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Any update on this such as what was in the manifesto ?
Are they trying to re write the evidence or hide it, as well as hope the public loses interest in this shooting ?
Seems like whenever the event does not fit the Woke and liberal narrative, it takes a very long time for the law enforcement authorities to provide the facts and details.
"Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting... In high school Hale had problems with autism and mental health... [and] was receiving treatment for an emotional disorder... Despite this, Hale was able to legally purchase seven firearms."
" So, the FBI is not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of the fake shooting. The debate now is gun control and how to convince the American people give up their guns."
In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.
The_Deplorable says
In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.
"Hardly. If she was smart, she would have posted it online first. She would have setup a kill switch minimum."
richwicks says
The_Deplorable says
In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.
"Hardly. If she was smart, she would have posted it online first. She would have setup a kill switch minimum."
You are forgetting that Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting. She was also probably medicated...
"Nashville Official Says School Shooter’s Manifesto Is 'Astronomically Dangerous'..."
Wow, Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' to whom?
Answer: Probably to her handlers who planned and organized the shooting. It is also 'Astronomically Dangerous' (deadly in fact) to the official narrative."
"Finally, the video showing Hale blasting her way into the school is not convincing. I see an autistic person who was directed to go shoot the school."
"FBI Blocking Release Of Nashville Trans Shooter's Manifesto... the FBI has ruled out releasing the manifesto anytime soon... Was Audrey Hale a criminal mastermind? It's highly unlikely given she was taken down by police within moments of the officers arriving on scene... Democrats have effectively shifted the debate on the Nashville shooting over to gun control and trans rights..." See https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-blocking-release-nashville-trans-shooters-manifesto
6. In the end, the goal of this Globalist shooting was to show a transgender woman attacking a Christian church and to have the American people give up their guns.
"Does not follow.. I mean, why would people give up their guns because a transgendered "man" shot up a school?"
4. No shots appear on the walls of the space where Audrey Hale was shot.
7. The shoes of the dead Audrey Hale are not the same shoes she was wearing when she entered the school.
If there was a hoax, the manifesto would have been planned and released a long time ago, it's being with-held.
"There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people."
"In other words, Mateo Ventura is another Developmentally disable person who was being framed by the FBI to be a terrorist. Mateo Ventura is another Audrey Hale... another Nikolas Cruz... another Payton Gendron... another...
So... who is shooting and terrorizing the United States?"
It really doesn't matter. The fact that the authorities have become so secretive and non transparent about everything leads to people not trusting then narrative, and it looks like quite often they're right. Best thing a new reformed govt could do is introducing full transparency
" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Nashville_school_shooting#Dispute_over_Hale's_writings "
"Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston said that the FBI had told her that the documents would not be released because they detailed a "blueprint of total destruction" and could inspire other shooters."
FBI planned, funded, organized
we will never know and i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt
i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt
You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?
That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.
richwicks says
You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?
That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.
That's one of the best explanations of sociopath I've heard - it makes it relatable.
It was a movie, and the "manifesto" was a trick to get the MSM and Deep State to fuck themselves. They caught on.
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