Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   103,195 views  768 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible.

Everyone who participated in the creation of the virus, like Fauci and Daszak, must also be hanged.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will help to protect the world from similar injection mandates, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak continuously of hangings until justice is served.

Those criminals who mandated the deadly injections should have their sentences commuted to life in prison if they help to convict their superiors in this crime. In this way, we may trace the crime all the way to the top.

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729   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 2:35pm  


Another shocking decision by a US Court-Schools can administer vaccines to children against parental wishes

If you live in the US and your children are still in state-run schools, it's time to pull them out of there!
730   Patrick   2024 Aug 3, 6:39pm  


Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022

DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: OK. I'm Dr. Stephen Guffanti. I was minding my own business. I'm an emergency room doctor so my job is to find people who are dying and stop that. And I was admitted to the hospital with covid 10 days after I contracted it, which means I was no longer contagious. My doctor told me I was no longer contagious, but he had no explanation for why I was in isolation or why I was getting remdesivir, which is an anti-viral evidently used in this protocol.

The fact that my doctor could not explain his treatment plan meant that it was not his treatment plan. So whoever's pulling the strings, it was not the MD whose name was on the order.

So this young man [indicates a photograph], 20 years younger than me, a marathon runner, became my roommate. And I watched him get sicker and sicker. Now I'm an ER doc with my own two cents in the 80s, but I can recognize when somebody's, you know, having a hard time breathing. So I grabbed my IV pull, I went over to him, I tested his inspiration volume, and he's running on one fourth of a lung, and I say to him, Keith! Why are you so sick? And he says, I don't know. I said, Do you want me to be your patient advocate? He said, sure.

So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!

So I say, well, the doctor's probably missed this pneumonia. Even though he's the one that ordered the lab! So let's talk to the doctor. Twelve hours later they still would not talk to the doctor. Keith is now looking like this [indicating photograph]. He's drowning in pus and I say to the night nurse, this man needs to see his doctor. She would not tell us who his doctor was.

I got an infectious disease doc on the phone at 3 in the morning because in the emergency room you're allowed to do that. So I did that. And they wouldn't tell the infectious disease doc which of his colleagues was taking care of this guy.

They tied me to my bed and they put me in isolation. And the only reason I can have for them doing that to an MD who is on the spot—- right—- in medical protocol the MD who is at the bedside has priority over the nurses and any of the other, you know, personnel. The only doctor that could have had protocol over me would have been the patient's doctor—- if he showed up at the bedside.

Well, I got tied to my bed. I got put in isolation. I was [inaudible] even though I told them, you know, you don't have to do any of this, I'll sign out AMA [against medical advice]. They wouldn't let me sign out AMA. Finally, some doc came by and said, Why are you here? I said, I'm being held against my will. He released me and let me go home.

When I left that hospital my oxygen saturation was 81. Normal oxygen saturation is between 95 and 100, and if you've got normal lungs and you hold your breath you will never break it down below 90. You'd be lucky to break it down below 95. So my lungs were really damaged. Turned out I had a bronchitis. I started treating myself, I went and got some oxygen and then — [indicating photo] This happens to be a FaceBook post done at 3 in the morning. The other FaceBook post I did was the last nurse walking out on the patient that he desperately needed.

That got me here because for some odd reason people think if you're a retired doctor and you've had covid, you know how to treat it. So I talked to Dr. Littell,[1] I don't know, about a month after I got out, and I just started picking his brain.

All I'm telling you is this is not real medicine. Medicine does not give mandates. We give advice. Whenever you hear medicine mandate, that's not doctors, that's the government. And I've had patients worse than me that I've brought oxygen to and given them Ivermectin and given them high-dose Vitamin C. And now there's this wave of long-haul covid.

If you take anything from my story, understand this: The hospital has become a jail. Based on the nurses reaction, the doctor is not in charge, and 6 nurses willing to abandon a patient drowning in pus means that this is a systemic problem.

So what have I done? You know, I'm an ER doc so I do whatever it takes. I have replaced half the hospital board. [Inaudible] is the fifth board member. If I get [inaudible] on Sarasota Memorial Hospital's board we can do an investigation into what laws created this chaos.

Now, you're probably not from Sarasota. But out of the 67 counties in Florida, 21 of them have elected hospital boards. So if you belong to a county that has that I highly recommend you go to the board and find out who's going to listen and who's not.

I went of course to doctors and nurses to get on the board because if you get a businessman on the board he has no clue what you're talking about when you talk medicine. We had a guy on the board for 20 years, we asked him, what's informed consent? And he had no idea. Can you imagine being on a hospital board and not knowing what informed consent is?
731   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 3, 9:35pm  

Patrick says

So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!

Many hospitals are just funnels, and if you get funneled wrong or sometimes worse, not at all, that's that.

We HAVE to eliminate the prescription requirement for most drugs and just do what most of the world does, you buy it over the counter except for opiates and mind-altering drugs like valium and pam a lams

Imagine an athlete dying of bacterial pneumonia in a hospital. Also, some US God complex doctors don't want to be told shit by nurses, including the ones who see the same shit 50x a year, year after year.
732   Onvacation   2024 Aug 4, 5:44am  

AmericanKulak says

God complex doctors

Only the hardest working most compliant students make it into med school. After they graduate they are brainwashed and indentured.
733   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Aug 4, 6:14am  

Onvacation says

Only the hardest working most compliant students make it into med school

Except for affirmative action students with regards to hardest working.
734   Onvacation   2024 Aug 4, 7:37am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Except for affirmative action students with regards to hardest working.

There is that.
736   Patrick   2024 Aug 5, 4:05pm  


Vaccine Cheerleader, Dr. Peter Hotez with Texas Children’s Hospital, Calls for Deploying Police and Military to confront anti-vaccine stance; so the bow-tied freak nutjob inept specious non-sensical, academically sloppy, intellectually lazy head up the ass DEMOCRAT voting dimwit, dangerous dimwit, wants deployed security forces against “anti-vaxxers”; he wants federal police to PUNISH us ...

Hotez has long been noted for promoting controversial and sometimes false statement about the COVID pandemic and then accusing his critics of “anti-science.”

But this is not the first time Hotez has called for police to deploy against those who disagree with his views on science. Last October, Scientific American platformed Hotez as an expert on “anti-science” and didn’t bat an eyelid when he said support for scientists would require intervention by the Department of Homeland Security and the creation of a federal interagency task force.

Hotez should be among the first hanged for his crimes against humanity, crimes that resulted in millions of deaths by mRNA injection.
737   Patrick   2024 Aug 11, 1:07pm  


In 2021, people ordered to evacuate erupting volcano could only be evacuated if 'vaccinated' for covid.

Yes, you read that correctly.

738   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 5:42pm  


The Majority of Americans Are "Anti-Vaxxers"

A majority of Americans now officially meet the definition of "anti-vaxxer"

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”:

So, to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, a person needs to only oppose receiving some vaccines. Meaning, a person that opposes receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or an influenza vaccine is an anti-vaxxer. And guess what? The majority of Americans now oppose receiving both of these vaccines.

In fact, according to the CDC, despite spending billions of dollars wildly promoting these products, less than half of Americans received an influenza vaccine, RSV vaccine, and the updated COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, less than 23% of the adult population in the U.S. has received an updated COVID-19 vaccine despite a relentless multi-billion-dollar national promotion campaign.

Not only do a majority of Americans oppose receiving these vaccines, an even greater percentage of Americans no doubt (including some that receive these vaccines) oppose mandating one or more of these products.

Good news!

This clears the way to hanging the genocidal motherfuckers who MANDATED POISON for most of the world.
741   Patrick   2024 Aug 19, 10:19am  


...all on this list (including media people who helped drive the fraud and used their podium to deceive the public) should be questioned under oath to help us understand the fraud of COVID, lockdowns, & mRNA technology and vaccine insanity

109 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse:

Dr. Francis Collins (head of NIH)

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA technology inventor)

Dr. Janet Woodcock (FDA Commissioner)

Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan

Matt Hancock (Midazolam Matt)

Gustave F. Perna (ran OWS)

Nathan Wolfe (Metabiota)

Tim Walz (governor)

Hunter Biden (Metabiota)

Melinda Gates

Cliff Lane, deputy director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Governor of New York Kathy Hochul

Bret Weinstein

Gavin Newsom

Former VP Mike Pence

Barak Hussein Obama (Former POTUS, GoF)

Dr. Rick Bright (director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority)

Officials at FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, NIAID

Uğur Şahin (CEO BioNTech)

Dr. Peter Marks

Dr. Katalin Karikó

Rishi Sunak (Prime Minister UK)

Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister Canada)

Jeremy Farrar

Jared Kushner

Members of the CDC's ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices)

D Hinshaw (Canada)

Dr. Peter Jüni

Mark McGowan, Australian state premier

Dr. Peter Hotez

Matt Pottinger

The administrators and health care providers of hospital systems and facilities providing care to patients in Texas, including but not limited to Baylor, Scott, and White Hospital Systems.

Randi Weingarten

Dr. Leana Wen

Andy Slavitt

Sanjay Gupta (CNN)

Klaus Schwab

The Wellcome Trust

Professor John Skerritt, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) boss, Australia

The Rockefeller Foundation

Bill Gates

Rachel Maddow

Cristia Freeland deputy PM /finance minister Canada


Tom Wolf

Albert Bourla (CEO Pfizer)

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)

Amanda Pritchard (NHS)

Neil Ferguson (British epidemiologist)

Bojo Johnson (Boris) Prime Minister

Stéphane Bancel (CEO Moderna)

David Fisman, Public Health Professor Ontario

Christine Grady (ethics NIH)

Dr. Mandy Cohen (CDC Director 2024)

Dr. Paul Offit

Dr. Rachel Levine (assistant secretary for health)

Andrea Horwath

Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)

Dr. Drew Weissman

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Howard Njoo (PHAC Canada)

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Daniel Andrews, former Victorian state premier

All hospital CEOs who approved COVID death protocol

Premier Doug Ford (Ontario)

Michael Osterholm

Dr. Deborah Birx

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

Dr. Bonnie Henry

Alex Azar (Secretary HHS)

Dr. Theresa Tam

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)

Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director)

Ralph Baric

Dr. Stephen Hahn (FDA Commissioner)

Mark Zuckerburg

Robert Kadlec

Jack Dorsey

Moncef Slaoui (ran OWS)

Peter Daszak

Eric Topol

Gadde, Baker, Roth, Agrawal (TWITTER)

Supriya Sharma, Health Canada/PHAC

Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician

Jacinda Ardern

All involved in managing health care in all provinces and territories of Canada. This will be all provincial and territorial Premiers plus all Chief Doctors plus all Ministers of Health and Welfare both federally, territorially and provincially.

Dr. Eric Fiegl-ding

Dr. Asish Jha

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove

Jason Kenney (Premier Alberta)

Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia

CNN e.g. Sanjay Gupta etc.

FOX News e.g. Marc Siegel

MSM (main stream media overall in USA, Canada, UK, Australia etc.)

The New York Times Editorial Board

Andrew Cuomo aka 'Mr. ‘come touch my Nipples' (former New York Governor)

Dr. Andrew Hill

Dr. Vivek Murthy

Tom Frieden

Ursula von der Leyen

Neil Cavuto (FOX)

Nicola Sturgeon (FOX)

Chris Cuomo (CNN)

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

Danielle Smith's 2 million dollar Covid 19 review committee from 2022

Dr. Nicole Saphier (FOX)

Joy Reid

François Legault (Quebec)

Don Lemon (CNN)

Trump’s OWS Task Force team (save Giroir)

Members of Crossfire Hurricane Spying (if we can tie their actions to COVID MALFEASANCE, I think we can…Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Bill Presage, Peter Struck, Joseph Pientk, III, Brian Auten, Lisa Paige, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Reins Previs, Robert Voss…I have always felt the ‘insurance’ Page et al. was COVID

Joe Biden should be on that list, having mandated the poison injection for the government and military.
742   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 10:55am  


Next, President Trump promised to compensate all service members fired for refusing the jabs, with full back pay. He also promised to rehire and reinstate them, with an official apology. I realize many folks still want to hear Trump disclaim the shots, but this is a good start.

Hangings are still absolutely necessary for the worst crime against humanity ever, starting with Pfauci.

Without hangings, no one on earth can or should trust any government, especially not any "health" agency. They are all still nothing but Pfizer in a thin disguise.
743   GNL   2024 Aug 22, 8:23pm  

Patrick says


Next, President Trump promised to compensate all service members fired for refusing the jabs, with full back pay. He also promised to rehire and reinstate them, with an official apology. I realize many folks still want to hear Trump disclaim the shots, but this is a good start.

Hangings are still absolutely necessary for the worst crime against humanity ever, starting with Pfauci.

Without hangings, no one on earth can or should trust any government, especially not any "health" agency. They are all still nothing but Pfizer in a thin disguise.

I'm with you, Patrick. There is no doubt that people need to be punished publicly and deadly.
746   Patrick   2024 Aug 29, 3:56pm  


Opinion: Time for Texas to Investigate Anthony Fauci

In March of this year, a request for a criminal investigation of Anthony Fauci and other top officials was submitted by attorneys to 22 Texas county district attorneys and Attorney General Ken Paxton. The 26-page legal brief/request was submitted on behalf of the aggrieved families of 46 Texans (victims) who died in Texas hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regardless of the current news cycle and hubbub over the November 2024 election, this request for a criminal investigation of Dr Fauci and other named individuals demands prompt attention. The investigation needs to determine if, in fact, these individuals violated various sections of the Texas penal code identified in the legal brief. If probable cause for crimes is established, then indictments by grand jury must follow and the accused prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Information about the request can be found at https://diamondmindfoundation.org/justice/ The information includes the following:

1) Copy of the March 11, 2024, news release about the request

2) Copy of the legal brief requesting the investigation

3) List of victims (redacted)

4) Copies of letters from next-of-kin family members requesting the investigation (redacted)

5) Article entitled How to Hold Anthony Fauci “Accountable”

On behalf of all the hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans, including over 90,000 Texans, who died in hospitals and other facilities (many believe their loved ones were murdered – see letters) during the COVID-19 pandemic, Attorney General Paxton and his district attorneys need to take immediate action on the request for a thorough criminal investigation.
747   GNL   2024 Aug 29, 4:34pm  

Dad called last night to tell me my 57 year old cousin is going in for heart surgery next month. Pretty sure he’s jabbed. Of everyone in my extended family, he’s the last one anyone would think about having health issues. Never smoked or drank. Never overweight. In fact very fit.
748   Patrick   2024 Aug 30, 2:35pm  


At HHS in Washington in 2020 while I was part of Trump administration as a senior advisor, I had discussions with many peoples all branches; CDC, NIH, FDA persons told me that the coming Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine was very dangerous, in their opinion, they expressed concerns confidentially (they came to me in special places to talk with anonymity); I went to Fauci on it who laughed at them, at me, and I then reached out to Hahn...I was surprised that these officials would reach out to me and share what they did, they were scared, when they did, and they were clear that they were worried about their careers and safety, concerned about the overall pandemic response, about the rushed studies, that the studies were not conducted suitably, that they feared cardiovascular, neurological, immunological, renal harms and various other harms including deaths, were adamant that the mRNA shots to not be given to children or pregnant women. What surprised me is how scared they were to arrange talks with me and where we met etc. It was like a spy movie.

They told me they spoke to higher ups in their agencies as well as even to senior people at Pfizer, Moderna, and even in OWS at HHS (did not share names etc.) and felt they were being sidelined and punished now. This is why they wanted to talk to someone like me as they knew I was challenging the response from on the inside and maybe I could get them to the table higher up to raise their intel and concerns…and I could help them. I did not know how to help them in the sense of if I could take it to the chief of staff Meadows or my bosses and was inquiring but I immediately turned to Fauci as he was involved with OWS and Task Force and we had a discussion and he dismissed what I shared and said these were low level agency employees and that as far as he knew all was fine with the vaccine development. para that he was not concerned with their views. He said they did not know what they were talking about. I told him I agreed with them and myself had serious concerns about the research, the short follow-up, small, intended outcome event number, stopping early for benefit etc. I explained to him what I thought, and he asked me to not meet with the persons again or share what they told me, with anyone. He was angry. Now this was even before I had openly challenged Fauci et al. and the NIH and CDC about their poor research and policies around masking kids and school closures and how he and Birx et al. were harming children and the society. Fauci did not appreciate my discussion with him when I told him what was being stated by Redfield and he etc. in media as being technical unscientific nonsense. It was told to me that Fauci was personally involved in getting me fired by the deepstate after I then openly challenged him and Birx and NIH and CDC, calling them out for their harms.
749   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 12:00pm  


RFK Jr: “There still has to be a reckoning” for Covid

“The mainstream media hasn’t caught up with the science, but the science is out there now and it’s devastating.”

“Yesterday, the chief attorney for FDA admitted, because he lost a case in court against a doctor, that there was no reason to discourage people from taking Ivermectin.

Ivermectin was a very devastating cure for Covid. It literally obliterated Covid.

By depriving people of Ivermectin, millions of people around the globe died.

There were cures for Covid from day one … but they didn’t want that, they wanted the vaccine only.

There’s a little-known federal rule that they were all aware of which said that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization for a vaccine if there is an existing remedy that has already been approved for any use.

If they admitted that any of them were effective, the whole vaccine project would have fallen apart.

They gave people a product that was not properly tested.

Now, we have a whole generation of kids that got myocarditis, these terrible heart problems in young athletic boys.

You’re seeing so many kids now drop dead on playing fields. We never saw anything like this before.

The average, I think, was 29 a month globally athletes who died on the field, and we’re getting to hundreds a month now.”
750   stereotomy   2024 Sep 1, 1:39pm  

Ivermectin is the bomb - it stops everything. It is monstrous that they pushed the clot shot while HCQ/Ivermectin would have saved almost everybody. I had an ivermectin shipment confiscated at JFK back in 2022. The suppression was REAL. It was EVIL. Fuck them all - let them be duly judged and hanged for crimes against humanity.
751   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 1:48pm  

Not only does ivermectin bind to the spike protein from the virus Fauci created in Wuhan, but it also binds to the spike protein created by the dangerous mRNA injections.

So people are successfully getting treated with ivermectin for vaxx-induced injuries as well.
752   stereotomy   2024 Sep 1, 2:03pm  

Patrick says

Not only does ivermectin bind to the spike protein from the virus Fauci created in Wuhan, but it also binds to the spike protein created by the dangerous mRNA injections.

So people are successfully getting treated with ivermectin for vaxx-induced injuries as well.

I convinced a very long-time friend to try the Ivermectin - gave him the @Rin cocktail from my own stash. He works in biomed/genomics, and was very doubtful, but since all these substances are completely safe, he tried it. Two years later, I'm the "Dallas Buyers Club" for this stuff. I only do it for very close friends who would rather be jailed than rat me out.
754   Patrick   2024 Sep 4, 7:12am  


Jr: There Has To Be “A Reckoning” For “Immoral, Homicidal” COVID Criminality
Steve Watson
2nd September 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said that individuals who engaged in “criminal” behaviour during the pandemic still need to be held accountable.

Kennedy, who is in line for a health related position in Donald Trump’s administration should he be elected, declared recently that there needs to be a “reckoning” brought upon those responsible.

Speaking at the Limitless Expo, Kennedy explicitly referenced Anthony Fauci, noting “I wrote a book about Fauci. It’s a great book. There are 2,200 footnotes in the book… I invited people to find problems with the book… And nobody ever told us any factual error in that book.”

He charged that Fauci and others used their positions during COVID to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based.”

“It’s a story, really, of people involved in really terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior,” Kennedy urged.

He noted that effective treatments were repressed, stating “Ivermectin was a very, very devastating cure for COVID. It literally obliterated COVID.”

“By depriving people of Ivermectin, many, many people, millions of people around the globe, died, and they didn’t need to,” Kennedy added, charging that Fauci and others pressured the FDA to discourage such treatments in favour of relentlessly pushing unproven and untested vaccines.

“There were cures for COVID from day one, very effective cures. But they didn’t want that. They wanted the vaccine only,” Kennedy posited, adding “if they admitted that any of [the treatments] were effective, the whole vaccine project would have fallen apart.”

Kennedy added that after the vaccines, myocarditis cases among young people, particularly athletes, exploded.

“On average, it was, I think, 29 a month globally, athletes who died on the field. We’re getting down to hundreds a month now,” Kennedy emphasised.

He concluded that “the science is out there now, and it’s devastating.”

After endorsing Donald Trump last month, RFK Jr. declared that he is ready to help “make America healthy again.”
755   GNL   2024 Sep 4, 12:35pm  

“He charged that Fauci and others used their positions during COVID to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based.”

So, if they were science-based it would have been ok?
756   Patrick   2024 Sep 4, 12:40pm  

Lol, good point @GNL

No, mandated injections or masking are never OK.
757   GNL   2024 Sep 4, 1:16pm  

Patrick says

Lol, good point GNL

No, mandated injections or masking are never OK.

I try to call those types of comments out whenever I see them. I hate when “my side” says something like that.
759   Patrick   2024 Sep 7, 10:04pm  


When are you up to date?
Children ages 6 months–4 years
Your child is up to date when they have received all recommended doses, including at least 1 dose of the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine.
If your child previously had: Your child should get:
0 doses (was never vaccinated) 2 doses of the 2024–2025 Moderna vaccine
3 doses of the 2024–2025 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

The criminals at the CDC must not be allowed to get away with murdering children.
761   Patrick   2024 Sep 12, 8:22am  


💉 The UK Guardian ran a foul story yesterday headlined, “Covid lockdowns prematurely aged girls’ brains more than boys’, study suggests.” Thanks, experts! The cost of the government’s over-reaction to a mild seasonal flu continues surprising scientists.

The study referenced in the Guardian’s article published four days ago, in the Journal PNAS, titled “COVID-19 lockdown effects on adolescent brain structure suggest accelerated maturation that is more pronounced in females than in males.” They found girls’ brains prematurely aged by 4.5 years over the first year of the pandemic. Boys also suffered, aging 1.5 years during the same period.

The so-called “aging” —a euphemism for the medical term ‘cortical thinning’— isn’t good. It’s not like getting your driver’s license early:

More studies are needed to see whether the brain ageing affects cognitive
performance, but Kuhl notes that premature cortical thinning is linked to
early life adversity and a greater risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. Cortical
thinning is crucial for the brain to specialise, but that comes with a loss of
cognitive flexibility that could potentially affect learning.

Because high levels of stress have also been linked to similar cortical thinning effects, and because the changes were observed during between 2021 and 2022, the researchers concluded that lockdowns were the likely culprit.

In other words, this time, correlation proves causation. That sure is a flexible doctrine.

The researchers did not consider any possible effect of mRNA vaccines on teenaged brains, even though the jabs were just as temporally correlated with the cortical thinning as were lockdowns.

But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. Lockdowns, even if they did cause this troubling development, were just as mandated and government-caused interventions as the vaccines. In other words, either way, the government did this to us. For our own good.

No one can predict the long-term harms from this, or even whether the cortical thinning has stopped now that lockdowns are over. The researchers called for ongoing “monitoring,” suggesting they are wondering whether this temporary or transient, or could be continuing to get worse.

Sadly, further monitoring probably won’t happen, since the wrong result would further embarrass the public health establishment, which, after all, approves the research grants for such studies in the first place.

“Two weeks to flatten the curve!” And to flatten children's brains.

Safe and effective.
762   Patrick   2024 Sep 21, 1:20pm  

Patrick says

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed.


So, how could anybody say the COVID-19 “vaccines” were “safe” if they did not have the evidence of safety and the shots had no medium or long term safety record? They could not.

On 4 June 2021 a special permission apparently was made by John Skerritt (head of the TGA) pursuant to section 42DK of the TGA act and published on the TGA website and later apparently made by “Tracey Duffy – acting Deputy Secretary, Health Products Regulation Group, Dept of Health.

These “permissions” exempted the COVID-19 “vaccines” from the time-honoured prudent principle of not ever referring to a therapeutic (drug) as being “safe”.

Here is the astounding wording:

This prohibition on the use of the word “safe” is found in section 9 of that instrument:

“9 Safe and proper use

(1) An advertisement about therapeutic goods must not contain any statement, pictorial representation or design that, expressly or by implication, represents the goods to be:

(a) safe, or without harm or side-effects; or

(b) effective in all cases, or a guaranteed cure; or

(c) infallible, unfailing, magical or miraculous.”

Now, how they got around this prohibition is by relying on Part 2, section 6 of the same Instrument, which states:

“Part 2 Application of this Code

6 Advertisements to which this Code does not apply

(1) This Code does not apply to an advertisement that is:

(a) directed exclusively to a person mentioned in section 42AA of the Act; or

(b) part of, or otherwise comprises, a public health campaign; or

(c) made in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods (Restricted Representations—COVID-19 Vaccines) Permission*(these permissions date across 2021 to 2022 regarding COVID-19 vaccines)

Note: The Therapeutic Goods (Restricted Representations—COVID-19 Vaccines) Permission 2022 is published on the Department’s website at www.tga.gov.au.”

What this appears to mean is that any advertisement/representation ‘promoting the use or supply’ of COVID-19 vaccines was exempt from the TGA Advertising Code requirements in full, including prohibitions about whether the vaccines were “safe” or not pursuant to Part 3 - Section 9.

763   GNL   2024 Sep 21, 3:54pm  

You really got to ask yourself why the first nurse that got jabbed in a press conference 1. Fainted and 2. They allowed that video to circulate.
766   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 1:54pm  


Dave Edan with Wake Up Eire: "we'll fight and fight and never stop until we get justice"
"Dave Edan - Wakeupeire March && Information Drop - Dublin, Minister Health"
actioncovid1984, December 3, 2023

DAVID EDAN: [inaudible] deliberately short speech here today, alright. But I thank you for your invitation for me to speak here today. [microphone adjusted] Yes. I thank you for your invitation for me to speak here today. I congratulate Barry[1] and his group here for the great work you've done over the past 12 months. You've woken up many people around Dublin—

[microphone adjusted again] into the— alright— [inaudible] Alright. Yeah.

I congratulate Barry and his group here for the great work you've done over the past 12 months. You've woken up many people around Dublin and throughout Ireland and saved many lives in the process.

The protests [inaudible] have been a positive impact on people's lives around this country and in other countries also.

I'm involved with Sharon Browne in an ongoing court case—

PASSERBY: [inaudible]

DAVE EDAN: Excuse me?

PASSERBY: [inaudible]

DAVE EDAN: Hey, you're the fascist. You're the fascist!

PASSERBY: [inaudible]

DAVE EDAN: Fascist scum!

PASSERBY: Have a fine day.

DAVE EDAN: Yeah, right. I'm involved with Sharon Browne[2] in an ongoing court case which is now in the Supreme Court. This is now in the Supreme Court and will be heard in the new year. We've 20 grounds for appeal to the Supreme Court, right? Now we've 9 pages from Pfizer[3] which detail 1,200 types of illness, death, and disability caused with the Pfizer vaccine. And this has been released on a court order in the United States. We've shown that to the high court, and we show the judge Twomey [4] also, and we're going to show to the Supreme Court judges all five.

Now we're going to say, ask them, is that a fact or it's conspiracy theory? That's the first order of business in the Supreme Court. And I have those 9 pages here today. And you're free to view them if you wish.

Now we're going to hopefully get a response from the Supreme Court judges on that and we're going to settle that matter first before you do anything else in the Supreme Court.

Then we're going to show them another page in that same Pfizer document detailing thousands of illnesses, disabilities, and types of death caused in the first 90 days of the Pfizer vaccine. And we're going to [inaudible] each Supreme Court judge on that before— That's the next order of business in the Supreme Court.

So we also urge all vaccine victims, right, to take legal cases of your own.


DAVE EDAN: In the High Court and then the Criminal Courts, right? Now myself and Sharon and a few of the people can supply you with evidence, that's prima facie evidence, scientists and medical doctors who can testify as expert witnesses in court for you. Now this will be extremely important if you wish to win your case in the High Court and your case in the Criminal Court. Now you need to start civil proceedings first, right, through your own solicitors and then bring criminal proceedings via your solicitor and the Gardaí.[5]

Both the civil case and the criminal case will run together and in parallel in the courts. In other words they run at the same time. If Gardaí refused to cooperate or to take statements from you, then get your solicitor to write to senior Gardaí and get your solicitor to apply to the High Court for an order performance by the Gardaí. This will force the Gardaí to investigate and prosecute the case in the court.

Now at the moment a lot of vaccine victims have been fobbed off by the Gardaí, including senior Gardaí. Now the best way to deal with the Gardaí who are reluctant to do their job is to bring them into the High Court and get an order of mandamus, an order of performance against the Gardaí, force them to perform their duties, and force them and to bring a prosecution against those people who've poisoned the people of Ireland with these vaccines.

That's the best way to proceed. And if anyone wants to meet me later, I can help them do that.

The Gardaí are there as guardians of the peace to do their job, they're not there to cover up crimes. And if they do try to cover up crimes, it's into the High Court we'll all go and into the Supreme Court we'll all go. And we'll fight and fight and never stop until we get justice here in the country.

MANY VOICES: Hear, hear!

DAVE EDAN: Now there's an election coming up in 2024. I urge everybody here, or as many people as possible to register as independents and to run as independents in the elections. That will give you the facility to go door to door and tell the voters about the many thousands of Irish people who are injured, made ill, disabled, or have lost their lives or lost loved ones from these covid 19 vaccines. So that brings it to people's doorsteps.

So I urge you to bring it door to door in this election. And every constituency of Ireland. And show, and show them your leaflets, show them your, your, your banners, your posters, at each door. And that's how you defeat RTE[2] and the corrupt press and media here in this country. You've got to, you've got to win over the hearts and the minds of the Irish people and nation.

Now it's very important that the voters on the doorsteps learn about these, the excess mortality because these people, these excess mortality are somebody's wives, somebody's sons, somebody's daughters, somebody's mothers, somebody's fathers. They've lost precious loved ones here in this country.

I think most people here have lost somebody, you know, at some stage from this vaccine, or will lose loved ones very soon. So we've got to get, we've got to get into the faces of the voters and say, look, if you vote for us, we'll help you get justice. We'll implement a new system here in this country, where a new legal system, a new political system, where everybody's held to account. Everybody's fully accountable. And if they don't comply with the law, it's into jail they'll go. And if necessary, we'll build new jails to house them.

MANY VOICES: Hear, hear!

FEMALE VOICE; Hear, hear, many of them!

DAVE EDAN: Now another point. And this is also part of the election process. You all need to confront elected politicians wherever you find them. OK? You need to meet them face to face. Show them the leaflets, engage in a debate and, and, and peaceful protest. And I urge for peaceful protest in their faces. They're there to represent you, right? Under Article VI of the Irish Constitution all elected Irish politicians of the government are accountable to you, to us, the people. They're not accountable to the World Economic Forum or to the, to the European Union. They're accountable to we the people. If you look up Article VI of the Irish Constitution.

Now I would urge people to, to push this excess mortality issue, which— these 18,000 people, extra, extra people have died and it's under these vaccines, that's 18,000 above the natural rate, which is the excess mortality. The politicians need to feel very nervous about that. And you people need to go out there and make every elected politician feel very nervous, very, and, and, you know, make them feel apprehension, right, about all of this. And, and, and get in their face, and they will stop— keep, keep at them. Hunt them. Hunt them night and day with the truth. Don't give them any rest.

OK, I'll leave it at that. OK, thank you.

Robert Pieryzński Photojournalist
767   Patrick   2024 Oct 5, 8:59am  


💉💉 Fox News ran a fascinating story yesterday headlined, “Former NIH official accused of making emails 'disappear' pleads Fifth to COVID subcommittee.” Ironically, pandemic-era NIH emails obtained through FOIA described NIH public records employee Margaret Moore as “the lady who helps make emails disappear.” She was subpoenaed to testify to the House Pandemic Committee and decided (wisely) to plead her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

The NIH covid expert who mentioned Ms. Moore’s email disappearing skills, Dr. David Morens, later claimed he was just joking. Haha! Good one!

Like many pandemic-era officials, Margaret has now retired, so she can’t be compelled to testify in her official capacity, making it harder for the committee to get her to talk. But in order to successfully assert a Fifth Amendment defense, at some point the witness is required to identify what crime they believe they could be incriminated for. I can’t wait.
768   Patrick   2024 Oct 5, 9:53pm  


Pacific Eclipse predicted a range of changes that COVID-19 would bring to the globe.

The prescience and timeliness of this meeting, held on December 9th and 10th 2019, was extraordinary. Within a month, those attending the meeting, would be facing the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, hopefully implementing many of the lessons learnt.

Event 201 - widely recognized as the “COVID rehearsal” held on 18 October 2019 in NYC - is familiar to many.

The pandemic tabletop exercise was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations and the World Economic Forum.

Pacific Eclipse was a high-level (but low-profile) pandemic simulation held on 9-10 December 2019, conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense in collaboration with key academic institutions in Anglosphere countries.

The scenario was specifically adapted for the US 2020 presidential election year (!!!) ...

The ability of these experts to ‘anticipate’ [a phony-baloney crisis in which they’re heavily invested] is truly extraordinary!

They even ‘predicted’ the COVID scenes with cruise ships…

And then: Enter - the miraculous ‘vaccines’ (versus ‘vaccine hesitancy’)…

So there you have it: Just before COVID kicked off in a super-charged US presidential year and an anticipated second term for Trump (and overwhelming momentum in the UK to “Get Brexit Done”) the Five Eyes nations held a clandestine meeting of multi-level pandemic “stakeholders” across government, academia and industry - led by the US DoD and assorted university experts - and ran a “tabletop exercise” that more or less accurately predicted the desired ‘COVID response’ (of those present).

Is it possible that Event 201 was a modified limited hangout, and the real tabletop exercise - Pacific Eclipse - took place later, in private, just before Operation COVID-19 was officially launched, whereby a manufactured emergency then had the ‘anticipated’ effect of political destablization, particularly in the US and the UK?

This all looks very much like a smoking gun… nearly five years later.

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