January 6th should be a national holiday honoring the political prisoners who were brave enough to stand up against election fraud

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2023 Jan 1, 12:27am   47,366 views  455 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

What are their names? Anyone have a list?

Everyone in prison from the FBI's Jan 6th entrapment scheme is an American national hero.

Every one of them should not only be freed and given several million dollars each, paid out of the FBI budget, they should be given the US Medal of Honor for daring to stand up against the corrupt FBI/Democrat oligarchy which defrauded US citizens in the 2020 presidential election.

They were unarmed, goaded by FBI into walking into the doors that were specifically unlocked to let them in, given tours (see buffalo man), and then arrested.

False noise was added to the video to make it sound violent.

The whole thing was entrapment and fraud from the beginning.

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372   Patrick   2024 Jan 21, 12:19pm  


Rep. Massie and Vivek say every American should watch this new evidence of the "manufactured January 6th narrative"

Ladies and gentlemen (and I DO mean ladies and gentlemen), I have waited for three years to bring you this story.

For as dumb and immature as J6 was, so many of us suspected that the federal government had used the gathering to lure Trump voters into violence. And when those Trump voters weren't, as a whole, particularly violent, they had to make up violence to paint them as terrorists.

The pipe bomb placed outside the DNC HQ, where Kamala Harris was, has always made no sense. DC is the most secure city on the planet, and we can't figure out who put a pipe bomb on a bench? Particularly a pipe bomb that looks exactly like the training materials the FBI uses to teach about pipe bombs??

... Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and reporter Michael Shellenberger are not idiots. These are men with insight into some of the most pressing issues of our time.

And they both say the J6 "bomb" was a hoax created by the FBI and the Secret Service.
You know, the FBI and Secret Service that were SWORN to follow the president of the United States, the commander-in-chief of our Armed Forces, who on the day of J6 was DONALD TRUMP?

(Remind me, what do you call it when you create fake terrorist acts to pin on your commanding officer in a move meant to control political outcomes and subvert the Constitution?)

... There are still good people out there in the federal machine. There are tens of millions of my countrymen who don't vote Republican who would be aghast if the mainstream media let them know the truth.

That truth is our greatest weapon, and it needs bold people to share it. That starts with me. That starts with you. May God grant us the grace to see the lies before it is too late.

However much you hate the comically corrupt corporate media, it isn't enough.
375   Patrick   2024 Jan 22, 9:53am  


The Pipe-bomb Caper

The FBI must come forward with the whole truth [or else] Republicans have a duty to tear the FBI down to its foundation…." — Charlie Kirk

Kudos to Darren J. Beattie of Revolver News and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for doing the FBI’s work for the FBI, smoking out the role of law enforcement (including the FBI) in but one module of the J6 operation that turned a peaceful mass assembly of disgruntled voters into a riot in order to color it as an “insurrection” and so destroy opposition to the falsely-elected, tyrannically corrupt, and epically deranged regime fronted by the ghost-in-the-White House, “Joe Biden.” ...

Rather mysterious behavior, wouldn’t you say? Most particularly, nobody among all those LEOs shows any fear of the bomb going off, no effort to get out of the way. Were they a hundred percent sure it was a fake bomb? How would they know? You can assume there was some phone communication going on in those two cars. Did somebody call the FBI? Did the FBI tell the Secret Service agents, “Nah, don’t worry, it’s a dummy bomb.” How would the FBI know that? (Unless they arranged the whole caper.)

A number of commentators on “X” (Twitter) have remarked on the peculiar point that in three years since J6/21, Kamala Harris has barely uttered a peep about almost getting blown-up that day. You think she’d be blaring that from the steps of the Executive Office Building right into the microphones of NBC News and CNN — just as Liz Cheney, AOC, and Nancy Pelosi have been blubbering to the news media over their near-murder at the hands of J-Sixers, to fortify the “insurrection” narrative.

For three years the entire mainstream media showed zero interest in any facet of the pipe-bomb story — and let’s not forget, there was a second identical pipe-bomb planted at the RNC headquarters a two-minute walk away from the DNC. How come such strenuous lack of interest? You might hypothesize the obvious: that the media (and the blob regime they serve) don’t want anybody looking into the matter, or even becoming aware of it.

Here’s what you might suppose actually did happen: some person among the FBI, the Capitol Police, the Metro Police, or some other blob agency, planted those bombs (or, shall we say, those pipes with egg-timers fastened to them, because the police have never revealed what was inside them). They were originally intended to cause a police hullaballoo that would prompt an evacuation of Congress in order to disrupt the electoral vote certification and the objections entailed. But the bombs were not needed because Capitol Police and other LEOs on the scene at the Capitol itself had commenced lobbing flash-bang grenades and shooting rubber bullets into the crowd around one o’clock, while still other shadowy figures among the crowd, say, the character known as Ray Epps (“You need to go into the Capitol, into the Capitol”) instigated an invasion of the building, which even more successfully and colorfully drove out the senators and Congresspersons.

Thus, the “insurrection,” another long-running blob hoax that is now wobbling and unravelling, like RussiaGate and UkraineGate before it. What’s actually needed, in the immortal phrasing of Ray Epps, is an inquiry into the original House J6 Committee monkey business, and especially how chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) happened to order the destruction of all the committee’s accumulated evidence, including video of witness depositions and the transcripts.

The pipe bomb caper has come back to bite the blob on its gelatinous ass. What’s also needed are depositions from the Metro Police officers and the Secret Service agents who were in those two cars outside the DNC that day, explaining why they carried on the way they did. Are the authorities going to pretend now that they can’t find out who they are? Maybe FBI Director Chris Ray can shed some light on that in a House hearing room, or else go on the record that he can’t say because. . . reasons.

Meanwhile, it also happens that the US Supreme Court is about take up the matter of the janky federal law — the “Enron Law,” 18 U.S. Code Section 1512(c)(2), or “Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant” — that was used to hang felony charges around the necks of hundreds of J6 protesters, who otherwise did little besides stroll around inside the Capitol taking selfies. The court’s decision is likely to vacate all those charges, as well as charges against presidential candidate Donald Trump similarly (and erroneously) cooked up by Special Counsel Jack Smith. The mills of justice turn slowly, but they grind exceeding fine. . . .
376   Patrick   2024 Jan 22, 4:27pm  



- Thanks to new House Speaker Mike Johnson, We now have permission to release Capitol CCTV footage proving that a member of Nancy Pelosi's security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus, perjured himself on the stand during the Oath Keepers trial.

- Lazarus was brought in to corroborate another Capitol police officer's account claiming that he had antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But footage of Lazarus proves that he was lying.

- These lies, spread unquestioningly by the media and Democrat politicians, were used to put innocent people in prison, ruining their lives and the lives of their families. They and their attorneys did not have access to the footage at trial that Blaze Media is releasing today.

- Instead, Harry Dunn was made a hero by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and as a result of his and David Lazarus's false testimony, there are innocent people in prison.

- The government lied about this. What else are they lying about?
377   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 3:39pm  


WASHINGTON – Demonstrators begged police to do something, anything, after watching a man shot in the face by cops, inflicting a wound on his mouth that would disfigure him for life, at the Jan. 6, 2021 “Stop The Steal” rally. It’s just one more of a seemingly unending stream of “what really happened on Jan. 6” stories now coming to light in videos from that day.

While fellow protesters rendered what aid they could to the man after police wounded him, law enforcement just stood idle, watching the injured man’s blood spill to the ground.

“Hospital! Anybody?” a protester screamed moments after a bullet pierced the upper lip of a man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
378   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 3:42pm  


J6 Committee Deleted More Than 100 Files Just Before the GOP Took Over

Sources told Fox that Thompson said he would be turning over four terabytes of data, then turned over only about two. But Loudermilk's Committee hired a forensics team to scrape the hard drives and found out that 117 files were deleted and encrypted. They were deleted on Jan. 1, 2023 – just days before the GOP was to take over and Thompson had to turn over the data.

But even though they tried to delete the information, it looks like they weren't smart enough to do it right. According to the report, the forensics team recovered all 117 deleted and encrypted files, and now Loudermilk is demanding to know what was going on here and how to get into the files.

I'd love to know what's in those encrypted files.
382   RWSGFY   2024 Feb 6, 10:39am  

Patrick says

The cellular carriers still have the SMS texts. Apple still has iMessage texts. Destroying phones achieves bupkes.
383   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 2:19pm  


It is clear that the January 6 defendants have been persecuted for political purposes and that these illegal tactics must stop before our entire government devolves into a chaos. A brief signed by 23 members of the House and Senate, then sent to the Supreme Court to be ruled upon aims to do just that.

Today, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (Ohio-04), along with 21 of their colleagues, filed a brief in the Supreme Court in Joseph Fischer v. United States. The brief opposes the Biden administration’s weaponization of a financial crimes statute against January 6 defendants—some of whom weren’t even at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The members are represented by America First Legal Foundation and Boyden Gray PLLC.

The petitioner, an American named Joseph Fischer, was indicted for his alleged participation in events around the entrance of the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, and charged with a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)—a statute passed in the wake of the Enron scandal and designed to prohibit witness tampering and destruction of evidence in financial crimes cases. Section 1512(c)(2)—which the Biden administration has twisted and misapplied to target its perceived political opponents—carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence.

“The Biden administration’s pursuit of its political opponents must be stopped. Their strained interpretation of the law would criminalize vast swaths of everyday political conduct and violate the First Amendment—Congress never granted, and no administration should have the power to lock up political opponents for 20 years for merely trying to ‘influence’ Congress,” said Senator Cotton.

“The Department of Justice shouldn’t be weaponized against any American and we applaud Senator Cotton and America First Legal for filing this amicus brief,” said Congressman Jordan.

The amicus brief may be found here:


We have all watched the main stream media (state sponsored) on the warpath, colluding with Democrats and Rhinos to label the January 6th protest and subsequent events as an insurrection, despite the fact that little was either done to stop the protesters from entering the building and/or their entry was actively facilitated. Not to mention that Trump did not collude with protesters to take over Congress. The evidence increasingly suggests that this “event” had a strong “false flag” component, and that the subsequent information released to the public was part of a PsyOps campaign - including video footage which was not just highly edited but actually produced like a formal Hollywood production.

Component? That's putting it mildly. It was a Pelosi / FBI conspiracy to frame innocent people for protesting the outrageous fraud in the 2020 election.
384   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 7:57pm  


This is from June 21, 2021. Putin was more honest about the J6 protesters than the entire US media establishment.

385   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 10:15am  


We have the right to vote for any candidate we choose, even if - especially if - that candidate offends the self-appointed monarchy now in power. That these spoiled brats have decided their caterwauling should override the vote of the American people is far beyond anything I could have imagined a couple of years ago when I left the Democratic Party. I knew they were crazy. I didn’t think they were this crazy.

It isn’t Trump they want to keep off the ballot. It’s his voters they want to disenfranchise. They’ve convinced themselves that their utopia belongs to them. ...

Up until this very moment, the Democrats were the side that believed in violent protests and riots. They still do. But only for them, the chosen people. They’ve concocted a fantasy wherein they’re protecting “Black and Brown” people from the evils of “white supremacy” in the MAGA movement, and once you’ve dehumanized an entire group, what can’t you do to them?

In the 1970s, the Weatherman threatened to blow up government buildings and said out loud they were seeking to overthrow the United States government. Even they weren’t called “insurrectionists.” ...

We’ve seen plenty of breaches of the Capitol since then as pro-Palestinian protesters attempt to breach the fence at the White House, among other shocking incidents.

They are not called “insurrectionists.” These videos circulate on the Right but are ignored by the Left. Again and again, the double standard is waved in our faces to show who has power and who doesn’t.

When you put together the well-funded riots in the Summer of 2020, with the “well-funded cabal” that rigged the 2020 election, it’s easier to see why Trump and his supporters believed their only resort was a “stop the steal” protest, which was their right as American citizens. At least it used to be.

They used COVID as the excuse AFTER they trotted out experts to say the protests in the Summer, where millions of people all over the world smashed their bodies together, co-mingling all manner of bodily fluids, spreading COVID hither and thither.

We missed funerals, birthdays, graduations, deathbed farewells, and weddings…and then, they flipped a switch just like that, and it didn’t matter anymore because they needed the violent protests to help them oust Trump. Are they really that corrupt? Yes, they are really that corrupt.

They had to change the laws to win the election because they had a candidate who couldn’t win. Trump was doing five rallies a day or more. He was doing what you should do to win an election - speak to the people and rally them to vote. And it was working. He would not have won Flordia, Ohio, and Iowa if he hadn’t.

But they knew they couldn’t risk another Trump presidency, so they rigged the election. They did it above board; at least some of them did. You can do anything if you have enough money and enough lawyers. But it was unethical, especially after what they’d put us through months before.

Trump himself had every right to protest after the Obama administration used the FBI to attempt a sting operation to spy on Trump’s campaign to expose him as a “Russian asset” to stop him from winning in 2016. He won anyway. Then they, along with their propaganda press, attacked him throughout his presidency, impeaching him just two years into his term, the ongoing Russiagate lie that they’re still lying about. What option did Trump have but to protest — peacefully, he said. Peacefully. ...

A protest, even a violent one, isn’t an insurrection. If they’re going to charge Trump based on the Proud Boys scheme, then they’d better come clean about what the FBI knew and when they knew it. Why was the Capitol left unprotected?

They used January 6th like they used the protests in the Summer of 2020 - to scare Americans and bring them into compliance. But notice how one series of riots changed America almost overnight, and one put a lot of Americans in jail.

The real truth is that they’re attempting to preserve and protect UTOPIA, the one we all built under Barack Obama. Once they’ve convicted Trump and his supporters of being “racists,” they felt justified in convicting them as the second Confederacy. That’s how we get to the 14th amendment, their last desperate attempt to override American democracy to prevent American citizens from voting for Trump.
386   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 12:45pm  


House Republicans have filed a resolution to overrule the Democrats’ false 14th Amendment claims by declaring that President Donald Trump “did not engage in insurrection.”

Trump has faced concerted efforts from activists nationwide to have him disqualified and removed from state election ballots under the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

Democrats and their allies have repeatedly used the false claim that Trump “engaged in insurrection” during the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Nice, but kinda late in the game.
389   Patrick   2024 Feb 21, 8:10pm  


President Joe Biden’s FBI is helping the Democrats to “save democracy” by arresting an independent journalist for breaking a sign during the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The FBI arrested an Oregon man for breaking former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) sign during Jan. 6.

34-year-old David Medina, of Sherwood, was arrested by FBI agents in Portland for allegedly smashing a wooden sign with Pelosi’s name and title.

Medina was charged with several misdemeanors, including destruction of government property and entering a restricted area.

His most serious charge is a felony for obstruction of an official proceeding.

The Justice Department has charged hundreds of Jan. 6 participants with the same crime.

The charge also forms half of Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 indictment against President Donald Trump.

The scope of the obstruction statute is set for a review by the Supreme Court in a dispute involving another Jan. 6 defendant.
391   Patrick   2024 Feb 23, 3:47pm  


KC & the sunshine
Feb 21
“Mostly peaceful protesting”— gets me every time. We have a 19 yr old friend STILL in jail from J6. His crime? Walking into the capitol, after having a door opened to him— BY A SECURITY GUARD.

The FBI descended on his home weeks later, lining his entire street with Black SUVS, helicopters and drones overhead.

His parents are hundreds of thousands of dollars in the red from court and lawyer fees. He is following all the rules, jumping through all the

hoops, helping teach fellow inmates carpentry and skills he knows, has apologized, done all the things…

He simply wanted to be there with his parents when Trump spoke, whether he won or lost, and got caught up in the throng of people heading to the capitol, became

separated from his parents. He harmed no one and broke nothing.

In contrast, the “mostly peaceful protests” ruined business, broke windows, burned down homes, stores and cars, blinded a police officer with a frozen water bottle, harmed many other cops, cost cites millions of not

billions in overtime and damages, and shut down Mom & Pop stores that never hurt any of the people involved. This evil behavior was called GOOD. Pelosi herself said she had no

idea why more of it wasn’t happening, questioning when more of it may be on the horizon.

Sickening behavior, in no way mostly peaceful.
392   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 2:32pm  


Biden’s DOJ Improperly Lengthened Some Jan 6 Defendants’ Sentences, Federal Appeals Court Rules

Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) improperly handed down extended sentences to Jan. 6 defendants, a federal appeals court has ruled.

On Friday, a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals three-judge panel found that some Jan. 6 defendants’ sentences were wrongly lengthened.

Extended sentences were wrongly applied when judges determined the defendants interfered “with the administration of justice,” the appeals court found.

The court sided with Jan. 6 defendant Larry Brock.

All of the Jan 6th protestors should be forever honored as American heroes for protesting the outrageous election fraud of 2020.

Those who conspired to create the bogus "insurrection" events and slander must be tried and hanged, principally Pelosi and her co-conspirators at the FBI.
395   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 5:45pm  


Troubling New Evidence Shows 3rd Pipe Bomb Camera Deliberately Turned Away From Crime Scene on Jan. 6 ...

When the officer walked the short distance from the bomb to a driveway where Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department sport-utility vehicles sat, the agents inside took more than two minutes to finish their lunch before emerging to investigate, Mr. Massie said.

Former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin, who worked surveillance in the Jan. 6 pipe bombs case, said his team was told by an FBI briefing agent that the bombs weren’t real.

The FBI is the enemy of all Americans and should not exist. The top FBI management must be prosecuted for their entrapment and fraud operations in support of the massive election fraud of 2020.
396   Patrick   2024 Mar 5, 10:34am  


The New York Post ran a similarly surprising story late last week headlined, “Judges improperly enhanced sentences of more than 100 Jan 6 rioters, appeals court rules.”

It was mostly surprising that the all-in, left-leaning DC Circuit Court of Appeals could issue any decision favorable to the January 6th political prisoners. But there it is.

During the various trials, DOJ prosecutors routinely asked DC courts to “enhance” protestors’ sentences under a rule allowing additional jail time for “disrupting judicial proceedings,” like courtroom trials or grand jury investigations. The DOJ had argued that certification of the election was a “judicial proceeding” and many DC judges slurped that up, sentencing the persecuted protestors to more time in chokey.

But the Court of Appeals now clarified that an election certification is not a “judicial proceeding,” because it “did not interfere with the ‘administration of justice.” Now, most (if not all) of those “enhanced” sentences can be challenged.

It makes a big difference. For example, the plaintiff, a US Air Force officer (retired), got two years in federal prison — of which nine months was the “enhancement.” If the DOJ appeals, it will only be to stretch out the proceedings to make sure the prisoners don’t get out anytime soon.

The unexpected philosophical switch signals something. It’s not clear yet what it signals. But it is movement in the right direction.
397   HeadSet   2024 Mar 5, 1:36pm  

Patrick says

The unexpected philosophical switch signals something. It’s not clear yet what it signals.

Fear of Trump winning and exposing them.
398   NuttBoxer   2024 Mar 7, 7:14am  

Read DC Appeals court has over-turned all J6th verdicts?
401   Patrick   2024 Mar 11, 1:16pm  

Maybe they should be called "Newcomers to Congress".
402   Patrick   2024 Mar 11, 2:51pm  


The committee said in its final report that it “found no evidence” supporting the idea that former President Donald Trump ordered 10,000 troops to be ready for Jan. 6.

“The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), who released the transcript, said in a statement.

“Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along, President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down,” Mr. Loudermilk, the chairman of the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, added.
403   Patrick   2024 Mar 12, 8:51pm  


Tucker: Why the Left Wants Jacob Chansley Dead

MAR 12, 2024

This interview is only 13 minutes long, so that makes me think a longer one might show up on Tucker Carlson Network a bit later.

Tucker was the only journalist in mainstream media who dared show footage from January 6th. He was fired soon after that when Chuck Schumer threatened Rupert Murdoch.

Says Tucker, “They told us Jake Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, was a dangerous lunatic who deserved to be sent to prison, if not shot to death. Many believed it. But is he actually crazy? Judge for yourself.”
405   Patrick   2024 Mar 17, 7:14pm  


What Was the CIA Doing at the January 6 Riot?

It was like old home week for the alphabet agencies at their reunion at the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. In addition to all kinds of feds, assets, narcs, PCs, informants, and other characters from the Department of Defense, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, ATF, and the Department of Justice, you can add CIA to the party. What were they doing there? What a fantastic question.
406   Patrick   2024 Mar 18, 10:26am  


Meanwhile, Saturday night, “Joe Biden” turned up at the annual Gridiron dinner thrown by the White House [News] Correspondents’ Association, where he told the ballroom of Intel Community quislings: “You make it possible for ordinary citizens to question authority without fear or intimidation.” The dinner, you see, is traditionally a venue for jokes and jibes. So, this must have been a gag, right? Try to imagine The New York Times questioning authority. For instance, the authority of the DOJ, the FBI, the DHS, and the DC Federal District court. Instant hilarity, right?

As it happens, though, today, Monday, March 18, 2024, attorneys for the State of Missouri (and other parties) in a lawsuit against “Joe Biden” (and other parties) will argue in the Supreme Court that those government agencies above, plus the US State Department, with assistance from the White House (and most of the White House press corps, too), were busy for years trying to prevent ordinary citizens from questioning authority. For instance, questioning the DOD’s Covid-19 prank, the CDC’s vaccination op, the DNC’s 2020 election fraud caper, the CIA’s Frankenstein experiments in Ukraine, the J6 “insurrection,” and sundry other trips laid on the ordinary citizens of the USA.

Specifically, Missouri v. Biden is about the government’s efforts to coerce social media into censoring any and all voices that question official dogma. The case is about birthing the new concept — new to America, anyway — known as “misinformation” — that is, truth about what our government is doing that cannot be allowed to enter the public arena, making it very difficult for ordinary citizens to question authority. The government will apparently argue that they were not coercing, they were just trying to persuade the social media execs to do this or that.

Maybe one of the justices might ask how it came to be that a Chief Counsel of the FBI, James Baker, after a brief rest-stop at a DC think tank, happened to take the job as Chief Counsel at Twitter in 2020. That was a mighty strange switcheroo, don’t you think? And ordinary citizens were not generally informed of it until the fall of 2022, when Elon Musk bought Twitter and delved into its workings.
408   Patrick   2024 Mar 20, 4:56pm  


Tucker Talks to Journalist Steve Baker Who Was Arrested for Covering January 6th

Ep. 82 Joe Biden has put hundreds of his political opponents in jail. Here’s the latest, a working journalist who’s exposed the fraudulence of the January 6th myth.
409   Patrick   2024 Mar 20, 5:05pm  


Jan. 6 Journalist Facing an FBI ARREST Reveals Who’s Calling the Shots
The FBI has ordered investigative journalist and Blaze Media correspondent Steve Baker to turn himself in, but he believes the full story is even more corrupt than it sounds. Baker is facing misdemeanor charges connected to his reporting at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. But he still hasn’t been told what the charges are. Steve joins Glenn to lay out how he’ll respond. For starters, the FBI told him to show up in shorts and flip flops so he can be marched out in an orange jumpsuit and leg chains — which is an extremely unprecedented move. But Steve tells Glenn what he’ll wear instead. And he also explains who he believes is really behind his arrest and the prosecution of many others who were at the Capitol: “There is ever more evidence of the insane corruption at the top of the Capitol Police…they are more powerful than Congress itself.”

Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Steve, been praying for you this week. I know many members of the audience are doing the same.

This is crazy. What's about to happen to you tomorrow.

STEVE: Yeah. I'm always worried about more my unpaid parking tickets from college.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

You're a nice, gentle, regular guy.

And do you even know what the charges are?

STEVE: No. They haven't told us yet.

GLENN: Is that unusual.

STEVE: No. Back two and a half years ago, when they initially threatened me and said I would be arrested within the week. In November of 21 take it. They actually told my attorney at the time, what the charges are going to be then.

But because I'm a little outspoken and vocal about what's happening with me. We were -- we were told at the time, by an assistant US attorney.

This a judge would not be happy with me, you know, going out to the press, in the manner that I've done. So I just intensified that, accelerated that. ...

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