Sweden ... The Test Tube for Mass Immigration

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2022 Dec 26, 9:03am   11,484 views  115 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants

Excerpted from the article:

Globalists’ multicultural experiment in Sweden has resulted in Swedes no longer being safe in their own country.

Five teenage Syrian Muslim “migrants” have been charged on suspicion of gang-raping a young woman in a park in Malmö, Sweden.

Sweden’s Mass Immigration

Sweden has, in just two generations, gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. Meanwhile, mass immigration has dramatically altered Sweden’s population, reports Gatestone.

While Sweden’s population remained almost exclusively Swedish for most of the 20th century, the share of migrants and their descendants has quickly soared to about a third of a total population of roughly 10 million.

Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.

Islam’s View On Women

In the now familiar approach to these issues, the left-wing Swedish rulers and their media refuse to address the underlying cause of the phenomenon of Muslim rapists – Islam’s canonical intrinsic devaluing of women. Islam teaches that a woman is worth less than a man. And a non-Muslim woman is worth less than an Islamic one. According to the words of Muhammad and the Quran, men are in charge of women. Prophet Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of women captured in battle. He even provided instructions on how women should be raped after capture, telling his men not to worry about coitus interruptus since “Allah has written whom he is going to create.” Allah also told Muslim men to rape women captured in battle; they were told to do it in front of their husbands.


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1   gabbar   2022 Dec 26, 9:25am  

There is a Muslim imam (Tawhidi https://imamtawhidi.com) out there who notes in a video interview that western countries are importing Muslim garbage people from Muslim countries. In this interview, he notes that western countries are downgrading and Muslim countries are upgrading. This video is on his Twitter account.
2   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Dec 26, 9:30am  

why u h8 dieversity bigots? u r not inklusive!!! literally hItler raycis!!!
3   Blue   2022 Dec 26, 9:45am  

Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and it can collapse or disable communities and countries unless treated before its too late.
4   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 9:52am  

People that support open borders but lock their doors at night are hypocrites. I always ask liberals that support open borders if they lock their doors, easily exposing
their hypocrisy.
6   gabbar   2022 Dec 26, 10:52am  

Blue says

Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and it can collapse or disable communities and countries unless treated before its too late.

I am afraid they will pursue this disorder for a long time irrespective of its impact on our citizens.
7   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 11:43am  

Islam is right about women. Perhaps not the hardcore fundy version, but the mediumcore one.

The West was right about women until around 1965.

gabbar says

There is a Muslim imam (Tawhidi) out there who notes in a video interview that western countries are importing Muslim garbage people from Muslim countries.

This is also true. We're literally taking the worst of their worst.

Additionally, most Trash wouldn't dare do this in a Muslim country for the simple reason they'd be more afraid of the Victim's family than the Authorities.

Ungovernability in certain sectors is important. As recently as the 1980s in this country, a guy walking up and shooting his kid's abuser at an airport would only get a wristslap punishment. Look up Gary Plauche.
8   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 11:52am  

gabbar says

Blue says

Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and it can collapse or disable communities and countries unless treated before its too late.

I am afraid they will pursue this disorder for a long time irrespective of its impact on our citizens.


San Franfreako is the best example of liberalism. It's a city where: The Police are prevented from running DNA tests on used condoms at public bathrooms to protect Trolling Public Sex homosexuals. Where homosexuals can spread HIV to an uninformed sex partner and face nothing worse than a fine and it's never charged anyway, but doled out penalties for performing everyday tasks unmasked. Whose representatives fight to lower the age of consent for Homosexuals.
9   mell   2022 Dec 26, 11:58am  

AmericanKulak says

gabbar says

Blue says

Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and it can collapse or disable communities and countries unless treated before its too late.

I am afraid they will pursue this disorder for a long time irrespective of its impact on our citizens.


San Franfreako is the best example of liberalism. It's a city where: The Police are prevented from running DNA tests on used condoms at public bathrooms to protect Trolling Public Sex homosexuals. Where homosexuals can spread HIV to an uninformed sex partner and face nothing worse than a fine and it's never charged anyway, but doled out penalties for performing everyday tasks unmasked. Whose representatives fight to lower the age of consent for Homosexuals.

I'm surprised how quickly they destroyed SF, probably with ushering in the era of boudin and soros money. Until 2008, maybe even 2010, you could still go out, there were plenty of hot spots with hot chicks and a clean ambiance, and even if you had to walk outside it was actually fun, already dirty, but fun, without hobos, drugs and tent cities in most downtown hoods. From then on it first got only gradually worse, accelerating the years leading into covid, and the covid years turned it into a total shithole. Eventually something will have to give, hopefully for the better
10   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 12:00pm  

When a policy is predictably, ludicrously destructive, but is instituted anyway, the only explanation is that it was done on purpose as a demolition project.
11   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 12:25pm  

With the MILLIONS that have crossed our border illegally, it's only a matter of time before we experience the very same crime that Sweden is witnessing, only on a massive

I believe that all of this is being done for a purpose; create chaos in such a manner that the people themselves will cry out for 'order' to be restored. That's when the despotic
One World Government solution will be rolled out, and the idiotic, hopelessly deceived people will gladly welcome it.
12   GNL   2022 Dec 26, 7:43pm  

Blue says

Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and it can collapse or disable communities and countries unless treated before its too late.

It's too late.
13   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 5:52pm  


200 mourners attended a Muslim cemetery to bury a teenage Afghan boy
The 15-year-old was killed allegedly by a gangster of the same age in Sweden
Since Christmas, Stockholm faced 30 shootings and bombings, four were fatal

Yet even those on the liberal Left now grudgingly agree that they are rooted in the country’s disastrously failed immigration policy — which in recent years opened Sweden’s borders. Some 2 million immigrants (20 per cent of the entire population), now live in Sweden, often from the most troubled parts of Asia and Africa — and the country failed to plan for the immense difficulties of integrating them into society.

Holy shit, 20% of the entire population.

Women did this. It's a valid argument against letting women vote or have any position of political power.
14   BayArea   2023 Feb 12, 2:22am  

20%, Omg
15   richwicks   2023 Feb 12, 2:33am  

Patrick says

Women did this. It's a valid argument against letting women vote or have any position of political power.

I don't think we have any control over our governments. Basically, we get to pick between two puppets, controlled by the same master. Corruption is rampant and obvious and nobody even complains about it.

For example, Hunter Biden is still selling "art" for 1/2 million each. The FIB won't even question it, the media ignores it. What control do we have over our governments?
16   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 12, 6:00am  

richwicks says

What control do we have over our governments?

And when it comes to important, pivotal elections? What control do we have there?
17   BayArea   2023 Feb 12, 6:25am  

The important thing is have they connected the dots and learned from this?

Is Sweden being used as a case study for the rest of the western world in what not to do?

Or is it all being swept under a rug? My impression is that what’s happening in Sweden gets very little press coverage by our mainstream media.
18   richwicks   2023 Feb 12, 7:32am  

BayArea says

My impression is that what’s happening in Sweden gets very little press coverage by our mainstream media.

There is no truth in "mainstream" media. It's really legacy media - well, propaganda.

I don't believe a nation can survive without a news media, that actually reflects reality well. I haven't seen much of anything accurate or truthful in our media for 20 years. They can lie about foreign policy, but I don't think they can lie about something as fundamental as biological gender or "white nationalists" for long, or the balloting system, or the economic system.

My conclusion is that many things people take for granted as true, is actually false and that's why there's an agenda 2030. It's a hail mary attempt to fool the population once more, and I don't think it will work. I think the last 2 years was a major wakeup call to over 25% of the population. That's easily enough for a revolution.
19   HeadSet   2023 Feb 12, 12:16pm  

Patrick says

Some 2 million immigrants (20 per cent of the entire population), now live in Sweden,

That means implemented Sharia Law within a generation.
20   gabbar   2023 Feb 13, 3:02pm  

Some Palestinian mullah was on video inspiring Muslims to go to American and fight a preemptive war on US soil. And this is why, we do need more Muslim immigration because of diversity blah blah
21   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 13, 3:04pm  

Arabs: "Give me a Greek Slave, a Black Slave, two Ukrainian Wives, a French Wife..."
Literally No-one: "I want me an Arab Wife"
22   gabbar   2023 Feb 13, 3:04pm  

richwicks says

I think the last 2 years was a major wakeup call to over 25% of the population. That's easily enough for a revolution.

That's 25 percent of the population who is full of food and entertainment. I doubt it. No revolution happens with full stomachs.
23   HeadSet   2023 Feb 13, 6:21pm  

gabbar says

No revolution happens with full stomachs.

But invasions do.
24   richwicks   2023 Feb 13, 6:23pm  

gabbar says

That's 25 percent of the population who is full of food and entertainment. I doubt it. No revolution happens with full stomachs.

Well, here's to hoping for a break in the food supply, but that will never happen will it...
25   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 13, 6:24pm  

Berlin "Free University" tells students to stop reporting a Sex Offender who has been running wild in and around campus for weeks --- he's a migrant and they're worried the police might hurty him because of his Ethnicity.
26   Blue   2023 Feb 13, 10:44pm  

AmericanKulak says

Berlin "Free University" tells students to stop reporting a Sex Offender who has been running wild in and around campus for weeks --- he's a migrant and they're worried the police might hurty him because of his Ethnicity.

Local police, judge, politician who got elected and the journalists who is hiding this kind of crimes must be hanged in public. Let their friends and family join in the next round.
28   HeadSet   2023 Feb 14, 5:57pm  

Conquered is right, when the refugees are all military aged men.
29   AD   2023 Feb 14, 9:57pm  

My wife is originally from western Ukraine. She has friends in Netherlands and Sweden and she said they are naive there.

My wife said the problem is they are very liberal to the point it creates a group think environment, which leads to a collective naive mindset.

That makes them very much a prey to outsiders who exploit that.

My wife said they have gotten to the point of being so committed to that mindset it is very hard for them to admit fault in their own thinking, and that makes them even more self-inflicted victims.

31   Patrick   2023 Mar 13, 10:53am  

Britain is suicidal.
32   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 3:29pm  


Mohammed the migrant didn't like that his Swedish girlfriend dumped him, so he grabbed a knife and climbed up her balcony while a beta male did nothing to stop him

Don't give up those guns, America, because this is the future if you do.

[Warning: Violence]

Look at that beta male filming who did nothing to stop him.


He's literally doing the meme.

The video, taken on May 25, shows Algerian migrant Mohammed Amana breaking into the apartment where his ex was temporarily living with a male friend in the Swedish town of Orrefors.

Mohammed was under a deportation order, but - surprise surprise! - that order was never carried out, leaving this austere religious scholar the opportunity to commit more crime.

After the attack, which the woman thankfully survived, Mohammed was sentenced to two years in jail (attempted murderers get off light if they are Muslim migrants, I guess), after which he is to be deported (think that will actually happen?).

Good luck with all that, Europe. If you need me, I'll be cleaning my AR-15.
33   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 5, 4:01pm  

RayAmerica says

richwicks says

What control do we have over our governments?

And when it comes to important, pivotal elections? What control do we have there?

Birdshot! From a shotgun you didn't get around to buying in the first place.

34   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Sep 5, 6:11pm  

ad says

My wife said the problem is they are very liberal to the point it creates a group think environment, which leads to a collective naive mindset.

Virtue signaling while thinking you're safe and protected is deadly. Eventually, these people will figure out they were wrong all along. By then it's too late. The main problem is that everyone else in the country has to suffer the same fate as these naive people.

One of the smartest things the great governors of Florida and Texas have been doing is sending a tiny fraction of illegal aliens that pour over the their borders to the virtue-signaling sanctuary cities and states that have been somewhat protected from the invasion. It's wonderful to see New York City, Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard suddenly (if temporarily) wake up to reality.
39   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 5:02pm  


Quote of the Day:

"I cannot emphasize enough how serious the situation is. Sweden has never seen anything like it before. No other country in Europe sees anything like it currently."

That’s Sweden’s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson speaking in a televised national address about the possibility of using the military to assist police in the crackdown on gang crime as shootings and bomb attacks continue to climb in the country. Kristersson said he’d be meeting with the leader of Sweden’s defense department on Friday to strategize how the army could begin helping police to tame what’s become a record-breaking number of deadly shootings that continue to claim bystanders. “Innocent people are being murdered and injured,” Anders Thornberg, Sweden’s police chief, said recently.

Lol, what did they think would happen after they imported 800,000 Muslims? That's now 8% of Sweden's population.

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