The Good Thread at Patrick Dot Net

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2022 Nov 7, 12:36pm   43,252 views  317 comments

by gabbar   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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14   DD214   2022 Nov 18, 12:31pm  

Preaching is the ultimate grift, they don't have to pay taxes, the product they sell is invisible, and if it doesn't do what they claimed it would do then they just blame it on the consumer for not believing in the product enough.
15   DD214   2022 Nov 18, 12:31pm  

❛Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.❜

—Robert Louis Stevenson
16   DD214   2022 Nov 18, 12:32pm  

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."
17   stereotomy   2022 Nov 18, 12:47pm  

DD214 says

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

attribution? I know we can intarwebs it, but still . . .
18   richwicks   2022 Nov 18, 2:23pm  

stereotomy says

DD214 says

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

attribution? I know we can intarwebs it, but still . . .

Carl Sagan. I guessed that because it sounds like him, but I also looked it up and I happened to be correct:


Any 6 words you hear, is either a quote, or never spoken before. I think this should be the basis for passwords. A fun thing to do is pick out 10 words from a "news" article, and enter it into a search engine, to see how "news" articles work. Quite often, you'll see the same exact story from dozens of sources, from dozens of authors, which gives the illusion that these are actual points of view rather than what they really are, propaganda.
19   gabbar   2022 Nov 18, 4:58pm  

Interest rates are meaningfully below where they are going to go. We think that is, of course, a risk for equities. And part of our thesis is we think inflation is going to be structurally higher. We do not believe that it is likely the Federal Reserve is going to be able to get inflation back to a consistent 2% level. Supply chain risks that people have become extremely experienced with in the last year or so have made nearly every U.S. CEO rethink outsourced or distant supply chains. A lot more of that is going to come closer to home, and it is more expensive to do business here. Rising wages globally, the transition to alternative energy, de-globalization, and a shift to domestic sourcing and production will all weigh on the Fed's ability to bring down inflation - Bill Ackman, Pershing Square, November 18, 2022
20   gabbar   2022 Nov 18, 5:25pm  

For most Americans, especially now, striving and insecurity are likely to be rewarded with more striving and insecurity; you can do everything right and still have little to show for it. ~ Amy Chua, Jed Rubenfeld, The Triple Package: What Really Determines Success: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups
21   gabbar   2022 Nov 18, 6:10pm  

DD214 says

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

Humans are both good and a fucked up species.
22   richwicks   2022 Nov 18, 6:15pm  

gabbar says

DD214 says

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

Humans are both good and a fucked up species.

The purpose of making a better, and easier world is to eliminate this struggle, but what is left behind are the sociopaths, and we neglect to remove them.

I want you to consider this. You have a more comfortable home than a king did in 1800. You can travel to any part of the world, and a king couldn't. On a $20 SD card you can contain a library of books that would put the Library of Alexandra to shame. You have an indoor toilet, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, a laundry washing machine, your life is EASY compared to the RICHEST king in 1800.

Yet we still have to deal with the sociopaths.

Your life really isn't hard, it's just not guaranteed. That's your only trouble, uncertainty.

I am so fucking old that I was able to talk to people born in 1900 and before. Life is so easy today. You don't need to beat rugs, you don't scrub clothing to clean them, you don't get up in the middle of the night stoke a fire to warm the house, you don't have an outhouse, you don't take care of horses for the carriage - everything is trivial today.
23   gabbar   2022 Nov 18, 6:52pm  

You know, the rules of perception. If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. If they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it. - David Chapelle, November 2022
24   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 18, 6:56pm  

gabbar says

You know, the rules of perception. If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. If they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it. - David Chapelle, November 2022

he also said the “n” word that people got cancelled for. damn that lucky nigga.
25   gabbar   2022 Nov 18, 7:01pm  

richwicks says

what is left behind are the sociopaths, and we neglect to remove them.

I hear you. My question is, have you tried fucking up a sociopath or getting even with him/her? It is a satisfying experience, an accomplishment you can be proud of and enjoy every time you recall that experience.
26   gabbar   2022 Nov 19, 8:14am  

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize? We all know who it is that we are not permitted to criticize. We all know who it is that it is a sin to criticize. Sodomy is no longer a sin in America. Treason, and burning and spitting and urinating on the American flag is no longer a sin in America. Gross desecration of Catholic or Protestant religious symbols is no longer a sin in America. Cop-killing is no longer a sin in America — it is celebrated in rap ‘music.’ The degradation of beautiful young girls in disgusting pornography is no longer a sin in America. The killing by the multiple millions of the next generation in the womb is no longer a sin in America. But ‘anti-Semitism’ is the ultimate sin in America. But as things get worse and worse, we are losing our fear of this silly word. We all know who it is that controls the wealth of our nation through their exchanges and counting-houses in New York. We all know who it is that has deformed the minds of two generations of Americans with their television programs.” Today, even more than in 1993, it is evident that we in occupied America no longer have freedom of speech. It is a “sin” according to the Powers That Be to criticize Jewish power — or even to point out the fact that it exists. It is also a “sin” to oppose or criticize the Jewish agenda, a sin that sometimes has serious personal and professional consequences. But you know what? — the Powers That Be are losing control of the narrative. Hundreds of thousands of us, even in the face of increasing tyranny, have awakened in just the last few years alone. The Jewish power structure now has no choice but to surrender, or to ratchet up their restrictions on free speech and their persecution of free thinkers. They will surely choose the latter. And that will accelerate the awakening. Racially conscious Whites are now more numerous and more vocal than at any time in the last quarter century. I’m proud to be a part of that. It’s a great time to be alive. The Jewish System tried to destroy me and erase my life’s work — and they failed. Maybe they should work on erasing Voltaire’s works too. After all, he’s the man who said that the Jews “spread an irreconcilable hatred against all nations.” And that really is a quote from Monsieur Voltaire. Take that, Semites! - KEVIN ALFRED STROM
27   gabbar   2022 Nov 19, 5:06pm  

Being tolerant with the intolerant is an act of intolerance. - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
28   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 5:50pm  

gabbar says

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize? We all know who it is that we are not permitted to criticize. We all know who it is that it is a sin to criticize. Sodomy is no longer a sin in America. Treason, and burning and spitting and urinating on the American flag is no longer a sin in America. Gross desecration of Catholic or Protestant religious symbols is no longer a sin in America. Cop-killing is no longer a sin in America — it is celebrated in rap ‘music.’ The degradation of beautiful young girls in disgusting pornography is no longer a sin in America. The killing by the multiple millions of the next generation in the womb is no longer a sin in America. But ‘anti-Semitism’ is the ultimate sin in America. But as things get worse and worse, we are losing our fear of this silly word. We all know who it is that controls the wealth of our nation through their exchanges and...

Well criticizing the Jewish mafia is totally allowed. Just ask Kenye West....

It's been said all of the US' wars have been done for the benefit of Israel. I cannot say that is true, but I can say it didn't benefit the United States.
30   gabbar   2022 Nov 19, 6:55pm  

richwicks says

It's been said all of the US' wars have been done for the benefit of Israel. I cannot say that is true, but I can say it didn't benefit the United States.

In my opinion, all US military wars were fought for the sole purpose of maintaining the dollar as the reserve currency. In parallel, US has fought continuous financial wars. And won and this is why we are here talking about it. Otherwise, the world would be a different place, there would be a World War 3 (3 will happen only under this circumstance).
31   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 9:18pm  

gabbar says

richwicks says

It's been said all of the US' wars have been done for the benefit of Israel. I cannot say that is true, but I can say it didn't benefit the United States.

In my opinion, all US military wars were fought for the sole purpose of maintaining the dollar as the reserve currency. In parallel, US has fought continuous financial wars. And won and this is why we are here talking about it. Otherwise, the world would be a different place, there would be a World War 3 (3 will happen only under this circumstance).

You may be correct, but if WWIII is what is takes to remove the criminals in power, so be it.
32   PeopleUnited   2022 Nov 20, 3:26am  

This thread is not a good thread. Very dark and gloomy.richwicks says

if WWIII is what is takes to remove the criminals in power, so be it.

Actually WWIII is what the criminals will use to reassert their power. As a bonus for them they get more genocide (population control). Billions dead.
33   gabbar   2022 Nov 20, 4:39am  

richwicks says

You may be correct, but if WWIII is what is takes to remove the criminals in power, so be it.

Like you said earlier and it is unarguable, life is good, for most of us, relative to the past (I know a couple of people who live on government assistance and they too have a very good life, a comfy life). Even the poor in our country have a good life or access to good life. Therefore WW3 is not appropriate to remove the criminal psychopaths. We just have to learn to live with these mother fuckers because they have created an unaccountable system for themselves. And of course, WW3 will be about reassertion of more control and continuance of power. I don't think we can do much except live out our lives, there is no solution, with the human species, and I apologize for souring up this thread.
34   gabbar   2022 Nov 20, 9:11am  

Please share if you know more about this topic
35   PeopleUnited   2022 Nov 20, 12:01pm  

gabbar says

The economy does not look great right now. Things are slowing down. You are seeing layoffs in many, many sectors of the economy. If we are not in a recession right now, we are likely to be in one very soon. The probabilities in this economy tell you to batten down the hatches. If you are an individual and you are thinking about buying a large-screen TV, maybe slow that down, keep that cash, see what happens. Same thing with a refrigerator, a new car, whatever. Just take some risk off the table. - Jeff Bezos, November 2022

This is when you let Bezos propaganda turn the tread dark. I wonder Jeff, how big of a big screen TV will it take to buy our way through the “recession?”

Or did his online sales just start to dry up when people started shopping what remains of their local businesses and Bezos is trying to make them hurt a little more by panicking everyone again?
38   gabbar   2022 Nov 26, 4:18am  

Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time - Patrick Killelea in The Housing Trap, page 29
39   gabbar   2022 Nov 27, 6:31am  

It's cheaper to rent the house than to rent the money. - Patrick Killelea
40   gabbar   2022 Nov 27, 11:50am  

The short term gain derived by companies that outsource operations offshore is eclipsed by the long term damage to the U.S. economy. Over time, the loss of jobs and expertise will make innovation in the U.S. difficult, while, at the same time, building the brain trust of other countries. - Angie Mohr
42   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 1:02pm  

gabbar says

The short term gain derived by companies that outsource operations offshore is eclipsed by the long term damage to the U.S. economy. Over time, the loss of jobs and expertise will make innovation in the U.S. difficult, while, at the same time, building the brain trust of other countries. - Angie Mohr

This is exactly the problem caused by outsourcing to China.

Big short-term profits for US executives who do not care about America at all, and big long-term pain for America.
43   gabbar   2022 Nov 28, 6:27am  

In the beginning, the outsourcing movement was meant to transfer low-skill jobs out and retain highly-skilled jobs as an important asset for the advancement of the country's economy. However, as emerging economies work hard to build their own intellectual capital, American companies are increasingly contracting accountants, engineers and IT specialists at a rate far lower than it would cost them in the U.S. This "brain drain" has long-term repercussions for American industry. Once a skill has been largely moved offshore, it is difficult to regain. For example, if most publishers outsource book design and layout work to Chinese firms, over time there will be fewer designers in the U.S. who have that skill. It also means that there are fewer students of the craft, due to lack of opportunities. - Angie Mohr
44   gabbar   2022 Nov 28, 6:30am  

Patrick says

Big short-term profits for US executives who do not care about America at all, and big long-term pain for America.

Unless we go back to nation and people first philosophy in our businesses, we will be in trouble, but we have our bankers and military to bail us out (not).
45   gabbar   2022 Nov 29, 1:48pm  

"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." --JFK
46   gabbar   2022 Nov 30, 5:52am  

As we survey the prospects for the global economy, we see many reasons for concern, including continued challenges from the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, high inflation, and headwinds from central bank rate hikes. Reflecting these factors, the global economy is likely to endure 'rolling' country-level recessions during the coming year. - Citi chief economist Nathan Sheets
47   DD214   2022 Nov 30, 6:02am  

I'm not interested if you've stood with the great. I'm interested whether you've sat with the broken.

S. Fitzmaurice
48   DD214   2022 Dec 2, 12:29am  

There is nothing is more deceptive than an obvious fact.

Arthur Conan Doyle
49   gabbar   2022 Dec 3, 7:10am  

"You have been trained to take orders and obey people in authority from your first day of kindergarten. School is only partly about learning. The secondary and unspoken goal of schooling is to teach conformity and obedience, which prepares you to take on a mortgage and obey your boss" - Patrick Killelea in The House Trap
50   gabbar   2022 Dec 5, 5:23am  

The real estate agent and the seller both have an incentive to fake recent comparable sales data to get the buyer to believe he must pay more. Do not attach any meaning to comps, even if you can confirm them with the county. The only measure of house value that you can rely on is its rental value. - Patrick Killelea, The Housing Trap, Page 66
52   gabbar   2022 Dec 8, 6:05am  

Buy a house only when a landlord would buy it. - Patrick Killelea, The Housing Trap p81
53   gabbar   2022 Dec 8, 6:09am  

The MLS is a used house sales tool designed to restrict access to critical market information in order to prevent the free market from working efficiently. - Patrick Killelea, The Housing Trap, p68

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