What was the main reason you didn’t want to get vaccinated?

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2022 Nov 26, 9:27am   16,053 views  101 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Some good answers:

It was an experiment

Cos I’m not a sheep an make my own decisions… not what the government want me to do!

I’m young and healthy. I got Covid and had an extremely mild reaction. Why would anyone get a vaccine after getting it naturally?

Because it was government sponsored

The data didn't back up the story being told. Then throw in the silencing of anyone daring to question the science, the inconsistencies and constant changing of plans from the government's and the aim to force vaccination and lock downs on everyone. It just didn't add up.

As far as i know it requires years for a vaccine to be developed properly. IMO It was rushed and i thought that it was a big pharma scheme for them to make Lots of $$

When they said natural immunity didn't exist and we still needed to get the shot. That's when I was red-pilled about everything.

I had literally already marinated in covid full time (in the ER) for an entire year before the vaccine was even available.
I also observed/concluded it was overweight, type II diabetic, metabolic syndrome, generally unhealthy people experiencing severe symptoms.

Because I never needed one for a common cold before! Also, I don't trust the government. If something is genuinely beneficial for us, we shouldn't have to be forced or threatened to take it!

Because they started forcing ppl, sus af

Young & healthy, also seemed like it was being pushed a little too hard by big brother my distrust of government kicked in as an American 🇺🇸

My best friend had a massive stroke in less than 72 hours after receiving the death jab.

the inventor of the MRNA tech said don't take it and from there found other independent scientists agreeing. Then I found out its likely created in a lab and then big pharma all of a sudden had a vaccine miraculously to hand, just connecting some dots like that really.

Bc I don’t want to “suddenly die”

It was the all out assault and pressure that made me evaluate and realize there was more to the story.

Because I was already up to date on my critical thinking and skepticism boosters.

Cause I had more faith in the natural immunity gained from my inevitable exposure.

Vibes were off

I had no interest in being a beta tester

Putting random spiked proteins and mRNA into ones veins without knowing which intra and inter-cellular functions they mediate in my body!

I was suspicious one day into lockdowns when fully produced commercials started calling it “the new normal.” After that I didn’t trust anything. Then came “protests & burning OK, otherwise stay home” it became more obvious we should do the opposite of whatever gov recommended.

Lack of efficacy, testing. Rushed to market. No evidence of safety standards followed.

I wasn't afraid of the bug and I didn't trust a product brought out so fast and being labelled a vaccine.

None of it made sense and I figured if I was trying to usher in some kind of new period, how would I do it. Then the penny dropped.

Nothing made sense but for me two things really stood out !
1/Denial of conventional treatment being given almost worldwide!
2/ Three companies developing a
"vaccine" within weeks of each other and suddenly having capacity to produce billions of doses.

Wanted to wait for longer term data. When governments started to get pushy, I realized that it cannot be good for you.

Naturally recovered, anaphylactic sufferer and being told I still needed a jab was utter anti science. Embargoed early treatment protocols was also anti science. This was always a political move and measures never fitted a health response.

The risks of taking it outweigh the benefits

Purely a risk-reward calculation.
As a young and healthy stud, I didn't consider myself at risk of infection. Potential side effects would, therefore, likely outweigh the benefits of taking the shot.

My first thought was "I'm not at risk of death, let's wait and see what happens". Then the ridiculous pressure and intimidation started and I knew something was wrong.

They initially said that only the very old & medically vulnerable needed it - that made sense to me. It became clear that their constant moving of goal posts had little to do with health - none of the data supported needing to vaccinate all. I took other measures, exercise etc

Because the same people pushing it openly talk about how they want less people on the planet😂

When you know enough about the existing vaccines, there's no way you'd take a brand new one developed and tested in 6 months.

Didn’t know any covid dead after 6wks when the media & gov had been saying it was like the plague for all of us 24/7...

The coercion was a big red flag for me tbh

Every single newscast had 50 covid jab commercials.
Every single radio station same.
Every single politician taking $$ from drug co's were walking covid commercials and that was only when they weren't using scare tactics or outright coercion and direct threats.
I could go on.

I did some research and found that:
1. It contained dangerous or unknown ingredients.
2. It hadn't been tested properly, test results hidden.
3. Bill Gates owned the patents.
4. Safety and efficacy data had been made-up.
5. Gut instinct - just told me it wasn't right.

I was immediately suspicious when DJT said “no liability for drug companies” and then EVERYONE on tv, radio, etc. tried to shoehorn “get vaccinated” into every story. And they pushed “testing” which I thought, “ok, get tested so you can get treated early” but no

I just figured I’d let the masses go ahead and play Guinea pig and see how it played out. The longer it goes the happier I am with my decision. I’m not old and have no health condition linked to further complications from Covid, so feels pretty unnecessary.

My parents came from farming & ranching families. I remember a dinner table discussion wherein my father told we kids: don't ever give or take a med or vaccine that hasn't been around long enough to see whether there will be effects on the offspring.

Every single thing that the scientists and politicians had done prior to the 'vaccine' rollout was totally unnecessary, completely ineffective, disgustingly unethical and designed to cause nothing but harm.
I saw absolutely no reason to think the injections would be different.

I don’t do experimental drugs

We were in the middle of a political war. Plus new world order. When the government is giving something away for free and demanding you to take it. I choose to just say no thank you.

Previous mRNA trials had horrific outcomes involving ADE and cancer, and it was experimental. Since when has humanity volunteered to test experimental drugs en masse?

My risk due to the virus was low. I eventually caught the virus, I understand the benefits of natural immunity. Also: was not comfortable with any of the risk reward scenarios being pushed on me about a novel medical intervention.

I have an immune system & don't trust anyone coercing people to get vaccinated for £. It's been easy to see it's never been about a virus

My gut told me a firm no

Lol, did you ever receive something "for free" from Gov./Pharma which is good?

"If the product is free, then YOU are the product!"

I didn’t get the vax bc I had 6th sense to not trust a mass-pushed narrative that suspiciously nobody can object to. It it were a legit pandemic that was actually a threat to life, and the vaccine were tested and not just a cash grab, I might have wanted it. But this felt wrong

Because I saw reports of people dying suddenly after getting it that could only be seen on telegram.

I don’t trust the process nor do I like being told to drink the Kool Aid. It was developed too fast and we do not know what the long term effects this will have on us.

Survival instinct.

The narrative about Covid to that point had been an obvious lie.
1. The last people I was inclined to trust were those who had positioned themselves to profit handsomely off those they were already deceiving.
2. Even absent👆, the push was wildly disproportionate to the risk.

I knew that odds of 99% were favourable.
I also don't like being lied to.
I also like to hear others speak, rather than be silenced.
I like Science to be consistent, and not discarded at a drop of a bank note.
I like to see how things will impact me.
I don't like coercion.

"Bad vibe", "red flag", "gut instinct", whatever you call it, is the subconscious mind's defense mechanism. It's why toddlers scream around strangers. Never ignore your subconscious' warning bells until you can further assess.

I couldn't get my head around how all these companies were making a testing it in such a short space of time. Plus how did they get enough ingredients and containers to put them in when half the world was in lock down and producing nothing.

I decided before any vaccinations were mentioned that I was not going to receive the death dart. I’d looked at mortality in my age group and even if the vaccines were good they’d have made little impact for me as I was at no risk.

I didn’t like/trust the way it was being pushed. The whole situation made me feel very uneasy. 😬

I didn’t want an experimental vaccine. Took two Pfizer shots so I could visit my mother. Experienced adverse reaction and still suffer today, one year later. Will never take a booster.

I like being healthy

I had read ‘Reckoning with Risk’ by Gerd Gigerenzer. The moment 95% efficacy was pushed I knew it was total bull. In addition out of more than 5,000 work colleagues none died none were hospitalised. + the thought of thalidomide. + Pharma cherry pick data read ‘Sedated’.

mRNA is an experimental technology. It doesn't prevent infection,transmission,or mutation. Injections can cause adverse events from mild to severe. SADS is now prevalent & all-cause mortality is way up since injections started. Data from insurance death & mortuary data confirms.

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86   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 28, 1:45pm  

richwicks says
You are confusing two different cases. The child that died was in Washington state. There is another baby (fate unknown) in New Zealand.

I provided a number of links to my posts and the links are consistent with my statements.

Besides, these are not the only victims of the vaccines. We have thousands!

87   richwicks   2022 Dec 28, 1:56pm  

The_Deplorable says

richwicks says

You are confusing two different cases. The child that died was in Washington state. There is another baby (fate unknown) in New Zealand.

I provided a number of links to my posts and the links are consistent with my statements.

Besides, these are not the only victims of the vaccines. We have thousands!


I know, but the baby in NZ is not the baby the died. I'm not trying to jump down your throat or embarrass you, I'm just correcting you. No big deal, everybody makes mistakes.
88   WookieMan   2022 Dec 28, 3:40pm  

richwicks says

I know, but the baby in NZ is not the baby the died. I'm not trying to jump down your throat or embarrass you, I'm just correcting you. No big deal, everybody makes mistakes.

Doesn't matter anyway. They failed as parents if you have children. I will kill for mine and I don't care if this is stamped in internet history/logs. I will fucking kill you if you fuck with my kids without my consent. Doctors included. If I ask for type O blood or whatever variations there are that are the same as my kids, and it be unvaccinated, get it fucking done. YOU don't get to decide what is put into a child I raised and my wife birthed. Not a joke, I'll kill you.

I didn't even realize it until my wife texted. Our friends that lost a child at 3 years old today because of a doctors fuck up. Would be 13 years old today. Close to my oldest. My youngest is good friends with his younger brother. Doctors fucked that up. A basic bacterial infection went south because doctors are dip shits.

I'd hesitate to trust anything the medical fields tells you to do. Fact is the less you put in your body that is of no nutritional value, the better you are. No OTC pills, prescriptions, etc. Good food, move, stay healthy. Don't rely on pills.
89   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 28, 6:08pm  

richwicks says
I know, but the baby in NZ is not the baby the died.

You are correct. Thank you.

The main point of this thread however is that the vaccines are killing and injuring more people than Covid and we are now at the point where we do not even trust the blood supply.

Both sets of parents - one in New Zealand and the other in Spokane Washington were against their infant receiving vaccinated blood. Having the "New Zealand court taking guardianship of the baby" is not the answer and it does not make the vaccines and the vaccinated blood safe.

90   CBOEtrader   2022 Dec 28, 6:34pm  

The_Deplorable says

Did you catch that?

nope, because you posted a picture instead of a link. POST THE LINK. a screenshot looks like fake news and should be ignored
91   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 28, 8:48pm  

CBOEtrader says
Did you catch that?... nope, because you posted a picture instead of a link. POST THE LINK. a screenshot looks like fake news and should be ignored

There are plenty of links:

"US Mother’s Tragedy: So My Newborn Alexander Died days after Receiving Unauthorized Vaxxed Blood in a Transfusion"

"Mother Blames "Vaccinated Blood" for the Death of Her One-Month-Old Baby Who Died from Blood Clot Following Blood Transfusion" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/mother-blames-vaccinated-blood-death-one-month-old-baby-died-blood-clot-following-blood-transfusion/

"Baby Alex update who passed after receiving vaccinated blood against parents wishes; forty-five-day-old Baby Alex died of a clot so long it extended from his left knee to his heart. That was
twenty-four days after staff at Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington, had administered a transfusion using blood from vaccinated donors—explicitly against parents' wish"

"Newborn dies after receiving vaccinated blood transfusion in Washington State" https://www.virtue.news/post/newborn-dies-after-receiving-vaccinated-blood-transfusion-in-washington-state

"American Tragedy: Baby Boy Dies Of Massive Blood Clot After Hospital Refused Non-Vaxxed Blood Transfusion" https://yournews.com/2022/12/15/2474964/american-tragedy-baby-boy-dies-of-massive-blood-clot-after/

92   richwicks   2022 Dec 28, 10:26pm  

The_Deplorable says

Both sets of parents - one in New Zealand and the other in Spokane Washington were against their infant receiving vaccinated blood. Having the "New Zealand court taking guardianship of the baby" is not the answer and it does not make the vaccines and the vaccinated blood safe.

I completely agree with you.

Even if the parents are wrong, or "crazy", it's their child. If I'm to roll the dice, I would trust parents over "the system" every time, although I might be wrong 1% of the time. I agree, the parent's wishes should be paramount. It's THEIR child.

And I will take this to insane lengths as well. I think parents that believe their "little girl" is really a "little boy" should be allowed to transition their child. I think this is a grave mistake, but they are the parents. I feel sorry for the child, and again I think this is a horrible mistake, but it's their child. All they are doing is curtailing their own gene line.

I did dog rescue for a dog type called a Samoyed. They had 3 jobs, herd reindeer, pull sleds, and sleep with the children at night to keep the children warm. IF the dog showed ANY type of aggression, it was immediately killed. I love these dogs, however, and it's a bit distressing to me that they were slaughtered if they showed ANY sort of aggression, however, I cannot argue with the results. The dogs are placid, affectionate, and very sweet because all aggression was aggressively removed from the breed.

I have no problem with far left liberal nuts pruning the gene pool. I feel badly for the dogs that were slaughtered, and I feel badly for the kids with crazy parents, but, I know what the result was with the dogs, and I know what it will be for the human race. Life is cruel. It's better that people that fit with it, exist in it, because they can enjoy it.
93   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 29, 9:48am  

richwicks says

I completely agree with you... I agree, the parent's wishes should be paramount. It's THEIR child. And I will take this to insane lengths as well. I think parents that believe their "little girl" is really a "little boy" should be allowed to transition their child. I think this is a grave mistake, but they are the parents.

Be careful...

Here I draw the line because no one has the right - not even parents - to mutilate their child (this includes circumcision) or bypass nature in any way (transition). These are decisions the "child' needs to make when they reach 18.

I read recently that in Germany circumcisions are illegal.

94   richwicks   2022 Dec 29, 10:54am  

The_Deplorable says

richwicks says

I completely agree with you... I agree, the parent's wishes should be paramount. It's THEIR child. And I will take this to insane lengths as well. I think parents that believe their "little girl" is really a "little boy" should be allowed to transition their child. I think this is a grave mistake, but they are the parents.

Be careful...

Here I draw the line because no one has the right - not even parents - to mutilate their child (this includes circumcision) or bypass nature in any way (transition). These are decisions the "child' needs to make when they reach 18.

I read recently that in Germany circumcisions are illegal.


I see this as two sides.

1) parents have complete authority over their children's body OR
2) the government has complete authority over the bodies of children

Now I know parents will do stupid things. I've seen parents do stupid things, one set of parents in Massachusetts transitioned their daughter to a boy at FIVE.


It's insane, but WHATEVER. I knew tomboys as a kid, they were cool and fun to hang out with.

Now the flipside of this is what if the child had different parents, allowed their girl to dress in boys clothing, but refused to allow surgical transitioning but the government FORCED them to do it?

Now I STRONGLY disagree with what these parents have done, but at the same time, I'd rather they have that ability than for you to be forced to transition your son or daughter simply because they preferred a certain set of clothing. How can a little girl or boy even understand what it means to be an adult? I have a vicious memory, and I remember what I used to think adults were as a child at like 5. "Adults are perfect, they don't make mistakes, they know everything, they don't do bad things" - I literally used to believe that as a child. Do you think a CHILD with that kind of gross ignorance about the world can make a life long decision? The child will never have children of their own, and they picked this route at FIVE.

However, parents may be forced to accept this in the future, IF you foolishly give control of the government over them.

Those parents are MENTAL

But whatever. I mean, where would they get that shirt? That's a fucking threat, but this will die out over time. The goal is to minimize damage, and I think the government will MAXIMIZE it.
95   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 30, 10:41am  

Question: Why are they terrified of the unvaccinated?

Answer: They are terrified of the unvaxxed because we are not falling sick and suffering any increase in myocarditis/cancer/fertility issues etc... we are the control group and the ultimate proof that the inject and not long covid is causing harm. Our life is our message!!

From: https://twitter.com/SaiKate108/status/1606524791695237123?ref_src=patrick.net

96   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 30, 3:36pm  

I am running into more and more people that have been 'vaxxed' that are now regretting it. Many of these same people, who were formally enthusiastic about their 'jab,' are now saying that they will not get any more booster shots.

The problem for many of these people, is that it might be too late for them.
97   Ceffer   2022 Dec 30, 3:52pm  

It's a bonus not having to suffer ongoing morbidities imposed by Globalist psychopaths. I still wonder when and if significant percentage of the population will see past the various 'tells' to understand what has been done to them. My conversation with internist at Kaiser recently showed me the direction they are going by blaming fake Covid for the morbidities of the vaxes. Will the curtain ever rise?

Like I said before, guys I haven't seen in a while are having all kinds of health issues post vax that, of course, 'baffle' their doctors, meaning, they have no recourse except various failed efforts of symptom treatment with even more pharma, or nothing at all. Still, a lot of them stand in line for the boosters.

I am not certain if there ever will be a backlash for this. The population is much more passive and cognitively impaired to this kind of thing than I ever would have imagined.
98   richwicks   2022 Dec 31, 3:02am  

Ceffer says

I am not certain if there ever will be a backlash for this. The population is much more passive and cognitively impaired to this kind of thing than I ever would have imagined.

Tempting not to just call them "stupid" isn't it?

That's what the sociopaths in power think. Sometimes I think they ARE culling the population. Maybe they don't want obedient drones? Maybe they have no use for them?

Difficult to believe though.
99   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 31, 7:48am  

THEY don’t need all of us, and in fact the more of us there are, they harder it is to control us. Besides, people fear death (most do) and if they can use the killing of some of us to create fear to control the rest it they will continue to kill deliberately.
100   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 31, 10:01am  

Does the COVID19 Virus Exist?

Canadian Patrick King was fined $1,200 for refusing to wear a face mask. Face masks we were told prevent the transmission of the COVID19 virus except they don't. Hundreds of viruses can pass through a single opening (pore) of the face mask making the face mask completely useless. See

Patrick King went to court and subpoenaed Alberta's health authorities to present proof to the court that the COVID19 Virus physically exists. Specifically he asked Deena Hinsha the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta, to provide proof of isolation of the SARS-COV2 virus.

In reply, Alberta's health authorities told the court that this is "evidence we cannot get." In other words if the province of Alberta cannot prove that the virus exists then they cannot force people to wear a mask to stop something that does not exist!

Top Govt Health Official Admits in Canada Court COVID19 Virus Not Proven... Alberta Judge upholds citizen defendant’s argument that health officials patently failed to submit scientific proof of COVID19. https://principia-scientific.com/top-govt-health-official-admits-in-canada-court-covid19-virus-not-proven/

101   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 2, 11:31pm  

WookieMan says

That baby has jaundice. Clots don't cause that. Something else was wrong with that child, especially if they needed blood for whatever condition.

Jaundice doesn't indicate shit, and is mostly caused by umbilical cord being cut too short. Needing a transfusion, that should be the focus.

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