Tuesday November 8th, 2022 is Midterm Election Day

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2022 Oct 19, 4:21pm   17,558 views  178 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Just a reminder to get out and vote in person for midterms. It's harder for the fraudsters to know how many fake ballots to print up if the legitimate ballots all come in on election day.

Voting in person should also let you know if someone else already voted in your name.

All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.

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159   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 11, 6:28am  

mell says

RC2006 says


It's litteraly Idiocracy movie.

yeah but I still think Jen fucks like a race horse! she's red hot in her deranged leftoid way

she is probably lesbian.
160   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 7:27pm  


In addition to abortion, those who wished to express, via ballots, their anger at the Corona abusers and opportunists faced strong headwinds.

First, most people vote by heritage. Statistics show that people are far more likely to adopt their parents’ political affiliation than they are to embrace their parents’ religion. While people like to think they make up their own minds, the sociopolitical grousing that seven year-olds hear at the dinner table resonates for a lifetime.

Second, people vote by self-identity. People like to consider themselves to be young and cool. Young people can’t bring themselves to vote for Republicans because doing so would make them feel unhip and different from their peers. Additionally, most young people haven’t worked hard enough to think about paying high taxes.

Given the foregoing, there aren’t many persuadable voters left. And Democrats are the party of the rich. They have multi-fold more money to spend on ads and electoral tactics than do Republicans. And the media’s in the bag for the donkeys.

Still, it’s easy to be disappointed by the very short memory people showed regarding all of the destructive, oppressive government Covid-zero edicts of the past 32 months. And it’s easy to be astounded that Democrats elected, to a six-year term, a senator who can’t even process basic concepts or coherently express simple ideas. Though he may end up being a visible symbol of vaxx injury.

People need to stop thinking that governments have all of the power to determine how the world works. Yes, governments hold a lot of cards. But governments can’t function without mass compliance. There are way too many of us to control without mass-fining or imprisonment or turning automatic weapons on us. They aren’t ready for the latter two options. At least not yet. And people could easily jam the courts by challenging various forms of governmental chicanery.

Overall, people needed to, and still need to, generally say “No” in their everyday lives. Part of this can be done by simply by refusing to obey. For example, people could have stopped the employer vaxx mandates in their tracks. If 20% of workers had refused to inject, their employers, schools, hospitals, garbage collection, transportation and every other sector could have been shut down. If this had happened, the mandates would quickly have disappeared, without any litigation or regulatory carve-outs.

Active opposition could also have changed the Scamdemic’s course. Parents and others could have picketed closed schools. Those with means could have—as some did—enrolled their kids in private schools. Scofflaws could have filled police-taped parks. People could have walked maskless through stores in such large numbers that the employees couldn’t have harassed them all. People could have displayed protest signs in their dwellings’ windows and on their cars. They could have written messages in public spaces. With chalk, of course.

The central problem was that too many people foolishly believed for too long that the virus threatened everyone and that lockdowns/school closures, masks, tests and shots were good ideas or that these measures would promptly be lifted.

Too many others were happy to get free money to stay home. This is where Trump and many other Republicans messed up. They never should have opened the Coronamania door by agreeing to even a two-week shutdown. Nor, via the CARES Act, should they have printed six trillion dollars to underwrite viral theater. They shouldn’t have subsidized hospitals or undertakers to encourage the misattribution, to Covid, of deaths of old, sick people. The Republicans should have leveled with people about, and exposed people to, the true economic—and therefore, human—costs of inducing a societal coma. They shouldn’t have economically anesthetized society to render it unaware of the actual costs of locking down. Trump also shouldn’t have pushed Operation Warp Speed or boasted about the lousy shots. When smarts and conviction were needed, he was naive and weak. His political days should be done.

Electorally thumping the Democrat Corona authoritarians would have been nice. But many Republicans also underperformed during the Scamdemic, though for a significantly shorter time.

Regardless, there were—and still are—many ways beside voting to let other people and government know that you disagreed with the craziness, and still do. Overall, and throughout, people have been too passive and afraid to disagree, to defy obviously abusive governments or to make a scene.

Peoples’ slowness to see the Scam, their naive belief in the Covid interventions, and their timidity and passivity hurt us worse than did the recent election. Though those of us who spoke against, and by their actions defied, the madness had an uphill battle because we were in the minority.
161   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 8:50pm  

Good news! In light of the relatively good outcome for Democrats in the 2022 midterms, there have been no claims about Russian interference in the election. Russia is accused of interfering in Our Democracy only when Democrats do not win.
164   SoTex   2022 Nov 11, 9:58pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

she is probably lesbian.

165   mell   2022 Nov 12, 6:04pm  

My prediction for the house barring any more brutal cheating will be 219 seats for the Republicans and therefore a slight majority. The minimum of 218 should be achieved, but since many open races are in CA, NY, OR, caution is warranted
166   mell   2022 Nov 12, 6:57pm  

Nevada called for cortez mastodon! Welcome to fraud centra!
167   Patrick   2022 Nov 13, 6:29pm  


November 12, 2022

National File has exclusively obtained a memorandum being circulated among members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) that considers alternatives to Kevin McCarthy after the Republican Party’s much anticipated red wave at the 2022 midterm elections fizzled into a pink trickle, potentially leaving Republicans with a single digit advantage over Pelosi’s Democrats.

The “Speaker Trump” HFC memo is a bold expression of NO-CONFIDENCE in Kevin McCarthy just days after his disastrous performance at the midterm elections.
The Trump memorandum sets forth a plan to elect President Donald J. Trump as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Importantly, the document clearly articulates the legal and constitutional authority that the House MAY CHOOSE a non-member as House Speaker.
The memo derides McCarthy for his refusal to move forward with impeachment of Joe Biden.
The HFC memo sets forth a plan to return the House of Representatives to “regular order.”
The memo pushes for a commitment from GOP leaders to include the “Motion to Vacate the Chair” in the next rules package.
The memorandum also addresses the failure of GOP leadership to deliver on five key issues important to the American public during the current congressional session:

Chinese infiltration into U.S. government, commerce, industry and defense.
The utter lack of serious investigations into the Nov. 3, 2020 election operation.
The pervasive infringement of our First Amendment rights to free speech.
The hesitance to launch a Nuremburg 2.0 style military tribunal to hold those accountable for the millions of deaths during Covid-19 and in the aftermath, with the Pfizer fallout and Moderna Mutilation.
Congress’s refusal to investigate the truth behind Jan 6 deaths, and the treatment of J-6 political prisoners.
169   mell   2022 Nov 13, 9:24pm  

If the currently tallied vote stands and is not revised via any bombshell reports, Kari Lake will need 57.8% of the outstanding votes to overtake hobbler. That's a tall order. I'm sure they destroyed some of her votes and added enough mail in ballots padding, so I peg Lakes chances of winning at best at 25%. This is bad enough, if the Republicans don't take the house it's going to be a rough 2 years with another steep decline for the US of A. The market is already anticipating the possibility of total dem fraud domination and futures have gone red after last weeks stalemate relief rally.
170   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 14, 8:54am  

We had a 6M+ turnout over Dems in this off year election... but lost major races from PA to AZ.
171   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 14, 8:55am  

Almost as many people in AZ voted for State Treasurer than Governor. MORE people voted for the (R) State Treasurer than the (R) Gov Candidate, who was a former local TV News host and a household name in the area. My ass.

By 10 fucking points.

Also, the check is in the mail, and she's only a little bit pregnant.
172   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 14, 8:58am  

Maricopa GOP officials launched a new 2021 PAC to stop - I said stop - MAGA Candidates.

"The PAC called Pro Democracy Republicans of Arizona claims on their website that they are "fighting to keep our democratic institutions alive."
"It has been revealed that embattled Arizona's Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and Supervisor Chairman Bill Gates in 2021 started a political action committee to stop MAGA candidates."
It has been revealed that embattled Arizona's Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and Supervisor Chairman Bill Gates in 2021 started a political action committee to stop MAGA candidates.

On November 17, 2021, Meg Cunningham from the Kansas City Beacon tweeted that Richer, "the Maricopa County recorder, is launching a PAC to support Rs running for non-federal AZ offices who 'acknowledge the validity of the 2020 election and condemn the events of Jan. 6, 2021, as a terrible result of the lies told about the November election.'"

These same people are responsible for overseeing and challenging the election process.
173   mell   2022 Nov 14, 5:08pm  

I expect the media fraud machine to call the race for hobbler in AZ within the next hour or two. They have been slowly trickling fraudulent votes for hobbler in the past hours instead of announcing the whole last batch, growing hobblers lead to the point of no return. It will likely be just over whatever the margin is to trigger a recount. They have also been preparing their leftoid fraud media handlers to release stories anticipating lake's defest. The fraud is about to complete. Kari better has some strong lawyers standing by
174   mell   2022 Nov 14, 5:52pm  

Also I expect the margin for hobbler to stay just above 0.5% to prevent an automatic recount
175   mell   2022 Nov 14, 6:06pm  

I'm also sticking with 219+ R majority in the house, since they cannot make it too obvious. Well played, but divided chambers is good for the stock market at least. And there's always tits!
176   Patrick   2022 Nov 15, 9:40pm  


A Tale of Two Midterms

Nov. 15 - Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net 63 House seats. While Republicans then did not gain control of the US Senate, they did gain six Senate seats.

These Republican victories in 2010 were propelled by the Tea Party and the liberty movement. These movements became prominent during the waning days of the Bush administration. The liberty movement was advanced by grassroots supporters of my 2008 presidential campaign. The liberty movement’s focus was, and is, on restoring constitutional government in all areas, ending our interventionist foreign policy, and changing our monetary policy by auditing and ending the Federal Reserve and legalizing alternative currencies. Early on, the Tea Party largely focused on opposition to the 2008 bank bailouts.

There was overlap between the liberty movement and the Tea Party as many members of both groups fought for auditing and ending the Fed, ending bailouts, and preventing Congress from passing Obamacare.

Many Republican candidates in 2010 appealed to Tea Party voters by not just promising to repeal Obamacare. They also promised to work to restore limited, constitutional, fiscally responsible government in all areas. In contrast, in 2022 the average Republican candidate offered little in the way of a substantive agenda. In fact, few Republicans called for reversing President Biden’s massive spending increases, much less for restoring the federal government to its constitutional limitations. Despite the controversy over new critical race theory and transgender related policies in government schools, there has not been a renewed push to shut down the Department of Education.

Many Republican candidates in the 2022 midterm election also failed to make an issue out of their Democratic opponents’ support for mask and vaccine mandates and other instances of covid tyranny. Those who did oppose the covid tyranny, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and my son Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, won landslide victories.

The Tea Party’s success in forcing the Republican Party to focus on a more pro-liberty, limited government agenda was short lived. Soon after the 2010 election, the Republican establishment returned to its big spending ways. Spending and debt continued to rise under President Trump and a Republican Congress. Republicans even failed to deliver on their signature promise: repealing Obamacare.

The 2010 midterm election showed that people will respond to candidates offering serious pro-liberty ideas and policies. However, the Tea Party’s rise and fall also shows the danger facing ideological movements that become too close with one political party. These movements will start pulling their punches when one of “our team” begins casting bad votes. The argument goes that we must support big government Republicans or we get REALLY big government Democrats.

Fortunately, the liberty movement has remained committed to principles. As the failure of the welfare-warfare state to deliver peace and property — and the failure of the Federal Reserve to fulfill its mandate of ensuring stable prices and low unemployment — become clear, more Americans will join the liberty movement. Support for the liberty movement will accelerate when the inevitable economic meltdown occurs. This meltdown will be precipitated by a collapse in the dollar’s value and the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. It will bring the end of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system. Hopefully, the liberty movement will ensure the welfare-warfare state and fiat money system are replaced by a return to limited constitutional government, individual liberty, and peace.
177   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 5:20pm  


Nice that another seat is taken from the minions of woke-corporate evil, but why did it take so long? A month? WTF?
178   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Dec 3, 6:19pm  

AmericanKulak says

Almost as many people in AZ voted for State Treasurer than Governor. MORE people voted for the (R) State Treasurer than the (R) Gov Candidate, who was a former local TV News host and a household name in the area. My ass.

By 10 fucking points.

Also, the check is in the mail, and she's only a little bit pregnant.

fraud is obvious. but republicans don’t seem to be fixing it. complete shit show.

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