Brazil election

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2022 Oct 30, 9:23am   9,412 views  59 comments

by mell   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Fix is prob in for the leftoid marxist which would plunge it into deep poverty. Maybe bolsonaro can pull a rabbit out of his hat

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10   Ceffer   2022 Nov 3, 12:14pm  

Hmm. Looks familiar. Where have I seen that before?
11   Ceffer   2022 Nov 3, 12:16pm  

Tucker Carlson is forbidden about talking about US election fraud from 2020 or pending, but he really went to town on the Brazil election fraud.
12   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 1:06pm  


Replying to @VishBurra @ElectionWiz
City/state/ eletion zone/ lula votes and Bolsonaro votes !





13   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 2:18pm  


this seems to be all the rage these days and with millions of brazilians pouring into the streets and shutting down big swathes of the country over what they claim to be widespread and severe fraud by a politician whose last reign was characterized by just such things, much of the political in-gang all over the world has a worried weather eye on the issue.

and they are terrified of this.

and 2020 was obviously a clownshow of unprecedentedly slipshod voting practice, counting discontinuities, and inability to review and assess methods and outcomes.

whatever happened, the sheer stonewalling of electoral officials preventing audits and investigation and the wild lack of accountability or even curiosity about that was as breathtaking as the sudden pivot of the same people who spent 4 years yelling “orange man election illegitimate!” to “questioning a US election makes you a domestic terrorist and a threat to america!”

it was frankly grotesque how transparently situational all these ethics became.

this fact pattern alone is plenty for reasonable people to ask reasonable questions and to have substantial failures of trust in the system.

and the evolution is ongoing as this same “it’s treason when you do it” team is already questioning the seeming red wave to come and trying to cast it as illegitimate.
14   Ceffer   2022 Nov 3, 10:09pm  

Hmm. This might be interesting.

16   RC2006   2022 Nov 12, 6:48pm  

Was at a banquet and had a Brazilian couple across from me that moved here two years ago. I asked them about everything going on and they said it was currupt left trying to take over. That Brazil had made great movements foward under a conservative. Husband told me the election court will not show any records for voting and that conservatives won everywhere but somehow lost to an impeached, jailed, super currupt, ex president. He said there where over 1.5M protesters in the capital today and people are coming out from all over.
17   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 12, 8:55pm  

RC2006 says

He said there where over 1.5M protesters in the capital today and people are coming out from all over.

Color revolution?
18   RC2006   2022 Nov 12, 11:18pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

RC2006 says

He said there where over 1.5M protesters in the capital today and people are coming out from all over.

Color revolution?

Against the left
20   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 13, 11:54am  

RC2006 says

Hugh_Mongous says

RC2006 says

He said there where over 1.5M protesters in the capital today and people are coming out from all over.

Color revolution?

Against the left

21   Patrick   2022 Nov 16, 10:31am  


HOW IT’S DONE: Over 3 Million Brazilians Protest Election Fraud – Bolsonaro to Annul the Steal!

This is how it’s done: Over 3 million Brazilians filled the streets on Republic Day yesterday, Nov. 15, to protest the stolen elections. The party of President Jair Bolsonaro presented its report and announced it will apply to have the election annulled since the results could not be validated. ...

“I’m no expert on the history of protests, but I think these may be the biggest protests the world has ever seen,” Brazil expert Fernando Teles told German website Free World. “People are very angry. That isn’t really like the Brazilians at all, who are usually pretty laid back.”
22   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 22, 12:18pm  

Patrick says
Over 3 Million Brazilians Protest Election Fraud – Bolsonaro to Annul the Steal!

Evidently it is another election fraud.

The latest is that Bolsonaro is suing for the annulment of 279.000 alledgedly malfuctioning electronic voting machines. In contrast an article in Zero Hedge says Bolsonaro is sueing "To Invalidate 250,000 Votes Over "Malfunctioning Ballot Boxes" but that is, according to the comments incorrect.

See: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/bolsonaro-sues-invalidate-250000-votes-over-malfunctioning-ballot-boxes

The Deplorable
23   Patrick   2022 Nov 24, 5:47pm  


eve Hanke
Protests over the outcome of Brazil's recent presidential election continue unabated. Protesters are ENRAGED. What has them exercised? Ballots with defeated Jair Bolsonaro's name on them were found in the trash. Take a look:

24   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 24, 6:47pm  

Protesters are ENRAGED. What has them exercised? Ballots with defeated Jair Bolsonaro's name on them were found in the trash. Take a look:

The Supreme Court of Brazil refused Bolsonaro's request to examine the evidence for election fraud, wants to shutdown the investigation for election fraud and stated falsely that the Brazilian Military did not find any fraud!

One of the military generals investigating the fraud replied and stated that this is a lie and that the Supreme Court is "eviscerating the constitution."

Another problem with this Supreme Court decision is that it is the job of the executive branch (Bolsonaro) to enforce the laws of the country and the Supreme Court has no business telling Bolsonaro not to do his job.

Here we have a Supreme Court that is refusing to look at the evidence!


25   Ceffer   2022 Nov 24, 7:30pm  

The_Deplorable says

Here we have a Supreme Court that is refusing to look at the evidence!

Pretty much what happened with our SCOTUS and various state courts over 2020. They fear election cases and decisions greatly. They want the States to work things out by themselves.
26   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 26, 9:44am  

One additional but very important detail:

The indigenous people of the Amazon where Lula allegedly won 75% of the vote are stating that they are not a Lula stronghold and that they voted for Bolsonaro. Election results show that some Amazon precincts voted 100% for Lula and voters living there are claiming voter fraud and disenfranchisement because they voted for Bolsonaro. This in a nutshell demolishes the Lula claim that the Amazon is a Lula stronghold.

So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement. In other words, Brazil just notified the UN and the rest of the planet that the election was stolen.

original link

27   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 26, 7:57pm  

The_Deplorable says

So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement.

Intervene how?
28   AD   2022 Nov 26, 8:05pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

The_Deplorable says

So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement.

Intervene how?

Not sure what the UN can do other than issue a censure and hold back funds. They could send in a UN investigation team and get some international media attention.

Something similar to this was Jimmy Carter being sent in with a UN team to monitor elections in developing countries.


29   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 26, 8:44pm  

ad says

Hugh_Mongous says

The_Deplorable says

So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement.

Intervene how?

Not sure what the UN can do other than issue a censure and hold back funds.

Hold back funds? It remains to be seen who will be holding back on whom: Brazil's share of contributions to the UN is around 3% (which is incidentally more than, say, a Security Council member's with a veto power as Russia).
30   richwicks   2022 Nov 26, 9:04pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

The_Deplorable says

So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement.

Intervene how?

People over-estimate the power of the UN, and believe their promises not recognizing them as empty lies.

There are SUPPOSED to support self-determination, that's just bullshit on paper. It's a naive population, and they are about to wake up. These are the same sort of people that believe the United States is a democratic republic, and not an oligarchical dictatorship. We have naive people too, in fact, most are.

For example, do you realize we are not a democratic republic, but rather our government in an oligarchy? How is it that Bill Gates, a college drop out, is controlling the WEF and following his directions? This will make you mind spin until you realize the truth of the situation.

Let me drive this home - you're all hoping for a billionaire government whore to restore free speech on Twitter. There's already free speech sites, this one for example. People always look up, they never look down or even at their own level.
31   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 26, 11:12pm  

Earlier I wrote that the indigenous people of the Amazon where Lula allegedly won 75% of the vote are stating that they are not a Lula stronghold and that they voted for Bolsonaro. In fact, election results show that some Amazon precincts voted 100% for Lula and voters living there are claiming voter fraud and disenfranchisement because they voted for Bolsonaro. So the Amazon indigenous people filed a petition with the United Nations to intervene and prevent their disenfranchisement.
Hugh_Mongous says
Intervene how?

The UN is not expected to intervene - Brazil is simply notifying the planet that the so-called only Lula stronghold in Brazil that won him the presidency does not exist.

This then allows Bolsonaro or the army to step in and enforce the law by arresting these traitors and trying them for treason. And this because Bolsonaro is the President of Brazil whose primary responsibility is to enforce the law.

32   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 11:16pm  

Looks like Bolsonaro will be pulling generals out of his hat. Advisement from Team Trump as well? Prepping for election fraud and its retractions is going to be a thing with the Globalist infestations of color revolution. I suppose they need to work out the techniques that don't fall into the preferred Illuminati Globalist trap of civil war.
34   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 1:03pm  


Brazil’s military is preparing to step in to overturn the results of the nation’s recent controversial presidential election, according to reports.

Military officials are planning to invoke Article 142 in an effort to defend incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro.

The move will see the military assume control of the embattled nation and annul the election results while restoring law and order to Brazil.

The notoriously corrupt Socialist party was declared the winner in the race, triggering widespread unrest from outraged Brazilians.

In a freak election, where voting machines tallied every vote, socialist felon Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva managed to “win” the election against the hugely popular Bolsonaro.

The apparent victory came despite Lula’s party losing seats in the parliament.

This is quite similar to the massive fraud in the US 2020 election.
35   Ceffer   2022 Nov 27, 1:28pm  

Once these election frauds are firmly established, reversing them is like defusing a bomb in a James Bond movie. There are so many ways for the Globalist Illuminati to win, since they WANT war, anarchy and civil war, demoralization, destruction etc. all scenarios in which their Babylonian principles win (i.e. funding and provoking all sides of a conflict, invoking the Hegelian dialectic to the disaster of societies, running out credit and then murdering the creditors, lending fiat to economies shattered by war and massive deaths to control them after the fact, etc. etc.). For the people, the road to defusion is narrow, difficult and treacherous, with more ways to lose than to win.

Whatever criticism may transpire over Trump not acting precipitously to overturn the 2020 election fraud, he is walking a narrow path in a dangerous game defusing a bomb.
41   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 1, 11:51am  

Brazilian law does not allow convicted felons from holding an elected office and Lula was convicted in three different courts and was serving a 12 year sentence...

The latest - journalist Matthew Tyrmand on Tucker Carlson.

"We are in Day 29 of mass protest in Brazil, a democratic country, with free elections, and we’re talking not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but millions (of protestors) And what looks to be, when all is said and done, will be tens of millions... This is possibly the largest democratic protest in human history, and the global media is crickets on this. It is being memory-holed in real-time." See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/millions-brazilians-call-army-save-democracy-corrupt-communist-lula/


44   mell   2022 Dec 3, 8:59am  

If Brazil can "overturn" theirs that would be a big win for the world. All eyes on the military
45   Patrick   2022 Dec 5, 10:37am  


In an unusual step for the military, the Army has invaded favelas of Rio de Janeiro and killed top leaders of the Comando Vermelho (Red Command) drug cartel, which supports the Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Observers take this to indicate the beginning of a federal military intervention. The drug gangs were the only ones to celebrate the alleged election victory by criminal Lula Oct. 30, firing automatic weapons in the air in the favelas. President Bolsonaro cracked down hard on the Brazilian drug gangs.

“The heads of drug trafficking of Morro do Juramento and Juramentinho, identified as Rodrigo Barbosa Marinho, known as Rolinha or Titio Rolinha, and Hevelton Nascimento Júnior, the “Bad Boy”, respectively, were killed during a Military Police operation in Vicente de Carvalho on Thursday (1st). Three other suspects died in the action and one, who was also injured, is imprisoned in custody in the hospital” O Dia reports.
47   Ceffer   2022 Dec 5, 11:05am  

It will be interesting to see how this sorts out as another 'military option' trial run after Mynamar. Will there be civil war? Will there be a peaceful and accurate new election process? Will the military exceed their charter and take over to produce a military dictatorship? Curious minds want to know.
48   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 5, 12:34pm  

Patrick says

Looks like the guy is full of shit. I don't see anything corroborating his assertions anywhere else. All Bolsonaro did is contested the election results on Nov 22, not "annuled" it today (or tomorrow) and nowhere is any kind of recount done by Brazilian military being reported either.

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