Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   103,188 views  768 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible.

Everyone who participated in the creation of the virus, like Fauci and Daszak, must also be hanged.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will help to protect the world from similar injection mandates, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak continuously of hangings until justice is served.

Those criminals who mandated the deadly injections should have their sentences commuted to life in prison if they help to convict their superiors in this crime. In this way, we may trace the crime all the way to the top.

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602   Patrick   2024 May 1, 7:11pm  


Dr. Mandy Cohen (CDC Director): 'We need everyone to get an updated flu shot & updated COVID vaccine...plan ahead, when you get your flu shot in Fall, you will get an updated COVID vaccine...we want kids protected'; so IMO, this Mandy Cohen is so dumb & dimwitted, she makes Rochelle Walensky blush with envy, how idiotic this current Director is & stupid, nothing she just said made ANY sense

Cohen and Walensky are criminals of the very worst sort, abusing their power in order to push the profitable but deadly injection.
603   Patrick   2024 May 2, 5:22pm  


In 2021, CDC officials found conclusive evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had caused multiple deaths.

However, rather than raising the alarm, officials swept the evidence under the rug and publicly claimed that there was no evidence linking the injections to any deaths.

Leaked internal documents show that the CDC investigated soaring numbers of deaths that were reported among those who had received the shots in 2021.

By the end of 2021, officials had enough evidence to prove that the Covid shots were killing people.

Despite the shocking discovery, CDC officials have continued to claim that there’s no evidence linking the injections to soaring post-vaccination deaths.

During their investigations, CDC officials tracked down information on reported post-vaccination deaths.

They learned that myocarditis was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths, according to an internal file obtained by The Epoch Times.

Myocarditis is a heart inflammation that causes cardiac arrest, strokes, blood clots, and sudden death.

Hanging all CDC official who lied that the toxxine is "safe and effective" is entirely appropriate. In fact, it is both a moral duty and an urgent necessity, to protect the public from similar actions by the CDC in the future.
605   Patrick   2024 May 5, 5:46pm  


And you know, I was following other channels that were going around LA and they were filming hospitals that were in effect empty, but they looked, you know, they were saying on the news that they were full and you'd drive around the hospital, I even drove to my own county hospital down the street here and, you know, the big old white tents out in the front of the entrance? So it looks like there's something going on, but when you sit there for an hour and you watch people come and go, there's like nobody moving.


ALBERT BENAVIDES: Nobody going. It's like, this is like a Disneyland show. It looks like a big operation and full and big white tents, but nobody's moving.

TESSA LENA: Were there people in the tents when you checked it out?

ALBERT BENAVIDES: Only the employees. Only the employees. And every now and then, you know, as somebody came into the hospital, it was like they were getting, you know, checked out or something, you know. And that's through the front door. When I went around to the side to the, so like where the ambulances pull up, you know, even at my, at my hospital, and I saw this at a lot of hospitals in LA through the YouTube videos, is they would line up, like, there'd be like 10 ambulance cars, trucks, lined up, and they were just parked there for hours, not moving.

Ah, but if you just drive by and see 10 ambulances lined up, you know, as you're driving by you might think, oh my God, look at all, look at all these people, you know, coming into the ER, and it was like, not even true. There're just, these ambulances are parked there and they actually haven't moved for like 3 hours, not one of them.

Psychopathic genocidal scum like Pfauci actually paid hospitals to line up ambulances to scare people into allowing themselves to be injected with poison. I even saw refrigerated trucks near me during the "pandemic", but completely unused because pretty much no one died from the virus except the extremely elderly, and even then, it looks like they were poisoned and ventilated to death.
606   Patrick   2024 May 8, 11:03am  


💉 Fair warning: prepare to be aggravated. They know. In a recent World Economic Forum clip making the rounds this week, veterinarian and Moderna CEO Stéphan Bancel freely admitted that sixteen million Americans now have disabling long covid, which most of us interpret in proper English as “long vaxx".

The true face of evil also admitted that four million young, healthy, working-age Americans have been permanently disabled and can no longer work...

The notion that four million Americans have been permanently disabled by “long covid” is laughable. We see you, Bancel. Clutching at straws, Bancel suggested more “prevention” is the answer, and then excreted a bunch of meaningless medical freedom platitudes like modern health care is really “sick care” and we should focus more on creating health than on curing illness. Uh huh.

Or — and I realize this is difficult for people with Bancel’s limited intellectual scope to comprehend — maybe we could start focusing on creating health by removing things from the environment that are making people sick. Like jabs.

Anyway, Bancel’s clip has been mercilessly and hilariously mocked online by extremely large numbers of social media viewers. The message is out of the barn, down the hill, and paddling across the Atlantic.
607   Patrick   2024 May 8, 2:24pm  


So all you would need to prevent a recall is to find no [associated] side effects in VAERS. Interesting. Take a look at this graph again.

No side effects, eh? What is up with that big red bar then, in 2021? I am waiting to hear, CDC.

Imagine now, after so many years, one of the COVID-19 products (Astrazeneca) has officially been recalled. What this means then, according to the CDC, is that there are admitted side effects caused by the product. We all know about the clotting and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS). We have all known this for a long time.

What could I possibly be getting at here? I guess what I am getting at is that there has been enough of a death safety signal in VAERS since January 2021 to back a recall of the products unleashed in the United States, namely, the Mod-e-RNA, Pfizer and Janssen products.

Not only must the dangerous and ineffective toxxine be recalled, but also, everyone who abused his or her authority to mandate it must be hanged. Without hangings, they will do it again, and again, murdering millions more.
608   stereotomy   2024 May 8, 3:18pm  

As much shit as @richwicks gets, I somewhat understand and agree with what he's saying. You can only know so much of the true scope of evil that has taken over this world (or maybe already had it long enthralled) before it really affects you. First the housing meltdown, and now the covid genocide, among others. The rage at the injustices is like grabbing a live electrical line - hold on too long to it and you are cooked.

As a father, I thought it my mission to try to better understand the world for the sake of my child who would eventually have to make his way in it. What I discovered, unfortunately, was horror after horror. What can a parent tell a high school aged son or daughter that can help them, given the knowledge of the world as it is?

The answer is - probably nothing. Let them go starry-eyed into the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah and discover the awful truth for themselves. I can lead by example, and that's it.
609   Patrick   2024 May 12, 8:39am  


Michael Turner MD tells a troubling story of doctor intimidation

October 15, 2022

DR. MICHAEL TURNER: Hi, I'm Michael Turner, MD. I practice integrative medicine, I have a telemedicine practice based out of Washington state. And interestingly enough, as regards the vaccine, we've been in a fairly aggressive vaccine-promoting environment in our state, as you may understand.

And off record I have friends of good conscience, medical professionals who are concerned, especially as regards to the mandates for children, especially as regards to being a condition of schooling or something like that.

And in confidence, talking to one of my friends, I asked him, what are your thoughts? How are you approaching this? He's a pediatrician in the employment of a local hospital. And he told me that he's not allowed to speak openly with his patients about it. He told me that an email went out to all the staff of the hospital that basically said, if you were to speak in anything less than enthusiastic terms about the vaccines that you would be subject to termination and that it would be considered covid misinformation, it would be considered off-topic and against protocol. So he felt obviously silenced on that basis and it became a subject of consternation for him.
610   Patrick   2024 May 12, 4:16pm  


Dissecting the New York Time's Plea for Vaccine Amnesty

Reviewing a remarkably disingenuous "apology" and what actually caused the vaccine disaster ...

•Repeated forcing the public (e.g., through mandates) to use unsafe and ineffective therapies (that injured millions) has created a public relations disaster for the establishment.

• Various attempts have been made to do the impossible—restore the public’s trust in our medical institutions without any of them admitting fault.

•Here, I review each of the previous attempts and how they were used to create the recent infamous article by the NYT—which while monumental for bringing attention to the COVID vaccine-injured, also repeats a variety of strategic and very harmful lies to protect.

•One of the mysteries of the COVID-19 response is what could have possibly justified breaking the public’s trust in the medical institutions our society revolves around. Here I will review the most compelling explanations we’ve come across after three years of investigating this commonly asked question. ...

Give or take, every stop that could be pulled out was used to sell the vaccines. Before long, this included ridiculous things like Krispy Kreme giving everyone who was vaccinated a free donut each day for the rest of the year, and CNN not only covered it but also covered it again when this was changed to two donuts rather than one. Not long after, it pivoted to draconian mandates that permanently broke many people’s trust in the medical system. ...

Given all of this, it was virtually certain that there would be a lot of blowback from the vaccination campaign. For instance, a large number of Americans no longer trust vaccination (which has long been a bedrock the American medical system has relied upon), a large number of Americans no longer trust the health authorities (also a bedrock the entire system has relied upon), and there are a large number of vaccine-injured individuals (along with their family members) who are enraged at the politicians who pushed the vaccines on them.

Given the toxicity and inefficacy of the vaccines, it was essentially a forgone conclusion that an excessively aggressive campaign to deploy them upon America would inevitably lead to the consequences listed above. ...

In turn, presently numerous polls show that roughly:
•Half of Americans believe the COVID vaccines are not safe.
•Half of Americans believe the vaccines are causing a significant number of “unexplained” deaths.
•A quarter of Americans believe someone they knew personally died from the vaccine. ...

These numbers are extraordinary and dramatically higher than what I’ve seen stated for any other dangerous pharmaceutical (including the previous disasters where the American government rushed an unsafe vaccine to market and the mainstream media was willing to do its job and expose what happened).

As far as I can tell, there is no solution to this problem which would allow the medical industry to have its cake and eat it too as we are well past the point where a half-baked apology will “solve” the current predicament. ...

*HANGINGS* will solve the predicament of the medical establishment having burned its credibility to the ground.

Until we have HANGINGS of everyone who mandated that toxic slime, or created the virus, or lied and lied and lied again about the extreme danger of the injection, we are all at very high risk of another genocidal campaign against us.
612   Patrick   2024 May 12, 5:54pm  


But that news was the least remarkable vaxx-injury development this week. Consider the next fact; that scarfed-wonder Deborah Birx broke omertà this week and admitted that at least thousands of people have been harmed by the safe and effective jabs.

Probably not coincidentally, now scarfless, she did it in an interview with Chris Cuomo. I’m not saying they are working together, or part of the same narrative psyop. I’m just saying. How did Chris get her to agree to do the segment? ...

As if that weren’t enough, Chris then tossed the good doctor a softball, asking whether conspiracy theorists were right that the government is in bed with big pharma and don’t want anyone to find out about vaccine injuries. But Birx didn’t deny it. ...

Mistakes were made! There is zero chance that Birx went on Cuomo’s show — even on NewsNation — and admitted all these things without having official approval from the Administration. Birx is an all-in deep state swamp creature.

Birx must be tried and hanged for her outrageous crimes against humanity.
613   Patrick   2024 May 12, 9:35pm  


Fauci Ignored Early Reports of Vaccine Injuries, Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal
Dr. Anthony Fauci knew COVID-19 vaccines were causing serious injuries, including myocarditis, neurological conditions and death, within days of the vaccines’ rollout in December 2020, according to documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
MAY 7, 2024

Dr. Anthony Fauci knew COVID-19 vaccines were causing serious injuries within days of the vaccines’ rollout in December 2020, according to documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense (CHD). However, he didn’t respond to emails from people who described their injuries and asked for help — and he didn’t warn the public.

The 300-page tranche of documents released on April 21 relates to correspondence between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and people who contacted the agency about adverse events they experienced after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. ...

“No communication was made about these adverse events to the public,” said Wallskog, now co-chairman of React19, a nonprofit representing vaccine injury victims. “This prevented the public from receiving informed consent.” ...

Dr. Danice Hertz, a retired gastroenterologist from California who was injured by the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, told The Defender it was painful for her “to see proof that the heads of the regulatory agencies knew very well from the start of the vaccine campaign of the serious adverse reactions these vaccines have caused.”

“The heads of these agencies need to be held responsible and disciplined appropriately. In addition, the dangers of these vaccines need to be made public and those impacted by the vaccines need to be helped and compensated appropriately,” she added. ...

This month’s documents reveal that at least one vaccine-injured individual attempted to contact Fauci directly by email as early as Dec. 27, 2020.

According to the email (pages 192-193), the person developed facial “burning and tingling” within 30 minutes of receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This was soon followed by tachycardia, a “near syncopal event” and shortness of breath. Intermittent burning, redness, swelling and facial tingling continued.

“I believe that I have had an anaphylactoid reaction to the vaccine,” the person wrote. “I have alerted my hospital, Pfizer, VAER[S] and Vsafe … and have had no response from anybody. I thought maybe you or someone might want to know about my reaction.”

The person also said they were “not planning to get the second dose of the vaccine.”

The only response was an automated reply advising the public to “visit www.coronavirus.gov for the latest information and guidance related to COVID-19.”

In a Dec. 27, 2020 follow-up email, the same person wrote, “I think you should read my email. The website does not help me.” No further communications occurred, based on the documents NIH released. ...

A Sept. 21, 2021, email (page 197) to Fauci with the subject line, “Pfizer vaccination reaction concerns for adolescents,” contained details about a vaccine-injured adolescent. The email likely came from the doctor of an adolescent girl who received both doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021.

“She experienced chest discomfort and some fatigue with the first dose with no sequelae,” the email read. “The second dose, within 12 hours, resulted in severe chest pain, hypotension and a syncopal episode” that resulted in a visit to the ER. ...

Similarly, a July 10, 2022, email (page 291) appears to refer to another child injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. It states that “Our otherwise healthy [redacted] experienced a bout of mild post-Pfizer Vaccine myocarditis, 5 days after his second dose.” The email asked if, five months later, “he can safely receive the 3rd dose.” ...

‘Why are our reports being ignored?’

In a Feb. 8, 2021, email (page 190) under the subject line, “Rare Side Effects from Covid Vaccine,” another person told Fauci about adverse reactions after the second dose.

According to the email, the person “developed severe lymphadenopathy” in their neck, chest and axilla within 16 hours of receiving the second shot, “which is still present 5 weeks later.” Other symptoms listed include persistent fever, myalgias, arthralgias, “severe spine and neck pain” and “jello”-like upper arm weakness. ...

A Feb. 21, 2021, email forwarded to Fauci (page 191) — “Adverse neurological reactions to Covid mRNA vaccines” — came from another injured individual, who “suffered a terrible reaction 30 minutes after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine.”

“I am still very symptomatic … with severe paresthesias, chest tightness, tremor, dizziness, headaches,” this individual wrote, adding that they subsequently were “contacted by five other women who have had very similar neurological reactions … and are all quite ill weeks after receiving their vaccines.” ...

A June 18, 2021, email addressed to Fauci with the subject “Pfizer Vaccine Paresthesia” (page 234) came from someone who had been “experiencing paresthesia (head, arms, legs mostly)” beginning two days after their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“It becomes worse with exertion. I was first sent to the ER where my symptoms were dismissed as possibly from the vaccine but [redacted] as this side effect is not listed by the CDC” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

This person noted that a neurologist they were referred to “said this is from the vaccine” and advised “not to get the 2nd dose.” The patient was also advised to limit exercise “to walking on flat surfaces at a slow pace” as symptoms worsened with exertion, whereas pre-vaccination, they “could work out without any issues.”

“I have reported my side effects to Pfizer and have not heard from them,” this individual continued. “We need someone to investigate this and help us figure out why this is happening to us and if it is safe to get the 2nd dose of the vaccine.”

The person also expressed “hope” that Fauci would “be able to … at least get Pfizer, the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] and the CDC to acknowledge this side effect and investigate its cause.”

In a July 21, 2021, email to Fauci — “Vaccine Adverse Events and Hesitancy” (page 236) — Brianne Dressen, who gave The Defender permission to publish her name, said she was “writing to ask for HELP.”

“I now am representing thousands, like me, who have experienced severe reactions to the Covid vaccines that is extremely similar to what is seen in long-covid. Individually and collectively, we have been reaching out to the CDC and FDA (some of us having extensive dialogue with the top officials) since last December.” ...

“These [injuries] are ALL being reported to VAERS and also directly to the CDC. Yet, nothing is mentioned anywhere publicly by trusted officials, Which leaves us literally completely unable to get medical care. … We have been abandoned and are now desperate for help.”

“Please, please help us,” her email concluded. Dressen told The Defender that Fauci never responded to her email. ...

Several emails addressed myocarditis cases. One of those — “Question on adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine in older adult and second dose” — was sent by a vaccine-injured individual on July 30, 2021 (page 200).

The author of the email experienced “ongoing generalized chest pains” which “did not quite match descriptions of a heart attack” within “a few days” of the first dose of the vaccine. The person’s pharmacist said, “Myocarditis has been reported in some people” after vaccination and recommended the submission of a VAERS report. ...

The documents also revealed an Aug. 6, 2021, email to Fauci (page 196), titled “Death from enlarged heart post vaccine shots,” sent by an apparent relative of the victim. The email said the victim “died … from an enlarged heart issue” after getting both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“I’ve read about the possibility of myocarditis being a possible side effect of the vaccine and was curious of how it would be determined whether or not this played a part in [the victim’s] death,” the email stated, noting the victim “was … an athlete in good shape.” ...

According to a Dec. 4, 2021, email to Fauci — “Booster shot for Someone that Experience[d] Myocarditis after Second Shot” (page 199) — the media never reported if people who experienced myocarditis after vaccination should get a booster.

Referring to someone else who, after the second shot, felt “chest discomfort” akin to “an elephant sitting on her chest” following the second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine dose, despite no prior heart issue, the victim was “wondering if she should get the Covid booster,” as she was “afraid of the possible consequences.” ...

A Dec. 16, 2021, email to Fauci — “Booster Shot and Myocarditis?” (page 198) — came from someone who said that, seven months prior, they were “hospitalized for five days from myocarditis,” a week after their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

“I fear going back to the hospital for an even worse case of myocarditis from a booster shot,” the individual wrote. “I do want to receive a booster, but I feel that my case is being overlooked,” later asking whether they should “forgo the booster.”

Similarly, a Jan. 30, 2022, email (page 201) from someone “affected by myocarditis as a result of getting the second shot of Pfizer vaccine” stated, “We are afraid of a repeat scenario if we ‘boost’ … but we are scared of not doing so at the same time.”

A Jan. 11, 2022, email to Fauci (page 202) from a “seriously injured” individual who was “young, fit, healthy … with no medical problems,” said this “ended twelve minutes after my moderna vaccine.”

“I was on the ground, my body went numb, was shaking and my vitals were critically unstable … I had chest pain and difficulty breathing. Over the following two months I had … calls and was hospitalized 5 times. I lost seventeen pounds in three weeks and was in my doctors or urgent care 3-5 times a week if I was not in the hospital.”

“I also dealt with numbness, tingling, Parkinson’s like walk and jerky body movements,” the individual wrote, adding that their doctors “know I was vaccine injured.”

“There’s no denying it when it happened before I could even leave the vaccination site,” the individual wrote. “The problem is my top notch doctors don’t know what to do. This is where I desperately need your help … We need help and we need research.”

Fauci laughed and rolled in money while the people he injured suffered terribly.
614   Patrick   2024 May 13, 8:37am  



August 6, 2022


PHARMACIST: [inaudible] speaking.

FATHER: Yeah, hi, are you a pharmacist?

PHARMACIST: Yes, how can I help?

FATHER: Yeah, hey, I've got a question. My wife, against my wishes, brought my seven year old son in there yest—, sorry, a few days ago, for a covid jab, and he's now in the hospital with myocarditis. And I was obviously not very happy with you guys or with my wife. She told me that she was not told that was a potential side-effect. So why wouldn't you have told her that?

PHARMACIST: OK, sorry. So it's quite a rare side effect as well.

FATHER: No it's not that, no it's not, because I've been doing research, it's common. In the US there's tens of thousands reported to the CDC site. So why are you not telling parents this?

PHARMACIST: Um, we might scare the parents and they don't want to get their child vaccinated.

FATHER: So, so, you don't want to scare parents with something that is actually happening, that's happened to my kid. Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind! You don't want to scare them? You need to give them the right information so they can make a proper decision! What is wrong with you! You don't want to scare them! I'm recording this conversation as well, and this is going to a lawyer. Thank you for admitting that. So why don't you tell them? When someone comes in there and says, hey, what can go wrong, what do you say, sore arm? Have you seen the amount of [inaudible]? Have you seen it?

PHARMACIST: Has your wife ask before asking giving consent to give the child—.

FATHER: Did she ask what the side-effects are?

PHARMACIST: Did she ask? I'm not sure because I wasn't there.

FATHER: Doesn't matter. You're supposed to tell people, this can happen. Now my kid— so you know what the prognosis is? You know what it is? Possible death within 5 years. Twenty percent of people with myocarditis die. It is a permanent damage to the heart. It is not temporary.

PHARMACIST: I'm sorry about that.

FATHER: He's facing a heart transplant. Because of you! Because of —
617   Patrick   2024 May 15, 8:39pm  

The ONLY way to stop a repeat of the still-ongoing mass murder by injection is to hang those responsible for it, starting with Fauci, Collins, Gates, Bancel, and Bourla.
618   stereotomy   2024 May 15, 9:22pm  

Druing the lockdowns, I:

Learned how to sail
Got my Tripoli Level 1 certification
Learned (poorly) how to shoot skeet
Built a 3D home theater - holy shit
Built my son's desk/office
Passed my level 1 FRM exam
Scored the deal of a lifetime - $1 a bag any size Scotts Weed & Feed
Discovered (thanks to @Rin among others) Ivermectin, Quercetin Phytosome, nutraceuticals

and most importantly,

I woke the fuck up.

It really helped having a family during that time.
620   Patrick   2024 May 16, 4:48pm  


"i learned from our FOIA (freedom of information act, the legislation that allows citizens to demand to see the work of the government) lady here how to make emails disappear after i am FOIA'd but before the search starts so I think we are all safe. plus, i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail." ...

this is destruction of evidence in the face of investigation. it’s also the use of untracked unofficial emails for official business which is supposed to be a no no. and, obviously, this all pales in comparison to the underlying actions it was intended to conceal.

this was obviously fraud, conspiracy, and mendacious messaging to gaslight america. ...

and they tried to attack those who asked questions because they knew they were guilty but needed to play the victim.

well, maybe now the threads are really, truly getting pulled out into the light.

this is a sort of pivotal acid test moment for america.

if we sweep this under the rug and let fauci and collins and morens and daszak and baric and health hobbit hotez skate, we’re in real trouble.

if you can walk away from this, you can walk away from anything.

if there is no accountability for this, it’s just plain over. will the last congresscritter out please turn off the lights.

this can be the leading edge of a broom that sweeps clean and leads to the drastic reduction or even elimination of these disturbingly dishonest and self-serving agencies and the profiteers and patrons who rule them like feudal fiefdoms, or it can be the failure of nerve that sets up the next calamity.

there’s no middle way and “business as usual” is just not going to cut it.

an awful lot of good people got horrendously maligned and canceled trying to drag this into public view and belief.

let’s finish the job.
621   AmericanKulak   2024 May 16, 4:56pm  

NIH director admits Gain-of-function Funding, claims it's not regulated because making formerly human-immune pathogens into human-effecting pathogens is really very safe.

original link
622   Patrick   2024 May 16, 4:59pm  

The destruction of evidence about Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan sounds similar to this:


Hillary Clinton’s Network Host Asked Reddit How to Delete ‘Very VIP’ Emails
Paul Combetta, AKA 'stonetear,' is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee

Bet nothing came of the investigation.
623   Patrick   2024 May 19, 1:18pm  


Finally, some good news as the COVID accountability movement continues slowly and ponderously trundling down the one-way tracks. Yesterday, both the Senate and House passed an FAA reauthorization bill, H.R.3935, which bans vaccine and mask mandates for airline employees, passengers, and FAA staff.

I feel a little bit bad for the covid holdouts who are still masking and huddling together on their “covid zero” Reddit forums. They seem like those luckless Japanese soldiers discovered holding post on tiny South Pacific islands twenty years after the war ended. It would have been better had they outlawed masks completely, but it’s a start. The momentum is building. Stay on board, we’re getting there.

Hopefully we arrive at the hanging of everyone who mandated the death jab.
625   Patrick   2024 May 21, 4:02pm  


Fugazy pandemic sponsored by a Globalist pharmaceutical cabal has shot its wad. It has already accomplished a great deal in the way of bringing death and injury to millions. Dim as the people have become in their fog of TikTok mind-fuckery, they have started to notice the dead and dying around them. And the people who stupidly or maliciously caused it to happen — Deborah Birx, Robert Redfield, all the treasonous news-readers like Chris Cuomo and Andy Cooper — have commenced their modified-limited-hangouts to try to escape culpability. They won’t, of course. There’s a fair chance that they will hang, and many others with them.
626   Patrick   2024 May 21, 4:39pm  


MP Andrew Bridgen is pissing a lot of people off lately, and that’s a good thing.

It’s certainly not the first time. The outspoken Conservative Party expellee has been decrying these jabs before many of his peers, making hard and honest comparisons to some of the most deadly events in modern human history.

627   HeadSet   2024 May 21, 5:58pm  

Patrick says

There’s a fair chance that they will hang, and many others with them.

There is zero chance that they will hang.
628   Patrick   2024 May 21, 7:10pm  

Never say never.

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