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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   106,652 views  934 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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910   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Jun 23, 1:41pm  

Death Toll From Ukraine's Missile Attack on Sevastopol Rises to 5 - Governor

SIMFEROPOL (Sputnik) - The death toll from the Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol, the largest city in the Crimean peninsula, has risen to five people, governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said on Sunday.

Earlier in the day, the governor said that three people, including two children, were killed as a result of Kiev's strike.

"Unfortunately, we now have three dead children and two dead adults," Razvozhayev said.

He also said that the number of injured people had increased to 119.

The Ukrainian armed forces attacked Sevastopol earlier in the day, using US-made ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads, four of which were shot down and one deflected and exploded over the city. The Russian Health Ministry said that 124 people were injured, including 27 children.

911   RayAmerica   2024 Aug 5, 9:33am  

The Trigger for WWIII Just Arrived – What Are the Implications for Americans?
by J. D. Rucker https://noqreport.com/the-trigger-for-wwiii-just-arrived-what-are-the-implications-for-americans/

If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.

I still don’t think a lot of people realize how truly volatile the situation is globally right now. From my point of view, WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms.

Let’s not forget the fact that Ukraine is essentially a proxy for all of NATO against Russia. And, the situation in the Middle East is about to become much worse. Because of the alliances involved and the fragile nature of global energy exports there is a danger of systemic collapse should a wider war break out between Israel and multiple Arab nations. It appears that such a war is imminent.

But why should Americans care? It’s pretty simple – War spurs shortages, and shortages in the middle of a stagflationary crisis are a very bad thing.

Sanctions against Russia affect around 10% of the global oil market and around 12% of global natural gas consumption. But so far all that oil and natural gas is still flowing around the world, only the trade routes have changed. The Middle East, on the other hand, accounts for over 35% of the global oil market and 18% of the natural gas market. Widespread chaos in this region would mean economic crisis on a scale not seen in a century.

Think we have problems with stagflation now? Just wait until energy prices go to the moon.

Around 30% of all oil exports travel through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage which a nation like Iran can easily block for months at a time. Sinking a few larger vessels in the straight would obstruct all cargo ship traffic and oil tanker traffic. Trying to clean up the mess would be difficult because artillery, which is almost impossible to intercept, can rain down from Iran on any vessels trying to drag sunken ships out of the way.

Iran has mutual defense pacts with multiple governments in the region including Lebanon and Syria, along with military ties to Russia. The Turkish government is unlikely to allow western troops to use their airspace to launch attacks. The US military presence in Afghanistan is gone and the Iraqi government will never allow foreign troops to use their land to come to the aid of Israel.

This greatly limits the west’s launch points for an offensive large enough to blitz Iran. The vast majority of attacks would be from the air, and if the Russians start supplying Iran with batter radar and missile technology then there’s no guarantees Israel or the US would gain full control of the air space. In other words, if a wider war breaks out it will not end for YEARS and it’s going to be fought on the ground.

Of course, most establishment experts have claimed that the situation will never escalate to that point and that the threat of direct confrontation between Israel and Iran is minimal. I have been predicting the opposite for a number of reasons, just as I predicted that there was a high chance of war in Ukraine months before it happened.

In October of 2023 in my article ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”’ I warned that a multi-front war was about to develop between Israel and various Muslim nations including Lebanon and Iran. I noted:

“Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization). Lebanon, Iran and Syria will immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all…”

My purpose in that article was to outline the dangers of US involvement in a larger war that would require conscription and escalation with Russia. Despite the “experts” insisting that the odds are overblown, it now appears that the next stage of escalation is about to begin.

Iran, Lebanon and Israel have been exchanging limited fire for months now. This is nothing new. What is new is the change in tone after a Hezbollah rocket strike on a children’s soccer game in the remote Druze village of Majdal Shams that killed 12.

On the other side, Israel’s brazen assassination of the Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil this week is a clear catalyst for war. Haniyeh has been engaged in a diplomatic mission to start peace negotiations in Gaza. His assassination sends a clear message that Israel has no intention of entering into talks with Hamas.

IDF officials also announced that they had killed top Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr in a precision missile strike Tuesday in Beirut. There’s no escaping it now.

Iran’s supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered retaliation against Israel and issued an order for Iran to strike the Israelis directly. Iran will likely use extended missile barrages, but also stage troops in Syria and Lebanon. The Houthis in Yemen will then increase their attacks on ships traversing the Red Sea. It’s hard to say how much Russia will involve itself at first, but I have no doubt more advanced Russian missiles and other weapons will make an appearance on the battlefield.

The prospect of world war is immense. Israel will not be able to fight in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran all at the same time. Energy exports in the region will definitely face a slowdown, if not a complete breakdown. At that point the war won’t just be about Israel, it will be about a global energy crisis. I don’t see any scenario in which the US government doesn’t get involved.

The high risk of terrorism this entails should not be overlooked. We’ve had an undefended border and record illegal crossings for a few years now under Biden. There’s not telling how many foreign agents are in the country and I believe this was by design. I think the establishment maintained open border policies because they wanted such people here. The more terror these agents cause the more the public will be tempted to increase government powers to deal with the attacks.

Beyond that, the political left in the West has tied itself to the Palestinian wagon as if it’s their business. In reality, leftists view the war in Gaza as just another vehicle for their outrage. They use minorities, they use gays and now they’re using Muslims. It’s the classic Marxist strategy of hijacking the social causes of other groups and co-opting their momentum.

Gaza is just another excuse for progressive spastics to riot and start burning more of the West down (their true goal). Anyone that opposes them will automatically be accused of being a “Zionist sympathizer” even if Israel is not their concern. So, there will surely be Muslim terror attacks, but also civil conflicts triggered by leftists exploiting the situation to their advantage.

The timing of these events in tandem with the election is definitely not coincidental. Whoever ends up in office will essentially be “stuck” with the war, inheriting a disaster from day one. Once US forces are committed to an allied effort, there’s no chance any president (including Trump) will pull those forces out. If things get bad enough, there might not even be an election in November.

For those that think we can “win” on multiple fronts, the truth might shock you. Eric Edelman, who serves as Vice Chair of the US National Defense Strategy Commission, has given warning about the impending conflict, stating:

“There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict…We need our allies to produce more. Our defense industrial base is in very bad shape. The European defense industrial base is in even worse shape. We need our industrial base, their base, and the industrial base of our Pacific allies. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan–they all need to be stepping up because to match what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing is beyond our ability to do it ourselves.”

I have written about the logistical shortcomings of the west in a WWIII scenario for some time now. At the top of the list will be manpower, just as we have seen in Ukraine. This is why we have been hearing military and political officials hint about a new draft over the past two years. They know what’s coming.

A draft to fight for globalist causes is unacceptable. I’m not going to delve into debate over whether it’s right or wrong for western countries to throw their weight behind Israel. Frankly, I don’t care about that argument. I don’t have anything invested in either side of the conflict. I care about Americans. And, I know that making the US military the go-to solution to the Middle East problem is going to end with a lot of dead Americans. I also know that the expanding crisis would make certain special interest (globalists) very happy. As I noted last year:

“The establishment seems particularly obsessed with convincing US conservatives and patriots to participate in the chaos; there are a number of Neo-cons and even a few supposed liberty media personalities calling for Americans to answer the call of blood in Israel. Some have described the coming conflagration as “the war to end all wars.”

I believe that the real war is yet to truly start, and that is the war to erase the globalists from existence. They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them…”

The trap has just been set. We’ll have to wait and observe the scale of the response from Lebanon and Iran, but I believe the worst case scenario is at hand. There are multiple powder keg events in progress around the world right now, but the Middle East situation looks to be the most disastrous by far in terms of how it will affect the US.
912   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 5, 10:15am  

Let the ME burn. US is a net energy exporter. We can limit or even ban oil exports. That would cut US prices about 50% of world prices, while world prices would soar 300% or more, especially in Asia.

Hawaii, California and Oregon would be fucked because they import oil because of 'evil crackers BAD'. Well, Hawaii doesn't have too much of a choice because of its position and the stupid Jones Act.
913   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 5, 12:43pm  

Yep, it's Energy.

We can still say fuck you to everybody. We don't lack a damned thing except a few tropical foodstuffs like coffee and bananas in quantity (and although Hawaii couldn't even begin to match US Coffee consumption, we can even grow some of that).
914   RayAmerica   2024 Aug 21, 8:11am  

West risking WWIII – Italian deputy PM

Matteo Salvini has said that giving Ukraine weapons to strike targets on Russian soil could lead to a global war

World War III Watch: Ukraine Launches Massive Kamikaze Drone Attack on Moscow Thanks to US and NATO Deep Pockets

According to Politico, Russian forces shot down 10 drones over Moscow and its outskirts Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in a Telegram post early Wednesday morning.

At least 45 drones attacked different regions of Russia overnight, with 11 shot down over the Moscow region, 23 destroyed over the Bryansk region, six over Belgorod, three over the Kaluga region and two over Kursk, Russia’s defense ministry said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the fire at the Proletarsk oil field in south eastern Russia is still burning following a Ukrainian attack three days ago.

Ukraine used Western made drones to attack the oil storage depot in the town.
915   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 21, 8:37am  

Russia is in its rights to arm Houthis with drones to attack DC from an offshore freighter ship.
916   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 22, 11:28am  

RayAmerica says

Ukraine used Western made drones

Sorry to bust your bubble, but Ukies don't need any "Western made drones" - they now have pretty substantial drone industry of their own. I'd say they already surpassed the West in this area.
917   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 22, 11:33am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Russia is in its rights to arm Houthis with drones to attack DC from an offshore freighter ship.

From "nukes! nukes!" to "arm Houthis with some drones". It's nice to see people coming to grips with reality.
918   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 22, 11:42am  

RayAmerica says

Matteo Salvini has said that giving Ukraine weapons to strike targets on Russian soil could lead to a global war

Matteo Salvini is a stupid cunt. He thinks the Red Army which can't keep Ukies from making lampshades from citizens of Kursk People's Republic for 3rd week in a row is capable of launchig a "global war"? 🤡 With fucking what? T-34s lifted from deep storage in Siberia?

Ukrainian army is striking and trampling Soviet soil with German and British tanks, American APCs and MLRS, bombs it with French glide bombs as we speak and all Pukin said about it was "it's a provocation" and declared an "anti-terrorist operation in Kursk oblast" under FSB command. That's it.

This whole "WWIII" bluff was designed to scare feeble cucks into submission and it kinda sorta worked until the bluff was called. And lo and behold: the emperor is butt-naked.
919   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 22, 1:46pm  

Eric Holder says

Ukrainian army is striking and trampling Soviet soil with German and British tanks,

They withdrew those tanks from the front because the Russians blew them to hell whenever deployed. Where the fuck have you been?

Oh looked! Stupid Ukeys now sending them into the slaughter again! All to make things look good for Democrats here in the US!

920   RayAmerica   2024 Aug 24, 8:08am  

The insane escalation continues, and Kamala Harris just might become POTUS!

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Confirms U.S. Bombs Being Used to Strike Inside Russia Amid Kursk Incursion

Ukraine has admitted that it is actively using American-made bombs to strike within Russia’s Kursk region as it embarks on a counter-invasion.

U.S. GBU-39 glide bombs are being used to hit targets within the Russian mainland, Ukraine Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleschuk revealed this week, state media outlet Ukrinform reports.

A video published on Thursday by the general purportedly showed his forces using the high-precision American weapons to strike a drone control hub, an electronic warfare unit, military equipment, weaponry, and around 40 “personnel” within Russia, meaning members of the Russian military may have been killed with U.S. bombs in Kursk.

More here:https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/08/24/wwiii-watch-ukraine-confirms-u-s-bombs-being-used-to-strike-inside-russia-amid-kursk-incursion/
921   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 25, 12:09pm  

As the UK PM Keir Starmer continues to advocate that NATO supply Ukraine with long range missiles, and subsequently use them to hit targets inside Russia ...

Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine

“We reserve a right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Russia and Belarus,” the Russian president said, adding that the principle had already been coordinated with Minsk. Nuclear weapons can be used if an enemy poses a “critical threat to either state’s sovereignty through the use of conventional weapons,” he explained.


PS: Starmer, Macron, et all think that Putin is 'bluffing.' Many of this very same ilk thought that Putin's repeated threats to invade Ukraine was a threat as well.
922   Eric Holder   2024 Sep 25, 1:06pm  

RayAmerica says

As the UK PM Keir Starmer continues to advocate that NATO supply Ukraine with long range missiles, and subsequently use them to hit targets inside Russia ...

Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine

“We reserve a right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Russia and Belarus,” the Russian president said, adding that the principle had already been coordinated with Minsk. Nuclear weapons can be used if an enemy poses a “critical threat to either state’s sovereignty through the use of conventional weapons,” he explained.


PS: Starmer, Macron, et all think that Putin is 'bluffing.' Many of this very same ilk thought that Putin's repeated threats to invade Ukraine was a threat as well.

Yawn. Pukin keeps waggin his jaw about "nukes, nukes, NUKES!" while completely ignoring invasion and de-facto annexation of Kursk. (Isn't it undisputed Soviet territory?) As before that he ignored deep strikes with Western weapons into Crimea. (Isn't it some kind of sacred land "properly" annexed 10 years ago?) Meanwhile his attempt to test the Satan-2 ICBM has failed spectacularly (again, for the 4th time out of total 5), completely destroying the sole test pad they had. Satan-2 was their only hope to replace aging fleet of siloed ICBMs and now it's dashed. The old fleet of Satans they are trying to replace has not been serviced in more than a decade because these missiles were developed by .... wait for it... Ukrainian state-owned aerospace manufacturer Pivdenmash. After the start of the war in 2014 they naturally stopped servicing Pukin's ICBMS (how Nazi of them!). The current Satan-2 (a.k.a Sarmat) was an attempt to copy the design and localize the manufacturing. It failed. Compare it to the regular tests of US ICBMs: the shit just works. The most recent test of Minuteman III was two weeks ago. So we're talking about threat of rape from a guy who doesn't really know if he can get it up. Or a Mexican standoff initiated by who's not sure his cap&ball revolver would fire while his opponent has a Glock in his hand. It would only work if the Glock-wielding opponent is a fucking pussy (which he obviously is).

Now, he invaded Ukraine because Potato basically invited him to do it in his "small incursion" speech. He though he could present the world with fait accompli after taking Kyiv in 3 days and everybody would just go on with business as usual (as they were prepared to do according to multiple accounts).

Besides, the comparison of nuclear use with invasion of Ukraine is inceridbly stupid. More so than comparing apples and skunks. Invasion of Ukraine was a threat to Ukraine only and they counted on our weak so-called leaders to blink (which they did), move slowly (which they did and still do) and accept the regime change and or annexation (as Obama did in 2014 for Crimea and that piece of Dumb Ass). So there were no real risk. The threat of nuclear use against the US, UK or France is entirely different animal, because it will get an automatic response which means glass parking lot where Moscow used to be. And, as mentioned before, our shit works for sure, because it gets successfully tested all the time.

Another difference with invasion of smaller, weaker and pereceived to be guaranteed to fall in 72 hours country, to threaten a big dog like the US with mutually assured destruction one needs to be in a certain state of mind, not required for the invasion. As in "be ready to die if needs be". Are we really to believe that a guy who isolated himself at the first signs of Covid, made all visitors go through a 2 week quarantine and was meeting foreign heads of state sitting across a 20ft table is in that state of mind? How about the recent urgent decree from his admin that all scientists must share with it their findings on life-prolonging treatments? These things are hardly compatible with a brave dude storming the enemy trenches death be damned. 🤡 He doesn't mind his subjects dying in hundreds of thousands, of course, but that's a different story, but to fucking die and over what? Some ruined hamlets in Dumb Ass? Rrrright.

But sadly that posturing works on feeble minds like Potato's, hence all the dithering, stupid ROEs and such.

Timothy Snider said it the best:

Where American leaders believe that they are managing escalation, Russians know that they are managing (our) anxiety. This is what they do, and they do it well. They do it with fervent determination, because they believe in it, and they know that it is their one chance to win.
923   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 25, 5:10pm  

Personally, I don't think we have anything to worry about when we have top notch leaders such as Biden, Kamala Harris, Zelensky, UK PM Keir Starmer (the new nut in the club), Macron, and Netanyahu, etc. I mean, when planet earth has reached perhaps its most critical moment in history, don't you feel comfortable having the leaders that we have?

Is Satan 2 capable of destroying an entire country in seconds?


And ...

'Ready To Attack': Russia's Terrifying War Announcement Against West Over Ukraine Missiles?

924   stereotomy   2024 Sep 25, 7:50pm  

All the Ukie fluffers want is what Soros and Gates want - kill 7.5 billion monkeys to create the post-apocalyptic Elisium.
925   PeopleUnited   2024 Sep 25, 8:10pm  

Eric Holder says

Or a Mexican standoff initiated by who's not sure his cap&ball revolver would fire while his opponent has a Glock in his hand. It would only work if the Glock-wielding opponent is a fucking pussy (which he obviously is).

We obviously can’t rely on Biden, Harris, or the other clowns to defend us. And you conveniently forgot to mention the nuclear warheads parked off the shores of the American mainland in Russian subs. If they launch warheads from sea, how many minutes before American cities are in flames? Would we even know what/who hit us? And who would have the balls to respond?

The next world war, is likely to see American casualties on the American mainland. I’d put the likelihood of an American city getting nuked higher than the likelihood of Cities in any other country (with the exception of Iran, Israel could tactical nuke them at any moment in self defense) it’s called karma bitches. blowback nuclear war 80 years after bringing 2 nuclear bombs to war would ring as poetic justice to the impartial observer.
926   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 25, 8:58pm  

PeopleUnited says

blowback nuclear war 80 years after bringing 2 nuclear bombs to war would ring as poetic justice to the impartial observer.

Especially since, as fully documented in *Herbert Hoover's "Freedom Betrayed: the Secret History of World War II and Beyond" that the use of those two nukes on Japan were completely unnecessary. Japan had been attempting to surrender for over 6 months prior, and, all of the major military leaders, including Admiral Nimitz, Douglas MacArthur, Eisenhower believed that they were not necessary because Japan was already defeated.

*A 900+ page tome that contains such explosive material that it was purposely withheld from publication for 50 years after it had been written. I read it and it does in fact reveal a lot of secret history, including FDR's purposeful provocation of Japan to attack the USA as a means to entering the European conflict 'through the back door' ... FDR's own terminology.
927   Eric Holder   2024 Sep 26, 11:57am  

On November 1, 2023 the USSR unsuccessfully tested the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile, and on October 25, the RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missile.

The Yars missile was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome (Arkhangelsk region) at a target at the Kura test site (Kamchatka) by a combat crew of the 33rd Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR . The Yars missile went off course, as during the previous command and staff exercises of the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR on October 25, 2023

In addition, on October 25, 2023 a test launch of a Bulava ballistic missile from the Borei missile submarine ended unsuccessfully.

Satan-2 - dud, Yars - dud, Bulava - dud....
929   Ceffer   2024 Sep 26, 12:13pm  

Rockefellers rewrote the 'history' of WWII to accommodate the 'victors'. Some observers said that WWII just fizzled out, there was no standardized victory. The Third Reich never 'surrendered', just the generals and military ceased hostilities while the Third Reich fled to South America and Antarctica (and, of course, Paperclip), trace skipping its banking and account holder harvests. Eisenhower purposely starved to death over a million prisoners of war, and needed alleged counter atrocities to hide that fact. Nuremberg was optics, and there are even allegations that many of the principles on view who were executed and punished were avatars. Some were for show, some weren't. As usual, villains became heroes or were disguised, designated villains were created etc. etc., other 'villains' were exfiltrated to thriving lives and careers.

What the Rockefellers spun was crammed down the throats of publicity and academia and captured MSM under threat and intimidation (how Jesuit of them), which is probably why it was all so confusing and never tracked with many uncovered known facts or trends.

The goals it seems as usual usual was to create mythologies of lies. What is important are the lies and their perpetuation under force.
930   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 1, 7:49am  

Is this the 'October Surprise?'

WWIII Watch: Pentagon Rushes More Air, Land, and Sea Assets to Middle East

Combined U.S. military forces are being rushed to the Middle East to deter an Iranian response in the wake of Israel’s enhanced air campaign against Hezbollah and the start of a ground operation in southern Lebanon to remove terrorist outposts that threaten Israeli communities, U.S. and Israeli officials said Monday.

The infusion of fighting assets, which includes air-defense units, will add to the tens of thousands of American personnel already on high alert there, said Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

932   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 1, 12:14pm  

Trump says Iran would have never attacked Israel if he was president, warns US on the 'brink of World War III'

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests Biden bomb Iran in response to Israel strike

933   WookieMan   2024 Oct 1, 1:26pm  

RayAmerica says

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests Biden bomb Iran in response to Israel strike

Jesus Christ. Graham needs to be hit by a missile with his feminine name. Let Israel figure it out. We can assist defensively, but I don't want us involved in any attack that isn't 100% Israeli funded and operated. Everyone is poking the US bear. We need this fucking election done. Then we'll know the outcome.

I'll take the former POTUS over a whore for $1,000 Trebek.
934   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 1, 7:18pm  

The first confirmed fatality from the Iranian strike on Israel is...

An occupied Samaria-Judea Arab.

That's one unlucky bastard

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