Another episode Hype Tech Series with your host Tenpoundbass, today we'll discuss ChatGPT AI

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2023 Jan 25, 2:36pm   35,578 views  257 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

All along I have mantained that when it comes to AI and its ability to mimic thought, conversation and unsolicited input. It will not be able to do more than the pre populated choices matrices it is given to respond from. Then ChatGPT comes along and proves my point. It turns out that when ChatGPT was originally released, it would give multiple viewpoints in chat responses. But now it was updated about a week or so ago, and now it only gives one biased Liberal viewpoint. This will be another hype tech that will go the way of "Space Elevators", "Army or bipedal robots taking our jobs, that are capable of communicating as well following commands.", "Nano Particles", "Medical NanoBots"(now it is argued that the spike proteins and the metal particles in the Vaxx are Nanobots, but that's not the remote control Nanobots that was romanticized to us. So I don't think that counts. There's loads of proteins, enzymes, that are animated. They don't count as robots.

I mean sure AI ChatGPT is interesting, but I don't think it's anymore self aware than an Ad Lib Mad Lib book, if anyone remembers those.


The results are pretty robust. ChatGPT answers to political questions tend to favor left-leaning viewpoints. Yet, when asked explicitly about its political preferences, ChatGPT often claims to be politically neutral and just striving to provide factual information. Occasionally, it acknowledges that its answers might contain biases.

Like any trustworthy good buddy, lying to your face about their intentional bias would.

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162   Patrick   2024 Jan 29, 9:54am  


Creatives fight back with Nightshade, a new software that “poisons” AI models.

Computer scientists at the University of Chicago have developed two free softwares to combat AI scraping.

Their first software was called Glaze, and it works defensively by confusing AI, showing brush strokes and colors to the programs that aren't actually there, effectively disguising the artists' styles.

The second software is an offensive "poison" for AI programs called Nightshade.

Nightshade shows the data scraping programs images that aren't actually there.

"For example, human eyes might see a shaded image of a cow in a green field largely unchanged, but an AI model might see a large leather purse lying in the grass."

For someone using the AI programs, that means that if Nightshade infected images are scraped into the dataset, prompting AI to generate a cow flying in space, it might generate a purse in space instead.
165   Patrick   2024 Feb 20, 8:59am  


But paradoxically, the sudden appearance of this new technology is also even more mysterious than it seems, since all artificial intelligence-based technology sprouts from a common large-language model that even the developers admit they do not fully understand...

Maybe I’m wrong. But I cannot believe that an invention as significant as artificial intelligence sprang from some serendipitous lab accident. Post It notes — yes. Rubber — yes. Antibiotics — okay. But not artificial intelligence, which requires millions of lines of computer code to operate. Accidentally discovered? No. Impossible.

So then, where did the ‘spark’ of intelligence come from? Is A.I. demonic, a malicious gift whispered into the ear of some luckless scientist who sold their soul for access? Maybe. But my preferred theory is it was dished out of a DARPA skunkworks lab somewhere, for some sinister military purpose. I don’t know. I just find it utterly remarkable that developers say they don’t really understand how AI works — and everybody is just fine with that!
168   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 22, 11:05am  

Google AI generated image of a polar bear:

197   richwicks   2024 Feb 23, 8:04pm  

Patrick says

Ask it to draw pictures of Jewish males.

I'll bet you $100 that they aren't black.
200   Patrick   2024 Feb 24, 11:46am  


MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — After fierce backlash to their racist AI image generation tool, executives at Google have paused the release of the software and promised to do a better job of hiding the AI's racism.

"Here at Google, we remain unabashedly committed to racism," said CEO Sundar Pichai. "However, we do admit that our rabid racial animus was maybe too 'in-your-face' for version one of our Gemini AI. We will redouble our efforts to ensure our hateful bigotry is less obvious in future updates so that our anti-human agenda can continue to remake the world in the image of an insufferably woke corporate HR lady, except this time undetected. Thank you."

Google Gemini AI faced criticism this week after producing results that some believe showed a clear bias against anyone white or male. While critics condemned the biased algorithm as "racist," supporters of Gemini disagreed. "Everyone knows it's impossible to show hatred and bigotry towards white males, since everyone knows they're the cause of all the world's problems and not really human anyway," said Jen Gennai, who leads Google's AI Responsibility Initiative. "If you don't believe whiteness should be eradicated in all its forms, you're clearly a racist. I know this because I went to college."

Sources within Google have confirmed their less-obviously racist AI will be ready for release in one month.

At publishing time, Google had still not announced any plans to change its racist search results.
201   Ceffer   2024 Feb 24, 12:27pm  

Yes, having all this Netflix DEI crap shoved down my throat, I'm shitting BBC scripts. "Prompt Asian walk on with German name, right next to the black and white couple walk on. Don't forget the dual purpose Black Lesbian With Attitude Boss who fills three script requirements in one and means we can free up a role or two for WhiteFucks."

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