Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   103,109 views  765 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible.

Everyone who participated in the creation of the virus, like Fauci and Daszak, must also be hanged.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will help to protect the world from similar injection mandates, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak continuously of hangings until justice is served.

Those criminals who mandated the deadly injections should have their sentences commuted to life in prison if they help to convict their superiors in this crime. In this way, we may trace the crime all the way to the top.

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251   richwicks   2023 Jul 5, 4:16pm  

GNL says

Did any here on patrick.net test this for themselves? Curious.

What do you mean - take the vaccine? A few did I know. @Bitcoin did - and I recommended he not take another booster shot he made fun my my warnings, bitcoin itself dropped, I tried to contact him after that, and no response.

So - either he's dead or embarrassed.
252   GNL   2023 Jul 5, 6:32pm  

GNL says

Patrick says


Did any here on patrick.net test this for themselves? Curious.

No, did any patnetters check for themselves if the jab boxes had an insert with the information that all other injections do?
253   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jul 5, 7:41pm  

well instead of punishment, they’ll all probably just make millions, retire in wealth and call us all suckers. that’s been the historical trend with shit like that. kind of like that blm chick with 5 mansions.
254   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 8:32am  


The new director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday that her agency would likely come out with guidance in the fall that Americans should get an annual COVID-19 booster shot.

"We’re just on the precipice of that, so I don’t want to get ahead of where our scientists are here and doing that evaluation work, but yes we anticipate that COVID will become similar to flu shots, where it is going to be you get your annual flu shot, and you get your annual COVID shot," Dr. Mandy Cohen told Spectrum News.

Mandy Cohen must be tried for crimes against humanity and hanged for abusing her office in the attempt to murder millions of Americans with the toxxine.
256   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 11:17am  


The people demanding she get that dangerous and ineffective injection must be hanged.

Or, conspiracy take: This story is being promoted to get us to fight and not to look upward at the scum running and ruining the country.
257   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 1:41pm  


New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair
September 9, 2022


EMILY ZAPANTIS [via Zoom]: Yes, hello? Can you hear me? Yes, hi, good afternoon. [Removes headphones]

I'd like to thank all the council members that are so valiantly sitting there listening to all of us today. Thank you.

I am a former New York City school administrator and assistant principal for 17 years and an educator for 23 years in the City of New York before I was terminated. I'm also part of the Educators for Freedom. [https://educatorsforfreedom.com/ ] And I am also one of the ones that worked during the 2020-2021 year when everybody stayed home because of their body mass index and their body fat content. I went into work every single day so that I can advocate for my beautiful students and my parents and the community in Jamaica, Queens that I have been a part of for so many years.

It's egregious what they have done to us. And, more importantly, to the economy of New York City that I have been a member of for almost 56 years of my life, as I was born and bred in Queens, New York.

You want the best workers? You had the best workers. Educated, highly educated people. Personally, three diplomas and three certifications in education myself.

It's egregious that I had to sit there and listen to the woman in the green dress, the Circleback D-class woman, to lie in front of the council people there today. We were not on payroll as we waited and waited to be accepted by the city-wide panel and the determination of whether our religious exemptions was going to be accepted or not and our accommodations denied four times in a row. But it's OK. The worst part of it all for me—

MALE VOICE: Time's expired.

EMILY ZAPANTIS: —it's not the money that's been lost, even though I was making more than the principal, as an assistant principal, because I had more seniority. The worst part of it for me was that my religion was being in questioned. As a Sunday School teacher, that was the worst part of it. And about 12 years ago—

GALE A. BREWER: Can you wrap up? I'm sorry, can you wrap up? Thank you.

EMILY ZAPANTIS [putting on headphones]: I'm sorry?

GALE A. BREWER: Can you wrap up? Because we've got more speakers.

EMILY ZAPANTIS: I found myself sitting at the Queens Museum with about 5 - 6 of my teachers and we learned about the Flushing Remonstrance that day because we were doing professional development. And the Flushing Remonstrance, for all those people that don't know, really should look it up, was the precursor—

GALE A. BREWER: M'am, we really do—

EMILY ZAPANTIS:— to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights for religious freedom—

GALE A. BREWER: —we do need to wrap up.

EMILY ZAPANTIS: —and it all started—

GALE A. BREWER: We need to wrap up. OK?


GALE A. BREWER: We need to wrap up.

EMILY ZAPANTIS: It all started—

GALE A. BREWER: M'am, we need to wrap up because we have more speakers to go. Alright?

EMILY ZAPANTIS: Yes. Thank you. I just want to let everybody know they should look up the Flushing Remonstrance, which was the precur—

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you. Thank you very much.
258   richwicks   2023 Aug 2, 2:56pm  

Patrick says

The people demanding she get that dangerous and ineffective injection must be hanged.

If I was that kid's parent, I would fix the problem with a bullet.

I don't see why people just stand by. We're all going to die anyhow, there's things worth killing and dying for. Nobody seems to realize this.
259   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 1:16pm  


New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair
September 9, 2022



BONNIE SKALA KILADITIS: Hi, my name is Bonnie Skala Kiladitis. I thank the Council for the opportunity to speak, especially my council rep, Vickie Paladino, who has been a tremendous support to me and to my family.

I was a New York City public school teacher for 28 years. I was hired in 1993. I was fired for misconduct on March 17th 2022 after multiple attempts of applying, of attempting to get a religious exemption for vaccination. They were all rejected.

I am a woman of faith, and I was fired for that faith.

I must add that I also had a religious exemption to vaccination in place for my children, for years, that was approved by the Department of Education. That stood until the law changed. I can't say anything now because he already left, but that was a law that Jeffrey Dinowitz strong-armed.*

*[Transcriber's note: New York State 2021 Bill A08398 sponsored by New York State representative Jeffrey Dinowitz.]

Why did the DOE [Department of Education] believe me in 2017 and did not believe me now?

I have to also add that I have a disabled child who just returned to his special education program yesterday, after exclusion. He is now 18, the law that excluded him no longer applies to him. He is back in school getting his special education services, despite his vaccination status. I am missing picking Braden up from school today on his second day at District 75 to be here today.

I'm also missing the second day of school today as a pre-K teacher, which I was for the last seven years.

Believe me when I say that pre-K children have been harmed by the inability to properly staff classrooms. The substitute who took my job in October 2021 had no early child experience.

I should be in my classroom. I should be working. This mandate that took this from me, it also took away how I provide for my family and how I feed my children.

The pandemic is over. We are here mostly maskless. The governor just lifted the mandates for the mass transit. [Time warning sounds] I got twenty seconds. I want to work, I have worked every day in person last year. I worked in person, not remote, the year before. I want to return to my school.

I will never go against my faith. The city has tied my hands. It is my understanding that there are 4,000 vacancies [Time alarm sounds] in the Daily Vacancy List. Plus whoever got fired this week. I have seen that list on-line. It makes no sense to turn away experienced, dedicated teachers who want to work.

GALE A. BREWER: If you could wrap up, thank you.

BONNIE SKALA KILADITIS: Please talk some sense into Mayor Adams. Thank you.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much. [Applause] Quiet please! Quiet!



Bonnie Skala Kiladitis is on the Steering Committee of Teachers for Choice https://teachersforchoice.org./
263   Patrick   2023 Aug 4, 1:35pm  


"C'mon, No One 'Forced' Anyone to Get Jabbed! You Must Have Misunderstood Us."
They say now. So we must have misconstrued the whole thing. Silly us?

Thus, applied physical power is not a prerequisite for something to be qualified as “forced” onto someone. What does “mandatory” sound like to you?


And to this day, if you are waiting on an organ transplant in the USA, Canada or Germany, you better get vaxxed, or else you are free to die - your choice, no one’s forcing you!

So, the next time around, will you roll up your sleave again, or stand up for your bodily integrity, at the very least? The next time may be your last chance to do that:

264   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:12pm  


If this had simply amounted to a bamboozling of the public on a passing, incidental issue — a long con flimflam operation designed perhaps to defraud the public of money or seduce its political loyalty, it would have been merely reprehensible. But what happened in the Covid episode was much, much worse than that. What occurred amounted to a coup against the autonomy of the people, not just politically, but in the most intimate realms of their existence. It amounted to a seizing of the right of human beings to decide for themselves in respect of their own bodies — bodies they had inhabited for 20, 35, 47, 59, 68 or 93 years — under the insinuated, imposed injunction that they were not ‘qualified’ to make decisions concerning those bodies, or even know in any meaningful way if anything was amiss with them, or how that was likely to play out. The normal doctor-patient relationship, whereby the would-be patient sends for, visits or ‘reaches out’ to the doctor, who in turn responds to whatever queries his patient may have, and proposes a course of action on this basis, was reversed: Here, the doctor became, in effect, a weaponised cultural instrument and underhanded psychological device, confronting the individual person with the ‘facts’ of his own alleged lethal infectiousness, and demanding, as an ‘expert’, that he deliver himself to whatever remedies were proposed by the omniscient authorities.
265   Patrick   2023 Aug 8, 10:39am  


"Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine"

“Thanks to an unredacted memo from the Privy Council uncovered by Blacklock’s Reporter, we now know that the federal government, as early as May of 2021, instructed public health officials to downplay and skew data relating to adverse reactions and injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine in order to maintain confidence in the public health regime in Canada. This is a bombshell story that confirms what most people knew all along – the government intentionally misled the public about adverse reactions to the shot in order to increase uptake. ...

266   Patrick   2023 Aug 8, 1:12pm  


New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair
September 9, 2022



AUDREY DENNIS: Hi, good afternoon. My name is Audrey Dennis. I want to first thank all those who came to put this commonsense hearing together for us to come and express ourself. And I want to thank all my fellow coworkers and and all the defense agencies who expressed themselves today. And thank you, Committee, for hearing us.

Well, I'm a school secretary. I've been in the system over 29 years. And I didn't take the vaccine. It was against my belief. I also did file for religious and medical exemption, and I was denied.

And I just want to say, I was out of the country when I first got wind of this notice that we needed to be vaccinated by September and Michael Mulgrew, who was the UFT [United Federation of Teachers] President, he is pro-vaccine. And instead of him recusing himself, he didn't, he went on to cheer on vaccination without ratifying a vote with the members.

So now this mayor, de Blasio, the former mayor, he too was always pushing for the vaccine with [?], Martin Scheinman, who is the arbitrator, who, they all colluded to create this mandatory vaccine. And it was at that time when the president of the union, the UFT, decided to have this accommodation, but the accommodation was overseen by people who didn't have any belief, any religious belief.

So now we have to file appeals, file court cases, and these appeals are going on with the lawyers and judges, and these judges have their hands all dirty because they have stocks, they have shares in this, in all these different vaccines.*

So I just want to say something too with this my body my choice. When we saw the case with the Wade, Roe versus Wade, we saw where our Michael Mulgrew and others who refused to allow us to have our own rights, say that he is, he is for my body my choice. But yet! Who's body was it when they were asking us to vaccinate? Who's body?

MALE VOICE: Time's expired.

AUDREY DENNIS: Is my body his body? Alright, so I want to say—

GALE A. BREWER: Wrap up.

AUDREY DENNIS: As leaders we want to have people who are courageous! People, like we have this gentleman here, Mr. Holden [Robert F. Holden, District 37] and Joann Ariola [District 32] and sister, who, her name it's failed me now, and the other lady next to her. We are thankful for people like that because my, in my community, Leroy Comrie,** when he saw me voting in June, he said that it was the unvaccinated who caused him to get vaccinated!

GALE A. BREWER: OK, can you wrap up? Because we want to hear from your colleagues. Thank you.

AUDREY DENNIS: Yes, m'am. I do want to say a few more things to wrap up.


AUDREY DENNIS: I just want to say, with the, the, us not working. This should have been a due process. 30-20-A process. Like it was mentioned before, that we all should have been charged. Our union failed us again! Because they allowed the DOE [Department of Education] to take us out of our jobs we're vested and tenured and need to get our benefits, I was just waiting to pay off my student loan. And these people got me and my husband out! My husband had to finally say, OK, he's going to retire, just because we needed to get some money coming in.

GALE W. BREWER: Alright.

MS. DENNIS: They devastated all our lives!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

MS. DENNIS: And so I'm glad to let this go out because Mayor de Blasio, Mayor Eric Adams, did not speak with us!

GALE A. BREWER: Alright!

AUDREY DENNIS: He went on doing the same thing de Blasio did.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

AUDREY DENNIS: Either you take the jab or no paycheck!

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much. I want to hear from the next speaker.
272   Patrick   2023 Aug 14, 11:37am  

From Dec 7, 2021.

274   Onvacation   2023 Aug 15, 6:43am  

Patrick says

instructed public health officials to downplay and skew data

They meant "lie".
275   Patrick   2023 Aug 16, 9:38am  


Must read!!!

Geneva / Switzerland

"When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.

But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients.

There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized.

At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn't have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague.

So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn't work well.

Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, "this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them."

In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was.

The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible.

However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director's son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded "to prevent the spread of evil".

~ François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402

Torture is wrong, but the hanging of everyone who mandated the vaxx is justified, as well as Pfauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Gates, and all the other criminals at the top who organized the global massacres by virus and vaxx.
277   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 10:04am  

Patrick says

~ François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402

This is true BTW. I actually looked it up. Francois Bonivard wasn't well regarded as a historian though. Reading the French was a trip. First, my French sucks at this point, and the spelling, it's all phonetic. French was changed dramatically in the 1960's. If you read it, you can sound it out, however, the spelling is completely different. The Academy Francais changed the language in the 1960's.

There's an old French film called AlphaVille which better and far more fluent speaker than I say is considerably different than the current language. That was made in 1965.
279   Patrick   2023 Aug 25, 8:25pm  


Aug 25, 2023, “Alberta woman dies after being denied transplant for refusing to get COVID vaccine. Sheila Annette Lewis refused the COVID-19 vaccine, and was denied a lifesaving organ transplant"

July 21, 2023, “Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies. Garnet Harper, 35, leaves behind a wife and five children”
281   Patrick   2023 Aug 29, 1:13pm  


LA Fire Captain Christian Granucci: "We saw this tyranny coming we saw it coming across the Pacific"
Sep. 1st, 2021 12:18 pm
“This Is Not About Politics. This Is Tyranny. This Is About Freedom Of Choice.”


CHRISTIAN GRANUCCI: My name is Christian Granucci. I'm a captain with the Los Angeles City Fire Department. I'm a 31 year veteran with this agency. And I'm more than likely going to catch total grief from my administration from this. But I am done being silent on this matter. And so are many of our members. And this is regarding the vaccine mandate by the City of Los Angeles for all city employees.

We saw this tyranny coming. We saw it coming across the Pacific. And a week and half ago it landed in Honolulu, with the Honolulu Fire Department. And we watched a passionate plea from Captain Pelekai,* literally in tears, being forced to resign because he chose not to take the vaccine. Forced to leave the department after faithfully serving it for years.

Then it landed on our coast. It hit San Francisc—, it hit San Francisco Fire. And we heard the stories up there. Our union representation stood by idly and played a wait and see. And sat on their hands.

Well now it's here in Los Angeles. And the mandate has come down from the mayor and the city council that we, all city employees, including first responders, shall take the vaccine.

If we do not take the vaccine we have to be subjected to testing twice a week. If we refuse that, termination.

Again, I'm a 31 year veteran of this department. I have literally bled for this department. I used to love coming to work. I respected the administration of this department at one point. I even respected our union leadership. And now they are lockstep with total tyranny.

I want you to be clear on this. I want everyone to be clear on this. This is not about politics. This is not about left or right. This is not about red versus blue. This is not about Republican versus Democrat. This isn't even about vaccinated versus unvaccinated. This is tyranny. This is about freedom of choice.

The department has said that we can seek medical exemptions if we so choose, if we can. That is a pie in the sky. We can even try and seek some kind of religious exemption, but they know that they have end runs around those.

The vaccinations will come. And then after that, it will be a booster and another booster and another booster. And when will this end? When will this tyranny stop? I'll tell you where it's going to stop. It's going to stop right here right now. And I am putting my administration and my union on blast. You had the opportunity to get in front of this and you didn't. We want to give you the opportunity to do the right thing and represent the membership.

You'd think that the union that's there fighting for the little guy would jump in front of this, and this would have all kinds of handles on it for you to grab and run this in for a touchdown. But no, you decided to play politics with this.

An you have the, you have half this department, you have a split right down the middle. And this is what tyrants want. They want to split down the middle, they want to divide and conquer.

I am so hopping mad right now, you have no idea. My head could pop.

Again, we want to give our union the opportunity to step in front of this and do the right thing. But know this. There is a large group of us, in the hundreds, and we have an attorney on retainer and he is a shark. We'll give you the opportunity to stand up and take the fiery arrows from the adversary of tyranny and step in front of this and fight for us. But if you don't, our Plan B, a large group, and it is growing by the day, we have him on retainer and we will seek legal counsel and we will take the fight to you, the City of Los Angeles.

Again, I'm going to catch so much grief for this. But I don't care. I wouldn't be able to look at my wife. And she's going to kill me. I wouldn't be able to look at my wife, though, and my sons, in the eye, as they grew up under total tyrannical law and rule, when I had a chance to stop this, I had a chance to fight, but I did nothing.

This is bigger than me, this is bigger than the Los Angeles City Fire Department. This is bigger than my union. I don't recognize this place anymore. I don't recognize this country, I don't recognize this state, I don't recognize this department any more.

Again, I want you to be very clear, I want everyone to be very clear on this, this is not a political issue, this is not left right, this is not Democrat Republican, this is not vaxxed unvaxxed, this is a fight for freedom of choice, free will. This is a fight against tyranny.

Make no bones about it, we have an uphill battle. A sizable financial commitment from several hundred of our members. I don't want to be doing this at the end of my career. I'm looking to do a few more years on this department and just fade off into the sunset. But you know what, damn it, this landed in our lap and we got to do something. We can't sit back and let this happen, let this happen to our country.

I'll leave you with this. And I saw this online couple days ago. It was a gym owner in Oceanside, California. And like so many businesses here in California, they have just been knuckled under. And he was speaking in front of his city council and he pointed at them. And he said, you told us, like the country's administration told us, and you, our city government, told us, just give us two weeks to flatten the curve. And this has gone from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to show me your papers.
282   Patrick   2023 Sep 1, 10:13am  


In what might be one of his last official acts, “Joe Biden” announced last week that Americans would be “encouraged” to get a new-and-improved mRNA vaccine booster against the new Covid virus strain EG.5 “Eris” (named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord). The “president,” said he asked Congress for funding “for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works…. It will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.”

Say, what…? Did the earlier vaccines not work, Joe? Most assuredly they did not. The shots injured, disabled, and killed a great many people, and it staggers the rational mind that the CDC is still pushing these shots. You might conclude that they’re pretending this didn’t happen to evade responsibility. After all, what would be the consequences if these officials admitted that all the previous Covid vaccines were ineffective and harmful? And what would be the reaction of the 81.3 percent of the population who got at least one dose of the previous vaccines and the 65.6 percent who are “fully vaccinated” with two or more shots? (Note, statistics from the CDC.)

I’ll tell you what would happen: the CDC officials and a great many other persons on the public payroll would be in court on criminal charges. And doctors and hospitals would be subject to so many lawsuits they would never again have time to actually practice medicine, while millions of people with damaged immune systems and wrecked organs take flight like so many black swans flapping into the setting sun of their own prematurely attenuated lives. If you care to be astounded, listen to this talk that Dr. Peter McCullough gave to an audience in New Hampshire a few days ago, calling out all the principals who devised the Covid-19 fiasco by name: Ralph Baric, Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszek, and Francis Collins, and then describing exactly how the dastardly act and the cover-up went down.
283   Patrick   2023 Sep 2, 11:18am  


Pfizer Tested ‘Booster’ on 23 People before Biden’s FDA Approved Shots for Public Use

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer tested its Covid “boosters” on fewer than two dozen people before Democrat President Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the mRNA shots for full public use, explosive unsealed documents have revealed.

Political watchdog group Judicial Watch forced the unsealing of the documents through legal efforts.

The organization has now published a batch of those documents to expose Pfizer’s far-from-rigorous testing practices.

According to the documents, Pfizer only tested the safety and efficacy of its Covid vaccine booster on 23 people in 2021 before putting in a request with the FDA to approve the shots for nationwide public use.

Biden’s FDA immediately approved the Covid booster shot and pushed it out to the public at the end of September 2021. ...

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued a statement warning the American people to carefully examine the documents before being pressured by the Biden admin to take the booster.

“With the planned push for new boosters by the Biden administration, the public would do well to examine these troubling documents about the shotgun approval of prior COVID boosters,” said Fitton.
284   Ceffer   2023 Sep 2, 11:34am  

Dunno, read somewhere that CDC et alia. are no longer accepting any VAERS reports at all any more, so that sham is down. Why waste time on your other fictions when your main fiction is simply going to be enforced by MSM propaganda and brute force anyway?
286   Patrick   2023 Sep 2, 12:31pm  


Setting aside the extremely curious question of how, exactly, humans are giving covid to deer — kissing them? petting zoos? people who identify as deer? — the study re-raises the original objection. As we continue to sprint after evasive viral variants with ever newer and improved-er vaccines, what precisely do we hope to achieve?

If we can agree the virus is out now and is never going away, then the only legitimate objective for vaccines is personal risk reduction. And if that is true, there is no justification for mandates, zero, none whatsoever.

Look at it this way. Let’s say my personal risk of dying from a covid infection is 0.001%. Should all personal risks of 0.001% or greater require government intervention? Obviously not. And don’t tell me it’s about grandma — the jabs don’t stop transmission. Grandma can get the jab as much as she wants, and if the jabs work, then she should be fine.

If the jabs don’t work, nobody should take them. Seriously. What is so hard to understand about all this?

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