It was the DOD all along. Trump knew.

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2023 Jan 26, 8:22pm   18,760 views  152 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Jan 24

Since DOD funded them, developed them, mandated them and sold the world on them, slim chance anyone’s calling on DOD will have any effect. My hopes for stopping them are lower every day. The hammer is in a downward motion, populations are docile, tired and ignorant. It’s too late. They got us, although I will NEVER understand how few of unelected evildoers got billions of us.

Trump was at least nominally in charge of the DOD. Trump continues to push the toxxine and brag about operation "Warp Speed" which was actually years in the making.

Trump knew. That's why he has to keep pretending that the toxxine is safe when it is really very dangerous. He doesn't want to get blamed for the mass death that the toxxine is causing.

The DOD had been wanting to try out the toxxine even before Trump got into office, which means mean that Obama knew about it too.


DOD Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Dec. 9, 2020

Today, the Department of Defense announced its deliberate and phased plan to distribute and administer initial and subsequent allocations of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Department continues to work closely with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. As one of the 64 jurisdictions to which the United States government has allocated vaccines, the DOD plans to administer its initial allocation of 43,875 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to CONUS and OCONUS populations of DoD uniformed service members, both active and Selected Reserve components, including members of the National Guard; dependents; retirees; civilian employees; and select DoD contract personnel as authorized in accordance with DoD regulation. ...

The distribution of the allocated COVID-19 vaccines will begin once the Federal Drug Administration authorizes the COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use and in accordance with Operation Warp Speed guidance.


Whether or not you want to believe it, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has managed the Covid response in its entirety. The vaccination biowarfare and tyranny we have experienced over the past three years have been pure theatre — or, in other words, a very sick show. The DoD was, quite simply, running a war effort in which Americans were manipulated, deceived and coerced concerning the virus origins and vaccine mandates. “Safe and effective’” proved to be neither. ...

Latypova studied the contracts Pfizer had with the U.S. government. As per the contracts, the product is shipped to the DoD, which retains 100 percent control and ownership of the vials until their contents are injected into people. She did not find any documentation on a sampling of the vials for the purpose of verification of their contents vs. the label. And the contracts specify that “it is expressly forbidden by the international vaccine supply contracts to perform the vial tests for label conformity.” ...

Note that the DoD “contracted Pfizer in May of 2020 for production of at least 100 million doses by October 31, 2020, and up to 500 million doses later. Pfizer’s initial contract award was for $10 billion, with many additional incentives for delivering more doses faster. Similar contracts were made with numerous other ‘vaccine’ manufacturers, and hundreds of other suppliers,” as reported by Latypova.

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55   richwicks   2023 Aug 18, 12:34pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

I knew it! Janssen was removed from the market, because it was the safest, not most dangerous.

But does it cure the cold?

No. Nothing does.

It's a respiratory virus. There are NO vaccines currently that work against a respiratory virus. You need to develop mucosal immunity to get immunity from a respiratory virus, and the only way to get that is through an inhaler, not an injection. The best an injection can do is reduce symptoms if you get sick, but I will never take a flu "vaccine".
56   richwicks   2023 Aug 18, 12:36pm  

Patrick says

The DoD doesn't really care if half a million Americans die from the mRNA. It's just a way of working out the kinks in their technology!

Kinks? The vaccine didn't work at all!

They know this for god sakes. There's no vaccine against a respiratory virus of any sort. You can't take an injection for it.
57   Patrick   2023 Aug 18, 12:39pm  

Lol, I know. It was kind of a joke.

But I do think that the DoD was experimenting on the public with all this.
58   Patrick   2023 Aug 18, 12:39pm  

richwicks says

No. Nothing does.

I suspect that ivermectin may cure colds. It would be good if someone tested this.
59   HeadSet   2023 Aug 18, 12:54pm  

Patrick says

I suspect that ivermectin may cure colds.

Yes, ivermectin is effective against RNA virus like flu and covid.

From the National Library of Medicine:

From 2012 onwards, there have multiple reports that ivermectin has antiviral properties [4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] towards a growing number of RNA viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, influenza, flaviruses such as dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) and, most notably, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) [17]. Evidence for activity against DNA viruses is more limited, but encompasses Pseudorabies, polyoma and adenoviruses [18,19,20]. The basis of ivermectin’s broadspectrum antiviral activity appears to relate to the fact that ivermectin binds to, and inhibits, the nuclear transport role of the host importin α (IMPα) protein [11,18,20], which is known to mediate nuclear import of various viral proteins and key host factors, but other possible antiviral actions of ivermectin have been proposed (e.g., [12]), including in the case of SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., [21,22]). This mini-review will summarise the weight of evidence for ivermectin’s broad-spectrum antiviral activity and the basis of its IMPα-directed activity in light of the possibility that ivermectin could be a critically useful antiviral in the current SARS-CoV-2 crisis [6,17].

60   stereotomy   2023 Aug 18, 6:30pm  

Patrick says

I suspect that ivermectin may cure colds. It would be good if someone tested this.

Ivermectin inhibits viral replication. If you feel like you're coming down with a cold, start taking ivermectin at 0.4 mg/Kg daily. After 2-3 days, all your symptoms will disappear. This doesn't mean that you're cured; rather, ivermectin has kept the virus essentially in stasis, so that your immune system can catch up and do mop up. This means take it for the full 7-10 days over the course of a regular infection.

I have personally experienced the ability of ivermectin to inhibit cold sores. I was already taking it for another viral infection, and then noticed that I had a cluster of tiny scabs on my lip. This would normally have been a major outbreak, but it was completely nipped in the bud. It did take about a week to finally disappear, but this was so much better than a big honking canker.

Just last week, I felt another outbreak, and hit the 'mectin. Sure enough, the outbreak was stopped in its tracks. I continue to be amazed by the versatility and effectiveness of this drug.
61   Patrick   2023 Aug 18, 7:29pm  

Thanks @sterotomy where did you buy it?
62   Bd6r   2023 Aug 18, 8:16pm  

Patrick says

Thanks sterotomy where did you buy it?

You can get it on Amazon for veterinarian purposes, but you must recalculate dosage for your weight. Easy and relatively cheap.
63   mell   2023 Aug 18, 8:25pm  

Any online pharmacy getting their drugs from India or Asia usually has it, quality has been good so far. You need to take it at the onset though or better even before if you know someone in close contact is infected. Many viruses reach their max replication within days.
64   richwicks   2023 Aug 18, 8:34pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

No. Nothing does.

I suspect that ivermectin may cure colds. It would be good if someone tested this.

I think it might be able to prevent them. The data indicates that Ivermectin prevents replication of a virus. That would mean you can stop the replication and avoid the disease, if you detect it early enough. But once you're sick, you're sick.
65   richwicks   2023 Aug 18, 8:39pm  

Bd6r says

Patrick says

Thanks sterotomy where did you buy it?

You can get it on Amazon for veterinarian purposes, but you must recalculate dosage for your weight. Easy and relatively cheap.

I want to point out that medicine is medicine.

First drugs go through animal trials, and they progress to human trials. There's nearly NO DRUGS available for animals that aren't available for humans, although a FEW exist.

So Ivermectin for horses, fine for you, unless they intentionally adulterate it to be dangerous to humans. Be careful with dosage. Check, double check, take a few hours off, and check again. Ivermectin is a very safe drug, but you still don't want to fuck it up.
66   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Aug 18, 10:02pm  

Bd6r says

You can get it on Amazon for veterinarian purposes, but you must recalculate dosage for your weight. Easy and relatively cheap.

I'm not sure where I found it but there was at least one website that helped people calculate the dosage. I still have half a tube in the refrigerator. Probably time to replace it.
67   ElYorsh   2023 Aug 18, 10:36pm  

Patrick says

Thanks sterotomy where did you buy it?

Drive down to Tijuana and you can get it without a prescription
68   stfu   2023 Aug 19, 3:59am  

Patrick says

Thanks sterotomy where did you buy it?

alldaychemist . com


Takes six to eight weeks but have never had an issue.
69   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 12:34pm  


A new eye-popping FOIA disclosure was making the rounds this week. The FDA three emails evidenced a perfect storm of government bungling and corruption. The short version is that right while federal jab mandates were lifting off in the fall of 2021, top government officials already knew that the jabs “waned,” meaning they didn’t protect anybody.

But that’s not all. Not even close.

Here’s the first email in the thread. It’s a doozy. It was sent from a Department of Defense contractor to FDA top official Marion Gruber in advance of the September 2021 vaccine committee meeting. Marion Gruber was the Director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review at the FDA.

First of all, notice the email explained that the Department of Defense hired Humetrix in March 2020 to analyze Medicare claims data related to covid:

This study has been conducted by my company under contract with the DoD JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center) since March 2020, when we were tasked to analyze Medicare claim data to monitor, map and conduct Covid-19 predictive analytics for the military.

“For the military.” Why was DoD involved right from March 2020? Was covid a military operation or a health emergency? What do they know that they aren’t saying?

"Salus" was the name of a pagan Roman goddess associated with health, well-being, and prosperity. Hopefully someone will follow up and FOIA everything related to “Project Salus.”

And … the JAIC? A DoD joint artificial intelligence center? What is that? How and why did the JAIC get involved in covid from day one? Why haven’t we ever heard of its role in the pandemic? Unanswerable questions.

At least, unanswerable so far. We’re getting there, drop by painful drop.
70   stereotomy   2023 Sep 5, 1:30pm  

Patrick says

Thanks sterotomy where did you buy it?


I've ordered 4 times, none of the shipments were intercepted. Shipping takes a while - over a month. They have a shipment guarantee in case your order is confiscated.

For payment I've done ACH transfer. They have some credit card thing, but it charges some outrageous fee.

FYI - if you initiate an ACH transfer, and things go south, you can request an investigation under Regulation E - basically, send a letter CMRR to the bank, they have 30 days to conclude the investigation or refund your money.

Ivermectin is kind of expensive - $1 per 12mg pill. Hydroxychloroquine and most antibiotics are pretty cheap. I recommend HCQ, which is more effective than quercetin when you're infected. If you tolerate penicillin-based antibiotics, I recommend amoxicillin. Amoxicillin actually kills bacteria, while ivermectin, cephalexin and doxycycline only inhibit viral and bacterial replication. That being said, amoxicillin will have you peeing out of your butt because it will exterminate all your gut bacteria. There's some amoxicillin that has lactobacillus included to mitigate GI issues.

So far, I've taken ivermectin about 6 times in the last 2 years. Every time, my symptoms disappeared after 72 hours. I even take ivermectin when I'm starting to get a cold sore - it shuts it down before it gets too big and ugly.

I appreciate now why ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for its discoverer. It really is the best goddamn fucking medication I've ever used.

I drove down with the family to TX en route through TN. The chain pharmacies didn't have ivermectin, period, despite the law. Fuck them, at least I scored primers and #8 shot.
71   Patrick   2023 Sep 7, 11:58am  


Americans were misled about all Covid-19 “countermeasures,” including those products marketed as “vaccines.” Covid policy was managed by the National Security Council (NSC) acting on war footing and countermeasures were contracted for by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) without any effective regulatory oversight at any stage along the process.

The activities passing as “regulatory processes” appear to have been fraudulent attempts to create color of law and avoid liability for what were clearly criminal acts. These multiple overlapping and mutually reinforcing violations of federal law have imposed serious harms on the American people, including severe injury and death.

Fact pattern background:

Under Stafford Act authority, President Trump declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) on March 13, 2020 (Stafford Act, P.L. 93-288 as amended).

Under a PHE, medical “countermeasures” are not regulated or safeguarded as normal pharmaceutical products (21 USC 360bbb-3(k).[1]

According to Operation Warp Speed / Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) reports, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) directed, oversaw and managed the development, manufacture and distribution of nearly all Covid countermeasures,[2] largely utilizing DoD’s previously established network of military contractors and consortia.[3]

DoD, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contracted for Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines,” as “prototype demonstrations” of “large-scale manufacturing.”[4]

These agencies avoided nearly all relevant legal and transparency requirements by using Other Transaction Authority (OTA) contracts.[5]

Although the DoD/BARDA contracts refer to “safety and efficacy requirements” and mention cGMP compliance, these items are explicitly carved out as not being paid for or ordered by the U.S. Government.

The contracts for countermeasures include a liability shield for manufacturers and contractors along the supply and distribution chains, under the PREP Act.

As prototypes under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) during a PHE, Covid countermeasures need not comply with laws governing clinical trials, manufacturing quality, safety or labeling (21 USC 360bbb-3(k)). The result: we have a chaotic mess of everything from sham injections that may be mostly just saline all the way to extremely dangerous/deadly shots, all of which are being distributed under the same product brands and labels.[6]

The underlying FDA authorizations and approvals under EUA statutory authority and Investigational New Drug regulatory frameworks all violated drug safety laws governing clinical trials, product labeling, product serialization, importation, product distribution, product quality control testing, dispensing and other parts of the national drug supply oversight system.[7]

The implications of the above can not be overstated. Senior Executive Service officials within the U.S. Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans and others without clarifying their “prototype” and “large scale demonstration” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while knowingly and willfully maintaining a fraudulent pseudo-“regulatory” presentation to the public.

These materials have harmed and killed and continue to harm and kill Americans and other people around the world. ...
73   Patrick   2023 Sep 18, 1:33pm  


Update on CHD Lawsuit Challenging Government's License to Kill (PREP Act)

Or, why you should not expect Donald Trump speaking the truth about hospital murders or vax death/injury any time soon...

First, let me answer the burning question about Trump - no, it’s not because he is not a scientist and Fauci and Birx lied to him.

It’s the PREP Act, silly! In order to maintain his immunity from liability, he must push the genocidal HHS narrative (a “covered countermeasure”), or else he is not a “covered person” and then can be prosecuted for real crimes, not the fake made-up ones he is currently indicted for and fundraises from. Note that not a single hard-hitting investigative journalist (I mean real ones like Carlson and Beck) are even allowed to ask him pointed questions, because otherwise they would not be allowed “access” to Trump’s campaign. Which Tucker Carlson acknowledged and explained as a standard operating procedure in media. ...

Readers in other countries can look up similar relevant law, search for keywords “countermeasures”, “public health emergency” and “pandemic preparedness”. This is especially relevant for NATO allied regions.

The only case currently challenging the constitutionality of PREP Act is this one - Watts v DOD:

... Counsel for the Estate of George Watts, Jr., filed an opposition to the Department of Defense's Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim based primarily on the Rex non potest peccare defense. (the king can do no wrong- that eventually became doctrine of sovereign immunity in this country.)

However sovereign immunity is not written into the U.S. Constitution. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program's 4 payments of approximately $2,200 each for death or serious bodily injury combined with the PREP Act's foreclosing all remedies, makes sovereign immunity the unconstitutional icing on the cake and the black letter of the PREP Act allows for severing an unconstitutional provision. ... The DOD argued in its motion to dismiss that the department cannot be sued in this case because it has “sovereign immunity,” which is a legal doctrine asserting the state cannot commit legal wrongdoing and therefore cannot be sued without its consent.

The DOD also argued that even if the state did not have sovereign immunity, the complaint’s allegations were not sufficient to claim the DOD engaged in “willful misconduct” when it made public statements about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. ...

PREP Act is a governments’ license to kill, and it must be repealed. Yet, not a single Congress person speaks about it. I don’t know when/if material progress toward this goal will be made. In the meantime, we must educate everyone around us about this atrocity. The problem is that most people, even those who are now awake to the vaccine and hospital murders still think that “if fraud can be proven” than the perps can be prosecuted. The fraud has not only been definitively proven, it hasn’t been really hidden to begin with! Vast majority of the fraud was visible from the start, I and hundreds of others have published clear evidence of fraud from publicly available documents.
74   Patrick   2023 Sep 30, 1:27pm  


Basically, the U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a response to a health event. But in fact, what they are doing is a military operation. These so-called vaccines aren’t really vaccines, but have been manufactured under defense contracts, utilizing the Defense Production Act, other transaction authority, and emergency use authorization under a public health emergency. When these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices don’t apply to these products at all.

Mr. Jekielek: Even legally?

Ms. Latypova: Even legally. There’s a law on the books, 21-USC-360bbb, that says, “Emergency use authorized countermeasures under public health emergency can’t constitute clinical investigation.” Clinical investigation is actually not possible for these countermeasures. If clinical investigation isn’t possible, then you can’t have clinical trials, informed consent, clinical trial subjects, or clinical trial investigators.

Utilizing the structure of emergency use authorization, public health emergency, other transaction authority, and the Defense Production Act, the government was able to commandeer pharmaceutical companies to produce these noncompliant injectable products and distribute them, calling them a medicine, when in fact, they’re not a medicine.

It’s an act of war. They’re using the Defense Production Act, its machinery, and the U.S. military. Even internationally, this is being distributed from this military to overseas militaries, not through the pharmaceutical distribution chain. They’re using the military machinery to distribute these noncompliant products—including biologicals, chemicals, and all kinds of ingredients we don’t really understand very well—and then calling it public health and medicine. ...

Pfizer produced its DOD contract, and since then, hundreds of Department of Defense contracts for COVID countermeasures were released through FOIA [Freedom of Information Act], although they’re partially redacted. They’re all online, and they’re all essentially similar. They’re utilizing the structure of ordering countermeasures, prototypes, with the Department of Defense ordering them from the pharmaceutical manufacturers under the Defense Production Act and other transaction authority. Good manufacturing practices aren’t part of it at all.

Another additional part of this scheme is the public health emergency announcement. When a public health emergency happens, essentially the executive branch of the government absorbs power from [the] legislative and judicial [branches]. A public health emergency, by various legal amendments and acts over a long period of time, triggers this whole system in which the HHS secretary becomes a de facto dictator. ...

Mr. Jekielek: I’ve had a number of people on this show who have had pretty serious vaccine injuries. That these people could be harmed is denied by society and certainly denied by the authorities.

There are admissions from the NIH [National Institutes of Health], but that’s rare. Mostly they say there’s no signal. Most of these people are diagnosed with anxiety and things like that. I don’t know what your thoughts are on this.

Ms. Latypova: I understand why the government denies it, but I can’t wrap my head around the denial by regular physicians. I know there’s a monetary structure that incentivizes this behavior. There are payments from Medicare and Medicaid to the doctors to vaccinate, and bonuses for the number of vaccinations that they administered. There are especially high bonuses to vaccinate somebody who hasn’t been vaccinated. And there’s not only a huge monetary compensation and incentive, but there’s also liability protection through the PREP Act [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act].

That liability exemption is also explicit in the DOD contracts with vaccine manufacturers. Not just vaccines, it actually goes with the entire COVID countermeasures production, which includes vaccines, therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies, blood products, diagnostics, masks, swabs, and even staffing. All of them have the PREP Act Liability Exemption Clause, which states that if you are in compliance with all of this and follow procedure, then you are exempt from liability. The last sentence of that clause says, “This is both civil and military application.” ...

In addition to seeing huge adverse events and death rates overall, we saw huge variability from batch to batch. But that variability was also not random, meaning that they aren’t just producing random outputs. There’s some sort of a design going on as far as what’s in those vials in different batches.

For example, we saw clustering by alphanumeric codes, both in Pfizer and Moderna. The letters used in the alphanumeric numbering, which should be just random, should be just some sort of a manufacturing tactic to keep track of things. But depending on the letters, we know that one set of letters produced higher toxicity and another set lower toxicity. That should never happen.
75   stereotomy   2023 Oct 1, 12:03pm  

Patrick says

Ms. Latypova: I understand why the government denies it, but I can’t wrap my head around the denial by regular physicians. I know there’s a monetary structure that incentivizes this behavior. There are payments from Medicare and Medicaid to the doctors to vaccinate, and bonuses for the number of vaccinations that they administered. There are especially high bonuses to vaccinate somebody who hasn’t been vaccinated. And there’s not only a huge monetary compensation and incentive, but there’s also liability protection through the PREP Act [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act].

That's my beef with medical "professionals" - admit you're wrong, you gaslit me and you prefer money to the Hippocratic Oath.

Fuck them and everyone who looks like them. My wife suffered for 6 months because the blood supply was contaminated with spike protein and she had to rebuild her hemoglobin levels the hard way.

If my accident happened a year ago instead of 14 years ago (when I had to get 5 pints of blood), I probably would be dead from spike protein contaminated blood.
76   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 1:40pm  

I agree. The medical establishment cannot recover any credibility until it admits that it lied to the public wholesale about the toxxine, resulting in a large number of deaths.
77   richwicks   2023 Oct 1, 11:12pm  

Patrick says

I agree. The medical establishment cannot recover any credibility until it admits that it lied to the public wholesale about the toxxine, resulting in a large number of deaths.

They will do what the government does, wait until the public forgets.

That is absolutely their plan.

I expected a fallout from the Bush administration lying the nation into the Iraq war. It didn't happen. Watch people forget and and move on from being poisoned by the medical industry.

Personally, I'm kind of happy that finally the US government is murdering its own citizens instead of people of another nation. At least in this nation, we could have resisted. We deserve what we get now.
78   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 2, 6:04pm  

Patrick said:

"The medical establishment cannot recover any credibility until it admits that it lied to the public wholesale about the toxxine, resulting in a large number of deaths."

richwicks says

"They will do what the government does, wait until the public forgets."

My take is that it is downright impossible for the public to forget some 300,000 deaths and over 1,000,000 debilitating injuries.
82   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 10:30am  

Huge mistake.

Women should never be allowed in such top military positions. They simply do not have the same interest in defending borders than men do, and that is genetic all the way back to chimpanzees. Male chimps defend borders, but female chimps do not.
83   HeadSet   2023 Nov 1, 11:29am  

Patrick says

Women should never be allowed in such top military positions. T

True, but it may be comforting to know that CNO has no real wartime command authority. The command goes from the President, through the Secretary of Defense, to the Major Commands. A female SecDef would be worse, or a female general running Air Combat Command or Special Operations Command.
85   HeadSet   2023 Nov 1, 12:59pm  

The_Deplorable says

I remember that 18 year old service members were allowed to buy beer at on base clubs.
88   Patrick   2023 Dec 18, 11:20am  


When everyone from the President to your primary care doctor declared loudly and wholeheartedly in December 2020 that the newly FDA-authorized Covid mRNA vaccines were “safe and effective” – what were those claims based on?

In this article, I will review the contractual and regulatory framework applied by the US government to the initial development, manufacture, and acquisition of the Covid mRNA shots. I will use the BioNTech/Pfizer agreements to illustrate the process.

The analysis will show that:

The Covid mRNA vaccines were acquired and authorized through mechanisms designed to rush medical countermeasures to the military during emergencies involving weapons of mass destruction.

These mechanisms did not require the application of, or adherence to, any laws or regulations related to vaccine development or manufacturing.

The FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccines was based on clinical trials and manufacturing processes conducted with no binding legal standards, no legally proscribed safety oversight or regulation, and no legal redress from the manufacturer for potential harms. (This last point is being challenged in multiple court cases, so far to no avail.)

What all of this means is that none of the laws or regulations that we count on to protect us from potentially harmful, or deadly, medical products was applied to the Covid mRNA vaccines. The assertion of “safe and effective” was based entirely on aspirations, opinions, beliefs, and presumptions of government employees.
89   stereotomy   2023 Dec 18, 11:29am  

90   stereotomy   2023 Dec 18, 11:45am  

Our own military is killing us under the justification that because of technology:

"Anybody can create a 99.999999% fatal pathogen in their back yard, so we have to create a mechanism which is 0% effective" against the insane paranoid dreams of our MIC overlords.

They don't care how many experimental subjects (AKA the population of the USA, sans rapefugee immigrants and homeless) die because they are trying to figure out a silver bullet for protecting the remaining WASP/EA people. If the useless eaters (slaves, "people of color") die from the clot shot, then that's a two-fer while the WASPS/WEP hangers-on get their saline shots.

"Wake up Irish people!" (Nod to Stern with the KKK dude).

I'm learning how to reload; just sayin' . . .
91   Eric Holder   2023 Dec 18, 12:28pm  

The_Deplorable says

What kind of losers "can't affod groceries" in a basically full-employment economy? Fucking Chick-Fil-A is fucking paying fucking $20/hr and they always have "help wanted" in their fucking window and I bet they feed their employess for fucking free too.
92   Patrick   2023 Dec 22, 5:56pm  


I later found that covid vaccines are promoted as compliant pharmaceutical products, but they are indeed medical countermeasures that were contracted for by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). Some of the contracts released via FOIA are here. Medical countermeasures lack any effective regulatory consumer safety oversight at any stage of the process. This is based on 6 key statutes and related federal laws outlined in the memo written for Senator Johnson in December 2022. Bailiwick News Katherine Watt and I discussed these perverted laws here.

1. All covid countermeasures were ordered by the DOD, typically as “demonstrations” via Other Transactions Authority contracts. DOD oversaw the development, manufacture, and distribution of the countermeasures. The contracts include the removal of liability for the manufacturers and any contractors along the supply and distribution chain under the 2005 PREP Act except in case of willful misconduct. The HHS legal opinion of willful misconduct under PREP differs from that generally defined in law, specifically, under PREP Act even proven death and injury caused by a covered countermeasure is not considered willful misconduct by a covered person. While the DOD/BARDA countermeasure contracts refer to safety and efficacy requirements and mention current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliance, this language in contract is unenforceable. Judge Truncale (TX) agreed with this interpretation when dismissing Brook Jackson’s case v Pfizer under False Claims Act. The case is now being appealed.

2. Covid “vaccines” were pushed under a “bait and switch” scheme where the actual delivered product always substituted with the Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) version of the product (with exception of tiny amount of 35K doses of Comirnaty). The FDA’s stated position in court is that the recipients of vaccines need not to be given informed consent.

3. Use of Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) covered countermeasures under a declared Public Health Emergency cannot constitute a clinical investigation (21 USC 360bbb-3(k)), therefore these countermeasures could not be tested for safety or efficacy in accordance with US law (21 CFR 312 and 21 CFR 601), nor could compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) or Good Distribution Practices (GxP in general) be enforced by the FDA. This legal fact was known to the FDA, DOD and BARDA officials and to the pharmaceutical companies signing these contracts. This fact was not known to the public, clinical investigators, clinical trial subjects or most vaccinators.

4. In conclusion, a medical product for which no enforceable liability exists, where all risks are pushed onto recipients, while all profits are privatized, is not a medical product at all. It should be treated as a dangerous substance, stopped, seized, and investigated.
93   Patrick   2023 Dec 28, 5:31pm  


“But I did it…I was able to get something approved that you know, has…proven to save a LOT OF LIVES. Some people say I saved a hundred million lives worldwide.”

But I was able to get that done in nine months versus five years to twelve years.

If it ever got done.

I got the FDA to do things that they…it was pretty amazing what we were able to do.”

Donald Trump, January 18, 2023

Trump is still FAILING because he refuses to admit that the toxxine is the worst disaster in human history, causing the largest number of deaths.
94   Patrick   2023 Dec 31, 8:32pm  

Trump issued EO 13887 well before the mass death shot campaign:

Executive Order 13887 of September 19, 2019 (Only 5 Pages,… Read It)
Modernizing Influenza Vaccines In The United States To Pro-mote National Security & Public Health



Huh, those two official copies of that Executive Order are now missing. Funny.

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