Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   88,999 views  704 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible.

Everyone in government who lied that the death jab was "safe and effective" must also be hanged for willful participation in mass murder by injection, along with those who created the virus, like Fauci.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will have a salutary effect, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak of hangings continuously until justice is served.

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683   Patrick   2024 Jun 17, 11:52am  


At a recent roundtable meeting called "Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?" hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Dr. Risch explained more about how the bioweapons industry has been working in secret for at least the past 70 years to unleash hell on the world.

"This work and the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology in China) leak was what I consider to be the fruit of our bioweapons industry that has been performing secretive and nefarious biological weapons development for the last 70 years," Dr. Risch stated at the roundtable.

"The recognition of the possible accidental or intentional unleashing of an infectious agent capable of killing large numbers of humanity led to the bioweapons treaty of 1975 that President Ford signed. The treaty prohibits the development of offensive bioweapons however, the one loophole in the treaty is that small quantities of offensive bioweapons are allowed to be developed in order to do research on vaccine countermeasures."

According to Dr. Risch, said loophole was then exploited by the U.S. bioweapons industry, which ultimately led to COVID, then Operation Warp speed, then the rest of the nightmare known as the "pandemic."

"My hypothesis, what I believe, is that both the virus origin cover-up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet were orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry," Dr. Risch stated. ...

"Without a successful vaccine to show for itself in the time of a pandemic crisis, especially one caused by a leak from a bioweapons industry source itself, it would be clear to everyone that the rationale for the industry’s existence was a fraud in the first place," Dr. Risch contends.

"And so, the COVID vaccines themselves supplied the defense against the charge that the bioweapons industry was not actually dual-use, but offensive only, violating the 1975 treaty."

The vaccine was worse than ineffective, making everyone who got it much more likely to get sick and to die.

But even had it been effective, it is still a hanging crime to mandate the injection of anything, ever.
684   GNL   2024 Jun 17, 3:30pm  

Patrick says

...it is still a hanging crime to mandate the injection of anything, ever.

This is the only thing that EVER mattered.
685   Patrick   2024 Jun 18, 7:45pm  

Perp-walked is not enough punishmen for what Bourla did to the world.

Hanged and shitting his pants while he jerks around would be enough.

But Pfauci pfirst.
686   HeadSet   2024 Jun 19, 7:51am  

Patrick says

Hanged and shitting his pants while he jerks around would be enough.

True, but the reality is that both Fauci and Bourla will retire as free men in taxpayer supporter splendor.
687   Patrick   2024 Jun 19, 9:45am  

It's not over.
688   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 19, 10:01am  

HeadSet says
"the reality is that both Fauci and Bourla will retire as free men in taxpayer supporter splendor."

No, I have no doubt that once law and order is established these criminals will face justice - no exceptions.
689   Patrick   2024 Jun 21, 7:47pm  


The pharmaceutical kingpin was defending his company over reports that Pfizer’s “best days” are now in the past since the Covid pandemic was over.

“I truly think that the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us, because Covid was for me was like a rehearsal.”

He then continued to boast that Pfizer can now rapidly roll out mRNA shots in response to the next “main disease.”

Bourla MUST be hanged as soon as possible for his ongoing crimes against humanity. If the government refuses to provide justice, then the government itself is completely illegitimate and the people refusing to administer justice must also be hanged.
690   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 4:55pm  


One of the most prominent law professors in the world has just declared that “everyone involved” in pushing Covid mRNA shots onto the public committed “crimes against humanity.”

During a new interview, Dr. Francis Boyle asserted that the “frankenshots” were part of a plan to conduct “medical experimentation” on humanity.

Boyle, a bioweapons expert, wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act which was passed by Congress and signed into U.S. law in 1990 by President H. W. Bush.

He warns that COVID-19 was developed in a lab as “an offensive biological weapon” and argues that those who pushed the mRNA injections “clearly violated the Nuremberg Code.”

Speaking during an interview with Media Blackout’s Maria Zeee, Boyle declared that vax pushers are guilty of “murder” for causing deaths through vaccine injuries.

“Everyone involved in the development of COVID-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon and also everyone involved in the manufacture of these COVID-19 ‘frankenshots’ clearly violated the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation,” Boyle said.

“It was a Nuremberg crime and a crime against humanity.”

Boyle also responded to the Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer.

He described the case as “promising.”

However, he laments that the case is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal one.

Boyle believes that the perpetrators are guilty of “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.”

He emphasized that under common law Anglo-American principles of criminal law, which he taught for eight years, those involved are undoubtedly guilty.

Other crimes include “not only murder but also mayhem and assault and battery,” he says.
693   Patrick   2024 Jun 26, 8:22am  

The death penalty is entirely appropriate for people who murdered so many random innocent people in the service of Pfizer profits.

But if she can provide information leading to the conviction of higher-ups, that would justify reducing her sentence. I suspect that ultimately the most culpable people are Fauci, Bourla, and Gates.
694   Patrick   2024 Jun 27, 8:21am  


No politician dares to say “safe and effective” anymore in the UK Parliament. Why? Because it now seems that they can see the writing on the wall.

MP Andrew Bridgen revealed to Liz Gunn that his relentless efforts to highlight excess deaths have shattered the “safe and effective” narrative. Now, vaccine pushers are staring down a grim potential reality: “If they say ‘safe and effective’ now, I think they’re putting five to ten years on their sentence when we get them in court,” Bridgen said.

As a result, politicians have made a dramatic pivot. Instead of claiming the shots are “safe and effective,” they now refer to them as “the best solution.” This shift in language is a clear sign that the reckoning for the jabs is imminent, and officials are now scrambling to evade accountability.
695   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 27, 8:04pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Al, Do we have a link for this? I couldn't find one.

697   Patrick   2024 Jun 28, 1:06pm  


Australian Government Has Been Hiding Deadly Covid Shot Side Effects since 2021

In early 2021, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) became aware that mRNA lipid nanoparticles from Covid injections would spread to vital organs.

The TGA is Australia’s equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The agency found traces of the mRNA lipid nanoparticles in the brain, liver, and ovaries of those who had received the shots. ...

However, the agency decided to hide the discovery from the public over fears that informing citizens of the risks would promote vaccine hesitancy.

This information was obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and exposed by a British researcher.

The data, made public by a whistleblower, shows that a TGA report published in January 2021 admitted that vaccine particles do not remain at the injection site as claimed by government health officials around the world.

Instead, the particles disperse throughout the body. ...

These findings were part of the “Nonclinical Evaluation of BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY)” study. ...

As Slay News has reported, the spread of these nanoparticles around the body has been linked to soaring cases of autoimmune disease, turbo cancers, and other serious illnesses and deaths.

In addition, vaccination expert Dr. John Campbell expressed significant concern about the implications for female reproductive health.

Responding to the findings in Australia, Dr. Campbell warns:

“Of course, the ovaries store and mature the ovum (female reproductive cells), so I’m not gonna pretend I’m not a little concerned about this.

“I’m more than a little concerned actually.” ...

“How could the Australian health authorities know this back in 2021 and still approve this vaccine?” he questioned.

Because they are all criminals in the employ of Pfizer.
699   Patrick   2024 Jun 30, 11:19am  


In other words, Bourla waited until right after Biden was “elected” to call Fauci and deliver the news about Pfizer’s “surely rigged” mRNA trial, according to Schachtel.

“In retrospect, the shots were nothing more than junk genetic material,” Schachtel further explained.

“No lives were lost in delaying the distribution of these failed science experiment mRNA injections.”

“Nonetheless, the operation succeeded in taking away a political victory for Trump and delivering it to Biden.

“At the time, the majority of the public was truly terrified of the Wuhan sniffles, with many voters tethering their vote to the candidate who they believed could best defeat a virus.” ...

He writes that Trump’s FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn “made it clear to the Trump administration that in terms of vaccine authorization, he and his agency would not be pressured into taking scientifically incorrect action.”

He adds that the “vaccine approvals would not be rushed just because the White House hoped that they would be approved before the election.”

However, Fauci conveniently fails to mention Hahn’s ties to Big Pharma.

Just one year later, Hahn would join Flagship Pioneering, the company that founded Moderna.

“It sure seems like Albert Bourla, the horse doctor who runs Pfizer, and Stephen Hahn, who remains at Flagship, know something that might be the subject of much-needed congressional hearings and law enforcement investigations,” Schachtel explains.

“It’s not like this would be the first time Pfizer and the gang have lied, committed massive fraud, and deceived the public …”

As it turns out, Pfizer and Moderna raked in a lot more dough after Biden was installed into the White House.

Their jab contracts with the federal government were renegotiated to become much more lucrative.

Trump and his people had previously agreed to pay Pfizer $19.50 per dose under Operation Warp Speed.

After Biden was installed, his administration would agree to $30.48 per dose instead.

This unexplained price hike represents a 56 percent increase.
700   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Jul 1, 5:32am  

The same brain-atrophied person who stumbled through the debate was ordering people to take the experimental transfection reagent.

"Deadline is Jan. 4: The first rule, issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), covers companies with 100 or more employees and applies to an estimated 84 million workers. Companies must ensure either that their workers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4 or that they test negative for the coronavirus at least once a week."

"Health care workers don't have a testing option under a separate rule: A second rule issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires some 17 million health care workers to be vaccinated by the same deadline, Jan. 4, but with no option for weekly testing in lieu of vaccination. The rule covers all employees — clinical and nonclinical — at about 76,000 health care facilities that receive federal funding from Medicare or Medicaid.

Earlier, Biden had ordered federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated, with no testing option. Federal workers have until Nov. 22 to get the shots, while federal contractors have until Jan. 4.”

"I strongly support Secretary Austin’s message to the Force today on the Department of Defense’s plan to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required vaccinations for our service members not later than mid-September. Secretary Austin and I share an unshakable commitment to making sure our troops have every tool they need to do their jobs as safely as possible. These vaccines will save lives. Period. They are safe. They are effective. Over 350 million shots have been given in the United States alone. Being vaccinated will enable our service members to stay healthy, to better protect their families,..."

"We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death,” the President added.”

701   GNL   2024 Jul 1, 11:16am  

The lies, how the hell did the lies work? Truly amazing. BUT, as I've said before, I believe we are being propagandized from both sides of the jab/covid issue. I believe neither one of them was especially dangerous.
702   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 11:40am  


Dr Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, the company that worked with Pfizer to develop the world’s first Covid vaccine, admitted on camera that he also refused the jab.

In near-fully vaccinated New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern’s Ministry of Health granted vaccine exemptions to political elites while hypocritically rolling out the world’s most draconian vaccine mandates and insisting the public be vaccinated.

A Pfizer employee also blew the whistle and admitted the Big Pharma giant provided a “special batch” of the Covid vaccine for senior staff and elite VIPs during the roll out in 2021.



I don't see specific evidence in the article that Bourla refused the death jab, though I do believe he did refuse it because he's not stupid.
703   Patrick   2024 Jul 3, 1:55pm  


He said that “informed consent” and autonomous decision over one’s own body was the “basic dogma” in medical ethics during the past decades.

The bishop noted that the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Luis Ladaria had declared that there must not be forced Covid injections.

“Nevertheless, the Pope imposed [a shot mandate] on all employees in the Vatican as head of state,” Eleganti stated.

“Otherwise, they would have lost their jobs or been given another one.

“So, for me, that was clearly an injustice.”

An injustice which must be punished by hanging the Pope. I'm serious.

Absolutely everyone who mandated injections must be hanged.

We must all speak in public at every opportunity about the moral necessity of hanging everyone who mandated the vaxx. The speaking by itself helps to protect the whole world from similar crimes against humanity.
704   Patrick   2024 Jul 7, 6:13pm  


The real problem is that medical advances have ensured that far too many leadership positions remain clogged up by greybeards in their sixties and seventies—men who ostensibly retain all rational faculties but have grown soft, out of touch, and (most damningly) far too risk averse to lead a dynamic, vital, and agile civilization.

This is obviously why the government felt entitled to ruin everyone’s life for two years during Covid. All of society give undue weight to the interests of old people and it literally didn’t matter how many young folks lost their jobs or suffered from major depression or gained forty pounds, because it was deemed absolutely essential that we shut down civilization to give grandma a few extra years.

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