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the people who fabricated the charges and the evidence need to be arrested and charged.
There are already reports of frenzy among the culpable DOJ lawyers, and FBI Director Wray is set to resign before Mr. Trump can fire him. Attorney General Merrick Garland has gone radio-silent for his own good since Election Day. Expect many abiding mysteries to get unraveled, such as exactly how many federal agents did work the crowd around the Capitol on J-6, 2021 — which Mr. Wray has pretended to not be able to discuss “due to ongoing investigations.” Expect to learn more about the pipe-bomb caper at the DNC HQ a few blocks away that same day. Prepare to be amazed at how deeply criminal these schemes were. You must wonder if the document-shredding party is already underway, despite calls to preserve all the emails, memos, and texts.
RussiaGate is starting to look like ancient history to many, but it is a giant slime trail of sedition and treason involving many people who are still very much alive, and some who are still in positions of power (Christopher Wray). It is going to be re-litigated in the new administration, but many other crimes just as sinister, carried out under color-of-law by the FBI and its parent, the Department of Justice (DOJ), have followed since then. For instance: the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol instigated by “confidential human resources” (FBI plants) and actual FBI agents — labeled “the insurrection” by blob publicists. It was engineered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, General Mark Milley, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, and others to prevent a public review of election irregularities in the joint session of Congress convened to certify the electoral vote. It succeeded splendidly, and was promptly converted into one of the worst national mind-fucks in US history. Debate over dubious vote-counts was squelched and objections were never allowed to be heard. From that sprung the “Big Lie” that anyone voicing skepticism over the 2020 election is a criminal — and thus, the two preposterous federal cases (plus the Fulton County, GA, case) cooked up against Mr. Trump three years later.
There is also the matter of the pipe bomb op at the DNC and RNC headquarters blocks away from the US Capitol the same hour of the same day, 1/6/21, when, for no good reason, Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris hid-out in the DNC building. (Why would she not have been attending the joint session of Congress in the Capitol at that hour when the signal achievement of her life to-date was to be grandly announced in front of all her colleagues?) I will tell you why: because the pipe bomb was supposed to be Plan-A for disrupting the electoral vote certification — to set off wild alarms about “terrorism” and scatter the lawmakers. It just happened that the riot at the Capitol (Plan-B) successfully stole the show and Nancy Pelosi got what she said she was “waiting for” — the means to permanently knock Donald Trump off the game-board.
After that, the FBI did everything possible to botch and bury the pipe bomb investigation, including failure to identify the culprit despite plenty of cell phone tracking info and other evidence. As late as last week, the FBI claimed that the phone data provided by telecom companies, which could potentially help identify the suspect who planted the pipe bombs, was corrupted or incomplete. But major cell carriers told Congress that they had provided the FBI with intact, uncorrupted phone usage data from the areas where the bombs were placed. There are also reasons to believe that the character who planted the crude, probably fake, bombs was an FBI contractor.
These are the kinds of things that a new FBI Director needs to open up to good faith scrutiny. Every foul deed stuffed down the national memory hole will just further pervert and derange the nation’s tattered ethos. It must be obvious that a Mike Rogers would never allow sunlight to illuminate these matters.
"I suspect that they're releasing the J6ers now just to deny Trump the
opportunity to rectify the injustice through pardoning the innocent victims."
Fuck the politics - all the innocent J6ers who have suffered cruel and unusual punishment for close to 4 years are now getting a measure of reprieve, and potentially a whole lot of justi$$$$$e.
There were scores of federal and local assets from not only the FBI at the protest and riot that day but plenty of other three-letter federal and local agencies. Metropolitan Police had active agents provocateur on the ground. DHS, ATF, and other Beltway three letter agencies were on site that day. ...
For example, this individual, a member of the Proud Boys and an FBI Confidential Human Source (CHS), was flown to D.C. and his expenses paid to go to the Capitol Complex. Then that same informant who went inside the Capitol and did such a good job was tasked to head to Washington, D.C., for Joe Biden's inauguration.
He was not arrested or prosecuted. Deep state researcher Mike Benz isn't joking when he says these were "authorized crimes."
People like Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) believe that those are what you might call the FBI's fingerprints on the January 6 riot.
From The New York Times:
By Glenn Thrush and Alan Feuer
Glenn Thrush reported from Washington, and Alan Feuer from New York.
Dec. 12, 2024
More than two dozen F.B.I. informants were in Washington on Jan.
6, 2021, but contrary to widespread conspiracy theories, bureau
officials did not order anyone to break the law as a pro-Trump mob
stormed the Capitol that day, according to a report by a Justice
Department watchdog released on Thursday.
After a nearly four-year investigation, the department's inspector
general, Michael E. Horowitz, also determined that the F.B.I. had
not stationed any undercover agents in the crowd that gathered at
the Capitol to disrupt the certification of Joseph R. Biden Jr's
electoral victory over Donald J. Trump in the 2020 election.
Do you detect the conspicuous lack of conviction in DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Jan 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol building, which has been the central device for defeating the populist revolt against the treasonous DC blob? And did you notice that it took him four years to report on the event? Weird, a little bit, ya think?
I’ll tell you why: because when investigators genuinely interested in the truth come on the scene, soon to happen, a very different story will be revealed. The Horowitz report is a last ditch attempt, at the very last moment, to get ahead of that true story — which is that the FBI and its parent, the DOJ, have been lawlessly and in bad faith acting against their oaths to defend constitutional government.
For eight years — including the four when Mr. Trump was president — the FBI and DOJ worked tirelessly to run him out of office and make sure he could never return. The effort was prodigious and, astoundingly, it failed. It was launched initially to conceal the crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, especially their moneygrubbing in Russia around the Skolkovo project — Russia’s Silicon Valley — and the Uranium One scandal — which involved the sale of US nuclear assets to Russia’s state-owned Rosatom company. The Clintons’ problems became especially acute in the summer of 2016 when Hillary’s private (outside government) email server came to light with its thousands of potentially incriminating memos. Looked like trouble.
The cure for that was to accuse candidate Trump of conniving with Russia, a sort of political homeopathy. It began as a mere Hillary campaign prank — the Steele Dossier — but CIA Director John Brennan and Barack Obama dumped it in FBI Director James Comey’s lap, and asked him to run with it. Mr. Comey stupidly complied, and before long he marshaled the executive officers of the FBI into the massive hoax that became RussiaGate.
The Mueller Investigation was intended to convert all that into a prosecutable Trump crime while covering up the FBI’s own crimes, but it proved a fiasco when the Mueller report issued in March, 2019, came up empty — to the horror of the Trump-deranged public.
Inspector General Horowitz’s report on these FBI shenanigans came out in December of that year, finding little amiss besides some “errors” in FISA applications and FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith’s forgery of an email as to whether one Carter Page was ever a CIA asset. The big news media let it all slide. Mr. Trump somehow survived, to the blob’s horror, and prepared to run for re-election.
The 2020 election was a fantastic trip laid on the American public. Covid-19 allowed for drastic changes in voting rules. The Democratic Party managed in plain sight to maneuver the obviously senile Joe Biden to head their ticket, and an array of very conspicuous late-night frauds got him elected. On Jan 6, 2021, Republican legislators were poised to contest the results out of several swing states where the frauds occurred in the requisite Congressional certification ceremony. The law plainly allowed for such challenges. It could not be allowed to happen.
Hence: the operations to interrupt the proceedings. The primary device would be the pipe bombs planted at the nearby DNC and RNC headquarters — terrorists on-the-loose! The backup plan was to turn the large protest group gathered around the Capitol into a mob that would somehow provoke an evacuation of the building. Between the FBI’s assets (“confidential human sources”) planted in the crowd, plus the Capitol police firing rubber bullets and “flash-bangs” into them, and mysterious figures ushering-in protesters through unlocked security doors, the breach of the Capitol was accomplished and the lawmakers fled the building. Nancy Pelosi arranged for the national guard to not be called onto the scene to fortify the understaffed Capitol Police. She was thrilled at how well it worked (captured on film). And the pipe bomb caper was swept under the rug, despite a ton of evidence that indicated the person-of-interest on the scene was a federal contractor, his movements recorded in cell-phone records and closed-circuit cameras.
When the lawmakers returned late that night in a great fugue of histrionic consternation, the majority decided to dispense with those challenges to the vote in swing states. “Joe Biden” became president and the DOJ under new Attorney General Merrick Garland commenced a raft of vicious prosecutions against anyone and everyone present at the Capitol on Jan 6. The next step was to mount a barrage of prosecutions against Mr. Trump himself, guaranteed to prevent him from ever running again, to bankrupt him, and to stuff him into prison for the rest of his natural life.
Amazingly, none of that worked. The cases against Mr. Trump were lame to an extreme, prosecuted by oafs, and adjudicated by bungling judges. Four years of “Joe Biden” pretending to run things came close to wrecking the country, and too many citizens did not fail to notice. His inept stand-in for this year’s election, Kamala Harris, made a fool of herself and her party, and now Mr. Trump is back with a much-enhanced populist opposition to the quivering DC blob.
The crew he has chosen to manage this government are pretty clearly determined to correct what has been happening in it, and the office-holders still lodged in many positions of power — where they have been waging war against the citizens of this country — have nowhere to run and hide now. They know that they are guilty of abusing their power and bringing harm to their fellow Americans. They know that something is coming for them — the dreaded consequences that they worked so diligently to evade.
Notice, you are not hearing any vows of magnanimity from incoming Trump appointees. They are not pretending to forgive and forget. Neither are they crowing about retribution. They are reaching by law for the levers of power. They will discover and disclose the files that the blobists have not already managed to destroy. And where the files are missing, they are going to depose the blobists under oath and get them to say on-the-record what they did, and why, and who ordered them to do it. And you can be sure the blobists will be ratting-out each other to stay out of prison.
This is true even of such seemingly mild fellows as Inspector General Michael Horowitz, in office since 2012 through all this monkey business in his agency, who let his report about the Jan 6 business slide until he could no longer conceal it, and who confabulated it into the modified, limited hang-out that it, dishonorably, is.
26 my ass. There were way more FBI rioters than that.
Insurrection Barbie
Dec 14
A Michigan journalist captured video of a potential FBI informant manipulating the protest at the capitol. This suspected potential FBI informant pulled out the glass and encouraged people to go through it.
Here is, The FBI’s CONFIDENTIAL HUMAN SOURCE James Ehren Knowles who infiltrated the Proud Boys is leading Pelosi’s staged insurrection at the garage of the Capitol building on Jan 6.
The House Administration Oversight Subcommittee and its chairman Barry Loudermilk on Tuesday released an interim report on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, concluding the attack was preventable and also asking for an investigation into former Rep. Liz Cheney for criminally tampering with a witness during the Democrat-led congressional inquiry of the tragedy.
“Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney, the former Vice Chair of the January 6 Select Committee, and these violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the report released by the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee and its chairman Barry Loudermilk stated.
"Evidence uncovered by the Subcommittee revealed that former Congresswoman Liz Cheney tampered with at least one witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, by secretly communicating with Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.," it added. “This secret communication with a witness is improper and likely violates 18 U.S.C. 1512. Such action is outside the due functioning of the legislative process and therefore not protected by the Speech and Debate clause."
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Everyone in prison from the FBI's Jan 6th entrapment scheme is an American national hero.
Every one of them should not only be freed and given several million dollars each, paid out of the FBI budget, they should be given the US Medal of Honor for daring to stand up against the corrupt FBI/Democrat oligarchy which defrauded US citizens in the 2020 presidential election.
They were unarmed, goaded by FBI into walking into the doors that were specifically unlocked to let them in, given tours (see buffalo man), and then arrested.
False noise was added to the video to make it sound violent.
The whole thing was entrapment and fraud from the beginning.