Effective Resistance Thread

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2022 Oct 1, 2:13pm   53,980 views  644 comments

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63   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 2:32pm  


This next song, I'm a little concerned about doing on account of it's "gender specific." Hopefully there's nobody from Budweiser here!

The crowd absolutely LOVED that line.

Country music is done with Bud Light and now boomer Beach Boys fans are done with the brand as well.

Love went on to take a dig at the woke FBI as well:

Or the FBI!

Sorry, I apologize in advance for anything I might say or do.

What a champ.
64   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 2:34pm  


The Jolly Roger Telephone Company has been messing with telemarketers for years now.

Here's how it works:

A telemarketer or scammer places a call, the intended receiver doesn't recognize the number and sends the caller to the Jolly Roger. One of the Jolly Roger's bots answer and try to keep the caller talking for as long as possible.

The general idea is that if they're stuck talking to a bot, they're not bothering you and me. Plus, they have a nice "person" who seems genuinely interested in what they're peddling to talk to.

It's a win-win.

Until now, it's all been done with recordings and algorithms developed by the Jolly Roger's founder Roger Anderson. ...

But now, Anderson has incorporated ChatGPT into the recordings, and while they were funny before, the callers tended to figure out they weren't getting anywhere pretty quick.

With ChatGPT, the bots are pretty good at fooling them and keeping them talking. ...

That scammer didn't have a hope or a prayer.

Keep up the good fight, Jolly RogerGPT!
65   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 5:22pm  


Armed with nothing more than charisma, wit, and a social media presence, influencers build audiences that can reach into the millions. Their podcasts and livestreams get views that make anchors at major broadcast media weep bitter tears of envy. Their blog posts can reach more readers than any journalist at a major newspaper or magazine. They have reach. They can move the needle in ways the legacy media no longer can, and unlike corporate journalists they say whatever the hell they want.

The influencers don’t need credentials. Many of them possess credentials, of course. There’s a strong undercurrent of Turchinian resentment running through influencer political discourse. We’ve been overproducing doctorates for decades relative to the number of available sinecures, and not everyone finds a seat at the table in the great game of musical endowed research chairs at the universities. As competition for high-status positions has grown more fierce, the elite have increasingly relied on (im)moral signalling to regulate entry, which has only made the situation worse: it’s one thing to lose the game because others were better at it, but it’s another thing entirely when the game has shifted from professional competence to political acquiescence, and you see the positions filling up with unimpressive mediocrities. But then, isn’t that exactly what the losers would say? There’s a fascinating symmetry to the intellectual war raging between the credentialed and the influencers: the former accuse the latter of being merchants of misinformation, while the latter deride the former as a bunch of lying shits. Don’t listen to those guys, they’re full of it – the one message everyone can agree on.
67   Patrick   2023 Jul 13, 10:40am  


The Left’s ongoing culture war is starting to meet an emboldened resistance
70   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 20, 2:02pm  

This nurse deserves the Nobel Prize for medicine. She saved hundreds of lives and thousands of crippling injuries.

She is a hero!

zzyzzx says

75   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Jul 25, 6:30pm  

The_Deplorable says

I LOVE how RFK, Jr is such a weedwhacker to the Dem narratives. And that is independent of whether he is challenging Biden or not.
76   GNL   2023 Jul 25, 6:33pm  

HeadSet says

The boyfriend talked about this gig, and told my wife and I that drag queens that are real pros will stop the show if they see any underage people present. He said that only the wannabe hacks will perform in front of children.

What's the difference between a wannabe hack and a wannabe woman?
77   GNL   2023 Jul 25, 6:38pm  

Patrick says

How would her customers know she did her job with a smile? And why does that matter when you are pushing a political idea on them? What an idiot. And all over a what, $4-$5 dollar tip?
79   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 28, 9:03am  

GNL says

How would her customers know she did her job with a smile?

The waitress was saying the customers smiled. She didn't expect them to not tip.
80   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 11:31am  


Dunno who this guy is, but he's based as fuck.

82   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 1:11am  


I saw an article earlier that said passive resistence will never work and that we need to get extreme.

Passive resistence is one of the many weapons in the non violent asymmetric fifth generation war fighters arsenal.

The system wants you to protest. They want you in crowds. Then they can take pictures of you and tell dumbasses what you stand for. They want you to get rowdy and violent and break shit. Then they can lable you a terrorist, lock you up, and tell others how awfull you are. They want you to buy their poisons, to be on drugs and to consume their pornography. That way they can hold you up in public and tell others what a scum bag you are. They want that blackmail.

They want you to take part in the monetary system so they can track you, they want you to use their patent system so they can take your inventions from you. They want you to use their technology systems so they can sell your avatars to the highest bidder. These things exist because the average person allows it.

Passive resistance, saying no, following through on making small changes to your grocery habits, changing your bank from a too big to fail to a credit union, not going to the movies, cancelling your cable or streaming services, gardening, shopping at independent businesses over Target and Walmart and the other big box stores.

This is all passive resistence.

It goes along with the other tactics. It is the one most people can do because there are no clubs to join. There are no protests to go attend. There are no places where the FBI, CIA, MI6, Mossad and the others can come up with a crime you did. It is not illegal to not buy something, to not say something, to change buying habits, to withdraw support.

It is working inside the system in order to destroy it. It is the long game. We have only to invite others to join us. All are welcome. The rigid ways are what will destroy us. Be the reed that bends in the wind but does not break. Doing one thing long enough brings about its opposite. War eventually brings peace. Searching for beauty will make you ugly. Hating long enough eventually turns to love. Persisting long enought will eventually break resitence. We are on our way out of this evil.
84   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 2, 9:44am  

Patrick says

It is not illegal to not buy something, to not say something, to change buying habits, to withdraw support.

They want to change that via social credit score, which is being calculated on you right now, even by the credit unions. Inside the system will never work in time, they will continue to limit choice, most notably through the rollout of the CBDC. The system is Federal Reserve debt notes, the food industry, sickcare, no kids, no marriage, no family. When you eat healthy food, you've left the system. When you see a naturopath, you've left the system. When you earn a living without transacting in US dollars, you've left the system. When you get and stay married, have kids, teach them your morals, you've left the system.
This is the only solution that will work, because the system is dying, and eventually like it or nor, we will all have to live WITHOUT the system.
86   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 2, 12:46pm  

Not if they're gonna turn into war hawks, and tell people what to put in their bodies, and that the state decides if someone is married.
91   Patrick   2023 Aug 11, 2:21pm  


NY State senator John Liu doesn’t care about thousands of NYC teachers who lost their jobs
911 Jedi, June 30, 2022
[hat tip: https://nooneyouknow.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-censorship-by-omission ]

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed by Chris in a public park.


CHRIS: Senator Liu, hi how you doing?


CHRIS: My name's Chris.

JOHN LIU: Chris?

CHRIS: I have a question for you.

JOHN LIU: Yeah, what's happening?

CHRIS: Um, so you are the chairperson of the Senate Committee on New York City Education.


CHRIS: Is that correct? OK.

JOHN LIU: Yes. And I'm also a member of the Education Committee itself.

CHRIS: Fantastic.

JOHN LIU: The education committee gets, it's like really bogged down with issues in Watertown and—

CHRIS: Hmm hmmm.

JOHN LIU: — Buffalo.


JOHN LIU: Rochester.

CHRIS: Here we are in New York City, we're in Queens right now. So my question is, so far 965 New York City teachers have been fired for not getting the vaccine.


CHRIS: And on September 6 that number's going to go up by probably a couple of thousand because—


CHRIS: — people signed up for the leave without pay options. So how do you feel about the fact that thousands of New York City teachers are, have have lost and will lose their jobs for not getting the vaccine?

JOHN LIU: Just get the vaccine.

CHRIS: Just get the vaccine?

JOHN LIU: Just get the vaccine. [stepping back, away from Chris]

CHRIS: You don't believe that people have the right to—

JOHN LIU [coming close, shaking fist, shouting into the camera]: Just get the vaccine! Get vaxed and boosted! [turns his back and starts to walk away]

CHRIS: So the vaccine doesn't work because Eric Adams* got covid, President Biden got covid—

JOHN LIU: Listen.

CHRIS: They've all been double vaxed and—

JOHN LIU: Listen, get the vax and do do do us all a favor, tell your colleagues to get vaccinated.


JOHN LIU: That's important. [turns his back again and continues walking away]

CHRIS: — people don't have the right to do what they want with their own body? So I've got you on record saying that, in the land of the free people don't have the right to do that.

JOHN LIU: Sir, you can, you can spout out as much nonsense as you want.

CHRIS: That's not nonsense.

JOHN LIU: Absolutely.

CHRIS: That's not nonsense. The vaccines—

JOHN LIU: The Center for Disease Control, the Department of Health, they all say get vaxed.

CHRIS: And the FDA approved it, the FDA also approved oxycontin for kids.

JOHN LIU: [addressing white-haired man, who appears standing to the right]: Are you vaccinated, sir?


JOHN LIU [addressing white haired man]: Thank you very much. Thank you because everybody has the right to do—

CHRIS: The FDA approved oxycontin for children.

JOHN LIU: — what they want with their body but they do not have a right to infect everybody else. [to white-haired man]: Thank you very much. [turns back to Chris and continues walking away]

WHITE-HAIRED MAN [to John Liu]: [inaudible]

CHRIS: And people who got the vaccine are infecting other people.

WHITE-HAIRED MAN [addressing John Liu]: Um, I wanted to ask you, um—

CHRIS: I got you on the record.

JOHN LIU [waving at camera]: Thank you!

CHRIS: Got you on the record.

JOHN LIU [smiling and waving at Chris's camera] Thank you! Hello everyone!

CHRIS: People do not have, according to Senator Liu, people do not have the right—

JOHN LIU [still waving at camera, but turning away, to the white-haired man]: Thank you.

CHRIS: — to do what they want with their own bodies. OK.

WHITE-HAIRED MAN [looking at Chris' camera] Alright. [turning his back then, and beginning conversation with John Liu]

CHRIS: OK, they must get an experimental vaccine.

WHITE-HAIRED MAN [addressing John Liu]: Alright, so anyway [inaudible]

CHRIS: Run away. A typical politician running away.
92   Patrick   2023 Aug 11, 3:20pm  


From march 2020 lockdown this is what I been doing for those who don’t know who I am. Whilst so many believed in the covid scam that our oppressors sold to us I been told I probably stopped millions from taking the vaccine and following covid rules,Arrested 7 times/MsM slander

Gosh, what was he trying say with that song? Lol.
95   Patrick   2023 Aug 15, 10:38am  


Moment anti-ULEZ 'Blade Runner' brazenly sabotages camera using a tree lopper - as underground activists wage campaign to bring down Sadiq Khan's low-emission monitors
97   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 12:54pm  


We’re not talking about nose jobs and eyelifts - we’re talking about amputating teenage girls' breasts, surgical and chemical castration of young men, and normalized sterilization of the young.

This isn’t just one or two members of Congress. This is a signature policy of the Biden administration. He owns this, as does every Democrat that goes along with it. There is enough information, thanks to brave activists like Chloe Cole to show some leadership on this issue, yet the Democrats are cowards.

Jamie Reed has been one of the few gender clinicians willing to put her entire career on the line to tell the truth. Most people simply don’t know how bad it is because of the ongoing silencing of necessary information to warn parents of what awaits their children. We sent them into the lion’s den when we gave them smartphones and sent them off to radicalized schools and universities. ...

We can do nothing about pregnant women who give birth to babies and then lie to their children that a man did it all actually. When their children grow up, they too will be forced to accept what can only be described as a mass delusion.

But we can elect Republicans to vote in a federal ban on “gender-affirming care” to save countless victims from destroying their bodies for life.

Because all of this must be laid at the feet of the Democratic Party, this is an opportunity for Republicans to peel off voters in a way they haven’t been able to do in decades, especially with Black, Hispanic and Asian voters.

But it will also have to find its way to people on the Left who would never vote for Republicans but would make an exception in this case. It’s just a matter of how many of them are really willing to put their vote behind their principles.

The Republicans are the heroes of history now because they are the only political movement taking on the powerful activists that have captured so many of our institutions and now, thanks to Biden, our government. And for that, they will have my vote.
99   Patrick   2023 Aug 19, 1:20pm  


We have to have something to say when The Left, Communists, Fascists come at us with the practical politics words like the following: Racist, Homo/Trans/Zenophobe, Climate Denier, - you know that bullshit they say.

I think we have what I would like to say is the mother/father of all comebacks:


All these communist groups have aligned themselves in the name of inclusion whether it is corporations with their DEI policies, Climate Protesters, Covid Cops, you name it, they all are aligned and soft on pedophiles. They don’t care that the trans flag has the light blue pink and white flag in it.

They call you transphobic - SHUT UP PEDOPHILE!

They call you racist - SHUT UP PEDOPHILE!

They call you a conspiracy theorist - SHUT UP PEDOPHILE!

I think you get the idea here.

100   Patrick   2023 Aug 20, 4:29pm  


WATCH: United Airlines pilot faces criminal mischief charges after using an ax to damage a parking barrier at the Denver airport

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