World War III Watch

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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,030 views  942 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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156   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 4, 4:36pm  

I don't get it. How can we call ourselves Americans giving shit tons of money to some foreign country, and leaving people in Ohio to die from being poisoned? Seems like the only thing that should be discussed on this topic is how to turn all that fucking fake support and sentiment to good use for the people suffering in East Palestine.

By the way. I have noticed some of you who barely mentioned the train wreck except to downplay it, have been VERY vocal in support of Ukraine. What does that say about your priorities?
157   richwicks   2023 Mar 4, 4:56pm  

socal2 says

So what is driving all this now - other than one man's vanity?

This has been answered many times before, but you just ignore it in favor of bullshit US propaganda. It's tiresome. You ask questions and you ignore answers.

Putin is just like our president, a figurehead. I imagine Putin has some ACTUAL power though, unlike Biden, but if Putin drops dead tomorrow, that won't end the war. Remember when Georgia attacked S. Ossetia, and Russia went in to put an end to that? It wasn't Putin that did that, it was Dmitry Medvedev.

It's Western FICTION that Putin is the "one man behind this". It's stupid and childish to believe that.
158   komputodo   2023 Mar 4, 7:49pm  

NuttBoxer says

By the way. I have noticed some of you who barely mentioned the train wreck except to downplay it, have been VERY vocal in support of Ukraine. What does that say about your priorities?

It says they get virtue signaling points for backing ukraine and none for the ohio disaster
159   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 5, 11:01am  

I think it says they've been duped by propaganda. Especially effective propaganda because it plays on their nationalism, and hatred of Russia, which as they point out, they have good reasons for. But I don't know a single patnetter who's ever virtue signaled. We're way too based for that.
160   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 11, 11:51am  

Old, satirical movie depicting how World War III could start. Free to watch:


161   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 12, 10:43am  

3/11/23 interview of Gen. Michael Flynn ... covering a lot of very important subjects, including the upcoming global financial crisis, along with a potential WW III.

General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message to Humanity
162   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 12:37pm  

How it was:

“Violence is not my weapon,” he said.

So shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February and Ukraine prohibited men of military age from leaving the country, Klever sneaked out to London.

Klever’s mistake, which would bring devastating consequences, was writing to a friend about being smuggled out and making it to London.

The friend betrayed his trust and posted their conversation on social media. It went viral, and Ukrainians all over the internet exploded with anger and resentment.

“You are a walking dead person,” one Twitter message said. “I’m going to find you in any corner in the world.”

The notion of people — especially men — leaving war-torn Ukraine for safe and comfortable lives abroad has provoked a moral dilemma among Ukrainians that turns on one of the most elemental decisions humans can make: fight or flee.

Thousands of Ukrainian men of military age have left the country to avoid participating in the war, according to records from regional law enforcement officials and interviews with people inside and outside Ukraine. Smuggling rings in Moldova, and possibly other European countries, have been doing a brisk business. Some people have paid up to $15,000 for a secret nighttime ride out of Ukraine, Moldovan officials said.

The draft dodgers are the vast exception. That makes it all the more complicated for them — morally, socially and practically. Ukrainian society has been mobilised for war against a much bigger enemy, and countless Ukrainians without military experience have volunteered for the fight. To maximise its forces, the Ukrainian government has taken the extreme step of prohibiting men aged 18 to 60 from leaving, with few exceptions.

https://bdnews24.com/society/ukraines-draft-dodgers-face-guilt-shame-and-reproach (reprinted from NYT)

How it's going:

According to recent reports, Ukraine has recently begun experiencing some military recruitment issues, a problem that has plagued Russia since the start of its war in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) announced it had blocked 26 Telegram channels that were allegedly helping people of military age avoid mobilization. The news came following a February 26 report The Economist that said, "Ukraine has visibly stepped up mobilization activities in the first two months of this year."

The Economist further detailed that mobilization in Ukraine has become increasingly aggressive with reports of draft notices being issued at military funerals and officials patrolling ski resorts for people avoiding enlistment summons.



In a country like Ukraine there are inevitably less-than-legal ways to escape the call-up, too. “It’s a dialectic of nature,” says Colonel Kevlyuk, who worked in the army’s general staff until 2021. “Wherever there is demand, you’ll always find someone to supply it.” Some arrange fictitious marriages with mothers of three or more children. Others get corrupt military doctors to issue a medical exemption For a few thousand dollars one can pay to be smuggled across the border. But the appetite for risk is falling after a series of well-publicised draft-dodging prosecutions.
Government officials say that any excesses are being tackled as they come to light. But with the army set on achieving a breakthrough on the battlefield before the summer, the recruitment of less-motivated Ukrainians will surely be stepped up and scandals will probably persist. The armed forces may respond to legal challenges by sharpening up their bureaucracy, but there are other ways to deal with them. Informed sources say that at least two lawyers disputing draft orders have abruptly been called up themselves. As the army well knows, mobilised lawyers are automatically barred from practising.

163   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 12:40pm  

cisTits says

Meanwhile, the Russians executed a substantial mobilization which has added upwards of 400,000 thousand effectives to their forces. Contrary to almost-universal predictions that Russian armaments would have long-since been exhausted, and their economy crumbled under the weight of western sanctions, neither has occurred.

The problem with the initial invasion is that the pro segment of the army was material rich but infantry poor, though well trained, but had no follow on forces to keep the areas they swept through clear and stop defeated elements of the AFU from regrouping. Then, because it was kept secret, there was no logistical prep to resupply the Russian advance AND the swept through areas were reoccupied by AFU elements since there was nothing to "Hold" the roads open.

As usual, after a year or two the Russians will get their shit together, in pretty much every single war Russia ever fought, and then it's a whole new ballgame. Russia always sucks in the first few innings or the first quarter of the game.

Then before you know it, Cossacks are inspiring the Kan Kan in Paris.
164   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 12, 12:56pm  

AmericanKulak says

cisTits says

Meanwhile, the Russians executed a substantial mobilization which has added upwards of 400,000 thousand effectives to their forces. Contrary to almost-universal predictions that Russian armaments would have long-since been exhausted, and their economy crumbled under the weight of western sanctions, neither has occurred.

The problem with the initial invasion is that the pro segment of the army was material rich but infantry poor, though well trained, but had no follow on forces to keep the areas they swept through clear and stop defeated elements of the AFU from regrouping. Then, because it was kept secret, there was no logistical prep to resupply the Russian advance AND the swept through areas were reoccupied by AFU elements since there was nothing to "Hold" the roads open.

As usual, after a year or two the Russians will get their shit together, in pret...

In the war which ended with Cossacks in Paris their opponent was fighting on multiple fronts. In the other war where they "got their shit together later" everybody loves to mention not only their opponent was fighting on multiple fronts but also decisive amounts of armaments, materiel and other supplies was handed to them by the allies (read USA). And in the war between these two thir opponent was also fighting on multiple fronts but they managed to completely collapse first as an army and then as a country. Oh, and in the smallish war before that one they had their ass handed to them both on land and on the sea (this is when their previous loss of a flagship happened, btw) by an "inferior" adversary supported by the West.

Which one of the scenarios are most similar to today's war?

The one mentioned the last checks most marks, imo: the opponent is not fighting on multiple fronts, the flagship is already lost and the Western support is there (albeit too little and too late).
165   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 1:07pm  

No, almost every war. Multiple wars against Poland-Lithuania, Sweden, the Turks. Even the Winter War in Finland.

The battle of Poltava had the Swedes' rampaging through Poland-Lithuania and all over Russia and then Peter I got the Russian Army's shit together and broke Sweden's Great Power status forever. At the Battle of Narva a year earlier, the Swedes clobbered a Russian siege relief force 4x it's size.

Eventually the Russians get their shit together and the vastness of their resources and manpower come into play. Without a huge commitment of foreign troops in Ukraine, it's over and at the very least Russia keeps/takes Donbas and Crimea.

Putin tried to pull a Georgia in Ukraine using only the modernized faction of Russian Army units, but they didn't have the manpower to hold territory and had to withdraw for their inadequate supply lines. Once the additional troops are commited, it's game over for Ukraine, barring NATO intervention.
166   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 15, 7:45am  

Appearing on the bought and paid for Neo-Con, MIC show "Hannity,"

Lindsey Graham Pushes For Escalation After Russian Downing Of U.S. Drone

The GOP hawk referenced Ronald Reagan on Fox News in suggesting a provocative response to the collision over the Black Sea.

“What would Ronald Reagan do right now? He would start shooting Russian planes down if they were threatening our assets.” Graham said.

PS: There's only one way we get to World War III, and that's through the escalation on the part of the USA & NATO.
167   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 15, 9:24am  

The escalation continues ...

Putin points fingers at the US once again over Nord Stream sabotage

Moscow, Russia - Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed reports of possible Ukrainian involvement in the blasts that destroyed the Nord Stream Baltic gas pipelines in September as "total nonsense."

Such an action at this depth and on this scale could be carried out "only by specialists," Putin said in a television interview broadcast on Tuesday. "This also still requires the support of a state that has the appropriate technology."
168   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 19, 12:06pm  

Trump was the first POTUS in many years NOT to start a new war. He resisted the Neo-Cons attempt to invade Syria and Iran. IMO, this is one of the major reasons that the election was stolen from him. Check out this article:

Donald Trump Has Got It Right on World War 3

On Thursday, President Trump released a new “Agenda 47” video for his 2024 campaign and slammed what is going on in Ukraine, and our current criminal administration:

“We have never been closer to World War 3 than we are today under Joe Biden. A global conflict between nuclear-armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear armageddon.”

“Nothing is more important than avoiding that nightmare. We will avoid it, but we need new leadership. Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to immediately have a total cessation of hostilities. All shooting has to stop.”

“This is the central issue. We need peace without delay. In addition, there must also be a complete commitment to dismantle the entire globalist neocon establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home,” said President Trump.
169   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 19, 1:37pm  

Is this a peaceful move, or, will this edge us closer to WW III?

NATO Looking to Send 300,000 Troops to the Russian Border

170   GNL   2023 Mar 19, 4:46pm  

RayAmerica says

Is this a peaceful move, or, will this edge us closer to WW III?

NATO Looking to Send 300,000 Troops to the Russian Border

With shotguns and pistols?
171   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 21, 5:40pm  

Why is China interfering with the USA's plan for starting World War III? How dare they attempt to make peace?

US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback (which is never going to happen)
172   komputodo   2023 Mar 21, 8:11pm  

GNL says

With shotguns and pistols?

birdshot and blanks?
173   WookieMan   2023 Mar 21, 9:04pm  

RayAmerica says

US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback (which is never going to happen)

Hesitant to believe Russia will pull back. They want the land bridge to Crimea. Frankly they're idiots. Ukraine is no saint either. Negotiate a land deal. Give them their god damn road/rail and negotiate a resource deal for crops or whatever.

Ukraine is more corrupt, but Russia is just looking like a massive moron at this point. Negotiate. Give them money for the land you want with negotiations over resources. It's not complicated. They're going to piss away an entire generation of men and have demographic issues for decades. Russian women will flee to the west and Russia is fucked as usual for a century.
174   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 22, 10:50am  

John Bolton is Mad that Ron DeSantis is Not Gung-Ho About Waging War Against Russia

After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis offered the reasonable, realist perspective that the Russo-Ukrainian conflict does not merit any further United States involvement, the neoconservative and superhawk wings of the Republican Party went bonkers. After the launch of Russia’s “special military operation” into Ukraine on February 24, 2023 these wings of the party consolidated to support waging a proxy war against Russia. For them, anyone who dared question such actions against Russia would be deemed a Putin apologist or agent of the Kremlin. Well it looks like DeSantis might be on the Russian government’s payroll.

Bolton said the following on Twitter on March 16, 2023:

I am disappointed by @GovRonDeSantis comments on Ukraine. Whatever the political strategy was, I think that it was wrong and in terms of geopolitics it was badly wrong. The conflict in Ukraine is of vital interest to the US and we deserve leaders who understand the importance of America’s global priorities.

PS: Has there ever been a military action or war that this psychopath hasn't enthusiastically supported?
176   Bd6r   2023 Mar 22, 1:59pm  

Eric Holder says

Wunderwaffen being position for the WWIII: https://twitter.com/Seveerity/status/1638556341022121985?ref_src=patrick.net


On a more serious note, owners of the largest and most combat-ready army in Europe, namely Poland, has said that if Ukraine loses, they may have to enter war with Russia.



News do not appear in Western media too much, clip is from Azerbaijani news source and article from Turkish sources.
177   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 22, 2:31pm  

Bd6r says


179   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 5:38pm  

BE ...




1-800-GO-GUARD to begin your future career and ask about the Officer Training Trannies Program for qualified applicants! Stand up to Putin's homophobia and Win One for the Gender Flipper!

GED and HS Diploma no longer necessary, ADHD waivers, no PT minimum requirements for Women and Women+! Get up to $1500 in college loan repayments with the GI Bill! Or Up to $500 if you're White, Male, and Infantry and sign up for an 8 year enlistment! Ask for Sgt Chris Neuterworth (she/her) at your local recruiting office today!

BE ...




180   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 5:40pm  

WookieMan says

Hesitant to believe Russia will pull back. They want the land bridge to Crimea. Frankly they're idiots. Ukraine is no saint either. Negotiate a land deal.

Ukraine won't negotiate. They "negotiated" to end the civil war in Ukraine for 8 fucking years.

Ukraine is completely a puppet government, Zelenskyy has no agency. If Russia wishes to negotiate, they have to negotiate with the United States, and does the US have ANY interest in stopping this war?
181   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 6:01pm  

I heard Putin put some Moscow protesters in jail for a few weeks.

How horrible is that - non violent protesters held in jail for a few weeks, pending trial. Then they got a few more weeks after being convicted for blocking traffic or throwing trash.

Thank goodness this kind of tyranny doesn't happen to Protesters in DC.
182   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 22, 6:05pm  

WookieMan says

RayAmerica says

US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback (which is never going to happen)

Hesitant to believe Russia will pull back. They want the land bridge to Crimea. Frankly they're idiots. Ukraine is no saint either. Negotiate a land deal. Give them their god damn road/rail and negotiate a resource deal for crops or whatever.

Ukraine is more corrupt, but Russia is just looking like a massive moron at this point. Negotiate. Give them money for the land you want with negotiations over resources. It's not complicated. They're going to piss away an entire generation of men and have demographic issues for decades. Russian women will flee to the west and Russia is fucked as usual for a century.

How would you sell to your constituence the idea of just giving up half of your country and turning it into a land-locked rump of its former self? Then, supposedly you successful in doing that, what would prevent Pukin from going for the rest of it in couple of years? With the benefit of diminished strategic depths at his side, among other things. Some kind of piece of paper he signed? LOL
183   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 6:11pm  


How would you sell to your constituence the idea of just giving up half of your country and turning it into a land-locked rump of its former self?

Zelenskyy got elected because he promised to end the civil war in Ukraine. If that had happened, Russia wouldn't have attacked Ukraine, or at least, Russia wouldn't have had that excuse to go into Ukraine.

Zelenskyy is just a puppet, the US wants this war, it will continue for years I expect. Hopefully I'm wrong about this but we'll see.

Ukraine is already going to end up a land locked country, it may not even exist in 5 years as Ukraine.
184   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 22, 8:14pm  

Don't trust DeSantis. He's willing to kill people in wars if it helps him get elected POTUS. Make no mistake about it; the psychopath Neo-Cons control this man.

DeSantis Says ‘War Criminal’ Putin Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ Days After Saying Ukraine Not a ‘Vital’ U.S. Interest

DeSantis angered Republican hawks, Never Trumpers, and neocons less than two weeks ago when he characterized the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a “territorial dispute” that is not a “vital” U.S. interests.

DeSantis had told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson:

"While the U.S. has many vital national interests — securing our border, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party — becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them."
185   stereotomy   2023 Mar 23, 6:04am  

Can someone give @Eric Holder a new keyboard? I think his caps keys are broken.
186   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 9:46am  

Kremlin: We'll Attack Any Country That Tries To Arrest Putin

There's been a number of new developments including tit-for-tat warnings and threats following the International Criminal Court's (ICC) last Friday issuance of an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The most blistering and alarming attack on the Hague-based court this week has been from former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the security council Dmitry Medvedev, who said any attempt to actually arrest Putin would be an act of war.

First, on Monday he said, "It’s quite possible to imagine a hypersonic missile being fired from the North Sea from a Russian ship at The Hague courthouse." He added as part of the warning: "Everyone walks under God and rockets… Look carefully to the sky..."

In follow-up on Wednesday he said in a video statement posted to Telegram that any "arrest" would surely spark world war 3...

"Let's imagine — obviously this situation which will never be realized — but nevertheless lets imagine that it was realized: The current head of the nuclear state went to a territory, say Germany, and was arrested," Medvedev said.

"What would that be? It would be a declaration of war on the Russian Federation," he continued. "And in that case, all our assets — all our missiles et cetera — would fly to the Bundestag, to the Chancellor's office."

Medvedev was responding to Germany saying it plans to cooperate with the ICC and arrest Putin if he were to ever fly to German soil.
187   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 10:42am  

The biggest business in America is WAR.

WWIII Brewing? U.S. Launches Airstrikes in Syria after Drone Kills Contractor

'No group will strike our troops with impunity...'

(Headline USA) A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said.

American forces said they retaliated soon after with “precision airstrikes” in Syria targeting facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, with activist groups saying they killed at least four people.

The attack and the U.S. response threaten to upend recent efforts to deescalate tensions across the wider Middle East, whose rival powers have made steps toward détente in recent days after years of turmoil.
188   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 25, 1:27pm  

Russia To Station Tactical Nukes In Belarus By July, Putin Says On State TV

189   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 25, 2:06pm  

RayAmerica says

A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said.

“Why the fuck are US contractors and troops in Syria?” An innocent American said.

190   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 1, 9:21am  

Supporting Ukraine sure was worth it, wasn't it? Woke America can't win a war against China, let alone one that includes Russia as an ally of China. Way to go Joe Biden ... the worst, most corrupt, and dangerous President in my lifetime.

China Open to Strengthening Military ‘Coordination’ with Russia

“The Chinese military is willing to work together with the Russian military to fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, further strengthening strategic communication and coordination,” Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Tan Kefei said.

Tan said this enhanced cooperation could include more joint exercises and patrols, such as the five days of training held in the Gulf of Oman by China, Russia, and Iran during the week of March 15. Tan said the exercises would help the three authoritarian countries to “jointly carry out diversified maritime military missions.”

191   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 4:39pm  

Russia: New Cold War is Over, We Are Now in ‘Hot Conflict With the United States’

"... the way our American opponents are recklessly, provocatively, and in many respects absolutely carelessly moving up the escalation ladder, the way they are blinded by their absolutely absurd certainty about their ability to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia makes one doubt their mental faculties and their common sense.”

The U.S. is “playing with fire” and was risking making “fatal mistakes”, Ryabkov said, saying the Russian Federation “will be ready to take all measures and to use all means at our disposal” if there were attempts to encroach on their sovereignty.
192   RedStar   2023 Apr 6, 4:49pm  

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?
193   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 5:42pm  

RedStar says

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?

The Russians are saying that they are willing 'to use all means' at their 'disposal.' Their use of nuclear weapons doesn't rule out using EMPs as well, IMO. Whatever the case, we are playing with matches inside of a warehouse that is stacked to the rafters with dynamite.
194   HeadSet   2023 Apr 6, 8:00pm  

RedStar says

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?

Isn't a nuke the method to make a massive EMP?

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