Vaccine Truth-Teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

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2023 Apr 5, 8:02pm   49,721 views  405 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.


Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!

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366   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 8:15pm  

Patrick says

I watched the interview above and have to suspect that Kennedy's MAHA is indeed a deliberate distraction from the dangerous and ineffective mRNA jabs.


367   Patrick   2024 Oct 28, 7:22pm  

RFK Jr.'s daughter-in-law, who used to work for the CIA, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy


When Amaryllis Fox Kennedy says the intel agencies are a threat to our country, she’s not guessing. She spent ten years as a CIA officer before running Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign. She’s now campaigning for Trump.

(0:00) The Ukraine War Scam
(9:50) Why Washington Doesn’t Care About Domestic Policy
(14:13) Intel Agencies Operating Within the Media
(19:48) How America’s War on Iraq Caused the Fall of Europe
(27:43) The Classified Documents About 9/11
(33:20) The Kennedy Assassinations
(36:21) Intel Agencies Working with Drug Cartels
(43:49) Our Politicians Are Controlled by the Intel Agencies
(57:12) The Impending EMP Crisis
(1:14:20) Why Biden Reversed Trump’s EMP Preparedness Measures
(1:26:31) The Media Blackout of Kennedy’s Campaign
(1:37:41) Bobby Kennedy Endorsing Trump

368   Patrick   2024 Oct 28, 7:28pm  

She talks about EMP weapons which can take out all the electronics in a country.

Sounds like something the rats in the CIA/NSA would use to prevent Trump from taking office.
369   PeopleUnited   2024 Oct 28, 8:24pm  

Patrick says

She talks about EMP weapons which can take out all the electronics in a country.

Sounds like something the rats in the CIA/NSA would use to prevent Trump from taking office.

Plausible. If so, no matter who wins the election, the Republic is lost.

Get rapture ready folks, this could be your last chance.
370   Patrick   2024 Nov 4, 11:42am  


My question, how in a SANE universe Trump nor Harris touched on the deadly fraud COVID OWS, the deadly Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine, the deadly lockdowns, school closures? How come is Bobby Kennedy Jr. SILENT? He gained money & fame on anti-OWS and anti-Malone et al. mRNA death shot yet as he joined Trump, he got silent? This is monstrous! This is outrageous! Bobby Kennedy Jr. has been silenced and people are harmed because of this. He is talking fatness and exercise and seed oils and all sorts of stuff we could not care about at this time…we have a border issue, an inflation issue, a crime issue, war issues but importantly, the deadly OWS and Malone et al. mRNA vaccine yet his forte which is on the latter, is now silenced? I like and support RFK Jr. but something stinks to high heavens now. The silencing is deafening. I think he is a good man. Advocate, huge, admire him, but something is wrong. Only ball cupping now. For jobs.
371   Patrick   2024 Nov 4, 11:46am  

Back before Kennedy was corrupted by Pfizer:


Pfizer was supposed to have 4 year clinical trial, you remember that. It was supposed to go to 2023. Well, what happened? They ended the trial in 6 months. FDA let them do it. Why? Because the vaccine was failing. They could not keep doing a trial because they could not prove that it was efficacious, so they stopped it after 6 months. They unblinded it and they gave the vaccine to the entire placebo group. What that means is we will never know what the long term difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, what are the long term injury caused from this we will never know. ...

How are these excess people dying? Well it tells you here. — [Kennedy points to the posterboard] —Cardiac arrest. There were 5 people in the vaccine group who died of heart attacks in that 6 month period. There was only 1 person in the placebo group.

So what that means, if you take the vaccine, you're 500% more likely to have a heart attack that kills you over the next 6 months than if you didn't take the vaccine.
372   Patrick   2024 Nov 5, 6:40pm  


Why did Harris, Trump campaigns refuse to discuss deadliness of COVID fraud, OWS, deadly lockdowns, deadly MALONE et al. mRNA vaccine? Not at their conventions? Why silence Kennedy Jr.? Very TERRIBLE!

These 2 campaigns FAILED, and further hurt Americans and eroded trust, that all decisions are for political reasons & not the best interest of the people! Bobby Jr.'s silence is deplorable! SICK!
373   Eric Holder   2024 Nov 6, 12:15pm  

Forget about Covid anything. Dead and buried. Nothing will be investigated.

BTW, same goes for supposed 2024 election fraud.

I probably should copy this to the predictions thread.
374   The_Deplorable   2024 Nov 6, 3:34pm  

Patrick says
"Why did Harris, Trump campaigns refuse to discuss deadliness
of COVID fraud, OWS, deadly lockdowns, deadly MALONE et al. mRNA vaccine?
Not at their conventions? Why silence Kennedy Jr.? Very TERRIBLE!"

My take is that the campaign was not a good time to bring this up. And this is not
going to be forgotten going forward because the criminal liability of the vaccine
pushers is huge.
375   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 7:22pm  


In this, I say they, these ‘job seekers’ are harming Americans AGAIN for no lockdown worked and no mRNA vaccine worked, not any before and not any mRNA vaccine to come, no matter what they try to tell you about ‘new and improved’. This is staggering that they would flip like this.

Yet they are now partaking in a scheme to harm Americans by their silence. It is staggering. RFK Jr.’s silence is staggering, on matters that are important, that he prior championed. ...

IMO, I remain surprised how they silenced RFK Jr. for this is not him…the ‘usual’ RFK Jr. I like that RFK Jr. I am tired too of people who say ssshhhssshh as let the election pass etc. That is pure bullshit dangerous thinking and behavior.

But someone like RFK Jr. is needed in the administration for fundamentally, with all his mistakes and no one is perfect, we all are imperfect people, he RFK Jr., brings lots and a desire to do good and save lives and improve things. I support him. I support the technical side. That is my focus. His silence, imposed, is flat 100% wrong. People have played politics with the lives of Americans.

The silencing is glaring and should not have happened or happen now. The election is done!

WRONG! We need POTUS Trump to acknowledge the dangers of mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine.

I am urging POTUS Trump to please stand up now against the failed OWS and the deadly mRNA gene-based vaccine. It is time. POTUS Trump knows that the vaccine failed and harmed. I support Trump fully and will do all to help him, his administration, his government! I ask POTUS Trump to unchain RFK Jr. please so that he can talk freely on deadly OWS and the mRNA vaccine.
376   Patrick   2024 Nov 15, 11:32am  


The unimaginable idea that HHS —the single largest agency in the U.S. government, with a budget exceeding national defense —a massive institution trusted to safeguard the sacraments— could be just handed over to a man who’s spent his career suing the government and vaccine companies is, well, unthinkable.

Progressives don’t want to debate vaccine safety and efficacy. They don’t want to question it. It must not even be discussed. But … how can they avoid the debate if RFK takes charge of HHS, which in turn oversees the CDC, FDA, NIH, and so many other sub-agencies that nobody is really sure how many there are, and I am not making that up. ...

The pandemic exposed a whole raft of major federal bureaucracies, like the intelligence services and the Pentagon, who all drink from HHS’ morbidly obese ‘health’ budget.

Including, but not limited to, military bioweapons engineering under the sinister rubric of gain-of-function research for predictive vaccine development. Just saying.

It is literally impossible for Congress to oversee the byzantine labyrinth of agencies, grants, foreign and domestic cooperative initiatives, and NGOs that all feed off HHS’s trillion-dollar annual budget. But there might be one man who could make a dent. That man is Robert Kennedy, who has spent decades digging through HHS’s trash and knows, maybe better than anybody, “where the bodies are buried.”

But the prospect of Kennedy digging around in the CDC skunkworks is not even the Establishment’s biggest anxiety. Over time, sneakily, gradually, bit-by-bit, the nation’s health laws have handed over vast swathes of power to one unelected official: the Secretary of HHS.

Take, for example, the PREP Act, over which I am currently suing Biden and the federal government. The Act provides total liability immunity to entire industries as long as the HHS Secretary signs a single declaration— literally, just a piece of paper. PFizer and Moderna, just to pick two, are both immune from all vaccine injury claims simply because Biden’s HHS Secretary said so.

So, Kennedy could upend the whole nauseating scheme in about ten minutes, just by issuing a new declaration. Kennedy could also, in his new declaration, order the PREP office to start recognizing automatically a whole slew of injuries related to covid countermeasures, and he could even direct the office to stop rejecting untimely claims. That single declaration could blow the lid off the whole covid scam and immediately aid millions.

And that’s just one Act. ...

To be crystal clear: the HHS Secretary has been given so much power that Kennedy, if confirmed, won’t need Congress.

Even since before the primaries, many folks were mad at President Trump for not disavowing the covid shots. But had he done that, President Trump might never have been elected. Now that he’s been elected, he’s elevated the nation’s most notorious vaccine skeptic to a position to officially disavow not just the covid shots, but all so-called vaccines that have not truly been proven safe and effective.

Quibblers argue that vaccines are ‘long-proven’ to be safe and effective. But Kennedy’s repeated point, with which this author strongly agrees, is that most vaccines were never tested against placebos, nor measured for long-term, all-cause morbidity and mortality. Those aren’t unreasonable requests.
377   stereotomy   2024 Nov 15, 11:41am  

Trump is hopefully playing it smart. Let RFK Jr avenge the tens of millions killed, maimed and forever scarred by the clot shot. Let the holy fire descend to punish and damn the wicked and heal the innocent who yet suffer.
378   Tenpoundbass   2024 Nov 15, 11:55am  

Now is not the time to be mealy mouthed weak kneed.
This is NOT your father's politics.
Every time one party dominates for decades unchallenged, then have serious populist opposition. They resort to digging up the cheating tactics of the past.
They beat the populist agent of change, then put away the ape suit until it's needed again. Trump went up against the institution and won. The institution initiated every dystopian cheat code they could muster and beat Trump. Trump got wise to it, and this time he is listening to all like minded people who are capable of changing things. Trump beat the system, and it has been exposed and it is the most venerable it has ever been. It is circling the drain.
Now is the time to stand up and kick the terd, send it down. Don't be one of these fucking retarded Muppets that is so out of tune to what is going on, that all you can muster is... "It don't matter what you do, nothing will never change..." Seems you are here to help to make sure it doesn't.
If defeatist shit is all you can summons, then sit your dumb ass down.

Trump and We the People have a lot of work to do, to put this shit to bed once and for all. Dismantle these Party tricks they have used to stay in power and manipulate our election process. Yes elections has been an illusion and only a choice between candidates they have provided. Trump has almost broke it. Grab a hammer and help, don't just stand their whining.
379   PeopleUnited   2024 Nov 15, 2:33pm  

Is Trump accepting applications? Where do I sign up?
380   ElYorsh   2024 Nov 15, 2:50pm  

PeopleUnited says

Is Trump accepting applications? Where do I sign up?

Up your ass and around the corner.
381   Tenpoundbass   2024 Nov 15, 4:46pm  

PeopleUnited says

Is Trump accepting applications? Where do I sign up?

Elon is looking for D.O.G.E employees.
382   PeopleUnited   2024 Nov 16, 5:53am  

I saw a posting Elon made. Looked like satire. They are “hiring” people willing to work 80 hours a week for no compensation.
384   RayAmerica   2024 Nov 18, 1:28pm  

Excellent video. RFK Jr. is 'not anti-vaccine, he is pro transparency.' Of course the lying, Big Pharma bought and paid talking heads will never admit to that. If they did, they'd be out of a job.
389   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 18, 9:08pm  

Patrick says

Transparency achieved. His work here is done even before he started working. 🤡
391   Onvacation   2024 Nov 27, 9:24am  

Patrick says

What that means is we will never know what the long term difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, what are the long term injury caused from this we will never know. ...

yes we will. We are already seeing it.

I and many like me that refused to take the experimental biologic agent ARE the control group.

I have already seen a few serious illnesses and deaths of rabid vaxx supporters. It may not have been the vaxx that caused the demise of these anecdotal cases but with time and hindsight I think they will become statistics.

Time tells truths that now will never know.
392   stereotomy   2024 Nov 27, 9:41am  

Onvacation says

Patrick says

What that means is we will never know what the long term difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, what are the long term injury caused from this we will never know. ...

yes we will. We are already seeing it.

I and many like me that refused to take the experimental biologic agent ARE the control group.

I have already seen a few serious illnesses and deaths of rabid vaxx supporters. It may not have been the vaxx that caused the demise of these anecdotal cases but with time and hindsight I think they will become statistics.

Time tells truths that now will never know.

The in-laws of my brother are dropping like flies - heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancers. Most of the acute cases have petered out. Now it's the long-term fatal side effects - circulatory system damage, brain damage, immune system malfunction (VAIDS). We'll be dealing with this shit for the next 10 years.
393   The_Deplorable   2024 Nov 27, 9:57pm  

Patrick says
"So what that means, if you take the vaccine, you're 500% more likely to
have a heart attack that kills you over the next 6 months than if you didn't take the vaccine."

And in addition, the science of medicine is now providing evidence (medical studies)
connecting these vaccine deaths to the mRNA covid vaccines.
394   Patrick   2024 Nov 30, 9:11am  


Yesterday, the Guardian ran a very instructive story headlined, “Even in blue Colorado, vaccine advocates worry about RFK Jr’s appeal and ‘medical freedom’ movement.”

It was a long, curious article that first fretted that Colorado’s liberals, long invested in healthy living and personal autonomy, are “susceptible” to vaccine skeptics like Robert Kennedy. Conversely, it described vaccine skeptics as dark, dangerous people who prey on naive, gullible folks like those in Colorado’s crunchy health movement. The article ended by identifying vaccine skepticism as, and I am not making this up, the product of “white wealth and privilege.”
395   Tenpoundbass   2024 Nov 30, 10:04am  

Patrick says

That's all true, but lets not forget that Anglo White European food, especially the UK. Is the most bland and tasteless food on the planet.
Even Germany, their national dish is Sausage, and guess what? It's not the good old fashioned sausage stuffed in hog guts, and the links tied with butcher twine. They are eating the same Johnsons, and Smithfields, processed mechanically separated swine, poultry and bovine scraps stuffed in a plastic tube, every style of sausage tastes like the $1.99 Gawtley chicken franks.

I can't remember the last time I saw proper Rookwurst, Bratwursts or Kielbasa if it comes in a vacuum pack it's just a gloried hotdog. Sausage is sold in a butcher case, and is wrapped in butcher paper. I'm sure the new process for making, storing and bringing sausage to market has way more harmful chemicals than that bowl of fruit loops.

It would be nice if we could go back to fresh whole foods being sold, and put the impetus to buy from clean reputable sources on the consumer.
We're all eating crap, because some assholes will eat meat that has sat out for a couple days or prepares food in dirty containers.
396   stereotomy   2024 Nov 30, 9:32pm  

I was on a trip with a friend earlier today in frigid conditions. I saw a 14 point buck dead on the side of the road and intact. It had to be about 250 lbs. I wanted my friend to go back and get it, but we were on a deadline to get his kid back to college after T-day break. A shame indeed.
399   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 5:15pm  


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Yesterday the chief attorney for FDA admitted because he lost the case in court against the doctor, but there was no reason to discourage people from taking ivermectin. Ivermectin was a very, very devastating cure. or COVID, it literally obliterated COVID. And by depriving people of ivermectin, many, many people, millions of people around the globe died."

"And they didn't need to. There were cures for COVID from day one and very effective cures. But they didn't want that. They wanted the vaccine only. And there was a rule, a little known federal rule that they were all aware of. which said that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization for a vaccine if there is an existing remedy that has already been approved for any use."

"Oh, if they admitted that hydroxychloroquine or famotidine or ivermectin or any of the twenty five existing therapeutic drugs that were very effective against COVID, if they admitted that any of them were effective. the whole vaccine project would have fallen apart. They couldn't have done it. And so they decided that they were going to pretend that there was no cure except for the vaccine."

404   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 2, 12:56pm  

California is MAHA country:

Until recently, concerns over food additives, such as artificial dyes, were the domain of Democrats. In 2023, California became the first state in the nation to ban certain food additives: red dye 3, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, and propylparaben.
405   Ceffer   2025 Feb 15, 11:02pm  

Fucking finally!

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