New evidence that the CIA killed Kennedy?

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2022 Dec 16, 10:49am   16,428 views  125 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen hints several places that recently released files, though still heavily redacted for some reason, show that the CIA did in fact have a hand in killing Kennedy.

Anyone have details?

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34   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 4:42pm  

There were some Bad Tube videos done by a Hollywood reporter and a screenwriter in which they went into a deep dive about Hollywood execs, and they basically concluded that the CIA has become dynastic and that many executive positions were second to fourth generation CIA at this point. Prolly from those secret hand shake societies and all.

Also prolly why Hollywood has become so stale and derivative. Script writers in their 20's who spent their youth shopping on Rodeo Drive and hanging out in restaurants would be long on plagiarizing and short on original, educated or mature thought.
35   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 4:49pm  

German Journalist Dies: Said CIA Controls Major European News
July 7, 2017

European Journalist Who Outed the CIA Control of Media, suddenly Dies

Udo Ulfkotte died last week of a heart attack.

He was most famous for his assertion that the CIA rewarded and punished European journalist depending on the tone of coverage that they gave to the USA, NATO, and especially, the wars being promoted at that time.

36   Onvacation   2022 Dec 26, 4:58pm  

Ceffer says

the CIA has become dynastic and that many executive positions were second to fourth generation CIA at this point.

Inbred and out of touch.
37   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 5:32pm  

RayAmerica says

Udo Ulfkotte died last week of a heart attack.

"Udo Ulfkotte was executed by CIA last week." There, fixed it. Never accept benefits from the spooks and then squeal.
44   Ceffer   2023 Mar 6, 4:22pm  

Mockingbird and MI6 fronted these rock groups to begin with. Time to pay the piper.

46   richwicks   2023 Mar 6, 4:59pm  

Ceffer says

From our buddy, Benjamin Fulford.

He's PROVABLY full of shit. I've demonstrated this multiple times. The guy is a conman, and probably works for the intelligence agencies. He's been saying the same stupid bullshit for over a decade and I've demonstrated that before.

Just look at his old predictions:


Bush/Clinton crime family members to be executed as a result of Haiti attack
By Benjamin Fulford January 18, 2010

The members of the Bush/Clinton Nazi crime family made a fatal error when they decided to attack Haiti with an earthquake weapon. An international hunt down and kill order has been issued against Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George Bushes Senior and Junior and General P.K. Keen among others, according to sources affiliated with various secret societies. This Nazi cabal sent a CIA agent to the Black Dragon Society to give forewarning of the attack. The agent talked about the Tsunami unleashed against Indonesia and said “the oil companies won a war and nobody knew about it.” Well, now everybody knows about it.

He's totally full of shit. These people stop being funny after like a month. Don't you give a shit about being accurate or having a good track record or do you just like fantasy and bullshitters in "news"? You can get that from Rachael Maddow if you like.
47   GNL   2023 Mar 6, 8:41pm  

Any truth to Obama changing the Smith Mundt Act? Is today's news atmosphere the result?
48   richwicks   2023 Mar 6, 8:49pm  

GNL says

Any truth to Obama changing the Smith Mundt Act? Is today's news atmosphere the result?

Yes, of course. It was the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act and Obama wasn't alone in changing this. It was "modernized" in 2012 and a REPUBLICAN Senate and DEMOCRAT controlled House for this bill.

It doesn't matter, our intelligence agencies have been doing this forever, this just legalized propaganda, and that didn't matter, because US propaganda from our traitorous intelligence agencies has never been prosecuted.

The first big lie of propaganda was that the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" didn't legalize US propaganda against the US public, not that it mattered, there's been propaganda against the public for all my adult life, and before that.
53   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 16, 1:12am  

As Professor Lance DeHaven-Smith points out in his book on the subject, "The term conspiracy theory did not exist as a phrase in everyday American conversation before 1964. In 1964, the year the Warren Commission issued its report, the New York Times published five stories in which 'conspiracy theory' appeared."
54   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 16, 1:38pm  

AmericanKulak says

"The term conspiracy theory did not exist as a phrase in everyday American conversation before 1964. In 1964, the year the Warren Commission issued its report, the New York Times published five stories in which 'conspiracy theory' appeared." https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-heres-source-cia-jfks-assassination "

The following is from a very insightful comment in the link:

"Oswald did not kill Kennedy... The kill shot came from the front and right of Kennedy and his head moved back and to the left when he was hit... Oswald was not on the Grassy Knoll where the shot came from. Further, anyone that has ever shot a bird or any other animal... knows that when a object is hit with a bullet it moves in the same direction the bullet is moving... "

This makes sense. In physics, this is called momentum! Therefore the Warren Commission explanation is bunk and the introduction of the phrase "conspiracy theory" was and is to discourage We The People from questioning our lords and masters.
55   Ceffer   2023 Apr 16, 1:57pm  

Kennedy was reckless to be in an open motorcade to begin with. Audacious recklessness kind of shows he was at least a bit gorked on his medicaments, although the Kennedys seem to do reckless shit in general.

No excuse for the assassination, but it was a classic Roman Praetorian Guard murder since the SS was complicit. I love all the phony reminiscing by the SS agents about the day. They have their scripts handed to them, as usual.

Trump has SS around, but he never has trusted them or relied on them. He is protected by the military, and I sometime wonder if military have taken out specific SS figures behind the scenes. It would seem to be the only explantation for Trump's continued survival. I would bet there is a cloaked bounty of a couple of billion for anybody who can reach him.
56   GNL   2023 Apr 16, 4:20pm  

The_Deplorable says

Is this on video by any chance?
57   AD   2023 Apr 16, 4:49pm  

check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_William_Cooper

he had reported a lot about JFK and JFK's assassination

58   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 16, 5:28pm  

GNL says
"Is this on video by any chance? "

I don't know. That is how I found it..
60   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 21, 9:27am  

GNL says

The_Deplorable says

Is this on video by any chance?

Kennedy is the of the most misunderstood people when it comes to conspiracy community. He was never going to abolish the Fed, or expose anyone:

62   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 23, 10:56am  

The_Deplorable says

"Oswald did not kill Kennedy... The kill shot came from the front and right of Kennedy and his head moved back and to the left when he was hit... Oswald was not on the Grassy Knoll where the shot came from. Further, anyone that has ever shot a bird or any other animal... knows that when a object is hit with a bullet it moves in the same direction the bullet is moving... "

I know quite a bit about firearms. The World War 2 surplus Mannlicher Carcano that Oswald supposedly used is a very well known piece of junk with sloppy bolt action. Oswald's rifle also had a very cheap, bad scope that wasn't even 'sited in,' meaning that the rifle did not shoot in accordance with the aim. Furthermore, FBI expert marksmen were unable to even come close to what the Warren Commission claimed Oswald was able to do. The "Magic Bullet" was found perfectly intact on a gurney at Parkland Hospital, a gurney on which Gov. Connally was never on. Yet, it somehow was connected to Connally after having travelled through 7 entry and exits wounds, and found in near perfect condition ... a complete, absolute, total impossibility. The importance of course of the Magic Bullet was to ballistically connect the rifle to the patsy Oswald.

One other quick item. Contrary to popular belief, there were eyewitnesses to the shots being fired from behind the picket fence. Most of these credible witnesses were never called to testify to the Warren Commission, and the couple that were called, were questioned about things that did not pertain to what they actually saw.
63   Patrick   2023 May 8, 10:35am  


Once again displaying that he is not afraid to go on the offensive against the Deep State, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior stated this past weekend that he believes the CIA was “involved in the murder” of his uncle and has presided over a “60-year cover-up”.

During an interview, host Jason Calacanis asked Kennedy “Do you believe they (the CIA) were involved in the murder of your uncle?”

Kennedy instantly responded “They were definitely involved in the murder and the 60-year cover-up,” adding “They’re still not releasing, you know the papers that legally they have to release.”

RFK Jr. also noted that his father Bobby Kennedy’s belief about assassination was that the CIA was responsible, noting that President Kenndy’s brother even called Langley and asked “did your people do this?”

During his campaign announcement last month, RFK Jr. spoke about his uncle vowing to “take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind” after the disastrous Bay of Pigs incident.

RFK Jr. emphasised that JFK had concluded before he was assassinated that “the function of the intelligence agencies had become to provide the military industrial complex with a constant pipeline of war.”

Kennedy Jr. promised to “let loose” on those who have attempted to silence him for 18 years, asserting “This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18 years. I’ve got a lot to talk about.”
65   AD   2023 May 8, 6:34pm  

Patrick says

Kennedy Jr. promised to “let loose” on those who have attempted to silence him for 18 years, asserting “This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18 years. I’ve got a lot to talk about.”

I just hope he does this talking on the campaign trail and is not making false promises.

My fear is he is being a tool for the Democrats to get its based excited and then he'll bow out and throw his endorsement to Birdbrain Biden, and try to get all his followers to vote for Birdbrain Biden in November 2024.

66   AmericanKulak   2023 May 8, 6:40pm  

EDIT: OOps, wrong thread
67   casandra   2023 May 8, 6:46pm  

With all that is said, it is obvious this country is ran by people who have no allegiance to the citizens of the United States, thus most likely the US is ran by people that do not live here. So when you say the CIA or whomever killed whomever it is these people, whomever they are that are pulling the strings.

They have vast amounts of money and can blackmail most people here as they're cronies. when a certain person does not do what they want on the world stage, like in Ukraine, they allow the other side to make strides against his son. When he caves it all disappears. So now they want a big move to be made and he must be resisting. But hey he is old and we tried to knock off the enemys leader or so they say. That leaves the door open for revenge or so we say.

A young and week fetaly of a president replacement here would be easy Pickens to control and get what they want done in Europe, and a shoe in for reelection as in a dilemma and already president.

And it will be a. over there, over there. . See ya; would not want to be yah. And I really dont think we will see you again as you go support the ones YOU voted for all you young stooges.
68   Ceffer   2023 May 8, 7:46pm  

RayAmerica says

I know quite a bit about firearms. The World War 2 surplus Mannlicher Carcano that Oswald supposedly used is a very well known piece of junk with sloppy bolt action

An additional irony is that they showed two entirely different versions of the rifle held up for publicity shots as Oswald's weapon. One was clearly different from the other.
69   HeadSet   2023 May 9, 6:29am  

Ceffer says

An additional irony is that they showed two entirely different versions of the rifle held up for publicity shots as Oswald's weapon. One was clearly different from the other.

Blatant "errors" like that make me think they are sending a warning to those in the know, similar to how Seth Rich died in a robbery where nothing was taken.
70   richwicks   2023 May 10, 12:33pm  

HeadSet says

Ceffer says

An additional irony is that they showed two entirely different versions of the rifle held up for publicity shots as Oswald's weapon. One was clearly different from the other.

Blatant "errors" like that make me think they are sending a warning to those in the know, similar to how Seth Rich died in a robbery where nothing was taken.

Me too. Remember the guy that committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest and hanging himself?

They are overtly saying, keep your mouth shut, when they do shit like this. The sheep will believe it was suicide or whatever, even though the facts blatantly don't add up if you look into it even a little superficially.
71   HeadSet   2023 May 10, 1:22pm  

richwicks says

The sheep will believe it was suicide or whatever, even though the facts blatantly don't add up if you look into it even a little superficially.

I do not think it is meant to fool the sheep, but rather to give the cowardly local prosecutors an out by declaring a suicide.
72   richwicks   2023 May 11, 8:38am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

The sheep will believe it was suicide or whatever, even though the facts blatantly don't add up if you look into it even a little superficially.

I do not think it is meant to fool the sheep, but rather to give the cowardly local prosecutors an out by declaring a suicide.

Propaganda is a thing that gives people an excuse not to think. All 90% of people need to hear is "it was suicide", and they believe it.

People who are little smarter realize, it obviously wasn't a suicide, the prosecutor nor the police will do anything about it, the news lies about it, and it was a politically motivated murder - the murder is a threat and you get to see how many people go along with it, rather than take ANY risk (no matter how minimal) in just going along to get along.

There's virtually no threat to me in pointing out that Mark Middleton was assassinated, hardly any threat to ANYBODY to talk about it, but they won't. Plenty of people can see this was a murder, how many people will point it out? 1%? 0.1%?
73   AmericanKulak   2023 May 12, 9:45pm  

JFK's mistress murdered just before Warren Report.

Another one of the many suspicious incidents around that time.

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