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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   114,009 views  1,040 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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285   richwicks   2023 Sep 19, 7:48pm  

ad says

richwicks says

IF the US just co-operated with Russia once the USSR fell, we'd have something close to world peace but instead the US made up this bullshit about the "war on terror", and started toppling nation after nation after the 9/11 false flag.

How about Bill Clinton and US military involvement in Haiti and the former Yugoslavia ?

How about the bombing and destruction of the al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory by order of Bill Clinton ?

Clinton was no different that George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

He was a puppet.

Isn't it obvious by now that the president is just a puppet? The reason a black man with a Muslim sounding name was elected president, was ONLY because he promised to reverse George W. Bush's foreign policy but he accelerated it instead.

TRUMP reversed this foreign policy. He attempted to end the Syrian war and end the Afghanistan war, and improve relations with Russia, even end the North Korean and South Korean war which is still there. Why do you think there was such a panic, so much slander, and libel, to remove him?

The al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant was blown up primarily to distract from the fact that Monica Lewinsky submitted her dress as evidence of their sexual affair. She presented it on August 20, 1998.


You can find her testimony there, there were two sessions, and in the second session she proved she had an affair with Clinton


And there you will find the date Clinton blew up the plant. Same date. Coincidence? The al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant wasn't making any weapons precursors, in fact, Sudan sued the US for the destruction, and won, the US won't pay.

I am not exaggerating when I say a criminal syndicate of sociopaths are in power. The only reason Clinton bombed the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, was to distract from Lewinsky's testimony. He murdered 1 employee and injured 11 in that attack, but the lack of the one plant that made anti-malarial drugs is estimated to have killed 50,000 people - all to distract from the fact that Kliton ejaculated on a dress of a woman who was slightly older than his own daughter. Think he might be a maniac?

This is not a democrat/republican problem. The Democrat versus Republican "disagreements" are nothing but distraction. They don't care about transgender rights for example, but it's a way to get the population arguing with one another. They don't care about homosexuality, abortion, pedophilia, racial relations - none of that. They want to use the resources of the US military and have the US taxpayer pay for war. They don't want an argument about that, certainly. You can argue about trivialities of which they have no stake in the outcome.
286   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 19, 9:41pm  

ad says

richwicks says

IF the US just co-operated with Russia once the USSR fell, we'd have something close to world peace

Cooperated how? Beyond opening all posdible seats at all forums to them turning the blind eye to them not quite meeting the standards, assaulting them with trillions of dollars, disarming their neighbors for then, that is... What the fuck more did they fucking want? That's right, they want fucking Bahmut.
287   richwicks   2023 Sep 19, 10:08pm  


ad says

richwicks says

IF the US just co-operated with Russia once the USSR fell, we'd have something close to world peace

Cooperated how? Beyond opening all possible seats at all forums to them turning the blind eye to them not quite meeting the standards, assaulting them with trillions of dollars, disarming their neighbors for then, that is... What the fuck more did they fucking want? That's right, they want fucking Bahmut.

Just co-operate. Allow US business to do business in Russia, and Russian businesses to do business in the US. Make trade agreements, maybe even agreements in monopoly power of energy.

Outsource manufacturing to Russia, with US labor skills, and technical knowledge. Elimination of the Russian mafia, and infiltration into it. No skirmishes with Syria or Iran, come to agreement with each, cut out Israeli influence.

The United States claimed they wanted to eliminate terrorists in Syria, so Russia blew up a convoy of trucks shipping oil from Syria to Turkey. The US was lying of course. Just be honest, come to mutual consensus, for mutual benefit.

The US follows the broken window hypothesis - break a window, and you create all these stupid jobs to repair it. We're more like the USSR today than the USSR ever was. Our government constantly breaks windows, increases debt, then blames some foreign adversary for the result. The window is never fixed.

Stop thinking that the US has any standards. Julian Assange is going to die in prison. We don't have a free press, although we should have. Russia has a more free press than we do at this point, and I never imagined myself saying this 35 years ago.

Just stop the stupid endless conflicts, it's wasteful. There is no point in war, really, it's a zero sum game. IF the US allied itself with Russia, ACTUALLY helped them to eliminate corruption, and maybe pulled Europe in, what kind of world would we live in? China would be the last major communist power.

Being ruthless, working with Russia would allow us to dominate (in part) European energy, and we could put them under our thumb. A mutual agreement with Russia would also be able to put India and China under our thumb. If our nation didn't allow a bunch of assholes to piss off Russia in the 1990's, we'd be pretty much under a one world government now, kind of - there would still be national interests.

BUT INSTEAD: we have a bunch of asshole NEOCON TWATS, that only want to create war. Russia had their Neocons as well, and kicked them to the fucking curb. That's the root of the conflict. Haven't you noticed the William Kristol, the asshole "Republican" that was a undying defender of the Iraq war in 2005 is now a Democrat? He has no principles, he just wants to induce conflict, unendingly. There's a ton of them. All they seem to want to do, is cause conflict. They are insane.
289   Robert Sproul   2023 Sep 20, 7:00am  

AmericanKulak says

Russia would make an amazing friend.

I don't really understand but I have heard intimations before, and recently Col. Douglas MacGregor mentioned it to Tucker, that certain powerful ethnic groups have some kind of historic beef with Russia that they pursue through a choke-hold on American foreign policy.
290   socal2   2023 Sep 20, 8:01am  

Robert Sproul says

AmericanKulak says

Russia would make an amazing friend.

I don't really understand but I have heard intimations before, and recently Col. Douglas MacGregor mentioned it to Tucker, that certain powerful ethnic groups have some kind of historic beef with Russia that they pursue through a choke-hold on American foreign policy.

Let me guess - the Joooooos???

Thought Russia was going after Nazis in Ukraine?
291   richwicks   2023 Sep 20, 8:21am  

socal2 says

Robert Sproul says

AmericanKulak says

Russia would make an amazing friend.

I don't really understand but I have heard intimations before, and recently Col. Douglas MacGregor mentioned it to Tucker, that certain powerful ethnic groups have some kind of historic beef with Russia that they pursue through a choke-hold on American foreign policy.

Let me guess - the Joooooos???

Thought Russia was going after Nazis in Ukraine?

Ever heard of the book 200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? For some reason no publisher dares to translate it from Russian to English, but with the Internet, people are doing it anyhow.

What was Karl Marx's religion, or ethnicity?

Whose pushing all this LGBTQ bullshit on society? What's Yoel Roth's ethnicity? What is the ethnicity and/or religion of, say, the Rothschilds?

I'm old enough to look at it as it is. I just view it as a subset of a subset which is a mafia, a criminal ethnic syndicate.

There's a lot of myth around the Nazis and powerful Jews and WWII. You know who Fritz Haber is? He was a very important person that made the Haber process - this is ammonium nitrate, the fertilizer that runs our modern world, without it, we'd never have gotten to this population level. He also created Zyklon B, he was also Jewish, a fanatical German patriot to such an extent that his wife committed suicide because she thought what he was doing was 'evil' - or so it's said, maybe she was just an unhappy wife.


Stop thinking in the way I did when I was 20.

Also Zyklon B was a pesticide, based on cyanide. Haber also worked on mustard gas. Not a guy to F around with. He was absolutely loyal to Germany, right through WWII. HOW COULD THAT BE????

Also, I want to underscore the importance of ammonium nitrate. Haber is one of the most important geniuses of all history. We all live based on his work. ALL of us do but his work also killed a LOT OF MEN in World War I and II. Brilliant man. I consider him one of the most important people of the 20th century. His connection to Nazi Germany unfortunately makes him forgotten. He was more important than Einstein or Fermi. His work made modernity possible.
292   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 23, 8:44pm  

WW3 Ahead? Russian Media Reports Killing German Soldiers, Destroying American Vehicles

Russian state media has issued a number of alarming reports in the last twenty-four hours suggesting that the proxy conflict between NATO and Russia over Ukraine is becoming increasingly direct.

A Russian armed forces commander operating in the Zaporizhzhya direction told RIA Novosti that a Russian crew destroyed a Leopard tank that was transferred to Ukraine. It was reportedly manned by members of the German Armed Forces.

293   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 6, 10:03am  

Putin Warns That When Russia Nukes America “There Is No Chance of Survival” and “There Will Be No Single Enemy Left”

President Vladimir Putin has threatened the West with total nuclear destruction leaving ‘no chance of survival’ in the event of a strike on Russia.

In a ranting anti-US speech, the dictator said his powerful ‘Satan-2’ and ‘Flying Chernobyl’ missiles are ready for deployment in an ominous doomsday warning.

Putin told a conference in Sochi: ‘From the moment the launch of missiles is detected, no matter where it comes from – from any point of the world ocean or from any territory – such a number, so many hundreds of our missiles appear in the air in a retaliatory strike that there is no chance of survival there will be no single enemy left, and in several directions at once.’
And now the Sarmat is ready. It is the most advanced intercontinental missile in the entire world by a very wide margin, and Putin says that the Sarmat will be put on combat duty “in the near future”…

He also claimed: ‘We have actually finished work on Sarmat [Satan-2] on the super-heavy missile…’

This ‘unstoppable’ 15,880mph Armageddon intercontinental missile system is the size of a 14-storey tower block.

‘We just need to finish some of the procedures in a purely administrative and bureaucratic way and move on to mass production and putting them on combat duty,’ Putin said.

‘And we will do this in the near future.’

Meanwhile, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that went into service in the 1970s still form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal.

294   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 10:11am  

RayAmerica says

Meanwhile, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that went into service in the 1970s still form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal.


Oh come on, I followed it to this:


And this just cracked me up:

In a ranting anti-US speech, the dictator said his powerful 'Satan-2' and 'Flying Chernobyl' missiles are ready for deployment in an ominous doomsday warning.

"Flying Chernobyl"? Well, if Russia fires those at us, we'll retaliate with our 3 Mile Island missiles, and then give them some Love Canal missiles for good measure!!

Why do people actually even pay attention to "the Daily Mail" anyhow?
295   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 7, 9:19am  

*Live Updates* Hamas Launches Unprecedented Terror Attack on Israel


IMO, this escalation could lead us into open conflict with Iran, who is being blamed for the supply of weapons to Hamas. Iran is allied with Russia and China. Israel has been lobbying the U. S. to attack Iran for years. Any foolish military move by the USA could easily morph into a WW III scenario involving the USA, Russia, China Iran & Israel.
296   AD   2023 Oct 7, 10:01am  

297   AD   2023 Oct 7, 10:03am  


Here is a link of an Israeli female senior citizen being taken by golf cart


298   HeadSet   2023 Oct 7, 10:38am  

ad says


Here is a link of an Israeli female senior citizen being taken by golf cart



She is laughing and smiling like they are taking her to bingo.
299   AD   2023 Oct 7, 10:48am  

HeadSet says

She is laughing and smiling like they are taking her to bingo.

She may have dementia and not fully grasp this. Also she may be so weak and timid that is the best way she can respond.

300   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 2:14pm  

ad says

No blood, and no surrounding damage to the area. What did they die from? Not an explosion, not a bullet.

Israel is so full of shit, I wouldn't be surprised if these aren't just people lying down with a sheet over them.
301   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 2:21pm  

ad says

HeadSet says

She is laughing and smiling like they are taking her to bingo.

She may have dementia and not fully grasp this. Also she may be so weak and timid that is the best way she can respond.

You know how full of shit US "news" media is, right?

Israeli is twice as bad. We're just being fed bullshit propaganda. Israel does this constantly. Remember the evidence that Hussein got anthrax to mail to senators after 9/11? That was Israel that made that bullshit up. Remember the yellowcake that Hussein supposedly bought from Niger? That was ALSO Israel that made that bullshit up.

And when Israel does this stuff, they are REALLY lazy in doing it. Every time there is a bunch of warning signs that it's a lie, and an obvious one. In the Niger / yellowcake one, they didn't even get the names of officials right. They couldn't even be bothered to do that. It was a blatantly obvious forgery. Here you have a smiling old lady being driven around. The anthrax was supposedly delivered in Czechoslovakia, but Czhech intelligence said it was BS.

They are always super lazy in this shit, they make the dumbest propaganda, and it drives me crazy people are so lazy and dumb, they latch on to it EVERY TIME.
303   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 2:53pm  

Biden's $6B to Iran

If only somebody predicted what Iran would do with the money if given it...

304   AD   2023 Oct 7, 3:12pm  

richwicks says

it drives me crazy people are so lazy and dumb, they latch on to it EVERY TIME.

This post is dedicated to RichWicks. The below statement was made today by RFK jr. And Trump was right that the $6 billion from Birdbrain Biden to Iran was going to be used to support terrorism. They easily can send $50 million to Hamas to stage terrorist events like what unfolded today in Israel.

“This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.

“I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.”

306   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 3:21pm  

India, another country that knows about Islamic Invasion and Terror Jihad.
307   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 3:38pm  

In about 2 days, after the Press ignores the 100s of deaths and kidnappings out of the blue with no cause, it will harp on any collateral damage of any Palestinian bystanding hit by a chunk of concrete from a blown up Hamas bunker
308   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 4:00pm  

I would not have guessed that all this is possible, given how well-armed Israelis are. I've been there. Guns are everywhere.

Given that you never really know what's true in the Middle East, maybe Israeli "leaders" let it happen to get world sympathy.

Or maybe it's a way for war-mongers Blinken and Nuland to draw Iran into a wider war.

I don't doubt that a lot of random Israelis are dead, and I'm sorry for them. It's horrifying and makes everyone hate Hamas. If Hamas were thinking clearly, they would attack Blinken and Nuland personally instead of the poor schlubs on the ground. Why do attacks on the elites orchestrating the violence never happen?

Hamas could get a lot of support in the US if instead they went after, say, the Sackler family that murdered 1+ million Americans with opiates, or the Pritzker family, who are the primary supporters of child genital mutilation.
309   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 4:13pm  

ad says

richwicks says

You know how full of shit US "news" media is, right?

this is eyewitness video of an Israeli woman taken hostage:


Look, you don't know. Who is recording that?

I am so tired of propaganda. "Seeing is believing", well, that USED to be true, but our government lies to us SO FUCKING OFTEN, and Israel CONSTANTLY produces propaganda and lies all the time to drag us into their stupid fucking conflict.

Israel could have had peace DECADES ago. They don't want peace, they want conflict.

Israel is just an apartheid country that has been in continual war for its entire existence screaming they are nothing but poor victims when it's OBVIOUS they were never indigenous to the area. I'm just tired of it. They are a mafia state, they have NO ethics or morals, and this just a convenient excuse to go to ANOTHER fucking war.

I have said here, MULTIPLE times that Israel would eventually retake Gaza and completely take over the West Bank, and there was never going to be a two state solution, because Israel doesn't want a two state solution.

richwicks says

I'm just pointing out, that Israel will eventually take over the West Bank, and probably Gaza, they will remove their non Jewish population by some method, and this has always been the plan. There will never be a two state solution and oh golly, some people resist it still - pointlessly.

Israel is very predictable. I'm just sick of our country and media constantly being in their shit. Let them deal with their own bullshit JUST FOR ONCE, but NO, we'll be involved. Mother fucking Neocons are going to drag us into another fucking war which we cost TRILLIONS and which we're doomed to lose because our military is run by moron ass kissing jerkoffs that have sucked ass up to the top. We're going to waste TRILLIONS of dollars on more stupid bullshit, lose the Ukraine war, and probably go and try to attack Iran,

How many fucking times does the stupid American public have to be tricked into another fucking war which has nothing to do with US interests? Again, and again, and again and again. Fuck Israel, fuck the Middle East, get the fuck out, and deal with this goddamned nation for once, JUST FOR FUCKING ONCE.

I am fucking sick of this.

original link

They have NO FUCKING INTEREST in this country, and I'm sick of it. It blows my mind nobody has a problem with the federal government doing anything and everything EXCEPT dealing with the United States.
310   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 4:19pm  

Give Peace a Chance - Dead EuroHippyChick loaded in back of Hamas Pickup identified. Shani Louk was attending a Peace Festival on Gaza Border before Allah Akbar'd.

311   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 4:34pm  


dagny awoke
9 hrs ago

Thank you so much to Jeff for actually reporting this news with Israel’s loss in his mind and not just only repeating Palestinian deaths when they are terrorists and not innocent civilians.

The Nimrod Aloni story has already been debunked. It’s a photoshop of his face in sunglasses…

The video of the Israeli soldier being removed from a tank and beaten is actually a doll, it doesn’t fall in a natural way with bones and rigor mortise.

I have family in Israel and pray for the innocent civilians, but there is a shock and awe media campaign happening as well as a blitz on the ground.
312   AD   2023 Oct 7, 4:53pm  

richwicks says

How many fucking times does the stupid American public have to be tricked into another fucking war which has nothing to do with US interests?

Are you saying all the videos of the Hamas attack on Israel are fake ? That is either the attacks were not conducted by Hamas (or with Iran support) ?

What do you think of what Trump said as far as Iran using the $6 billion from Birdbrain Biden ?

What do you think of RFK Jr's comments today about supporting Israel ?
313   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 5:15pm  

ad says

Are you saying all the videos of the Hamas attack on Israel are fake ?

No. I'm saying Hamas is fake. It was created by Israel to work against the interests of the PLO.

I'm saying, I don't give a shit about Israel, and I know goddamned well that the US is going to use my tax resources to fucking intervene in this stupid dumb shit. $700 per FAMILY in Maui.

There's about 10 million people in Israel. We send 2 billion dollars in "aid" to Israel, EVERY fucking year. 2,000/10 = $200 PER Israeli. If the average family size is 4 people in Israel, that $200*4 = $800.

The US spends more PER YEAR on Israeli residents than they do on their own citizens when and entire fucking city burns down.

ad says

That is either the attacks were not conducted by Hamas (or with Iran support) ?

Who cares? NOT MY PROBLEM. I'm not an Israeli. That's a problem for ISRAEL, but I goddamned know damned well it's going to be made my problem because of my TRAITOROUS government.

ad says

What do you think of what Trump said as far as Iran using the $6 billion from Birdbrain Biden ?

Don't know what he said, don't care. Our last election was stolen, the next one will be as well. Biden isn't president, our intelligence agencies are. We're RIGHT BACK to having an obvious puppet, just like Obama was, just like George W. Bush was, just like William Clinton was, just like George H. Bush was. It was George H. Bush that probably set this bullshit up, that asshole was CIA director after all.

ad says

What do you think of RFK Jr's comments today about supporting Israel ?

Who cares? He won't be elected.

It's political poison to question ANYTHING Israel does. I'm no fool.
314   AD   2023 Oct 7, 5:16pm  


Hamas took hostages from a music festival. I wonder if this is for ransom money to add to the Iranian funds they received for this terrorism today.

315   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 5:18pm  

AmericanKulak says

In about 2 days, after the Press ignores the 100s of deaths and kidnappings out of the blue with no cause, it will harp on any collateral damage of any Palestinian bystanding hit by a chunk of concrete from a blown up Hamas bunker

No they won't. Our media is full in on Zionist propaganda.
316   AD   2023 Oct 7, 5:19pm  

richwicks says

It's political poison to question ANYTHING Israel does. I'm no fool.

That's a nice way to avoid answering my question if you think that today's attack on Israel was not by Hamas.

317   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 5:27pm  

ad says

That's a nice way to avoid answering my question if you think that today's attack on Israel was not by Hamas.

I don't care what people SAY, I care about what they DO.

The ONLY time that it matters what somebody says, is if it demonstrates their hypocrisy. RFK junior's uncle was killed by a group of Israeli and US intelligence, with the help of the Jewish mafia because Israel was stealing uranium from Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) at the time.


This is who Dimona got it's start and why Israel has nuclear weapons now.

JFK was murdered for MANY reasons, but that's one of them. JFK as staunchly against Israel obtaining nuclear weapons.

RFK knows this, and he still kissed their ass. Kind of stupid to do in my opinion, it's not like he has a snowball chance in hell of being made president.
318   AD   2023 Oct 7, 5:42pm  

richwicks says

ad says

That's a nice way to avoid answering my question if you think that today's attack on Israel was not by Hamas.

I don't care what people SAY, I care about what they DO.

I am asking you if you think the attack today on Israel was conducted by Hamas.

Do you think that the attack today was real and conducted by Hamas or was it fake videos such as of the rocket attacks ?

319   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 5:43pm  

richwicks says

The ONLY time that it matters what somebody says, is if it demonstrates their hypocrisy. RFK junior's uncle was killed by a group of Israeli and US intelligence, with the help of the Jewish mafia because Israel was stealing uranium from Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) at the time.

Evidence? Not circumstantial guesswork and pattern seeking hypothesis? Memos, witnesses?

richwicks says

RFK knows this, and he still kissed their ass. Kind of stupid to do in my opinion, it's not like he has a snowball chance in hell of being made president.

Occam's Razor, he knows it wasn't Israel. Just as Trump knows it wasn't. It was elements in US intelligence, same ones who killed Patton.

I've read about JFK Assassination extensively, and never came across the Israel Theory.

You claim to take a lot of different sources, I don't think you check claims made by your preferred sources; the tattoo thing being an example. You never looked for a second opinion; just took the claim of the tattoos and numberson faith.

Which is fine, not everybody double checks every claim they hear. But you complain youself about other people for not doing so.

It's amazing to me how credulous people are about grand theories about tiny hat people for which there is a dearth of actual evidence about the conspiracy. But we have tons about Stolen Elections, Saudi Intelligence involvement in 911, etc.
320   Ceffer   2023 Oct 7, 5:46pm  

LOL! or even longer for Syria.

321   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 5:46pm  

richwicks says

No they won't. Our media is full in on Zionist propaganda.

Our media is neoliberal propaganda. The Left in this country (and in the UK, and in Europe) is pretty solidly anti-Israel, though not to the same degree as the Euro State Media
322   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 5:50pm  

Almost certainly.

323   AD   2023 Oct 7, 5:57pm  

AmericanKulak says

Almost certainly.

Birdbrain Biden gave Iran $6 billion. Easy for Iran to give $100 million to Hamas but what does Ukraine and Afghanistan have that Hamas does not already have ?

It is not as if you saw Hamas fly Blackhawk helicopters or operate Abrams tanks during this attack.

Seemed like they relied on AK 47 rifles and pickup trucks as well as basic RPGs, as if they were armed like Somali pirates.

324   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 7, 6:02pm  

ad says

Seemed like they relied on AK 47 rifles and pickup trucks as well as basic RPGs, as if they were armed like Somali pirates.

Check this out:



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