Never Forget Ray Epps

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2022 Oct 29, 12:28pm   6,064 views  59 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

The key to January 6th, the only Jan6 'rioter' the NYT wrote a puff piece about:


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15   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 7, 5:49pm  

Never forget Ray Epps, bump.

This one from Tucker's show.

original link
16   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 7, 8:19pm  

Who? (Just kidding)
17   Patrick   2023 Mar 18, 7:37pm  

Defund the criminal FBI.
18   Bd6r   2023 Mar 18, 7:39pm  

Channeling a question by another Patnetter- I wonder if we have our own Ray Epps on this board?
19   AD   2023 Mar 19, 6:45pm  


Ray Epps was leading the protestors. So why not go after him as well since he was not just a trespasser like the Viking Guy (Jacob Chansley) who got a 41 months sentence. Unequal justice under the law with the Biden Regime. Its a "Just Us System", not a justice system intended by the U.S. Constitution.

21   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 2:42pm  

ad says

Ray Epps was leading the protestors. So why not go after him

Don't ask rhetorical questions at this point.

Ray Epps was FIB. He was an intelligence asset. Just tell people straight out. People that can't follow the Socratic method AT THIS POINT, are too dumb to be able to use it.

I know the desire to make people THINK, but some people can't think. Just give them the answer.

If you just give them the (obvious) answer, MAYBE they can start to think. Don't make a hurdle for them to jump over. Everybody that is smart enough to know what Ray Epps is, knows what he is at this point, and those that don't, they can't get through the propaganda, they have to be spoon fed. They are intellectual children.
22   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 2:50pm  

Bd6r says

Channeling a question by another Patnetter- I wonder if we have our own Ray Epps on this board?

Any group is infiltrated, make that assumption.

Assume ANY group you are in that is at all political is infiltrated, and go forward with that assumption. If you do that, it doesn't matter if you're infiltrated. I operate under the assumption there are SEVERAL assholes here that are from "intelligence" - just another inversion name, it's traitors that is the real name. I can show you ENDLESS examples of how the "intelligence" agencies have betrayed this nation, just ask but I've showed it so many times, I will only show it again if somebody needs it.

The FIB are traitors, the CIA are traitors, the NSA are traitors. All of these mother fuckers betray this nation. They are all competing criminal organizations, that's it. Nothing more complicated than that. The vast majority of them do not know what they are doing. If you can see this through the lens of complete cynicism, it all makes sense, because these fuckers at the top are completely cynical - worse than me. Useful idiots are everywhere.
24   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 23, 3:08pm  

I haven't watched 60 Minutes in years, and don't intend on wasting my time when they air their puff piece on Ray Epps. No doubt, they're going to paint him as the innocent victim, instead of being the Fed agent provocateur that he was on that fateful day.
25   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 23, 11:26pm  

RayAmerica says

I haven't watched 60 Minutes in years, and don't intend on wasting my time when they air their puff piece on Ray Epps. No doubt, they're going to paint him as the innocent victim, instead of being the Fed agent provocateur that he was on that fateful day.

You called it. They gave no explanation as to why he was never tried and was a poor victim and that it's all in our imagination.

I won't be waiting for the 60 minutes "50+ Intelligence Agents say Hunter Biden Laptop Russian Disinfo was wrong" coverage
26   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 9:30am  

Gateway Pundit:
Is Ray Epps a Pedophile and Is This How the Feds Are Able to Control Him?

Editor’s Note: All aspects of this story are being reported based on corroboration done by other journalists. For example, Dom Lucre claims to have seen Tiffany Epps’ personal credentials, including adoption paperwork. We have no reason to doubt anything told in the Twitter Spaces interview below, but we have not independently verified it.

Tiffany Epps, the adopted daughter of Ray Epps, claims he began sexually molesting her when she was 14-years-old. She claims he was abusive in other ways as well. The details she paints of the January 6 provocateur’s life include strange incidents, such as the time when “Sgt James Ray Epps” was arrested in Mexico.
27   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 10:50am  

Hmmm, a way to control Ray Epps and make him incite the crowd on Jan 6th.

28   AD   2023 Apr 25, 1:06pm  

Yeah, this is why I love Rumble. I bought 900 shares of Rumble (ticker: RUM) for $9 share price.

James "Ray" Epps is his real name. Yeah, the Feds (i.e., FBI, CIA, inspector general, etc.) "recruit" (i.e., entice, entrap, etc.) informants and assets by having "the goods on them".


That is why J Edgar Hoover had his dirt files on people in power. He used it as "leverage".

That makes the Feds have "leverage" and therefore can play psych ops and manipulate or gaslight their human assets.

People who are questioned by the Feds should politely tell them to go fuck off. Don't even ask if you are the "subject of an investigation".

Just tell them you are calling the local sheriff's office and you feel physically threatened because of their presence.

Also typically they will have a female and male agents at any "interview" request so as to give illusion they are gender balanced.

29   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 3:57pm  

ad says

That is why J Edgar Hoover had his dirt files on people in power. He used it as "leverage".

Very true. However, the Mafia had dirt on J Edgar, as in photos of Edgar wearing dresses, etc. That's a major reason why the big G-Man, for years, refused to acknowledge that there was such a thing as an organized crime syndicate. Another reason is that Edgar loved to play the horses, and did so at mob ran race tracks. They always made sure that the G-Man left a winner.
32   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 27, 8:25am  

Epps and his relationship with Rhodes, another FBI Informant who started the "Oath Keepers"

So what exactly does the curious case of Stewart Rhodes have to do with Ray Epps?

Students of FBI history should quickly absorb the lesson that infiltrating Feds are like roaches: whenever you spot one, it is guaranteed there are dozens of others nearby. Feds simply never, ever, operate alone. This is how you end up with at least 12 FBI informants in a tiny “right-wing” Michigan militia plot from October 2020 (that’s just informants, not even agents), 15 informants in the “right-wing” 2016 Malheur plot, dozens in the 2014 Bundy Ranch affair — including six FBI undercover agents posing as fake documentarians shooting a fake documentary — and the list goes on.

You’ll be shocked, then, to learn that the Oath Keepers sport an eye-poppingly long history of FBI infiltration.

And lo and below, Ray Epps and Oath Keepers kingpin Stewart Rhodes are old pals in the organization. In fact, Stewart Rhodes was Ray Epps’s old boss. Back in 2011-2012, Epps was the Arizona state chapter leader of the Oath Keepers — the biggest Oath Keepers chapter in the country — while Rhodes was and remains the national leader. (See, e.g., archived proof of Epps as Arizona Oath Keeper President here, here and here.) Reason Magazine’s Radley Balko even interviewed Ray Epps while Epps was running the Arizona Oath Keepers a decade ago:

This week I also spoke with Ray Epps, a retired Marine sergeant from Mesa, Arizona and president of the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers, the controversial organization of police and military personnel who have vowed not to enforce laws they believe are unconstitutional. After hearing about Guerena’s death, Epps drove to Tucson to investigate.

Oddly, Stewart Rhodes’s website OathKeepers.org deleted several historical blog posts featuring events run by Ray Epps, where Epps was listed as both President and Press Contact.

The Wayback Machine’s automatic archiving process suggests Stewart Rhodes’s OathKeepers.org posts concerning Ray Epps were effectively dormant from 2011 until 2021. Then, at approximately 3 p.m. on January 27, 2021, there is an update showing the page had been 404’d.


MUCH more at the article, it's chock full of interesting information about Epps, Rhodes, FBI infiltrators, and the Oath Keepers.
35   Patrick   2023 May 5, 2:27pm  


Why Isn’t Ray Epps In Prison?

Brian Wilson analyzes the CBS 60 Minutes interview with Ray Epps and asks why he hasn’t been arrested or prosecuted for his actions as other January 6th protestors have who were far less active in instigating a riot.

Because the FBI planted him there as an instigator, duh.
36   AD   2023 May 5, 6:37pm  

Patrick says

Because the FBI planted him there as an instigator, duh.


37   Patrick   2023 Jun 6, 12:41pm  


J6 Defendant on Ray Epps: ‘They Are Protecting Him Like Crazy’
Epps’ unusual defenders make less and less sense.

By Julie Kelly
June 5, 2023
39   AD   2023 Jun 13, 11:49pm  

More and more anarcho-tyranny brought to you by the union of the bureaucratic state and Democrat Party.
40   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 14, 2:44am  

Patrick says

Wow. And Epps was the #2 of the SW Branch of the Oathkeepers.

You know they're a glowie or useful idiot whenever somebody says FakeFed/FedRiot Front is "real and genuine".
41   Patrick   2023 Jun 27, 2:43pm  


Writes Patrick.net Memes
8 min ago

"resulting in a hundred thousand supporters storming Congress"

Not so. The door were deliberately unlocked from the inside, and FBI agitators like Ray Epps cajoled and pushed protestors in. To this day, We The People are not allowed to see most of the footage, because the number of FBI plants was so large, and to broadcast their faces makes them less valuable for similar false-flag ops in the future.

Some, like Buffalo man, were literally given an escorted tour by Capitol Police the entire time, and then imprisoned. Others walked nicely between the velvet ropes. They took selfies and waved to others' cameras.

Everyone who walked in was competely unarmed.

At the kangaroo court "hearings", the video presented was doctored, adding screams and breaking glass sounds, because the reality was too peaceful.

One Capitol Policeman died of a vaxx-induced stroke (they were given the toxxine first, lucky them). The media lied that he was hit on the head, which is completely false. The only real violence was the outright murder of unarmed protestor Ashley Babbitt by a Capitol Policeman.

This was no "storming" at all. That's just that official lie, one we should never repeat.
45   Onvacation   2023 Jul 13, 9:29am  


Just kidding. I understand satire.
46   AD   2023 Jul 13, 10:43pm  

Yeah I saw a MSNBC link saying Ray Epps likely will be charged.

I wonder if this is another Machiavelli act by the Democrat DOJ. Its to give Epps cover as far as trying to hide that he was an agent provocateur.

The DOJ will put on an incompetent prosecution like they did for Andrew Gillum and John Edwards, and they'll try Epps in a courtroom with a Democrat judge and a Woke jury.

I don't think DOJ is doing this because it wants to show it is fair, or because of political pressure from Congressional Republicans.

It seems like a purely cynical effort by DOJ.

47   Patrick   2023 Sep 25, 12:39pm  


Americans exercising freedom of the press have been reporting Ray Epps is a plant since January 5, 2021.

48   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 1:19pm  


Epps remained on Capitol grounds at least 40 minutes longer than DOJ claimed.
In a 14-page statement of offense signed by Epps on September 10, assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Gordon detailed Epps’ behavior on the evening of January 5 and part of the day on January 6. Gordon acknowledged Epps’ presence at a rally at Black Lives Matter Plaza the night before the Capitol protest where Epps encouraged people to go “in to the Capitol” the following day.

Epps’ involvement in the first breach of an exterior barrier—including his whispering in the ear of Ryan Samsel, one of the first individuals to knock down metal racks at Peace Circle on January 6—was covered as well.

DOJ gave short shrift to Epps’ presence at the second breach point moment later; Epps touched then appeared to help protesters hold down part of a fence, which created an opening for people to get closer to the building right as the joint session of Congress convened at 1 pm. (Recall how a federal judge recently designated the unauthorized touching of a temporary fence an act of terrorism.)

She also proves contradictions in Epps account of events and has video to back it up:

Epps: “I also orchestrated it.”

So, why did Gordon claim Epps left at least a half hour before he actually did? It appears the DOJ attempted to substantiate Epps’ false testimony to the January 6 Select Committee last year.

Epps told committee members that “at 2:12 pm, I was on my way back to the hotel room.”

The 2:12 pm mark is crucial; according to his phone records, Epps sent this text to his nephew: “I was in the front with a few others. I also orchestrated it.” When pressed by the January 6 Select Committee to explain what he meant by the text, Epps insisted it was just normal banter between family.

He twice more testified that he was off Capitol grounds when the text was sent at 2:12 pm. But he wasn’t on his way back to the hotel or exiting the premises. At 2:12, Epps is seen on video, refusing to leave even after police dispensed tear gas on the increasingly agitated crowd:

The rest is here.

50   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 8, 7:32pm  

ad says

I wonder if this is another Machiavelli act by the Democrat DOJ. Its to give Epps cover as far as trying to hide that he was an agent provocateur.

Yes, he's not put in solitary for a year awaiting trial, he's not getting patriot act enhanced charged, and he'll be eligible for parole almost instantly.
52   AD   2024 Jan 9, 11:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

ad says

I wonder if this is another Machiavelli act by the Democrat DOJ. Its to give Epps cover as far as trying to hide that he was an agent provocateur.

Yes, he's not put in solitary for a year awaiting trial, he's not getting patriot act enhanced charged, and he'll be eligible for parole almost instantly.

Ray Epps almost got as much "good justice" as Hunter Biden.

Now look at Ray Epps did and compare it to others who did the same or similar. How did the others fare as far as criminal punishment ?

54   RWSGFY   2024 Jan 10, 9:03am  

AmericanKulak says

ad says

I wonder if this is another Machiavelli act by the Democrat DOJ. Its to give Epps cover as far as trying to hide that he was an agent provocateur.

Yes, he's not put in solitary for a year awaiting trial, he's not getting patriot act enhanced charged, and he'll be eligible for parole almost instantly.

As coverups go this one is awfully transparent. As if they are not even trying. Almost rubbing it in.

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