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Louise Meijer, a lawmaker with the now-governing Moderate Party, previously “took a stand for openness” and supported the ‘Refugees Welcome’ mantra, but now wants to pull up the drawbridge completely.
“But I have changed my mind on the matter,” she told Expressen, adding she now supports “an even stricter migration policy than the one I opposed at the time.”
“The change that Sweden has undergone and is undergoing is fundamentally changing the country,” said Meijer, noting that “mass immigration has been followed by several major problems.” ...
Meijer asserted that integrating large numbers of migrants has been a total failure for Sweden and “for integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values.”
She is now calling for a strict limit on migration in the near future and dedicated herself to ensuring that the country begins a large deportation campaign.
“You need to work, speak Swedish, and do your duty before you demand your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden either. Deportation or repatriation should then be a real option,” said Meijer.
After being one of if not the safest country in Europe, Sweden now records the second most bombings out of any country not at war besides Mexico.
Violence and criminality caused by migrant gangland violence is so chronic, last year the Swedish Prime Minister met with the head of the military to try to formulate a plan to deal with it.
Riots and civil unrest have become commonplace, and in 2021, Germany’s Bild newspaper ran the headline: ‘Sweden is the most dangerous country in Europe.’
The sister of a Swedish woman killed in a suspected honour killing last year heard their mother's screams over the phone as she found her daughter's body with a lamp cord wrapped around her neck, according to police documents.
Saga Forsgren Elneborg, 20, was found strangled to death at her home in the city of Örebro in April last year in a case that has shocked the Scandinavian country.
She was seven months pregnant with a son at the time of her death.
Prosecutors claim that her 22-year-old boyfriend Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim - a refugee from Somalia - killed her in April last year rather than face the shame of telling his Muslim family that his girlfriend - believed to be half Thai, half Swedish and Christian - was pregnant.
There was this case recently, some Middle Eastern taxi driver raped a teenage Swedish girl. The police refused to do anything when she reported him. Swedish police have a heavy complement of heavyset middle-aged women for whom combating racism is very important, you see. So this fourteen-year-old girl lured the rapist Arab, twelve years her senior, into the forest. She tempted him by offering her body willingly this time. Told him to bring vodka. He probably wouldn’t have gone if he’d seen the giddy text message she sent to a friend, “They will meet my rapist HIHIHI”. Her boyfriend and his three brothers, all teenagers just a few years older than her, then set upon the rapist Arab, out there in the deep woods where no one would hear his screams as they tortured him. Then they threw a rope over a stout branch, hanged him from the neck until he was dead, and left him for the ravens. The oldest got sent to jail for life; the rest of them got sent to juvenile detention for a period of months to years.
Except that a few months later, they appealed to a higher court, and all five of them were acquitted of murder. This not because the court did not think they had committed murder – a murder very obviously occurred – but on a technicality, as it was impossible to determine which of them, specifically, committed the lethal act. It seems the five teens refused to snitch on one another, so they literally got away with murder. There’s a lesson there, kids. I can’t help but see Odin’s eye smiling grimly down on them. They did, after all, leave the rapist Arab on one of his trees.
Now imagine the whole country snaps like that. Because, you know, at this point, a whole lot of Swedish women have gotten raped, over the years. It’s sort of an open secret. What makes it all even more humiliating for Swedish women to contemplate is that it’s happened in large degree because they themselves have done everything in their power to hold their men back, to keep them from taking any sort of action to protect them from auslanders, that they mustn’t be racist, blah blah. This is what feminism, married to multiculturalism, has done, in the end, in Sweden, and indeed all over Europe. It turned Swedish women into Arab rape toys. And everyone knows it. The migrants certainly know it. Swedish men sure know it. And deep down, Swedish women know it.
Muslims are not immigrants; they are invaders because they are identical to parasites in the host country.
I’m not buying tickets yet, but maybe Sweden is onto something. The Deep Dive ran a story late last week headlined, “Sweden Introduces New ‘Remigration Check’ Policy, Raising Concerns Over Forced Migrant Exits.”
The Swedish government announced a new “financial incentive” to encourage migrants to return to their countries of origin. In other words, a bribe. Known as the “remigration check,” the new policy offers migrants up to $35,000 per person to voluntarily get lost, beat it back home, and make themselves scarce.
The article pointed out that a migrant family of four would get $140,000, enough to afford a home or land in most parts of Africa and the Middle East. To put down roots. Supporters pointed out it’s a good deal all around, since Sweden is already spending much more than that on inefficient welfare for the migrants.
You would think a policy like this would be a liberal’s wildest dream. It transfers more wealth from the first world to the third world. It sets up migrants to succeed in their own countries and helps them escape poverty. It’s a giant handout.
But no; Swedish leftists hate the idea. Because it’s mean.
Practical problems quickly suggest themselves. For a plan like this to work, a country must first close its borders, or else migrants will be encouraged to come, turn around, and claim their severance packages, a sort of money-grabbing lazy-Susan. But if handled right, if the borders were closed, it might work.
The Swedish government announced a new “financial incentive” to encourage migrants to return to their countries of origin. In other words, a bribe. Known as the “remigration check,” the new policy offers migrants up to $35,000 per person to voluntarily get lost, beat it back home, and make themselves scarce.
the new policy offers migrants up to $35,000 per person to voluntarily get lost, beat it back home, and make themselves scarce.
Patrick says
The Swedish government announced a new “financial incentive” to encourage migrants to return to their countries of origin. In other words, a bribe. Known as the “remigration check,” the new policy offers migrants up to $35,000 per person to voluntarily get lost, beat it back home, and make themselves scarce.
Time for PatNetters to organize a group tour to Sweden!
We go, we arrive, we claim to be migrants and won't leave w/o our $35k checks.
You may be familiar with the term "Stockholm syndrome," in which someone becomes attached to their captor or kidnapper, effectively becoming brainwashed into aligning themselves with someone trying to harm them.
So you know it's a big deal when Sweden — which pretty much owns the naming rights to Stockholm syndrome! — is doing this:
Faced with increasing crime and economic pressures from its migrant crisis, Sweden plans to significantly increase financial incentives for migrants to leave the country. Beginning in 2026, Migration Minister Johan Forssell says Sweden will offer $34,000 to migrants willing to return to their nation of origin.
And this isn't just a one-off thing. The Swedish government already tried this last year and decided to kick its efforts into overdrive:
Presently, the Swedish government's program offers $976 per adult and $488 per child, with a cap of $3,903 per family. This program saw minimal uptake in 2023, with just one participant. The proposed increase aims to make the offer more attractive, especially for the several hundred thousand migrants in Sweden who are unemployed or reliant on state benefits, according to Sweden Democrats (SD) spokesman Ludvig Aspling.
You do have to imagine that even the lure of $34,000 won't be enough to deter many migrants from those sweet, sweet Swedish "state benefits."
Methinks most of them will decline to go back to Afghanistan and Syria!
The country "received over 250,000 asylum seekers since mid-2023," so you can imagine how acutely desperate they're getting.
Color me skeptical that the Swedish government has enough money to fix this problem.
There's only one way out of this mess, and it doesn't involve "tolerance and inclusion."
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Excerpted from the article:
Globalists’ multicultural experiment in Sweden has resulted in Swedes no longer being safe in their own country.
Five teenage Syrian Muslim “migrants” have been charged on suspicion of gang-raping a young woman in a park in Malmö, Sweden.
Sweden’s Mass Immigration
Sweden has, in just two generations, gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. Meanwhile, mass immigration has dramatically altered Sweden’s population, reports Gatestone.
While Sweden’s population remained almost exclusively Swedish for most of the 20th century, the share of migrants and their descendants has quickly soared to about a third of a total population of roughly 10 million.
Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.
Islam’s View On Women
In the now familiar approach to these issues, the left-wing Swedish rulers and their media refuse to address the underlying cause of the phenomenon of Muslim rapists – Islam’s canonical intrinsic devaluing of women. Islam teaches that a woman is worth less than a man. And a non-Muslim woman is worth less than an Islamic one. According to the words of Muhammad and the Quran, men are in charge of women. Prophet Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of women captured in battle. He even provided instructions on how women should be raped after capture, telling his men not to worry about coitus interruptus since “Allah has written whom he is going to create.” Allah also told Muslim men to rape women captured in battle; they were told to do it in front of their husbands.