Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   113,745 views  990 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible. This is not the time for leniency. When people are kind to evil, they are evil to the kind.

Everyone who participated in the creation of the virus, like Fauci and Daszak, must also be hanged.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will help to protect the world from similar injection mandates, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak continuously of hangings until justice is served.

Those criminals who mandated the deadly injections should have their sentences commuted to life in prison if they help to convict their superiors in this crime. In this way, we may trace the crime all the way to the top.

We need Constitutional amendments around the world to prohibit any forced medical treatment, and early childhood education on how to revolt against any government which attempts to mandate any injection to anyone, ever. If you don't have control over your own bloodstream, you can be murdered by the whim of some unelected bureaucrat at any time.

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824   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 11:44am  


An alarming batch of explosive unsealed documents has revealed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been aware that Covid mRNA “vaccines” caused surges in deadly heart failure since the injections were first rolled out for public use.

Official U.S. government documents have revealed that top CDC officials were aware that Covid mRNA shots triggered potentially fatal heart damage in recipients from as early as February 28, 2021.

When President Joe Biden was sworn into office on January 20, 2021, he signed an executive order demanding that 100 million Covid “vaccine” doses be administered within his first hundred days in office.

This goal was met on March 19, 2021.

On March 25, 2021, he announced he would increase the goal to 200 million within his first 100 days in office.

This goal was reached on April 21, 2021.

During this campaign, Biden administration agencies, including the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and foreign groups such as the World Health Organization (WHO), all told the public that the “vaccines” were “safe and effective.”

However, newly unsealed documents, obtained by the Children’s Health Defense via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, show that top Biden admin officials knew that the “vaccines” caused deadly heart failure in recipients.

The docs show that Israel’s Ministry of Health had alerted the CDC about skyrocketing cases of myocarditis among people who had received Covid mRNA injections.
826   Patrick   2024 Dec 1, 1:35pm  


Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, ex-Director of Medical Ethics UC Irvine, Slams the Covid Policies
Senator Ron Johnson, Streamed on January 24, 2022
"COVID-19: A Second Opinion" Roundtable

- Dr. Aaron Kheriaty's webage is https://www.aaronkheriaty.com/
"Aaron Kheriaty, MD, is a physician specializing in psychiatry and author of three books, including most recently, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State (2022). He is a Fellow & Director of the Program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a Senior Scholar and Fellow at the Brownstone Institute."
- Ron Johnson is Republican Senator for Wisconsin.
- See also: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2022/2/a-second-opinion-on-covid

SENATOR RON JOHNSON : Our next presenter is Dr. Aaron Kheriaty. Dr. Kheriaty is a chief, is chief of ethics at the Unity Project[1], fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in the Zephyr Institute and senior scholar at the Paul Ramsey Institute. He was formerly Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Medical Ethics at UC Irvine School of Medicine, and Ethics Committee Chair of the California Department of State Hospitals. He has testified before the California senate on health policy and consulted on covid policies for the University of California and the California Department of Public Health. Dr. Kheriaty.

DR. AARON KHERIATY: Thank you, Senator, for that introduction, for this opportunity to speak.

I want to talk about medical ethics because I'm concerned that many of our pandemic policies have ignored foundational principles of medical ethics.

During the initial lockdowns in 2020 hospitals sat empty. For weeks hospital staff, and including doctors, were even sent home as we had canceled surgeries and other procedures and were waiting for an influx of covid patients that did not arrive until months later.

Health care systems, spurred by perverse payment incentives from CMS [Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services], Dr. Marik averred to just one of those,[2] there are several others, caused our health care systems to focus narrowly on one single disease. This had the effect of, for example, biasing our covid hospitalization and death counts. We've heard quite a bit about that in the media in the last couple of weeks, but people in this room have known about that for two years.

We effectively abandoned patients that were suffering from other conditions and had other medical needs. The disastrous fruits of this myopia include an unprecedented 40% increase in all cause mortality among working age adults 18 to 64 over the last year, most of which, two thirds to three quarters, depending on the state, was not related to covid.

Actuaries tell us that a 10% rise in all cause mortality is a once in 200 year disaster. This was a 40% rise. Our public health establishment has no answer for what caused that.

The ethical principle of free and informed medical consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg Code,[3] the Helsinki Declaration,[4] the Belmont Report commissioned by our own federal government,[5] the Common Rule in federal law,[6] this basic principle of medical informed consent was abandoned, for example when vaccine mandates required experimental EUA [Emergency Use Authorized] vaccines.

The common good argument, to get vaccinated in order to protect others, quickly fell apart with clear evidence that the covid vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus, yet these one-size-fits-all mandates for vaccines remain.

Meanwhile, public health authorities ignored natural or infection-induced immunity, even though this remains our primary path out of this pandemic, especially as vaccine efficacy declines with time and with new variants, as we've seen clearly with omicron.

Transparency, which is a central principal of public health ethics, was likewise abandoned.

Along with several colleagues, some of whom are in this room, I had to file a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request to obtain the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial data from the FDA, which the FDA is required under federal law to release on the day in which this vaccine was authorized. The agency came back saying that it wanted 75 years to release this data, the data for the vaccine that had been mandated for millions of Americans, data that took the FDA only 108 days to review. Fortunately, the federal judge just ordered this data released in 8 months.[7]

Thousands like me have lost our jobs for declining a novel injection whose safety and efficacy data still remains hidden. My firing from the University of California, where I served for 15 years, my entire professional career, as a professor in the School of Medicine and Director of their Medical Ethics Program, came shortly after I challenged the constitutionality of the university's vaccine mandate in federal court, a case that's ongoing.

The scientific method also suffered by a repressive academic and social climate of censorship and silencing of competing perspectives, that we've heard a little bit about already. I certainly experienced that at the university.

This projected to the public the false appearance of a scientific consensus, a [makes air quotes with his fingers] consensus that was often very strongly influenced by economic or other political external interests.

Finally, our government and public health authorities have still not defined the thresholds for this state of emergency that is renewed every 3 months. The supposed legal justification, this state of emergency, this public health emergency, for all the burdensome covid countermeasures, a term that's emerged in the last few months with the militarization of public health. This is not a medical term. Physicians, scientists don't talk about covid countermeasures. But these covid countermeasures, the infringements on our civil liberties, the censorship of dissenting voices, all justified, supposedly, in the name of a public health emergency, the criteria for which has never been clearly defined.

The assumption of emergency powers by both elected officials and unelected bureaucrats therefore continues indefinitely, with no end in sight, without any critical scrutiny or appropriate checks and balances.
832   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 9:20am  

OK, that's a step in the right direction. But it was a crime against humanity to mandate that crap. The next step is banning the mRNA poison completely, and after that, active punishment of everyone who mandated it.

We need to make sure that the crime cannot be repeated.
833   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 9:39am  


Let the international tribunal commence and may God embolden us to re-make the world. This is my plan.
If I were President Trump's speechwriter

My fellow Americans and all citizens of the world.

Our world is a crime syndicate, managed by opportunistic tyrants in our Western so-called democracies. If we are to survive as a species, every one of those democracies must be peacefully overthrown and replaced with decent people who will build anew. Their global psychopathic financiers in their Satanic covens must go down with them.

Here is my plan.

By now you should understand that virtually everything these government psychopaths tell you is a lie. Your world is a mirage. With this honest proclamation, I am formally bringing that mirage to an end.

We are still in the midst of the COVID 19 Nightmare, the greatest crime in history, which was a massive fraud and democide perpetrated on us to cover up long-standing crimes by power-hungry elites both in and near those governments, to increase their control over us, and to make obscene amounts of money. Millions of people were murdered worldwide and many hundreds of millions more were permanently damaged by everything connected to this fraud. Every one of the perpetrators of this crime, including people in media and medicine, must be exposed, hunted down, and brought to justice. There must be an international tribunal to do that.

I made a terrible mistake during my first term that haunts me to this day. I initiated Operation Warp Speed because I thought I was saving the world. It turns out I did just the opposite. For that mistake I beg your forgiveness and ask that you accept this new commitment from me as my humble effort at making amends for my failure.

My heart breaks for the myriad victims of this awful democide.

I have told my Attorney General that this is her top priority.

Effective immediately, I am calling for a moratorium on the deadly COVID injections.

I have instructed everyone who works for me to make all COVID crime data available on public servers. I ask all governors to do the same in their states. I recommend foreign leaders do the same.

Anyone who lost a federal position because he/she refused a COVID mandate is immediately reinstated with full back pay.

That is just the beginning.

You should all know we are in a world war now, a war without borders, against a powerful group of inhuman bureaucrats and technocrats that gain their motivation from a dark force that despises human beings. We are Team Humanity. With God’s help and with an unyielding commitment to be truthful and just we will prevail.

I will do everything in my power to overthrow these evil governments whose leaders perpetuated this crime against humanity so that we might build a new world. I will start right here in the United States of America, with our military biopharmaceutical complex which was the command center for the international democide.

As our Deep State is eradicated and these evil Western governments fall one by one with us, opportunities for renewal will present themselves and we will take them. Brand new nations will emerge. The rebirth will start and end with us.

This will be the beginning of a grand metamorphosis, as the fading light of corrupt Western liberalism gives way to the awakening of ancient traditions, deep civilizational identities, and the promise of a vibrant era full of boundless possibilities.

Let the tribunal commence and may God embolden us to do his will.
834   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 4:09pm  


Dr. Anthony Fauci has $15M security detail after retirement

WASHINGTON (TNND) — The head of America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired in 2022, but he's still received $15 million in Secret Service protection.

Open the Books Deputy Public Policy Editor Rachel O’Brien says that it is unclear why Fauci gets a private chauffeur and a U.S. Marshals security detail.

The payment of so much money for the protection of the worst mass murdering criminal ever is a truly damning indictment of the whole US government.
835   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 4:25pm  


In recent news, the outgoing administration is floating a preemptive pardon for Dr. Anthony Fauci. This would be a staggering miscarriage of justice and a preemptive erasure of accountability for one of the most culpable figures in creating and fostering the COVID-19 crisis. To pardon Dr. Fauci would not clear his name; it is all but an admission of guilt and a punch in the gut to the countless victims of COVID-related policies, protocols, and mandates, a dismissal of systemic harms, and a great disservice to the principles of justice and truth.

Dr. Fauci’s decisions, public pronouncements, and the policies he forced on the world during his tenure have left a trail of devastation. Through our work at the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF), we’ve documented thousands of reasons that illuminate why a pardon is morally indefensible, in the form of interviews with hundreds and hundreds of victims.
836   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 7:17pm  


"Doing this to children is unconscionable. And there will be consequences for it, whether it's in this life or the next"—Susan Franz, RN Educates the Virginia Board of Health on Covid Jabs for Kids
837   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 8:24pm  


Barbara Henry of Williamsburg VA says No to Experimental Gene Therapy for Children
Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 24, 2023

BARBARA HENRY: Barbara Henry. I'm from Williamsburg. I'm here again today to oppose the covid 19 experimental gene therapy injection proposed for children. And I hope that my comments are unnecessary at this point, that it has been decided that putting these injections on the childhood schedule is not only useless but dangerous.

As you certainly must know by now, this product neither protects against infection nor prevents transmission. I repeat, neither protects against infection nor prevents transmission.

Unless you're being highly pressured to promote this product, I find it amazing that this non-FDA-approved, toxic, spectacularly failed experimental product is even still around. The safety signals are off the charts. Covid is over. We've reached herd immunity. What's the vaccine for? Children were never susceptible to covid. The shots don't work. We know the shots' effectiveness wanes after 3 months. Are we going to vaccinate 4 times a year? How stupid is that?

The shots have proven to have negative efficacy. It's the vaccinated that are getting sick. The reports from around the world are simply staggering. Fertility issues, miscarriages, myocarditis, brain inflammation, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, sudden virulent cancers, even in young children, and so much more.

I personally know several unfortunate individuals whose health has been severely compromised, and one death, after shortly after accepting this safe and effective[1] shot.

And most importantly of all, how do you have informed consent with secret ingredients?

WOMAN'S VOICE: [laughs]

BARBARA HENRY: This product is anything but safe and effective. We look to this board to protect our health. Putting this mRNA experimental non-FDA [time alarm sounds] approved [inaudible] gene therapy is a crime against humanity.
838   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 8:33pm  


“Sudden And Unexpected”
Jul 20

This is video of 18 year old USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle, after refusing the CV-19 vaccine. 💉

They gleefully jailed him, beat him (tearing his shoulder and MCL in the process), demoted him - and then ultimately dropped all charges because they found he had done nothing wrong.

And it's a wonder why no one wants to join the US military.

No one ever has the right to tell you what you must inject into your own body, not under any circumstances whatsoever. Any attempt to coerce any injection must be resisted with deadly force at all times.

No one should join the US military until everyone who mandated the death jabs, especially US military commanders, starting with Biden and Austin, have been tried and hanged for the worst crime against humanity ever.
839   mell   2024 Dec 8, 8:57pm  

Can't believe the above video is real, but apparently so. Worst administration ever, maybe tied with boosh jr
840   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 9:52pm  

Yes, pretty sure it's real.
841   Patrick   2024 Dec 8, 9:54pm  


Wtf is this? Peter Hotez says they have “big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st”, then names the following that will “come crashing down on the Trump Administration”:

Bird flu
New coronavirus
Mosquito-transmitted viruses
Oropouche virus
Yellow fever
Whooping cough

Looks like they may try to derail Trump with another scamdemic, but I don’t think they have the power anymore and Trump definitely won’t go along with it this time.

Ignore these clowns if they try to push another hoax. They have zero credibility.

Hotez should be tried and then hanged next to Pfauci.
843   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 7:11pm  


Outgoing HHS Scy extends Covid PREP Act liability shield to the end of 2029!

As expected. The crime cartel needs its protections, desperately.

The HHS Secretary issues this amendment pursuant to section 319F–3 of the Public Health Service Act to extend the duration of the Declaration to December 31, 2029:

We need trials and hangings for crimes against humanity, to protect the public from people like paige.ezernack@hhs.gov who are aiding and abetting forced medical experiments in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
844   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 7:57pm  


Arrested suddenly.

Indicted suddenly.

Tried suddenly.

Sentenced suddenly.
845   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 8:30pm  


Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 24, 2023

RUMBLE PAGE DESCRIPTION: "Dr.Furey president of VAMFA speaks to the board members. Sadly three years into this the voices of Dr's who've successfully treated C-19 are NOT heard from this panel and safe and effective treatments are banned in the commonwealth still!"

DR. SHEILA FUREY: Hello. I'm Dr. Sheila Furey. I'm the President of the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance.[1]

I find it saddening that 3 years into this pandemic, the doctors who have been most successful in treating covid 19 voices are not heard here. The use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are banned in our hospital. Safe and effective medications cannot be used in a hospital system. That is contributing to loss of life and increased morbidity. And you have yet to open your doors to hear from the physicians around this country and around the world who are safely and effectively treating this disease. Instead, you have relied on the propaganda from the NIH and the CDC, DARPA,[2] and the Department of Defense.

And since fetal infant mortality has been an issue, and continues to be an issue in the Commonwealth, in the Pfizer's own document[3] 84% of the pregnancies that occurred during the study were lost, either to miscarriage or fetal demise. Yet this information continues to be withheld from the public.

Also, in Pfizer's own data, there were 3 clinical trial arms that they did not look at. They did not look at the rate of hospitalization. They did not look at the rate of multi-system inflammatory disease. They did not look at the rate of seroconversion.[4] And they did not look at the rate of asymptomatic infection.

We know that children are the least likely to die from this disease. In fact, the risk of death for a healthy child is 1 in 2.5 million. Yet we are, your board and the Virginia Department [time alarm]— is pushing this deadly shot.
846   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 8:33pm  


I have been advocating for nullifying this very bad law that authorizes unregulated poison to be made “available” and pushed via mandates, coercion, threats and propaganda onto unsuspecting public. I have been advocating for removing the entire Chapter 564 that pretends to “regulate” EUAs from the Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act. ...

I published several in-depth analyses dealing with the scientific and regulatory fraud that was uncovered, specifically the review of non-clinical study package which showed that the product had several mechanisms of severe toxicity, and that it was damaging to the reproductive function. This review also showed that Pfizer, with complicity from the FDA, committed numerous scientific and regulatory fraud, passing irrelevant studies, omitting necessary studies, and using improper study designs to obfuscate potential for great harm...
847   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 8:40pm  


Trump listened to this dangerous BS madness from Pfizer's Bourla (aka angel of death 2.0) & Eli Lily Horsemen? That Malone et al. mRNA vaccine cures cancer? spike protein cures cancer??

Is that what is being sent out to us? That they caused massive death with much to come with their deadly mRNA gene vaccine and now will bring us ‘new and improved’ mRNA shots to cure the very cancers they have unleashed? And we must stand with open arms and welcome them and kiss them and praise them and give them more money and not hang them all?

This is madness on the best day!

I pray and hope we never do get to find out the ACTUAL content of that dinner talk with RFK Jr. and POTUS Trump and Albert ‘Klaus Mengele Barbi Hess’ Bourla of Pfizer and Susie Wiles etc. and that it was about mRNA vaccine stopping cancer…God I hope not. For along with the deadly hoax operation warp speed (OWS) that harmed and killed, and the deadly Malone et al. gene vaccine, this would be the 3rd greatest hoax and crime on the American people and world. This new ‘money making pit’ crime…this cancer curing ‘new and improved minorly adjusted’ mRNA vaccine….via which studies? where is the data? where is the underpinning science? on what are they basing this? a new money pit for those on the mRNA gravy train?

God how stupid do these evil fuckers think we are?
848   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 11:59am  


One wonders whether Big Food is being set up to take the fall for cancer instead of Big Pharma. I’m only asking that because the headlines are streaming in faster and faster. Yesterday, reporting on the same study, the UK Daily Mail ran this dramatic headline:

Doctors warn cooking oil used by millions
may be fueling explosion of colon
cancers in young people
READ MORE: Colon cancers in young people may be fueled by mental health

Compare this no-punches-pulled headline to the zero headlines that included covid jabs and explosions of cancers in the same headline. ...

The American Heart Association, which still recommends the covid shots by the way, insisted there is NO connection between “moderate” seed oil consumption and any health problem at all. ...

Probably something environmental, plus it’s also your own fault, for being fat and stuff.

Is it just me, or does the media seem desperately relieved to find a ‘cause’ of the pandemic of turbo cancer?

Both articles mentioned Kennedy’s upcoming role as HHS Secetary and noted how that might affect Big Food’s faltering prospects. Neither article mentioned Kennedy’s vaccine skepticism, of course. But I expect RFK will look at all possible causes of this explosion of fast-moving, advanced-stage cancers in young people.

We can hope that Kennedy has not been muzzled about the death jabs by Trump. But I expect he has, and that the deal is that he can be HHS secretary if and ONLY if he shuts the fuck up about about the mass death caused by the mRNA injections.
849   Patrick   2024 Dec 13, 10:49am  


The American Hospital Association’s news site reported a story this week headlined, “Certain PREP Act liability protections for COVID-19 countermeasures extended through 2029.” As the clock runs out on his disgraceful tenure, this week Biden’s HHS Secretary Javier Becerra signed the 12th amendment to the Declaration of Pandemic Emergency, extending legal liability protections for COVID-19 “countermeasures” for five more years of extended emergency, through 2029.

The PREP Act’s complete legal immunity for injuries protects the shots, of course, but also hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, researchers, remdesivir, the ventilator, Paxlovid, and just about anything medically related to covid. The PREP Act provides the HHS Secretary with these vast powers. My law firm is presently suing the federal government to find PREP unconstitutional.

Starting earlier this year, the medical establishment began lobbying for another extension of the state of emergency. Of course, they framed it as wanting to provide better healthcare services. So.

The statute requires a state of emergency for the PREP Act’s effectiveness. The dumbest thing about extending liability immunity through 2029 is that Becerra also had to extend the state of emergency through 2029 as well. That’s your government at work.

As news of this radical extension through 2029 emerged over the last couple days, people posted lots of questions. Rather than get into the weeds, the bottom line is that Robert Kennedy, Jr. can end this nonsense in five minutes, with a new declaration, after he is confirmed as the new Secretary of HHS. Mercifully, at the same time Kennedy can also end the endless state of covid emergency.
850   ForcedTQ   2024 Dec 13, 11:04am  

Thanks for posting the above Pat! Good to hear a lawyer is going after the constitutionality of the PREP act, needs to get a bevy of States AGs on the plaintiff list to make it stick and for so called “standing” I would think.

I hope that’s not the case about Kennedy and Trump. Hoping that once Trump is inaugurated he can lift the vail and be gracious in accepting that the jabs were not in the best interest of society. He probably has to get the right individuals in place or out of place before that can happen.
851   Patrick   2024 Dec 14, 9:58pm  


William Bay’s outstanding win against Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia is a devastating loss for Ahpra and the Medical Board.

The rogue collaboration between these two organisations must be critically investigated from the ground up.

Tellingly, former CEO of Ahpra, Martin Fletcher, announced his departure in August 2024, perhaps he saw the writing on the wall... His term has ended in December 2024.

Anne Tonkin, now former Chair of the Medical Board of Australia, also recently ‘stepped down’.

These rats may have departed the sinking ship, but they must still be held to account.

Fletcher and Tonkin have facilitated a ginormous disaster in the medical profession, with practitioners who question taxpayer-funded vaccination policy and practice being threatened with regulatory action, thereby effectively imposing a gag order upon the entire profession.

The great shame for the medical 'profession' is that they, in the main, capitulated to this gag order...

This has all come to a head with the Covid debacle, when the medical profession was press-ganged to support the then Morrison Government's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, no questions allowed.

See for example my email to Martin Fletcher and Anne Tonkin sent in July 2023:

Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position
Statement 9 March 2021
Elizabeth Hart
Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 4:14 PM
To: martin.fletcher@ahpra.gov.au
Cc: National Intake and Assessment Team , Jamie.Pearce@ahpra.gov.au ,
For the attention of:
- Martin Fletcher, CEO, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
- Anne Tonkin, Chair, Medical Board of Australia
Please forward this email to all Members of the 15 National Boards who approved the AHPRA Position
Statement 9 March 2021
(Please see the list of current Members at the bottom of this email.)
Copied to: Matthew Hardy, AHPRA National Director Notifications (Re Notification Ref. No. 00531213 re Chief
Medical Officer Paul Kelly)
Dear Martin Fletcher, Anne Tonkin and Members of the 15 National Boards
The AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 is effectively a mandate for health practitioners to comply with
the then Morrison Government's plan for a compulsory Covid-19 vaccination policy, for Covid vaccination to
be "as mandatory as you can possibly make it", as announced by Scott Morrison in August 2020.
On what authority do AHPRA and the Members of the 15 National Boards dictate to health practitioners or
Covid-19 vaccination policy, impacting on health decisions for millions of people, including children?
Have Members of the National Boards breached codes of conduct by demanding health practitioners support
the Morrison Government's Covid-19 vaccination policy, a mass population vaccination rollout which has
violated the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination?

William Bay’s extraordinary win against Ahpra and the Medical Board makes for very interesting times indeed on the voluntary informed consent for vaccination front, and practitioners' legal, ethical and moral obligation to uphold this vital principle.

This remarkable development, which has come in from left field, opens up a whole can of worms - for Ahpra and the Medical Board, for the practitioners, and for other institutions which have collaborated with the destruction of voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

It's going to be interesting to see how practitioners handle consultations involving vaccination in future... Including all those public calls for mass vaccination, and advertisements for vaccine products in doctors' clinics and pharmacies, and TV commercials urging people to ‘see their doctor’ about disease threats, etc.

Practitioners have been recruited as the frontline sales force for the vaccine industry, and they've been indoctrinated by their regulator Ahpra and others to not question vaccine products.

They're also being 'educated' on these products by a vaccine-industry funded organisation - the Immunisation Coalition.

You could not make this up...

In regard to the COVID-19 vaccine products, the newly reinstated doctor William Bay makes his position clear in his response to Cafe Locked Out’s Michael Gray Griffiths:

I think the vaccines are shit, mate. They're absolute shit.
They're killers. They destroy people's DNA.

And I'm telling you this now, Australia and the world, as a registered doctor.

So this is coming from a registered Australian medical professional.

The mRNA vaccines are poisonous. They are bad for you. They are not good for you. They are harming your children. They are harming you.

Everything you've heard has been there to deceive you.

And I have been vindicated in court today, to let you know, the people of Australia, that you have been lied to by the medical regulator. The medical regulator, Ahpra, has lied to you.

And Justice Bradley in the Supreme Court of Queensland today has declared me 100% correct.

Tell us what you really think William!

Watch William Bay’s celebratory chat with Michael Gray Griffith.

A full transcript of their conversation is posted below.

It’s a refreshingly candid conversation with a doctor that must be spread far and wide, and discussed in the court of public opinion.
852   Patrick   2024 Dec 15, 8:37pm  


Congressional Committee Fails to Recommend Special Prosecutors
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Falls Short of Calling for Justice

On December 2, 2024, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded its two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic and released a final report titled “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” The 520 page document summarized numerous gross failures and evidence of malfeasance among US agency officials, however, there was no call for special prosecutors.

I appeared on Blaze News Tonight hosted by Jill Savage and Matthew Peterson pointing out there is more than enough evidence to call for three special prosecutors naming targets, subjects, and witnesses:

Crimes committed in the creation of SARS-CoV-2 by the US-Chinese collaboration and the coverup of the Wuhan lab proximal origin

Crimes committed in the suppression of early therapeutics (nasal sprays, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies)

Crimes committed in the mass indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccine campaign

In most circumstances government and private state actors could be found to have committed fraud and or mass negligent homicide. I found it interesting that now five years into the pandemic, this was my first appearance on Blaze News Tonight. To my knowledge, Glenn Beck, the Blaze flagship host, has never dedicated a show with a physician on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, disabilities, and death.
853   Patrick   2024 Dec 15, 8:59pm  


A new study by Chaufan et al, titled COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions and Impacts of Vaccine Mandates: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Healthcare Workers in British Columbia, Canada, has just been uploaded to the MedRxiv preprint server. They found that COVID-19 injection mandates took a massive toll on the well-being of healthcare workers:

Goal: To document the experience and views on mandated vaccination of healthcare workers in British Columbia.

Methods: Between May and July of 2024, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of healthcare workers in British Columbia. We recruited participants through a snowball sampling approach, including professional contacts, social media, and word-of-mouth.

Results: Close to half of respondents, with 16 or more years of professional experience, were unvaccinated, and most had been terminated due to non-compliance with mandates. As well, and regardless of vaccination status, most respondents reported safety concerns with vaccination and felt unfree to make their own vaccination choices, yet did not request exemptions due to high rejection rates by employers. Most of them also reported experiencing anxiety or depression, with about one fourth considering suicide, as a result of mandates. Nevertheless, most unvaccinated workers reported satisfaction with their choices, although they also reported significant, negative impacts of the policy on their finances, their mental health, their social and personal relationships, and to a lesser degree, their physical health. In contrast, within the minority of vaccinated respondents, most reported being dissatisfied with their vaccination decisions, as well as having experienced mild to serious post vaccine adverse events, with over half within this group reporting having been coerced into taking further doses, under threat of termination, despite these events. Further, a large minority of all respondents reported having witnessed underreporting or dismissal by hospital management of adverse events post vaccination among patients, worse treatment of unvaccinated patients, and concerning changes in practice protocols. Nearly half also reported their intention to leave the healthcare industry.

Discussion: Our findings indicate that in British Columbia, mandated vaccination in the healthcare sector had an overall negative impact on the well-being of the labour force, on the sustainability of the health system, on patient care, and on ethical healthcare practice. Findings resemble those of a similar study in the province of Ontario, with perhaps the most salient difference being that in British Columbia the policy was implemented at the provincial, rather than the healthcare establishment, level, leaving no room for individual establishments to opt out.
854   Patrick   2024 Dec 16, 10:23am  


This is a massive and unexpected development.

Bill Gates among several other people, including Albert Bourla from Pfizer, are being sued in the Netherlands by seven people claiming to have been injured by the covid injections.

The plaintiffs say that Bill Gates ”mislead” people into taking the covid injections despite knowing that they ”were not safe and effective”.

Here is the text from the court judgment.

”As the court understands, [redacted] et al. argue that Hofstra et al., and therefore Gates, are part of a worldwide group of individuals, legal entities and other entities that, in the context of the implementation of a project called Covid 19: The Great Reset, have misled people into taking Covid-19 injections, while they knew or should have known that these injections were not safe and effective.”

I think the only result will be that Gates and Bourla will not be allowed into the Netherlands, but it's a start.
855   Patrick   2024 Dec 16, 8:02pm  


All of the facts that might rise to the “crimes-against-humanity” level seem to share one characteristic: These claims cannot be investigated by “Science” or “Journalism.”

The risk seems to be that if A, B, C or Z is/was investigated, nefarious truths might be “confirmed.”

And if that happened, many leaders of numerous agencies and organizations - who’d previously claimed something was definitely the truth - might be exposed as brazen liars.

If this happened, a Great Purge of such leaders might take place.

Conversely, if this doesn’t happen - the same leaders will keep their positions of power, wealth and influence.

Some people call this the “Status Quo.”

That is, today’s Status Quo seems to consist of a multi-faceted, coordinated effort to conceal the truth, a status that is achieved by not investigating anything that would prove our leaders are actually extremely-talented serial liars.
858   Patrick   2024 Dec 19, 12:08pm  


💉 Second, on Tuesday the UK Daily Mail reported a great story headlined, “Australian Doctor who was banned from practising after warning against Covid vaccines gets his licence back.”

Self-represented (!) Queensland Doctor William Bay took on his governing medical board’s legal team in a multi-year battle that just ended. On Monday, the province’s Supreme Court reinstated Dr. Bay’s license, canceled all current investigations, and said the allegations against the doctor were “entirely unfounded.”

Dr. Bay, whose license to practice was suspended over his public statements about the risks of the covid vaccine, was ecstatic. “I was able to get through this loss of career, loss of income, marriage breakdown, the whole nine yards of intimidation from the bullies of AHPRA,” the doctor explained, “because I have strong faith in God.”

Thank the Lord. It’s happening slowly. But it is slowly happening, all around the world. The madness of covid is slowly receding and Sanity is re-taking her throne. Stand by for the “retributive justice” phase.
859   Patrick   2024 Dec 19, 3:10pm  

Maybe lethal injection is more appropriate than hanging.
860   Patrick   2024 Dec 21, 8:04pm  

From Australia:


Following the call for the worldwide withdrawal of the Covid “vaccines” due to safety concerns (more reports of linked deaths and serious injury and ongoing cardiac, neurological, immunological and oncogenic pathology than any drug in history)….. our own CSL has doubled down.

It is now recognised that “approved” doses of mRNA “vaccines” produced serious and sometimes fatal effects within days after injection. So, a solution was needed. This solution goes by the name “self-amplifying messenger RNA or sa-mRNA which represents the next generation of mRNA vaccines (also known as replicon RNA). ...

How wonderful…..you can now get a shot that keeps producing a toxic antigen in your body, such as Spike Protein, continuously using synthetic self-replicating genetic technology.

So, after 4 years more and more people simply cannot understand how the Covid vaccines were ever approved in the first place. The toxic Spike Protein was never properly investigated for intrinsic toxicity. These injections were never researched and developed in the normal way and they did not need to pass the usual safety testing which would have been considered prudent for any novel and experimental therapeutic, especially a gene-based therapeutic, intended for worldwide use including healthy individuals, pregnant women, children and infants. Why?

Answer: Because they were not considered to be pharmaceuticals. They were legally defined as “Countermeasures”. Drug regulators pretended to apply the usual quality, safety and efficacy standards…..but we know they did not. They did not because they did not need to do so. It was all theatre.
861   Patrick   2024 Dec 22, 12:57pm  


They are transitioning to full mRNA vaccines, all vaccines will be replaced with this ‘new and improved’ deadly mRNA-LNP disaster and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Hang them all high, I say!
862   GNL   2024 Dec 22, 1:20pm  

Patrick says


They are transitioning to full mRNA vaccines, all vaccines will be replaced with this ‘new and improved’ deadly mRNA-LNP disaster and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Hang them all high, I say!

This simply cannot be true. Are you telling me there are almost ZERO scientists/Doctors who will come forward or some group? An entire government even? Our own congress? Come on, this is not unlike trying to keep the Santa secret alive on the entire world.
863   Patrick   2024 Dec 22, 3:28pm  

@GNL There are plenty of scientists who came forward. Many of them got fired or otherwise punished for telling the truth and threatening Pfizer profits and DoD plans.

A lot of them signed this:


A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths. ...


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