is overall excess mortality so high across the heavily mRNA vaccinated countries?

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176   Patrick   2024 Oct 13, 7:29pm  


On August 21, 2024, John Beaudoin, Sr., President and CEO of Summa Logica LLC, filed a whistleblower complaint with the Auditors of Public Accounts of Connecticut. The allegations pertain to forgery of death records under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-139 (2023). More than 100 Connecticut death records list “Covid” as a cause of death though the deaths are certified as “accidental” and involve blunt force trauma or fentanyl overdose. Other records were found to be Covid vaccine deaths, but the vaccine is fraudulently omitted from the death records.
180   Patrick   2024 Dec 17, 7:28pm  


The idea of a respiratory virus striking a location out of nowhere and killing tens of thousands of people while leaving nearby areas unscathed offends common sense. Why Milan but not Rome?

If latitude/longitude or density matter, how did Berlin and Tokyo and Sydney see no real increase in spring 2020 deaths, while Madrid, London, and Manaus, Brazil saw jumps of 150% or higher?

Modes or speed of travel can’t possibly explain ‘pinpoints’ where the positive tests for the putative pathogen were most prevalent. No epidemiological model accounts for the wildly differential impact in U.S. cities connected by thousands of flights every day. Yet coronavirus attacking New Orleans while evading Houston and Atlanta and Orlando is precisely what we are supposed to believe happened — and could happen again in the ‘Next Pandemic’.

Iatrogenesis Hypotheses

Upon closer examination of hospital activity and incomplete nursing home death data, I thought it best to approach the “problem” of the New York City event by assuming a novel coronavirus caused no deaths (or no additional deaths), even if that assumption turned out to be wrong.

In 2023, I learned of an early analysis by Denis Rancourt which said a novel spreading virus - novel or otherwise - had not caused first wave deaths spikes but mass homicide by government response:

“I postulate that the ‘COVID peak’ represents an accelerated mass homicide of immune vulnerable individuals, and individuals made more immune-vulnerable, by government and institutional actions, rather than being an epidemiological signature of a novel virus, irrespective of the degree to which the virus is novel from the perspective of viral speciation.” (p. 19)

Of New York, Rancourt said,

“The NYC data makes no epidemiological sense whatsoever. The ‘COVID peak’ here, on its face, cannot be interpreted as a normal viral respiratory disease process in a susceptible population. Local effects, such as importing patients from other jurisdictions or high densities of institutionalized or housed vulnerable people, must be in play, at least.” (p. 16) ...

Given the incredible amount of death in NYC hospitals, the federal government’s failure to order an independent investigation into what happened amounts to depraved indifference. ...

Meanwhile, family, friends, and followers constantly asked if I thought the New York curve was ‘true’. Could some of the deaths be purposely faked, or added in error? I wasn’t initially disposed to these possibilities until they became difficult to dismiss. Too many contradictions and conflicts were pointing to a potential distortion of the all-cause death curve.

There is no smoking gun, but I see quite a few bullets that can’t possibly be from the same gun and/or could’ve been placed at scenes before or after the crime. Based on everything I’ve analyzed to date, I believe the curve does not reflect a real-time event -- that is, the number of people who are claimed to have died on each day in the places claimed is a misrepresentation in magnitude, timing, or both.

Put simply, I do not see how the New York City death spike can be entirely real and think 2020 daily all-cause curve is manipulated or fraudulent. ...

Some of the more concerning findings which demand immediate explanation from authorities are as follows:

The lack of basic proof (e.g., names, public death records) that ~38,000 people died in two and a half months. City burials9 and records from FEMA on COVID-19 funeral assistance & trucks sent for morgue storage fall short of verifying the total number of casualties.

A staggering increase in deaths among younger, working-age adults (25-54 YO), most of which attributed COVID-19 as underlying cause.

The six-week 250% increase in deaths at Home concurrent to an insufficiently explained out-of-hospital cardiac arrest event.

The cataclysmic number of deaths in hospitals - 22,000 during a period that saw 5,800 in the previous year - amidst a period of decreased hospital activity and patient volume.

Data discrepancies involving the city’s public hospitals and the “epicenter of the epicenter” Elmhurst Hospital.10

No data showing the total number of nursing home/long term care facility residents who died during the timeframe irrespective of place or cause of death – despite multiple investigations and hearings around the Cuomo administration’s so-called “nursing home policy” and attempts to hide the number of nursing home resident COVID deaths.

Disturbing changes and unexpected patterns in ambulance dispatch codes that challenge contemporaneous reports and subsequent studies about what happened with emergency calls and medical services, and why.

The medical examiner’s processing of more than 11,000 deaths in three days at the end of April, with no explanation of why or how that magnitude of processing occurred - and a related records request nearly a year overdue.

Public agency and researcher resistance/refusal to release or provide taxpayer-funded data upon freedom of information or reasonable request. ...

I believe it was democide assisted by full-blown psychological warfare against those charged with saving lives.

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