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143   HeadSet   2023 Apr 8, 7:40pm  

mell says

Autism and FtM are closely linked. While autism is much less common in females, female autists are disproportionally FtM. They're correlated diagnosis.

Absolutely correct. I suspect you know some people who are female and on the spectrum.
144   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 8, 8:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

For one thing, the Authorities are keeping Her Manifesto A Secret


Why exaggerate and give publicity to the fabrications, fantasies and innuendos and hide the evidence?
Answer: Because the manifesto probably reveals that she was receiving Globalist training (and perhaps medications) to attack the school.

AmericanKulak says

And yes, she was claiming to be a boy in the months before she flipped out. The police confirmed that as did several of her social media profiles before they were disappeared as happens in instances where the shooter is "Problematic" for Woke Pomo Ideaology.

Recent social media profiles cannot be trusted. She was probably coerced to write these transgender nonsense by her Globalists handlers.

The notion that she became transgender "recently" and out of the blue is bunk.

AmericanKulak says

There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry.

This was the purpose of this organized shooting, was it not? Have the American people give up their guns.
145   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 8, 10:45pm  

The_Deplorable says

Answer: Because the manifesto probably reveals that she was receiving Globalist training (and perhaps medications) to attack the school.

No, because it's probably about her "Transjourney" and her hatred for her Christian Upbringing.

The_Deplorable says

Recent social media profiles cannot be trusted. She was probably coerced to write these transgender nonsense by her Globalists handlers.


The_Deplorable says

This was the purpose of this organized shooting, was it not? Have the American people give up their guns.

Pretty clear to me it's all damage control to distract from her Trans Mental Illness.

If they just wanted to grab guns, they would have used a White Male Incel/poltard or somebody else from the "Oppressor" Class to be unsympathetic.

Having a trans shooter actually hurts their cause, and the perpetrator was a Protected Class individual.
148   richwicks   2023 Apr 9, 10:24am  

AmericanKulak says

If they just wanted to grab guns, they would have used a White Male Incel/poltard or somebody else from the "Oppressor" Class to be unsympathetic.

Yeah, if these are all done by the government, don't you think they'd have a white hetrosexual incel male who is outspoken about conservative values, has repeatedly spoken about defending the 2nd amendment, who ILLEGALLY purchased a bunch of guns, and was anti-government do this? Frame one of them.

This last shooting just enforces the idea that transsexuals have mental problems. Maybe they are trying to use psychiatry to prevent individuals from having weapons?
149   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 9, 9:03pm  

More evidence from the police body-worn cameras... See clip below...

From Officer's Rex Engelbert body-worn camera:

At the 5:20 minute we hear shots from the shooter
And more shots at the 5:30 minute...
And more shots at the 5:36 minute...

At the 5:43 minute the police enter an empty space by a stairway and "kill" Audrey Hale.

If this space by the stairs was empty then Audrey Hale was shooting whom? No answer.

From Officer's Michael Collazo Engelbert body-worn camera:

At the 7:34 minute we hear shots from the shooter
And more shots by the 7:41 minute...
And more shots by the 7:45 minute...

At the 7:56 minute the police enter the empty space by the stairway and "kill" Audrey Hale.

Again, If the space by the stairs was empty then Audrey Hale was shooting whom? No answer.

Did Audrey Hale kill anyone at the school? We don't know.

original link
150   Ceffer   2023 Apr 9, 10:27pm  

I wonder if we can expect more 'white hat' reverse fake Illuminati movies like this, putting their prized pets into the kind of spotlight they don't want. That would be amusing.
152   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 10, 5:06pm  

Another surveillance video released by the police shows Audrey Hale driving to the school and then breaking into the school. It does not show Audrey Hale shooting anyone...

"Nashville police have released video of the moment a transgender mass killer entered a school before shooting six people dead, including three nine-year-olds." https://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2023/3/shocking-video-shows-audrey-hale-shooting-her-way-into-christian-school-killing-three-kids-and-three-adults-2.html

Again, did Audrey Hale kill anyone at the school? We don't know.

But we know she was alone when she was killed by the police in an empty space by a stairway... and this while shots were fired by the shooter...
The police timeline of the shooting is not supported by the evidence and the police narrative doesn't make sense...
153   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 10, 5:46pm  

richwicks says

This last shooting just enforces the idea that transsexuals have mental problems. Maybe they are trying to use psychiatry to prevent individuals from having weapons?

Some meat on this hypothesis.

One of the big pushes for Red Flag laws in psychological problems.

I'm hard pressed to think of any other rights that are removed for psych issues, though.

Imagine the shitfit the ACLU would have if it was proposed to remove 4th or 1st amendment guarantees from people because they got treatment for Depression after a death in the family a few years back.
154   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 11, 1:53pm  

Earlier this year, a jury recommended life in prison without the possibility of parole for Nikolas Cruz - the alleged Parkland school shooter. [I am not sure if the death penalty is off the table at this point.]

Question: Alleged shooter? What do you mean alleged?
Answer: Alleged because we have evidence and witnesses that prove, Nicolas Cruz was not the shooter.

We know Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter because during the shooting he was evacuating the school with other students. A senior from the high school, Alexa Miednik, stated that she was walking and talking with Nikolas Cruz at the time of the shooting. In other words, someone else was doing the shooting, not Nikolas Cruz. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZdJFOFFfI

Another eye witness: Teacher Stacy Lippel, saw the shooter from 20 feet away firing 'barrages' of bullets into classrooms. The shooter was wearing a helmet, face mask, bullet proof armor and shot at Lippel who got nicked! See - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPvYxTa1ph4

Given that the shooter was wearing a helmet, face mask and bullet proof armor, this alone exonerates Cruz. The police timeline points to another shooter, not Cruz. In addition, Cruz arrived at the school at 2:19 pm in a taxi and the shooting started at 2:21. Cruz did not have time to put on an armor suit and go shooting.

Finally, there is no surveillance video showing Nikolas Cruz shooting a gun that day because, get this, the school surveillance video was down!

During the shooting, however, another student, David Hogg was video recording himself and other students talking about gun control and why the American people need to give up their guns. In this video David Hogg informs us - from a closet during the shooting - at 3:13 pm, that the shooter was Nikolas Cruz and that Cruz had been neutralized. See https://www.latimes.com/95939817-132.html
Question: How did David Hogg know the shooter was Nikolas Cruz while pinned down in a closet inside a classroom? This doesn't make sense because the police did not know the name of the shooter at this point. Nikolas Cruz was arrested half an hour later!

Note also in David Hogg's video - at the 2:48 minute - Hogg identified himself as an FBI agent...

Question: Is that why he knew the name Nikolas Cruz, half an hour before Cruz's arrest?

Finally remember this: Nikolas Cruz is autistic and developmentally disable individual who lost his parents early in life and then lost his adopted mother and as a result he became the perfect scapegoat for the Parkland shooting.
156   AD   2023 Apr 17, 2:28pm  

Any update on this such as what was in the manifesto ?

Are they trying to re write the evidence or hide it, as well as hope the public loses interest in this shooting ?

Seems like whenever the event does not fit the Woke and liberal narrative, it takes a very long time for the law enforcement authorities to provide the facts and details.

157   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 17, 7:44pm  

ad says

Any update on this such as what was in the manifesto ?

Are they trying to re write the evidence or hide it, as well as hope the public loses interest in this shooting ?

Seems like whenever the event does not fit the Woke and liberal narrative, it takes a very long time for the law enforcement authorities to provide the facts and details.


There's talk that somebody should upload a fake manifesto to force the FBI and Nashville authorities to release the real one.

BTW, 9 kids were shot at a gas station in Georgia in February, I never heard about it, and you probably never heard of it, because you can guess the perps.
158   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 23, 10:10am  

The_Deplorable says

"Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting... In high school Hale had problems with autism and mental health... [and] was receiving treatment for an emotional disorder... Despite this, Hale was able to legally purchase seven firearms."

How is it possible an autistic person with emotional disorders able to buy guns from five different gun shops? No answer.

Do we have surveillance videos from the gun shops showing Audrey Hale buying these guns?
Why not? No answer!

Note: Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.

The latest on Saturday, Apr 22, 2023:

"FBI Blocking Release Of Nashville Trans Shooter's Manifesto... the FBI has ruled out releasing the manifesto anytime soon... Was Audrey Hale a criminal mastermind? It's highly unlikely given she was taken down by police within moments of the officers arriving on scene... Democrats have effectively shifted the debate on the Nashville shooting over to gun control and trans rights..." See https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-blocking-release-nashville-trans-shooters-manifesto

So, the FBI is not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of the fake shooting. The debate now is gun control and how to convince the American people give up their guns.
159   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 24, 6:59pm  

The_Deplorable says

" So, the FBI is not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of the fake shooting. The debate now is gun control and how to convince the American people give up their guns."

And now, we are told, " Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' "

"Nashville Official Says School Shooter’s Manifesto Is 'Astronomically Dangerous'" https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nashville-official-says-school-shooters-manifesto-astronomically-dangerous

Wow, Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' to whom?

Answer: Probably to her handlers who planned and organized the shooting. It is also 'Astronomically Dangerous' (deadly in fact) to the official narrative.

In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.
160   Karloff   2023 Apr 24, 8:13pm  

Another situation where they wait so long that anything they release is not believable. Who's to confirm there ever even was a "manifesto"? And if there is, that the FBI didn't write it themselves to push an agenda?

Remember Obama's birth certificate? They could have put a stop to the foreign-born rumor right away if they just produced it quickly. Instead they refused and dragged it way out. Their reluctance to provide the evidence that would exonerate him was itself evidence of guilt.
161   richwicks   2023 Apr 24, 8:28pm  

The_Deplorable says

In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.


If she was smart, she would have posted it online first. She would have setup a kill switch minimum.

If I ever fucking lose my mind and go on some rampage first, I will never attack what I consider innocents, and second, you will see my manifesto. I don't think I'll ever lose my mind though, I don't think direct action is effective and I can't think of a case where a single nutcase has changed anything. It would just be suicide for nothing.

My manifesto would involve having the government come after me and just being murdered by them. Too bad David Koresh didn't draw one up. I wouldn't drag a bunch of innocents into it either. He did nothing wrong, he just had a compound, was hyper-religious (apparently), there was no indication he was a pedophile, he might have been a polygamist, but he's not what we're told he was.

Basically, he managed to fund the compound by buying unserviced weapons, rebuilding them, and selling them at gun shows. The ATF used this to claim he was building a weapons cache, he wasn't, and he was murdered. He should have been prepared to die a martyr. If I had a compound of like 100 people, and the government was coming down on me, I'd die willingly rather than take everybody with me in a desperate attempt to survive. Nobody is going to die for me and I'd rather they not.
162   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 24, 10:09pm  

richwicks says

The_Deplorable says
In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.

"Hardly. If she was smart, she would have posted it online first. She would have setup a kill switch minimum."

You are forgetting that Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting. She was also probably medicated...
163   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 5:36pm  

The_Deplorable says

richwicks says

The_Deplorable says
In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.

"Hardly. If she was smart, she would have posted it online first. She would have setup a kill switch minimum."

You are forgetting that Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting. She was also probably medicated...

I don't discount the possibility she was a FIB patsy.

"Our government", our mafia, is happy to kill us to push an agenda. I know this. I have ZERO faith in it.

If you doubt this, look up Emad Salem in my comments. I know our government kills innocents all the time. I want monsters in our government prosecuted and removed. I do NOT want to change our government, I just want the law enforced.

You have no idea how much I hate these institutions, and most people in the institutions have no idea why I hate them. They are ignorant. They have absolutely no clue what corrupt organizations they work for. I'll never join intelligence because it will lock my lips.

It's easier to know joining them, but I don't want to be part of a criminal organization, and I specifically want to be able to speak out. Consequences be damned. These assholes are enemies of humanity, not just the country.
165   The_Deplorable   2023 May 4, 8:49pm  

The_Deplorable says

"Nashville Official Says School Shooter’s Manifesto Is 'Astronomically Dangerous'..."
Wow, Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' to whom?
Answer: Probably to her handlers who planned and organized the shooting. It is also 'Astronomically Dangerous' (deadly in fact) to the official narrative."

The manifesto of Audrey Hale has been delayed again. Up until now the police claimed that the FBI was preventing the release and last week the Nashville Police promised to release Audrey's manifesto this week.

But now they cannot release the manifesto because of pending litigation.

"The release of... Audrey Hale’s manifesto has been put on hold... Due to pending litigation filed this week... the Police has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court."

And the litigation is in

"response to a lawsuit filed... against the... police to release the manifesto..." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/release-of-transgender-nashville-shooters-manifesto-delayed-yet-again-supposedly-because-of-pending-litigation/

In other words they were sued to release the manifesto and they are now using that lawsuit as an excuse to prevent its release. This is a circular argument!

Again, the police and the FBI are not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of the fake shooting. The debate now is gun control and how to convince the American people give up their guns.
166   The_Deplorable   2023 May 6, 9:36am  

The_Deplorable says
"Finally, the video showing Hale blasting her way into the school is not convincing. I see an autistic person who was directed to go shoot the school."

An empty school!

1. Inside the school, we see no students, no teachers, no staff. The school building is empty. Isn't this strange?

2. When the police arrived with body-worn cameras and they enter various classrooms, the classrooms were empty. Again, no students, no teachers and no staff. Where were they?

3. Then the policemen go upstairs and again we see them running in an empty building!

4. At this point we hear shots presumably from Audrey and this, in an empty building!

5. And within 2 - 3 seconds Audrey is shot dead in an empty space by a stairway. Audrey Hale was alone in this empty space.

Given that she was alone in this space by the stairway, "Audrey's shots" were part of the show.

What we see in the police body-worn cameras is the murder of Audrey Hale.
167   Ceffer   2023 May 6, 10:31am  

This is a 'reverse Illuminati' Cloverfield fake movie joke. NOTHING adds up. MSM ran with knee jerk reflex, only to publicize the tranny mental illness part (as opposed to the MKUltra white male stiffs) and smeared it all over the waves before realizing what they were doing. This is the kind of reversal stuff Trump is so good at.
168   SoTex   2023 May 6, 7:03pm  

Shooter in Texas today: https://patriots.win/p/16b68r6jME/texas-shooting-mostly-audio-othe/c/

I'm not going to post the pictures of shot up people and kids.
169   The_Deplorable   2023 May 9, 9:58pm  

The_Deplorable says
"FBI Blocking Release Of Nashville Trans Shooter's Manifesto... the FBI has ruled out releasing the manifesto anytime soon... Was Audrey Hale a criminal mastermind? It's highly unlikely given she was taken down by police within moments of the officers arriving on scene... Democrats have effectively shifted the debate on the Nashville shooting over to gun control and trans rights..." See https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-blocking-release-nashville-trans-shooters-manifesto

The National Police Association (NPA) is now suing the city of Nashville and Davidson County for all records related to the March 27 shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville.

"'We have asked for any manifestos, emails, and any communications related to the case,' Betsy Brantner Smith, spokesperson for the National Police Association, told The Epoch Times... [This] is at least the second lawsuit filed over the shooting." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/national-police-association-joins-others-suing-nashville-shooters-manifesto

One question that needs to be answered is how did the FBI end up in charge of this investigation given that this is a local - state murder investigation?

The answer is simple: The FBI is interfering in a local murder investigation and not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of the fake shooting.
170   AmericanKulak   2023 May 9, 10:11pm  

They're hiding that it's related to the Trans Day of Resistance/Violence/Whatever it was called.
171   The_Deplorable   2023 May 12, 9:28am  

Yesterday, the Department of Justice and the FBI denied a request from The Epoch Times to release Audrey's manifesto.

"The reason the FBI cited in a letter to [the] Epoch Times... is that U.S. Code exempts from disclosure "records or information compiled for law enforcement... [that] could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings... Those "enforcement proceedings" were not cited in the letter." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-denies-request-nashville-shooters-manifesto-writings

What "enforcement proceedings?" The alleged shooter, Audrey Hale is dead, they killed her, so, what are they talking about?

Besides, since this is a local murder why is the FBI involved? No answer.

This was a Globalist directed shooting because:

1. Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting... And she was probably medicated to make the shooting easier.

2. Audrey Hale was not a transgender person. The fact that she wore a tie in one presentation in college does not make her transgender - It is not unusual for women to wear ties...

3. When Audrey Hale entered the school, the school was empty. No students, no teachers and no staff! Empty!

4. Allegedly, Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, except there is no surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns. This is evidence. Where is it?

5. Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.

6. In the end, the goal of this Globalist shooting was to show a transgender woman attacking a Christian church and to have the American people give up their guns.
172   The_Deplorable   2023 May 14, 12:54pm  

Today is the one year anniversary of the Buffalo Shooting:

"On May 14, 2022, 18-year-old [Payton Gendron got out of his car] and began shooting people at the Tops Family Market, [in Buffalo New York.] He wore body armor and livestreamed as he fired on shoppers and workers, killing 10 and wounding three more. The killer from Conklin, New York... 200 miles from Buffalo, wrote online that his motivation was preserving white power in the U.S..., he chose... Buffalo [neighborhood] because it had... Black residents."

Wow, a war of whites against blacks, no different than a transgender woman shooting a Christian school. Was the FBI involved?

Answer: "...the FBI is refusing to disclose records about a... federal agent had been communicating with mass shooter Payton Gendron shortly before he went on his killing spree in a Buffalo supermarket last May... the FBI said these records are exempt from disclosure because "there is a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding..."
According to The Buffalo News... a federal judge [issued a protective order at] the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York, who claims that it’s for the public good...

So, the FBI knew the shooter, they knew that he traveled 200 miles from his Conklin home to Buffalo and do the shooting and they were talking to him!

Question: How did they know that the shooter traveled 200 miles to go to Buffalo and do the shooting? No answer.

But now I feel better. It is for our own good that the FBI is not disclosing this information.

As an aside, the shooter's best friend, Matt Casado is a Hispanic former classmate whose girlfriend, Skylar McClain, is black. "She said she had known him since sixth grade... Gendron, Casado and McClain all attended Susquehana Valley High School in Conklin, New York, and all graduated last year." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10823087/White-supremacist-Buffalo-shooters-closest-friend-Hispanic-classmate-black-girlfriend.html

This doesn't make sense. His best friend has a black girlfriend and Payton traveled 200 miles to Buffalo to shoot blacks while talking to the FBI?
173   Ceffer   2023 May 14, 12:56pm  

Buffalo shooting was pure Cloverfield cam.
174   The_Deplorable   2023 May 18, 1:28pm  

Summarizing some of my earlier comments...

"There is no convincing evidence that Audrey Hale was transgender. The fact that she wore a tie in one presentation in college does not make her transgender - It is not unusual for women to wear ties. What we see is nicely dressed woman doing a presentation in college about her art. Claiming that this is a transgender Audrey Hale is bunk. The investigators are trying to create a transgender mass shooting story out of thin air."

And we have this statement from a friend:

" A school friend of Hale has now revealed that she loved to dress up as Page's iconic character Juno - a pregnant teenager - during their time as freshmen at The Nashville School of Arts." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11912531/Nashville-school-shooter-Audrey-Hale-dress-trans-star-Elliot-Page.html

This is a healthy woman, not a transgender woman by any stretch.

175   richwicks   2023 May 18, 1:43pm  

The_Deplorable says

6. In the end, the goal of this Globalist shooting was to show a transgender woman attacking a Christian church and to have the American people give up their guns.

Does not follow.. I mean, why would people give up their guns because a transgendered "man" shot up a school?
176   The_Deplorable   2023 May 18, 3:49pm  

richwicks says
"Does not follow.. I mean, why would people give up their guns because a transgendered "man" shot up a school?"

Globalists are trying to establish that there is a strong hate relationship between a Christianity and transgenderism - that transgenders are oppressed - and that is why they need to confiscate all our guns to keep us safe.

Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students and without teachers and staff.

Audrey Hale was murdered and that is why they are refusing to release her manifesto.

In today's news, even the Covenant School does not want the release of the manifesto:

The "Covenant School Files Motion of Intervention to Block Release of Trans Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto... The Covenant School filed a motion of intervention on Monday to prevent the release of trans shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto, arguing that doing so would compromise the safety of the school, its staff, and its students." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/covenant-school-files-motion-of-intervention-to-block-release-of-transgender-nashville-shooters-manifesto/
177   Ceffer   2023 May 18, 4:41pm  

Trannies aren't oppressed. They are mentally ill and need to stay in their subcultures and particular unique support groups. The problem is, they are histrionic and need attention and want to display, so they are putty in the hands of the subversive Intel apparatus.
178   The_Deplorable   2023 May 21, 12:02am  

The following is a 2 hour clip where a large portion is dedicated to the fact that this is a staged shooting...

original link

Some highlights off the top:

1. The alleged shooter is not Audrey Hale. And this because the real Audrey Hale has a long neck and the shooter in the school does not! Take a look:

2. Audrey Hale was shot 8 times and there is no blood anywhere!
3. The videos from the police body cameras do not have time and date stamps.
4. No shots appear on the walls of the space where Audrey Hale was shot.
5. Police gun shows no recoil when it was firing at Audrey Hale.
6. A frame by frame view of the shooting of Audrey Hale reveals that the police gun was firing blanks.
7. The shoes of the dead Audrey Hale are not the same shoes she was wearing when she entered the school.
8. The woman outside the school directing the police to the shooter inside the school has information that she cannot have.
9. Various interviews after the shooting are focusing on gun control using known professional activists.

Finally, why are they not releasing Audrey's manifesto?
179   richwicks   2023 May 21, 1:38am  

The_Deplorable says

4. No shots appear on the walls of the space where Audrey Hale was shot.

She was shot in front of a window, the window panes are broken. I spent some time debunking the shoes nonsense.

original link

The_Deplorable says

7. The shoes of the dead Audrey Hale are not the same shoes she was wearing when she entered the school.

It's an artifact of video compression. I used to work at RCA and I know something about how this works. Your eyes are far more sensitive to brightness levels and you really don't perceive color accurately. Video compression loses information because you simply don't recognize it's not there.

There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people.

If there was a hoax, the manifesto would have been planned and released a long time ago, it's being with-held.
180   HeadSet   2023 May 21, 5:59am  

richwicks says

If there was a hoax, the manifesto would have been planned and released a long time ago, it's being with-held.

Correct. I would bet that this hoax claim is being put out by the authorities to distract from not releasing the manifesto. They can lump wanting to see the manifesto in with irrational conspiracy beliefs.
181   The_Deplorable   2023 May 21, 10:01am  

richwicks says
"There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people."

This is a hoax regardless of who killed the children. Recall the school shooting at the Marjory High School in Parkland, Florida, where the authorities arrested and convicted an innocent man. In the Marjory - Parkland shooting 14 students and 3 staff were killed and Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter.

We know Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter because he was evacuating the school with other students during the shooting. In an interview, Alexa Miednik, a senior at the high school, stated that she was walking and talking with Nikolas Cruz at the time of the shooting. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZdJFOFFfI and this precludes Nikolas Cruz from being the shooter. This contradicts the police timeline of the shooting and proves conclusively that Cruz was not the shooter. Someone else was shooting while Nikolas Cruz was evacuating the high school along with other students.

Another eye witness, teacher Stacy Lippel, saw the shooter from 20 feet away firing 'barrages' of bullets into classrooms and down the hallway. The shooter was wearing a helmet, face mask, bullet proof armor and shot at Lippel who got nicked! See 'Full metal garb' - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPvYxTa1ph4

And we know Nikolas Cruz was not wearing a bullet proof armor that day and was evacuating the school during the shooting.

Don't ignore the big picture. Audrey Hale entered an empty high school and did not kill anyone.
182   mell   2023 May 21, 10:32am  

It really doesn't matter. The fact that the authorities have become so secretive and non transparent about everything leads to people not trusting then narrative, and it looks like quite often they're right. Best thing a new reformed govt could do is introducing full transparency

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