January 6th should be a national holiday honoring the political prisoners who were brave enough to stand up against election fraud

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2023 Jan 1, 12:27am   61,418 views  580 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

What are their names? Anyone have a list?

Everyone in prison from the FBI's Jan 6th entrapment scheme is an American national hero.

Every one of them should not only be freed and given several million dollars each, paid out of the FBI budget, they should be given the US Medal of Honor for daring to stand up against the corrupt FBI/Democrat oligarchy which defrauded US citizens in the 2020 presidential election.

They were unarmed, goaded by FBI into walking into the doors that were specifically unlocked to let them in, given tours (see buffalo man), and then arrested.

False noise was added to the video to make it sound violent.

The whole thing was entrapment and fraud from the beginning.

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140   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 3:09am  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

Why should anybody pay you any attention when you still think the USSR continues to exist?

It's called trolling.

Oh, I know. I just think it's stupid trolling.

Step up @RWSGFY, if you want to change minds stop pretending you're stupid. I really can't tell with you either, do you HATE Russia, or love it? I honestly can't tell because you talk like you woke up from a coma you entered in the 1980s.

I'm indifferent with Russia BTW. I know they have a lot of problems, they have a TON of criminality. Pravda and Izvestia is just as much nonsense as CNN and MSNBC - trite garbage but Russia is better today than they were 40 years ago. 40 years ago, they had senile almost walking corpses as their premiers, now we have that.

We're going to go into collapse, just like the USSR. The only thing holding us together is a bunch of propaganda and lies, and that will fail in time.
141   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 1:22pm  

richwicks says

We're going to go into collapse, just like the USSR. The only thing holding us together is a bunch of propaganda and lies, and that will fail in time.

USSR collapsed because it doesn’t work to have the government control the means of production.

China perfected communism because corporations are free to operate in both the Chinese and the worlds free market. They found the right mix of economics and totalitarianism.

That’s what they want to do with the rest of the world. The USA will not collapse, it will become a fascimile of communist China. You can see it already with the censorship, the lockdowns and the vaccine mandates and wokism. These are communist ideals, forcing us to give up liberty for “the safety of the community”
142   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 2:10pm  

PeopleUnited says

USSR collapsed because it doesn’t work to have the government control the means of production.

USSR collapsed for multiple reasons. Part of it was they were highly dependent on oil exports and oil was driven down to $20 a barrel. Poland and East Germany had broken away, Ceaușescu and his wife were executed on live television, Russia lost Afghanistan, people were frustrated with a media system that constantly lied. It just hit a boiling point. Having the Chernobyl disaster was pivotal.

The US is losing international influence from 20 years of over-extension in pointless wars. We have a 30 trillion dollar debt and it doubles every 8 years. We just fucked over all of Europe by overthrowing Ukraine and blowing up the Nordstream. The US just seized a ton of Russian liquid assets - we didn't even do that to the Nazis in WWII, so countries now realize they can't trust the US dollar for trade. Our media is complete bullshit, promoting nonsense endlessly, they are blatantly lying about the Ukraine war. The propaganda of our government is so infantile, that only fools pay attention to it at this point. They just spent 4 years lying about Trump, then 2 years lying about covid, now they will spend whatever number of years lying about Ukraine and Ukraine.

You need a coherent narrative for a country to function. Without a centralized media, you don't have a country. We all have to be on the "same page" so to speak. We're not. Our media has always been somewhat full of shit, but now, it's just entirely garbage.

PeopleUnited says

That’s what they want to do with the rest of the world. The USA will not collapse, it will become a fascimile of communist China. You can see it already with the censorship, the lockdowns and the vaccine mandates and wokism.

China is NOT woke at all, none of Asia is. That shit is ONLY in the West. It's not tolerated in the Eastern block of Europe.

PeopleUnited says

These are communist ideals, forcing us to give up liberty for “the safety of the community”

China isn't communist, it's a mixture of fascism and capitalism.

There's this facade about the United States that "everything is being planned out and whatever happens, that was INTENTIONAL" - that is not what is happening although it's easy to feel that's what is happening. The US expected Russia to end up starving because of sanctions. They blew up the Nordstream in an attempt to cut off revenue to Russia, but Russia doesn't need it. We have fucking STUPID people at the state department now, I don't want to look it up again, but some idiot actually said "Russia will run out of money before Europe runs out of energy" - these people don't understand economics. The euro and the dollar are NOT needed, Russia doesn't have to buy from either Europe or the United States, although they might WANT to. You can't eat money, you can't heat your house with money, you can't fill up your car with money.

China would crush us tomorrow, although it would create havoc for them as well. Imagine is NO Chinese products were shipped to the United States tomorrow. What China is going to do, I suspect, is increase prices slowly to America, so that Chinese businesses can adjust.
143   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 4:04pm  

richwicks says

China is NOT woke at all, none of Asia is. That shit is ONLY in the West. It's not tolerated in the Eastern block of Europe.

You miss the point. Wokeism is peak socialism/communism. Wokeism is being forced on us, just like the communist party forces its values on its people. It is the opposite of self determination and freedom of personal choice.

And China is the model the new world order is seeking to emulate around the world.

Just look at COVID. It was created in China because the authorities in the USA banned that research on American soil. Then it was first released in China. The lockdowns happened in China first and when they worked so well (at controlling people not the virus) they rolled them out to the rest of the world. China is the globalists laboratory of tyranny.
144   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 4:35pm  

PeopleUnited says

You miss the point. Wokeism is peak socialism/communism. Wokeism is being forced on us, just like the communist party forces its values on its people. It is the opposite of self determination and freedom of personal choice.

Wokeism is just another fucking distraction. The people in power make up some fake bullshit issue, it's passed to the media which they endless promote AND misreport on, this gets people arguing about the issue, the media ONLY allows the most extreme crazy nutcases talk, and amplifies them endlessly, and the public spends a bunch of time arguing about it.

The people don't care if the issue is resolved and if it is, which way it's resolved. Remember all the people being accused of rape a few years ago? Remember "A Rape on Campus", how about Emma Sulkowicz "mattress girl", how about Anita Sarkeesian who was "harassed constantly" because people were just trying to correct her BULLSHIT. Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn talked in front of the UN about "women's rights".

It only exists to create an argument.

PeopleUnited says

And China is the model the new world order is seeking to emulate around the world.

China might sabotage the rest of the world, they're not going to join it. They do NOT want to reduce their living standard, they do not want to make their country poor and unmanageable - they might do that to us, but they won't do it to themselves.

PeopleUnited says

Just look at COVID. It was created in China because the authorities in the USA banned that research on American soil. Then it was first released in China. The lockdowns happened in China first and when they worked so well (at controlling people not the virus) they rolled them out to the rest of the world.

China is a largely closed country, and our government and press lie constantly.

Covid wasn't even a fucking problem. It was a minor disease which was endlessly hyped up. There's a fair amount of people that don't even believe there was a release of any disease, and who knows? Maybe they are right. I didn't know anybody that "got covid" who didn't first get a covid vaccine. They could have just been experiencing a reaction to the injection itself.
145   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 29, 6:07pm  

richwicks says

Wokeism is just another fucking distraction. The people in power make up some fake bullshit issue, it's passed to the media which they endless promote AND misreport on, this gets people arguing about the issue, the media ONLY allows the most extreme crazy nutcases talk, and amplifies them endlessly, and the public spends a bunch of time arguing about it.


Wokism is to alienate the individual, divide society into as many groups as possible, eliminate nationalism and morality, and make everything about flesh and "Clumps of cells". Break the family, and promote consumerism through "Lifestyle Choices" reflected in product preferences.

It's a cornerstone of Globalism.
146   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 6:43pm  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

Wokeism is just another fucking distraction. The people in power make up some fake bullshit issue, it's passed to the media which they endless promote AND misreport on, this gets people arguing about the issue, the media ONLY allows the most extreme crazy nutcases talk, and amplifies them endlessly, and the public spends a bunch of time arguing about it.


Actually, we do NOT disagree. The purpose of this is to create cultural conflict in order to distract us from actual issues by keeping us fighting one another over an issue that the people in power, really don't care about.

Religious issues was the thing in the 1990s, with fraud televangelists - I helped take them down. Then it was about homosexual equality, then it was onto the next wave of feminism, then it was racism, now it's transgenderism. It's just to get us to argue.

The problem they are running into, is that we all CAN talk to one another, so censorship - because we ARE coming together. We're getting better educated, more aware. How well do smears work anymore? You Putin Puppet? How effective is the "news" media anymore? How trusted are the intelligence agencies anymore, I LOVE the fact 51 intelligence officials "mistook" Biden's laptops (there's 3 of them!) as "classic Russian disinformation".

They are creating chaos as much as possible to raise the noise to signal ratio. They don't want us talking about actually relevant things. They are happy to give us free speech to talk about pornography, social issues they don't care about, etc - but NOT about actual relevant issues, and actual real problems.

AmericanKulak says

Wokism is to alienate the individual, divide society into as many groups as possible, eliminate nationalism and morality, and make everything about flesh and "Clumps of cells". Break the family, and promote consumerism through "Lifestyle Choices" reflected in product preferences.

It's a cornerstone of Globalism.

Oh, they just want to enslave us. Globalism, the idea behind that, is that if China makes all the widgets, and we make all the designs, and the Chinese aren't allowed to make designs and we're not allowed to make widgets, we are mutually dependent on one another, and at the mercy of our respective governments to allow that cooperation.

Globalism is a way to ensure mutual dependence, that way if either society fails, both do, so both societies have to support one another. The problem is, that the Chinese aren't dependent on the United States. Russia is not dependent on the United States. Globalism is already a failure. Nations went along with it, to the extent it benefited them. Europe went along with it, because, well, they're idiots. The proxy war with Russia is so that Europe remains dependent on US energy, and war in the Middle East. The destruction of the Nordstream was a SERIOUS environmental disaster, so they don't care about the environment, they care about domination.

What the IDIOTS who constructed this "brave new idea" didn't realize, is that all we've done is make the United States very weak.

Seriously, I really can't tell if the Neocons are intentionally destroying the country, or if they're really this dumb. Ever read some of their plans? Read some shit from the Project for the New American Century. They're insane, and they're stupid.

But we have this problem of a mindless, uneducated population. The intelligence agencies, most of the people that work there, they just follow orders. Just like the military. They just assume, that the people above them "know what they are doing" and they believe that they just don't have enough information to make those bold intelligent decisions. The reality is, the people at the top are either clueless or working directly against the interests of this nation.

Look at how stupid they are. They built Google, they used it to collect a TON of information on people, then they started to censor it. Well, we'll just go somewhere else. Same thing with Facebook, Youtube, Twitter (which I think they're trying to get back). All they had to do, was lie low, allow people to talk freely, and monitor everything. But no, they have to threaten parents who are upset about Gender Queer being in the elementary school library, calling them terrorists. They are jokes.

Our media has lost control of the narrative. They did this by lying about Trump for 4 years, then lying about Biden to protect him. They didn't have to lie about Bush, he was a genuinely awful person, but they lied about Obama, PRESUMABLY because he was black - but that wasn't really it. It's all to construct a narrative, but when you get in front of the world, say multiple times that the Nordstream won't be allowed to function:

original link

And then turn around and say "Russia did it", how much credibility can they have? They NEED credibility. 20 years ago, people would have been afraid to expose the government for the liars they are, and they wouldn't have had the research tools to find out how dishonest they were. People openly make careers out of it now. People used to be paranoid they were being watched by the FIB, people joke about it now.

147   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 29, 6:51pm  

richwicks says

Actually, we do NOT disagree. The purpose of this is to create cultural conflict in order to distract us from actual issues by keeping us fighting one another over an issue that the people in power, really don't care about.

I think Wokeism is beyond that.

It's not "Gun toting low tax Redneck vs. Spend money on libraries and Tax Soda hippy".

It's not "new aircraft carrier vs. midnight basketball" anymore.

It's not Islanders vs. Rangers, Yankees vs. Red Sox, Pats vs. Cowboys

It's not Baseball vs. Hockey, which is better.

The analogy is not which team or even which Sport, but the Sports themselves being fundamentally racist, evil, oppressive, etc. so we should defund it all and instead educate ourselves about Critical Race Theory, and incorporate that throughout society's cultural and media entirely from Kindergarten and Children's Programming right up to Superhero Movies and RomComs. It should be as inescapable as Sports programming was on non-cable TV back in the day during certain times.

This is about "America is a deeply evil nation born in racism and homophobia and transphobia and hydropobria"
not "America is a new country based on ideals that aren/aren't being fulfilled fast enough for my taste" pre 2010 arguments.

Distant Wars are distant, and without a draft only a handful of people will Care. Money printing can go unnoticed for a long time.

But the Culture War hits home, hits hard, and the SJWs demand acquiescence yesterday - and dammit they'll compell it.
148   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 29, 7:03pm  

It's also a way for the PTB to test compliance and excuse domestic censorship.

That's why we have a society that prohibits extra vetting of people entering from nations experiencing high rates of ideological or religious terrorism

BUT the same people who prohibit that extra vetting call you a racist for wanting Racial Considerations removed from College or Job admissions.

It's a conformity test and they are fine tuning what they can get away with using Wokeism.
149   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:07pm  

richwicks says

It only exists to create an argument.

Nope. Join the DEI committee at your place of work. You need an education.

richwicks says

China might sabotage the rest of the world, they're not going to join it. They do NOT want to reduce their living standard, they do not want to make their country poor and unmanageable - they might do that to us, but they won't do it to themselves.

You’re funny. You you miss the point again. The globalists satanic banking cult that runs the world by leveraging their wealth and influence is really in control of China. The communists rule under the approval of the globalists. The point I am making over and over and over again is that the globalists want America to become a facsimile of communist China. That is why they are tearing down every institution that has made America great. And you are helping them by tearing down this nation and not building it up. We are probably the worlds last defense against globalists when America falls it is likely the great reset happens and nobody will own anything. And most wont be happy either.
150   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 7:29pm  

PeopleUnited says

You’re funny. You you miss the point again. The globalists satanic banking cult that runs the world by leveraging their wealth and influence is really in control of China.

Hey, cool it with the anti-Semitism, ok? I know the real rulers are the central banks.

PeopleUnited says

The globalists satanic banking cult that runs the world by leveraging their wealth and influence is really in control of China.

No, they aren't. China can sink the US by just ending shipments to the US tomorrow - this would probably lead to war, and would certainly cause problems within China itself, but believe me, one way or another China WILL end shipments to the US in time.

PeopleUnited says

The point I am making over and over and over again is that the globalists want America to become a facsimile of communist China. That is why the are tearing down every institution that has made America great. And you are helping them by tearing down this nation and not building it up

What institutions are you talking about?

The FIB didn't make America great. The CIA didn't. The MIC doesn't. The Department of Education doesn't. Government backed student loans didn't.

Free market, non state owned business made this country great. Diversity of opinion made this country great. Free speech made this country great. Education did, diversity of thought did. Hell, half of the world's best inventions come from this country, and it wasn't done with a government grant.

The problem we have in this nation is a bunch of gifting morons are running it. I have no problem with somebody getting a degree in woman's studies, I do have a problem with the GOVERNMENT hiring them for some pointless position.

I have no problem with Google having a DEI department in it, I have a problem with Google getting government grants to ensure one is there, and making money off from government contracts. They WILL be replaced, believe me.

The free market works, and that's really what made our country great. Competition in education, competition between states, competition in business, but when the FEDERAL government gets involved and starts picking winners and losers, that's a problem. Does California want to go all "green energy" - let them, it will kill the state. Does California want to do all sorts of crazy shit? LET THEM, but don't allow the Federal government to bail them out of their mistakes.

You know why it was so URGENT to make certain that Joe Biden was "elected", because if he wasn't, Trump wasn't going to bail out the states, and that's what happened...
151   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:32pm  

richwicks says

Hey, cool it with the anti-Semitism, ok?

152   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:40pm  

richwicks says

No, they aren't.

Bullshit. The real people that run the world, could take down the Chinese Communist party leaders today if they stopped serving the new world order. But they won’t because they are happy enslaving their people while living high on the hog themselves. China really is a paper tiger.
153   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 7:45pm  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

Hey, cool it with the anti-Semitism, ok?


It's a joke. Find out who created the central banking system. The familes.

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

No, they aren't.

Bullshit. The real people that run the world, could take down the Chinese Communist party leaders today if they stopped serving the new world order. But they won’t because they are happy enslaving their people while living high on the hog themselves.

Our banking system does NOT control China. It attempted to control China, probably even had agreements to control China. Why do you think there's this push for war with China right now? The US and probably the ECB controlled Russia's banking system for a period of time, in the 1990's, once Putin did away with that, well, Russia was our enemy again.

Iran has their own banking system independent of the EU or US. So does Syria.

PeopleUnited says

China really is a paper tiger.

We'll see.
154   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:48pm  

richwicks says

What institutions are you talking about?

Marriage, family, religious freedom (we used to have the 10 commandments in every town square), historical monuments, basically every organization and every physical monument and standard that has a history of standing for American values has been discredited, dismantled or infiltrated by wokism. Wokeism is working to ensure that diversity (hiring of minorities) is forced to achieve quotas (ending merit based hiring and replacing it with entitlement hiring), they are putting in transgendered bathrooms at great expense and catering to obscure religious practices like calls to prayer from loudspeakers. We could go on and on about how they are fundamentally changing America, just like the guy you voted for said he would back in 2007.
155   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:51pm  

richwicks says

It's a joke. Find out who created the central banking system. The familes.

Oh I get it you were making the anti Semitic “joke”
Don’t think it matters who is doing it, the satanic globalists think they are superior to you. You are lower than cattle to them.
156   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:55pm  

richwicks says

Why do you think there's this push for war with China right now?

The same reason for all wars Winston. To consolidate their control by pitting one minion government against another. It works like this. Xi, you like your job? Good, so continue doing a good job for us or we will find someone else who will. By the way, we might need you to start a war to weaken America, is that ok? Xi, says “sure thing boss! Tell us when and where I get the recruits ready for the meat grinder.”
157   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 7:59pm  

PeopleUnited says

Marriage, family, religious freedom (we used to have the 10 commandments in every town square), historical monuments, basically every organization and every physical monument and standard that has a history of standing for American values has been discredited, dismantled or infiltrated by wokism. Wokeism is working to ensure that diversity (hiring of minorities) is forced to achieve quotas (ending merit based hiring and replacing it with entitlement hiring), they are putting in transgendered bathrooms at great expense and catering to obscure religious practices like calls to prayer from loudspeakers. We could go on and on about how they are fundamentally changing America.

I'd agree most of those are good institutions, but the lack of the 10 commandments being posted isn't destroying this nation. Corruption is.

The wokeism just destroys companies, the ONLY way the companies survive, is by government infusions. I've pointed that out before, that more than 5.4 trillion dollars of "Covid relief" is unaccounted for, didn't go to individuals - where did it go?

Do you think if Dizzey or Nickelodeon had shows without some gay character in it, it would be condemned? This is hurting their brand, people are turning away and turning it off. Strange World lost a TON of money, so why do they do it? Haven't you noticed, going woke doesn't make them broke.. They are getting money to do this.

PeopleUnited says

Don’t think it matters who is doing it, the satanic globalists think they are superior to you. You are lower than cattle to them.

It doesn't bother me, they are free to be bigots. Maybe they ARE superior, after all, we allow them a great deal of power. Why?
158   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 8:52pm  

richwicks says

the lack of the 10 commandments being posted isn't destroying this nation. Corruption is.

Ah, they are one in the same. Corruption happens when people don’t follow the law. Those 10 commands are the most basic law.
159   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 8:55pm  

richwicks says

It doesn't bother me, they are free to be bigots. Maybe they ARE superior, after all, we allow them a great deal of power. Why?

I don’t say it to bother you, but to understand who they are. What motivates them.

We don’t “allow” them to have power. They took it. And they are doing their part to prepare the world for the great tribulation. So we need not fear them. It is in our best interest to oppose them of course. And know this, they want America to fall.
160   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 8:59pm  

PeopleUnited says

We don’t “allow” them to have power. They took it.

No, all people have power because you cede it them.

PeopleUnited says

And know this, they want America to fall.

It's our own fault if it does. We've allowed the United States to run roughshod over the entire planet for decades now. Evil is coming home to roost. Anything our government has done in other nations, can and probably will be done to us.
161   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 29, 9:00pm  

richwicks says

It's a joke. Find out who created the central banking system. The familes.

JP Morgan? It was mostly his plan and his full support was needed - he just died the year before The Federal Reserve Act. Neither he or Rockefeller went in person, but they sent both their main bank's Presidents: Strong and Davison. Probably fear of blowing the secrecy - both men were hounded by the tougher journalists of the time and every meeting and move tracked.

Senator Nelson Aldrich? A literal descendent of Roger Williams who founded the Providence Plantation? He founded the First Name Club in 1910 and invited Morgan and the others to Jekyl Island several times with the intent of creating a meeting of the great and powerful to create Central Bank. Aldirch also sponsored the National Monetary Commission in the Senate in 1908 for the express purpose of preventing another Panic of 1907.

Aldrich's daughter married into the Rockefeller Clan and their son you may have heard of - Nelson A. Rockefeller. The A is for "Aldrich"

Frank A. Vanderlip? Born a farmer in Aurora, IL? President of the Rockefeller owned National City Bank of New York (now Citigroup)?

Abraham Piatt Andrew, Born in Indiana and Princeton Economics Professor (and gay, had a male roommate who was no joke an interior designer), who served in the Treasury?

Henry Pomeroy Davison of old Yankee stock from Connecticut that ran Bankers Trust (now part of Deutsche Bank)?

His son became Director of Personnel for... Ace Tomato Company. Check it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Trubee_Davison

Benjamin Strong Jr. descendent of 1630 Massachussetts Bay Reformed Christian Colonists who ran JP Morgan's other bank the First National Bank of New York?

Warburg was the only Jew in attendence.
162   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:01pm  

richwicks says

the ONLY way the companies survive, is by government infusions.

You’ve got it backwards. The companies run the government through influence and money and blackmail if need be. When the government bails out or aids a company, they are just doing what they were hired to do by the corporations/globalists.

163   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:07pm  

richwicks says

No, all people have power because you cede it them.

Clearly you’ve never read history. Our sherif has power because he was empowered by the voters and the law to be able to enforce it. Elon musk has power because he made a ton of money. But I did not cede power to either of them. They took it, one by Successfully running for election and another by savvy business deals.
164   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:10pm  

richwicks says

It's our own fault if it does. We've allowed the United States to run roughshod over the entire planet for decades now. Evil is coming home to roost. Anything our government has done in other nations, can and probably will be done to us.

I’d argue that killing 60 million babies and teaching kids that they can change their sex or sexual practices on a whim with no repercussions is what has marked us for judgement, which is again why taking the 10 commandments away was such an important cultural phenomenon.
165   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:13pm  

richwicks says

Haven't you notice, going woke doesn't make them broke.. They are getting money to do this.

Not exactly, they are being told by the globalist satanists to do this or lose their ability to borrow money. Ever heard of Blackrock?
166   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 9:14pm  

PeopleUnited says

I’d argue that killing 60 million babies and teaching kids that they can change their sex or sexual practices on a whim with no repercussions is what has marked us for judgement, which is again why taking the 10 commandments away was such an important cultural phenomenon.

I'd say savagely exploiting Chinese slave labor for the last 30 years has done it. This has made China rich, and the US dependent. Going to 20 years of unfounded unjustified wars is the nail in the coffin.
167   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:44pm  

The corporations exploit Chinese. Just as they exploit “new Americans” aka recent legal and illegal immigrants. If you want to be upset at any group it is the corporations that are exploiting people. Even the wars are happening to fund the corporations, and the corporations see that politicians that continue the wars get elected. That is why they hate Trump, he didn’t start any new wars.
168   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 10:58pm  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

Actually, we do NOT disagree. The purpose of this is to create cultural conflict in order to distract us from actual issues by keeping us fighting one another over an issue that the people in power, really don't care about.

I think Wokeism is beyond that.

It's to radically transform the country, and not just the USA. It's not "Gun toting low tax Redneck vs. Spend money on libraries hippy". It's not "new aircraft carrier vs. midnight basketball" anymore. This is about everything from the role of marriage and family to Drag Queens in School to 1619 replacing 1776.

This isn't Islanders vs. Rangers. This is about "America is a deeply evil nation born in racism and homophobia and transphobia and hydropobria" not "America is a new country based on a hope that is/isn't being fulfilled fast enough for my taste" pre 2010 arguments.

Well, yeah, but it's to maintain power. The Neocons don't give a damned if we're communist, fascist, or whatever, as long as they remain in power.

Divide and conquer.

But they will lose it all, because they are dependent upon us, we're not dependent on them. ALL they do is create problems, and people are beginning to recognize this, but this is ALL they've EVER done, at least in my adult lifetime.

This is akin to a criminal you surprised in an alley, who is now running away and dumping over garbage bins as he's running away, attempting to slow you down.
169   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 30, 7:48am  

richwicks says

Neocons don't give a damned if we're communist, fascist, or whatever, as long as they remain in power.

Divide and conquer.

But they will lose it all,

Neocons are puppets of the new world order globalist satanists. Just like the Democrats. They will have their place in the lake of fire unless they change their minds. But they will find success for a time. Your confidence that they will lose is likely to be your downfall. The globalists will achieve full control before they lose it all. So the best we can do is maintain our government for a little longer, before the great reset tyranny takes hold. The globalists won’t be defeated before this Republic, and our ability to communicate like this are taken away by them.
172   Patrick   2023 May 18, 8:20pm  


Washington FBI Field Office Confirms Undercover Officers, Confidential Informants, and FBI Assets were Embedded in the Crowds at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th

I think we all knew that, but good to have it reconfirmed.
175   Patrick   2023 May 19, 9:10pm  


The FBI is now exposed for acting like the private police for the Democrats in battling Trump. They helped Hillary try to defeat Trump. They helped discredit and destroy Trump’s presidency, and of course, they likely orchestrated the Capitol riot.

If we had decent people in the media, which we do not, they would be chasing this story hard. It is bigger than Watergate. They would start with the only major outlet to look at the FBI’s involvement in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, which was obviously the dress rehearsal for January 6th (this is just my opinion, don’t sue me).

The brave whistle-blowers who came forward to tell Congress that their lives have been ruined for standing up for the truth. They did not go along with the government’s weaponizing of the FBI to hunt down so-called “domestic extremists,” and they know there was more to January 6th than the public was told. Because, of course, there was.

I was a Biden voter back then, and even I knew there was no plan to attack the Capitol, much less launch a coup or an “insurrection.” Every time I hear that word, I want to break glass. It’s so hard for me to watch people who seem reasonably intelligent, like Bill Maher, so easily manipulated. But hey, nobody does it better than the FBI.

So do you think the Democrats on the panel cared about the truth? Or do you think they played the role of Defense Counsel for the FBI? Hm. Gee, I wonder!
177   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 10:03am  


Good Sunday morning everyone‼️ They should be worried and rightfully so, we are fed up and beyond pissed off‼️

Whoever did this, J6 crowds, what the media won’t show look 👀👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

179   Patrick   2023 Jun 6, 2:53pm  


On Friday, Just The News reporter John Solomon released unedited Jan. 6 footage that proves the Democrats’ January 6 House Select Committee presented footage with edited audio.

Solomon was one of three journalists who was granted access to the raw footage by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last week.

In a video presented during a Congressional hearing, rioters can be seen breaking windows and entering the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 election protests in 2021.

In the committee’s footage, people can be heard shouting “go, go, go” overlayed over sounds of windows breaking and loud bangs.

The footage also contained the voice of a Capitol Police officer yelling, “We have a breach in the Capitol!”

The doctored audio seems to have been added to invoke fear in the viewer and exaggerate the events to appear more violent.

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