Be it Resolved: Don't Trust Mainstream Media Matt Taibbi and Douglas Murray took on New Yorker contributor Malcolm Gladwell and columnist Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times. Taibbi and Murray won with the largest swing in the event’s history, moving from a 48%-52% voter deficit to a 67%-33% win.
this ine is good, ive been reading taibi snd greenwald, those 2 have good stuff.
they are better as independent. i realize that whoever in media works for bosses, has to suck dick very hard and sell propaganda. so only follow independent writers, or chat here. i like honesty.
Matt Taibbi and Douglas Murray took on New Yorker contributor Malcolm Gladwell and columnist Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times. Taibbi and Murray won with the largest swing in the event’s history, moving from a 48%-52% voter deficit to a 67%-33% win.
It really was a spectacle to behold:
See more from Taibbi at: