Effective Resistance Thread

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2022 Oct 1, 2:13pm   54,455 views  680 comments

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646   Patrick   2024 Oct 2, 10:18am  


Netflix loses millions of subscribers after boss backs Kamala Harris

Netflix saw cancellations spike after co-founder Reed Hastings said he was backing Kamala Harris.

Hastings, still serving as the streaming giant's chairman and the face of the company, said he had donated $7 million to the Democratic candidate's campaign as well.

The rate of cancellations - known as churn - nearly tripled in the US after Hastings' endorsement on July 22, according to research firm Antenna.
648   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 4:04pm  


The West Point School Board in Virginia has settled to pay $575,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees to a teacher fired for refusing to call a transgender student by their preferred pronouns.

Peter Vlaming, a French teacher was unanimously fired by the West Point School Board in December 2018 for rejecting the use of a transgender student’s pronouns.

In 2019, he filed a lawsuit claiming the termination violated his First Amendment rights. On Monday, the school board settled the suit after it had been kicked around between various courts over several months. Per the Virginia Mercury:

The agreement came several months after the Virginia Supreme Court reinstated Vlaming’s case, which the King William Circuit Court dismissed. The lower court did not believe Vlaming had any valid reasons for the law to accept his suit.

However, the Supreme Court determined in December that the school board violated Vlaming’s rights.

Vlaming’s lawsuit alleged “constitutional, statutory, and breach-of-contract claims” against the school district, Justice D. Arthur Kelsey wrote in an opinion explaining the high court’s ruling.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal organization that had been representing Vlaming, said Peter was fired due to something he coudn’t say. ...

“I was wrongfully fired from my teaching job because my religious beliefs put me on a collision course with school administrators who mandated that teachers ascribe to only one perspective on gender identity — their preferred view,” Vlaming said in a statement.
649   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 7:50pm  

Future Moldovan Citizen Fan
@CommonSentiment • 10h
Future Moldovan Citizen had a really good idea on Night Owls. Everyone should get that CBP One app and just completely overwhelm it. Everything these people try to do should be sabotaged as much as possible. And I checked, it’s on the app store lol.

651   HeadSet   2024 Oct 5, 6:23pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

That looks photoshopped.
653   Patrick   2024 Oct 6, 3:23pm  


Norway just REJECTED cashless agenda

Shops are now required by law to accept cash as a form of payment.

Good news coming from Norway.

They have now rejected the cashless agenda. From the 1st of October, all shops are required by law to accept real physical cash as a form of payment.

As long as payments are under NOK 20.000 ($1871), shops cannot refuse cash payments. Those that do so will risk being fined.

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection even recommends people to have some amounts of cash at all times in case digital forms of payment stop working.

Just recently that was the case, after a software update caused computers all over the world to crash, affecting banks, airports, supermarkets and more.

As many as 600.000 Norwegians are not digital, especially many elderly people.

With the World Economic Forum having pushed a cashless agenda, Norway is going the opposite way.

It is important to have cash. Because in a cashless society, it would be very easy for a tyrannical government to control who can buy and sell, monitoring every transaction.
654   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 9:49pm  


"Qantas Pilot Speaks Out About Vaccine Mandate"
Royal Australian, September 7, 2021
Graham Hood's rumble channel is https://rumble.com/user/RoyalAustralian

... On this rock I stand. Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are immoral, they're unpatriotic, and they're not on. And instead of calling all these people at the rallies anti-vaxxers, see them for who they are. They're freedom fighters. And they're fighting for your rights that you've given away. So stop labeling them and get out there and join them. Stand in solid protest. I stand with the truckies and anybody else who's standing against this draconian nation we've become. We're not a nation anymore anyway. We're a conglomerate of little state dictatorships which are ultimately run by CEOs of big corporations. It's garbage. ...

This is probably the last time I'll ever wear this uniform. I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to serve my airline and my country with pride. If I never fly again it will be a bitter disappointment. But I will not, I will not sit in front of a television saying, why don't they do something, knowing that the they is me.

Time to wake up, Australia. We're on final approach to land. It's been a pleasure serving you. I've done it safely and with pride and with dignity and with authenticity and that's how I will live my life for the rest of my days. I pray this is not the last time I wear the uniform but I've got a feeling now I've probably blown it. But so be it!
657   Patrick   2024 Oct 8, 4:07pm  


That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.

I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country. I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
659   Patrick   2024 Oct 10, 11:05am  


The New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Colorado Supreme Court tosses suit against baker who refused cake for trans woman.” Cross-dressing activists have been suing quiet, unassuming Christian baker Jack Phillips since 2017. Two of his cases have been to the U.S. Supreme Court, and now his long legal nightmare may finally be over.

The latest case against Masterpiece Cakeshop began when a disgruntled trans lawyer —furious about Phillip’s victory at the U.S. Supreme Court— called up and ordered two custom cakes, an obscene one to celebrate a transgender surgery and a second dessert depicting Satan smoking marijuana, to “correct the errors of [Phillips’] thinking.”

The lawyer, ‘Autumn’ Scardina, claimed his goal in ordering the cake was to prove false Phillips’ public statements that he would always provide services for LGBTQ+ cake buyers. (Just not obscene ones.)

But when Jack politely declined Scardina’s vulgar and irreverent pastry orders, the lawyer sued Jack under Colorado’s Orwellian “Anti-Discrimination Act.” But on Tuesday, Colorado’s all-Democrat state Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit on procedural grounds.

I have met Jack Phillips. He is a humble, honest solo entrepreneur who has heroically resisted the full might of the state trying to cancel and destroy him with lawfare. We undoubtedly owe Jack a debt of gratitude. We should also thank the terrific lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom, which has defended Jack for free all these years.

If it weren’t for Jack sticking up for himself, we wouldn’t have last year’s terrific landmark Supreme Court decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis, which found that creative professionals —including bakers— enjoy protective free speech rights and can turn down ridiculous requests from cross-dressing lawyers.
660   Patrick   2024 Oct 10, 2:19pm  


How many of these studies showing fatal outcomes from covid products are needed before the government accepts the 30,000 excessive deaths are in part caused by these injections."

"1 in 35 recipients of a Moderna Covid booster experienced Myocarditis"

"Average age of the subjects was under 37 years. This is an age where a heart attack is far from their mind. It's an age where someone would get the injection and go about their life, including exercising.

And in so doing risk serious heart complications or even being another DIED SUDDENLY STATISTIC.

Safe and effective was two lies.
662   Patrick   2024 Oct 12, 12:27pm  


Independent reports were making the social media rounds this week about industrious men in the Western Carolinas and Tennessee clearing roads and fixing bridges.


Lacking permits, environmental impact studies, diversity compliance, or OSHA supervisors, local farmers and tradesmen have somehow begun using available materials, like downed power poles and toppled trees, to quickly repair or replace smaller washed-out bridges without waiting for the government to get around to it.

Hopefully, they aren’t mansplaining or man-spreading while sitting on their backhoe. Still, the fact groups of all white men are taking effective action without FEMA’s help is a kind of microaggression. As evidenced by FEMA’s website, the disaster relief agency’s top priority is —I am not making this up— not saving lives or protecting property, but equity:

"Goal - Instill Equity as a Foundation of Emergency Management"

The website explained that “FEMA will continue its efforts to integrate equity … through transformational change within our workforce.” From what I can tell, it seems like FEMA’s plan is working.

Meanwhile, everyday folks in sticky situations are getting things done without waiting for somebody else to do it or even for permission. Pheonix-like, something essentially American is resurrecting in the wake of Hurricane Helene’s tragedy, and it’s terrific.

(PS—I would be remiss if I failed to mention there are also plenty of reports of state DOT folks doing great work.)
663   HeadSet   2024 Oct 12, 6:15pm  

Patrick says

Independent reports were making the social media rounds this week about industrious men in the Western Carolinas and Tennessee clearing roads and fixing bridges.

I remember traveling down a road the day after Hurricane Isabel hit and came to a section of the road that was under water because an adjacent dam broke in the middle and the stream was washing over the road. I came back to the same spot 2 days later and saw that beavers had repaired the breech so the road was now passable. Animals did not even wait for humans to fix it.
672   Patrick   2024 Oct 14, 8:53am  


The DOJ has proudly announced the arrest and imprisonment of 34-year-old Nicholas Frank Sciotto, a hero who created and sold over 120,000 fake COVID vaccine cards during the pandemic so people could avoid a dangerous vaccination and continue living their lives.

This excerpt from the official DOJ statement is hilarious:

"Together, the coconspirators enabled numerous people to use fake vaccination record cards to masquerade as being vaccinated, so they could evade public health and safety protocols across the nation. Sciotto engaged in this scheme - without regard for any public health consequences or risks that he exposed individuals to during the pandemic, without their knowledge or consent, and he undermined the CDC's COVID-19 vaccination program and other governmental health and safety regulations and protocols at significant profit."

According to the DOJ, the man hauled in over $400,000 in profits.

Commenters on the internet hailed him as a hero:

Sciotto has been sentence to a year in prison, three years supervised release, and a $40,000 fine.

When we last checked, the Pharma execs who made billions pushing a fraudulent vaccine that killed millions of people are still at large.
674   Patrick   2024 Oct 15, 11:29am  


A resident in Hanson, Massachusetts, has been projecting a Trump 2024 image on the city's water tower, and city officials are not happy about it.

They have taken to shining a spotlight on the image to dull it, and they have threatened the man with a $100-per-day fine if he continues to project the sign.

... The town's efforts to stop the man have now caused the entire world to learn about what used to be a neighborhood squabble. ...

You know what they say: A fine is just the price you have to pay to do something. And Trump supporters on the internet didn't think $100-per-day from now until the election was all that high a price to pay to keep the projection up.

Consider that a billboard could cost a lot more than that.

People have now started a Give Send Go for the guy, which, as of this writing, has raised over $5,000.
If you ask me though, the only thing that will come out of the whole ordeal is a new city regulation about projecting images on buildings and increasing the maximum fine for this sort of thing.

Update: the fundraiser has ended, going well beyond the goal.

This is the way.
675   Patrick   2024 Oct 15, 11:31am  


Nevada became the most recent women's volleyball team to join the party of teams boycotting the San Jose Spartans, who have a man on their roster that is pretending to be a girl. ...

Other teams participating in the boycott include Southern Utah, Utah State, Wyoming, and Boise State, though Nevada is the first team to cite "safety and fair competition" in their complaint.

Utah State, whose October 23rd contest was forfeited well in advance, has come across these T-shirts, which are likely to become the next big fashion piece in women's sports, particularly Mountain West volleyball.

... The tides are changing, folks, and it looks like women's sports are slowly becoming women's sports again.
680   Patrick   2024 Oct 15, 4:10pm  


"All You Board Members, Superintendent, You've Gotta Stop"

original link

Dare County, NC Board of Education Meeting
February 8, 2022

MIKE REED: Hi my name is Mike Reed.[1] I'm going to introduce myself. You've never met me. My family and I moved down here from New York. We have 4 boys. Three of them are in the school system here at Dare County.

But what I can tell you is you're heading in the wrong direction, Mr. Farrelley.[2] You got to look at me. I'm not lying to you. It's going to get worse and worse and worse.

All the board members up there, you've got to stop. You've got to stop. And I know you threw the papers down and that's OK, even though you disrespect me, I still respect you. But we care about every single person in this community, so whether you are for a mask, against masks, I respect your decision 100%. Whether you're for the vaccine or against the vaccine, I respect that 100%.

But the last 2 months our fourth grader has been coming home saying he's having a hard time breathing. So if you care about my child, you got to take these masks off. They're doing about nothing. You can look evidence, show me the evidence that a mask works and I'll believe you, but there's not the evidence out there. Show me the evidence the vaccine works and I'll believe you,
but that's not out there either.

But what you're doing is you're destroying the kids, you're destroying the teachers. Coming out of New York I felt like I was leaving hell on earth. And if you continue, Mr. Farrelly, I totally respect you, but you cannot continue on this path because it only gets worse and worse.

You can see the divide. I want to bring the community together. We need to see these smiles on these kids' faces. We're never going to bring this community together unless you stop this tonight.

So my kid can't breathe and you guys are saying, oh, oh. That's not OK. He has an IEP[3] at the school. went into kindergarten nonverbal and we've got him to the point where he's very verbal now, he's basically a regular fourth grader, you know, where a normal fourth grader would be. But he can't breathe. So now tonight, after you guys don't vote for mask optional, I have to make a decision. And I love this community, I'll do anything for this community. Believe me, when I got down here, our family was so happy. And now we're back feeling like I'm in New York. It's hell on earth there, Mr. Farrelly, I'll tell ya.

Please, I don't care if you got to give the money back. 70% of these houses aren't even lived in, but everyone pays school taxes. We should have a ton of money here. All of them, everyone would probably, I don't even know, pay a little more taxes to get rid of and make up for 9 million dollars. I don't know, we bring in billions of dollars every summer.[4] I mean, just please give the money back. My kid can't breathe. And I got, we got to stop this tonight. I don't— Is anyone listening? Please. Just stop. It only gets worse, and— [time alarm sounds]

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