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93   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 30, 10:35am  

Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto Will Be Released Publicly

(After the FBI has combed through it.)

94   Ceffer   2023 Mar 30, 11:26am  

Jim Stone declares it a hoax.
"Knocked offline, SANDY HOOK 2.0
My internet got cut right when I was onto something big.
Others have probably nailed this by now, I am just picking up where I left off two days ago.

The shooting is provably another Sandy Hook. The objective was to get mental screening for everyone before firearms purchases with the story line behind it being that a whacked out trans on antidepressants shot up a school. ONLY NO.

What actually happened: Last year this school had an active shooter drill. That drill was recorded by police body cams. In that drill, the death scene at the end was not done, and I am guessing (only a guess) the doors of the school were not shot out. I was in the process of nailing down precisely where the shoes on the shooter changed and was getting better quality stuff than other people were posting. I got a nice clear shot of the entire death scene that was better than anything else posted at that time, complete with full context so there's no mistaking what it was:"

Goes over Sandy Hook stuff, too. People will continue to believe with their emotions rather than their eyes and brains.

I could give a dump about Sandy Hook, was never worth my time to look into the stuff. They are churning out MKUltra movies that I just don't want to waste my time and mental energy on.

Yeah, this crapfest is about as valid as a fiat printing press three dollar bill. Why MKUltra and Mockingbird decided to make it a tranny thing is anybody's guess. They are at this point stacking on the irrational.

The CIA/MKUltra stagings have earned the Napoleonic Code for these stagings. They are all fake and fraudulent until meticulously demonstrated beyond any presumption of doubt to be real.
95   Ceffer   2023 Mar 30, 11:31am  

"I saw the video of the doors being shot out from the inside of the school with the shooter too obscured to see, the video cut and did not even show the shooter going through the broken glass. Probably because it was "too dangerous", maybe that video does exist but everything I came across just showed the glass breaking, and then suddently (sic) the "shooter" was walking around inside the school. Makes no sense. If the doors really were shot out, and that's on video, the shooter ought to enter on video too, right? I did not find that.

Here is what I found: Two sets of video, one from a previous drill, with one pair of shoes, and another with a different pair of shoes, spliced together where the doors were shot out recently and a death scene was shot out recently and they could not have the shooter on video entering because the shoes changed and/or because broken glass is dangerous. Maybe. Who knows how they stitched together this lie, but the shoes blew it. Shoulda had a guy do it, he'd have had the same pair of shoes available for the closing scenes a year later!!!"https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=219976
96   Ceffer   2023 Mar 30, 12:32pm  

Horrors, another shopping mall mass murder. They'll CGI in knives, arrows etc. in post production.
97   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:59pm  

Onvacation says

Ceffer says

So, 95% of conspiracy theorists think that the government is conspiring against us.

I know it sounds fucking crazy, but there's a lot more school shootings when a democrat is president than a republican is president.

I don't blame them for this suspicion.

Imagine murdering a child. Who could do that? It's unthinkable to me. If I killed a child by ACCIDENT I would absolutely be suicidal. It's just a gulf people cannot cross, so they wonder if this isn't the government doing this. I know you are older than I am, could you kill a kid even to save your own life? I couldn't.

BTW: the government is absolutely conspiring against the population. The last 2 years proved that. There's no question.
98   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 1:01pm  

RayAmerica says

Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto Will Be Released Publicly

(After the FBI has combed through it.)

Yup, we'll get a redacted, modified version of it, I'm certain.
99   EBGuy   2023 Mar 30, 1:47pm  

You know things are bad when RW is the most sane person on the thread (thank you RW for doggedly tracking the misinfo down). The shooter wore Vans that whole time.
Indeed, in the bodycam footage when police enter the room where Hale was shot, the shoes at first appear colorless, only for the flame to appear as the camera is pointed toward the shoe, as the camera lens focuses, providing more light into the frame.
Even without this data, the "Vans Off The Wall" logo that appears on the rear of its shoes, a branding kitemark, can be seen in the CCTV footage as well.
Therefore, the claim that the shoes changed during the incident is based on misinformed conclusions based on the quality of the footage captured at the school.


100   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 30, 5:58pm  

Seriously, Newsweek...

I'd want to see the video myself, not trust some propaganda network.
101   GNL   2023 Mar 30, 6:04pm  

NuttBoxer says

Seriously, Newsweek...

I'd want to see the video myself, not trust some propaganda network.

I feel like I'm being gaslit. When I watch the video, I know what I see.
102   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 30, 7:29pm  

Carpe Donktum, the guy who made some of the best Trump Meme Viral videos like CNN Spaceballs, said the same shit, and he's a pro video editor for a living. The camera focus is a factor.

It's a Transradical Terror Attack.
103   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Mar 30, 8:15pm  

Ceffer says

Seems they have spotted a few more Mockingbird inconsistencies.


man you guys are going full retard here
106   Ceffer   2023 Mar 31, 12:56pm  

Bottom line is the excitation pulse of their fear porn movies has subsided into mostly short term blather. Saturation followed by extinction is faster. The Illuminati circuit isn't achieving the desired amplification factor.

There's also the innate suspicion, even in those who enjoy 'believing', that something artificial is going on. It's a subconscious thing that obtunds that last iota of focussed attention before the return to reality. These events are increasingly having a repetitive packaged and processed feel to them. Production values are limited.

The false flag resources are not getting the return they used to. However, these staged-icides probably aren't any more expensive to churn out per episode and CGI art than an elaborate episode of Star Trek, so they will continue to punctuate the news hoping the Second Amendment can be vanquished.
107   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 1:10pm  

EBGuy says

You know things are bad when RW is the most sane person on the thread

Thanks. I think.

I'm just hyper-sane at this point. I'll debunk the conspiracy bullshit, and the government bullshit.
109   Ceffer   2023 Apr 2, 1:07am  

Sometimes I wonder if this wasn't a 'White Hat' reverse Illuminati movie, with clues obviously inserted to show it was faked, in order to put egg on the faces of the wokesters and their hench-critters. Maybe it was an April Fool's on the lock, stock and barrel MSM goons. Look at how it has revealed the callous disregard and hypocrisy of the perverts and their handlers.

It does seem odd that the Deep State and CIA would make the perp one of their current deputized pet pervs.

As a staged production, is it a drama, a tragedy, a comedy, or a satire? It could it be a satire of the DS serial shooting false flags? The military could probably pull it off as easily as FBI/CIA? Curious minds speculate.
110   richwicks   2023 Apr 2, 8:28am  

Ceffer says

Ceffer - always check history of somebody that is supposedly a guru. I've just checked that site, and I can't see history.

Don't latch onto everything as a government conspiracy. There's plenty of real government conspiracies, I will be the FIRST to tell you about what I think are real ones, and I will back up my reasoning as much as you probe me, but I never latch onto a new claim. Most claims are false, and I'm convinced they are false in order to muddy the waters, created either by just fucking assholes or intelligence, who are assholes but they are paid to misinform the public.
113   Ceffer   2023 Apr 2, 11:02am  

Just kick them in their weeping, artificial hormone compromised, gaping fake cunt wounds.
118   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 3, 11:37am  

Heard that guys going on Carlson tonight or tomorrow. VPD should expect a few lawsuits, but I hope they got enough personal info to sue perpetrators as well. One thing Rebel News does fairly well at is security. This guy needs to hire a few big dudes, or start carrying.
119   Ceffer   2023 Apr 3, 11:46am  

I think in terms of the standard issue Illuminati process of creating the crisis, controlling the reaction, then generating the solution, this one backfired. It probably inspired more people to take up arms. Arming your local perverts isn't exactly the way to garner sympathy for turning your guns over to tender loving mercies of government.
120   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 3, 11:49am  

Agreed. It's raised awareness that all this tolerance bullshit is enabling mentally ill people to devastating consequences. And I'm not sure if anyone believes the story pushed by the propaganda networks.
121   Ceffer   2023 Apr 3, 12:05pm  

The Illuminati techniques are a standard issue hornbook that can be used by anybody with motive and funding, and can also be used against the so-called Black Hats. The difference seems to be in the handlers of the tool box, whether the dynastic predators and parasites OR those who wish to protect the Republic.

It seems that the current methods against the Dynastics are at least about cutting off their ability to print and launder endless fiat money for their activities. This was the ultimate consequence for giving a narrow band of predators control over fake money backed up by nothing. Also, their vicious general arrogance and incompetence at governance is apparent. Their standard cycle of Babylonian debt and theft followed by murdering the creditors is at least partially being headed off at the pass one would hopium.

They simultaneously try to murder and oppress their own populations while trying to marshal sympathies for foreign war murder sprees? They are runaway trains of universal plotting, Satanic inversion deception and subversion and everybody hates them. Their problem is, their centralized battlements are also being identified so their layers of useful idiots are peeling away from them as well.
122   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 3, 1:31pm  

NuttBoxer says

Agreed. It's raised awareness that all this tolerance bullshit is enabling mentally ill people to devastating consequences. And I'm not sure if anyone believes the story pushed by the propaganda networks.

Gender Propaganda having reverse effect:

As for degeneracy, Cosmo - whose readership is primarily 15-29 - ran this article:

123   Ceffer   2023 Apr 3, 3:34pm  

Porno titles seem to have a heavy trend toward incest type play acting. At least the Satanic dynastic types practice what they preach with this vitiating propaganda, since they are highly interbred because they are so afraid of losing the 'power' of their reptilian genetic dongle (what they believe, not what I believe).
124   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 3, 6:04pm  

AmericanKulak says
" Shooting at Presbyterian School: "Woman" Suspect"

Where is the shooter's manifesto?


Where is the shooter's manifesto?

No answer.

125   Ceffer   2023 Apr 3, 11:25pm  

LOL! I guess the Hegelian 'control the response' ploy kind of backfired. Looks like the opposite of 'disarmament'. Maybe this was a satire false flag theatric by the White Hats after all. "See, we can do it too, and put your deputized mascots as the star perps!"

127   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 4, 8:15am  

Not surprising, Tennessee has been moving towards states rights and Republic government for a while.
129   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 7, 8:23pm  

The Shooting at the Presbyterian School looks like a Globalist directed mass shooting whose purpose is to have the American people give up their guns. I don't have rock solid proof but I will present my reasons for saying this.

--- Audrey Hale was autistic with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting.

In high school Hale had problems with autism and mental health... Hale was receiving treatment for an emotional disorder... Despite this, Hale was able to legally purchase seven firearms." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11912531/Nashville-school-shooter-Audrey-Hale-dress-trans-star-Elliot-Page.html

---This is hard to believe, that an autistic person was, all of a sudden, able to go into five different gun shops to buy guns that included a sawed-off shotgun!
"Hale, who lived in Nashville, had legally purchased seven guns from five different local gun stores, the chief told reporters Tuesday. Hale was under a "doctor's care for an emotional disorder..." so after the Globalists started controlling her... " she hid several weapons within the house," Drake said... Investigators searched Hale's home where they seized "a sawed-off shotgun, a second shotgun and other evidence," according to police." https://abc7.com/nashville-shooting-audrey-hale-tennessee-school/13033349/

---There is no convincing evidence that Audrey Hale was a transgender. The photo in the media that claims a transgender Auderey Hale is not convincing. What we see is nicely dressed woman doing a presentation in college about her art. Claiming that this is a transgender Audrey Hale is bunk. See

---We are told that on the day of the shooting, March 27, Hale left behind a "manifesto" that has not being released to the public.
Question: Why don't they publish Audrey Hale's manifesto?
Answer: Because the manifesto probably reveals that she was receiving lessons to attack the school. https://www.thedailybeast.com/nashville-shooter-audrey-hale-plotted-attack-for-months-cops-say?ref=scroll

---Finally, the video showing Hale blasting her way into the school is not convincing. I see an autistic person who was directed to go shoot the school.
130   GNL   2023 Apr 8, 5:34am  

Girls don't wear ties. No way in hell did she purchase a sawed off shotgun from a store. That would be a story because that store would be raided and shut down. The owner would be in jail.
131   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 8, 1:22pm  

The_Deplorable says

I see an autistic person who was directed to go shoot the school.

Autism and FtM are closely linked. While autism is much less common in females, female autists are disproportionally FtM. They're correlated diagnosis.
132   richwicks   2023 Apr 8, 1:41pm  

AmericanKulak says

The_Deplorable says

I see an autistic person who was directed to go shoot the school.

Autism and FtM are closely linked. While autism is much less common in females, female autists are disproportionally FtM. They're correlated diagnosis.

They are just poor TomBoys convinced they were born in the wrong body. 1/2 of the women in my family were TomBoys, and I'm probably on the spectrum. They are all married, have kids, love to hike, enjoy camping...

You know how I regarded "boy's toys" as a kid? I thought GI Joe and HeMan and so on, were profoundly gay. They were so gay. I still regard them that way. I'm surprised the toys didn't come with sensual oil and anal lube to wax up the toys. "It's a manly man man toy" - yeah, if you're fag. That's still how I regard "professional wrestling".

What they call "autism" now is just a group of diseases. I think in my case, I just found everything as weird and bizarre. "Let's play war!" - you mean pretending to kill each other over what? I had family in the military, that fucking sucked. Who would glorify it, other than asshole sociopaths that are saying "why don't you and him fight?" I had this recognition before I was 10.

I saw shell shock as a kid, "PTSD". One of the men in our family, but not an uncle, his job was to recover bodies at Normandy during D-Day. That fucked him up, for life. That's war, kiddos! I think Mr. Scanlon was my grandfather's cousin. He never recovered from that.

It's true that today, most people are just controlling a drone, or sitting in a jet, blowing the fuck up out of people, they don't have it so bad, but we create terrorists all the goddamned time, and we don't think shit about it. I hope the US is attacked, and Americans will get the medicine they've been serving up for 20 fucking years. Are you think "oh, rich is a pussy", yeah maybe, but I know what real war does to people, and I would never join the military because it would have wrecked me to be in a war. Bad enough to see it 2nd hand as a kid.

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