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Is there a spiritual war between good and evil? Celia Farber’s post regarding the designation of brain death for organ harvesting was thought provoking. This meme is true by all news accounts: the father spent some time in jail over it, but his son squeezing his hand three times after a prayer was proof that he was still alive and aware. The son did indeed recover afterwards and even was baptized with his father a few months later, which led to his Dad being sent back to jail over a judges inexplicable no contact order. Both sides assert that it was worth it.
December 30, 2024
The Honorable Xavier Becerra
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Carole Johnson
Health Resources & Services Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Dear Secretary Becerra and Administrator Johnson:
We, the Attorneys General of Utah, Kansas, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas, write to express our serious concerns with how
individuals harmed by COVID-19 vaccines are being treated by the federal
government. We seek answers to questions about the administration of the
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).
During the height of the pandemic, many Americans wanted “to do their part”
by participating in vaccine trials or getting vaccinated. The federal government gave
COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers more than $30 billion in taxpayer funds to develop
and sell COVID-19 vaccines,
1 and spent billions more promoting these products to the public.2 The federal
government both encouraged,3 and in many cases, mandated vaccination.4
But when some of these individuals were injured by the COVID-19 vaccine,
they found that the federal government favored manufacturers over their health. In
addition to providing manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna billions of dollars,
5 the federal government also gave these companies effective blanket immunity for harms
caused by their products.6
The injured individuals, on the other hand, each experienced some form of
health complications that were diagnosed by credible physicians as resulting from a
Covid vaccination. Some of those injured were even seen by federal government
employed physicians and the harm from a vaccination was validated and
acknowledged by the federal government. The people for whom we advocate and for
whom we are concerned are not opportunists looking for deep pockets for phantom
injuries. These are honest people with verified injuries. They are our constituents of
all backgrounds and political affiliations. This is not just a bi-partisan issue, it is nonpartisan
in nature. Yet, in spite of credible diagnoses and real harm, these individuals
injured by COVID-19 vaccines have only a single form of recourse: to file a claim with the CICP.
As attorneys general, we are seriously concerned about the lack of
transparency and due process afforded by the CICP, as well as the substantial
roadblocks claimants face in obtaining relief. ...
NYC Mayoral Candidate Jim Walden Vows to Rehire Fired Unvaxxed NYC Workers with Backpay and an Apology
NYC Mayoral Candidate Jim Walden Vows to Rehire Fired Unvaxxed NYC Workers with Backpay and an Apology
New Yorkers Demand Hochul and Legislators Pass the Human Rights Agenda
Because Medical Freedom is a Human Right
On Tuesday January 14, 2025, New Yorkers demanding restoration of fundamental Human Rights will gather at the Empire State Plaza Concourse in Albany to peacefully call for Governor Kathy Hochul and the legislature to pass the Human Rights Agenda.
A rally and lobbying day sponsored by more than 40 organizations will be held beginning at 10 am. just prior to the Governor’s State-of-the-State Address in the Egg beginning at 1 pm.
Arkansas Lawmakers Move to Hold Pharmaceutical Executives Criminally Liable for Vaccine Injuries
Lawmakers in Arkansas are considering legislation that could deliver a death blow to the pharmaceutical industry.
Senate Bill 6, introduced by Republican State Sen. Bryan King, would overcome the pharmaceutical industry’s federal liability shield for vaccine injuries.
The bill seeks to hold corporate executives criminally liable for “vaccine harms” if they concealed evidence of risks associated with an injection that subsequently seriously injured or killed the recipient.
Under Senate Bill 6, an executive officer of a pharmaceutical company who “knowingly hides, conceals, omits, or otherwise withholds evidence, documentation, or information that the vaccine has dangerous effects” would be criminally prosecuted.
Those execs would be charged with a felony and face a prison sentence of one year to life.
Under Senate Bill 6, an executive officer of a pharmaceutical company who “knowingly hides, conceals, omits, or otherwise withholds evidence, documentation, or information that the vaccine has dangerous effects” would be criminally prosecuted.
While we usually focus on the organized crime federal "government," here is a story from Carmel-by-the-Sea and California reminding us of the complete criminality of the "government" at every level including Mayor, City, County Supervisors, Police Department, District Attorney's office, and Court System.
During the scam of "The Covid" the leftist IDIOTS running Carmel by the Sea unconstitutionally and against the California State Law illegally closed the beach. Stained glass artist Theresa Buccola walked on the beach in peaceful disobedience where she was illegally arrested and roughed up. Theresa has waged a one-woman campaign for justice ever since protecting everyone else's rights in the process. She has caused the firing or resignation of over a 1/2 dozen "government" employees including an assistant district attorney and police chief. She continues to demand her day in court. Here is the latest video update on her case showing criminality at every level of the police department and court system.
If you think the government's courts are going to protect you from the violence and criminality of the government's armed thugs then you should watch this video!
How to Support Theresa
For stained and leaded glass work and restoration: www.theresabuccola.com
contact info: theresabuccola@gmail.com
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