Tucker out at Faux News

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2023 Apr 24, 9:43am   30,685 views  226 comments

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Last honest reporting gone at faux. They'll lose shit tons of viewers, prob. most popular segment together with the angry irish.

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174   PeopleUnited   2023 May 4, 7:26pm  

NuttBoxer says

This is the same defeatist mentality I hear

Not defeatist, if people do the work, we can slow down the globalists and maybe another generation can live a natural life. But like I said earlier, when I told people in school that bankers run the world, and gave evidence, most didn’t care and the rest didn’t believe it. So it was obvious that the likelihood of people uniting to defend themselves against the globalists was about zero. Covid proved just how gullible and compliant people are, the election fraud proved how helpless people are to defend their rights and I expect more of the same in 2024 because even the so called conspiracy experts here still don’t have a clue about how to prevent more fraud in the next election.

But if you honestly evaluate where we are at, with the internet, machine learning, cheap and easy comprehensive record keeping, America losing dominance (lost dominance) on the world scene, and The religious Jews ready to build a new temple in Jerusalem, we are seeing all the signs converging just like Jesus, John, Daniel and Paul said they would.

So accuse me all you want, but reality does not support any reason for optimism, nor reason to expect with any certainty that America is more dangerous than anywhere else.

By the way, if I had made any “preparations “ I would not post them on the internet. And you think a vacation rental will be an escape plan, ok. I don’t post my escape plans on the internet either. It has nothing to do with a repurposed decommissioned missile silo where zombies can’t survive. Nothing of the sort.

Just remember, there is a high, high, super high likelihood that whatever you think you are prepared for will not happen, not happen the way to expect, or throw in a wrinkle that negates every “prep” made. That is how God keeps us humble.NuttBoxer says

Seems like you have a lot more to lose if you're wrong than I do. I hope you can maintain your faith in what's coming, but I prefer to avoid a test that hard personally.

That’s just pride talking. Let’s talk after the shit hits the fan. My guess is humility will find most of the preppers. Sometimes humility comes the hard way.

I have nothing to lose, because I have nothing, to, lose. Get it! It is a wonderful way to live. It’s not for everyone but hey to each his own. My treasure, my concern, my hope, is not of this world.
175   PeopleUnited   2023 May 4, 7:30pm  

richwicks says

PeopleUnited says

Was that after your time with the bureau?

I am fucking tired of you falsely accusing me of being a fucking traitor.

Fuck you.

You'll bear false witness right away, aren't you the holy man? Fuck you.

Everything about you screams glowie. Right down to the fact that it offends you that your cover is blown.
176   PeopleUnited   2023 May 4, 7:38pm  

NuttBoxer says

If you're right, everything works out well for you. But what if you're wrong?

Romans 8:38-39
King James Version
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
177   richwicks   2023 May 4, 9:43pm  

PeopleUnited says

Everything about you screams glowie. Right down to the fact that it offends you that your cover is blown.

You've never met one. Shit, I've had to deal with the mother fuckers DIRECTLY. You have no clue, because you're a coward and never have gone against the fucking government or been a whistleblower, or have exposed crimes.

You VAGUELY know what Ray Epps is, but you don't know who Emad Salem is, you don't know who Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ is, you don't know who Gary Webb is, you don't know anything about Iran Contra or what that was about, you don't know who Genie Energy is, who is on their Strategic Advisory Board, why they are in the Golan Heights, you don't know that George W. Bush ACKNOWLEDGED that the Iraq war was entirely unjustified, what the Steele Dossier is, you don't know who Joseph Mifsud is, you don't know who Victoria Nuland is, Geoffrey Pyatt is, Robert Kagan is, Robert Mueller is and his relationship with Whitey Bulger, you don't know that Bulger's brother was a congressman, you don't know who James Trafficant is, blah blah blah - even though I've served them up on a silver platter, many times.

You just remain ignorant, because you're comfortable with that.

And if you are like "why hasn't he been arrested yet" - eventually I will be.

Ignorance is bliss, and it's cowardly. Land of the free and the brave? Bullshit.

You wrap yourself in the flag, you crow endlessly about religion using that as a mask for your complete lack of morality and civic duty, and do nothing, say nothing, learn nothing.

A FIB informant pretends to be your friend that then later stabs you in the back. This is a FIB informant.

original link

I am not your friend.

You think you need to have direct access to intelligence agencies to THINK? Trust me, very few people in the intelligence agencies think, they just follow orders. Very few PEOPLE think, get your "jab" and booster? Silence is consent, and you're constantly trying to enforce silence.

We have evil running our intelligence agencies, I'm a fucking atheist, and even I can see it, but you strangely cannot. You're bizarrely blind to it - but do you just pretend not to see? Dangerous to see isn't it, far more dangerous to oppose it.

How hilarious is it that I oppose evil more than you do? You nice, pious, religious man... That covers up everything, just wear your religion on your sleeve, nobody will suspect. Just believe in Jesus Christ right? I was raised as a Catholic, even though I've abandoned that religion, good works are still a requirement, it's a Gnostic religion and I've retained that. You think informing you is evil? Exposing evil is evil? I must be a fucking Fed if I'm doing that! Look at all the glowies that have done that.... Name a few? Name one.

I struggle with just taking advantage of these, supposed, people. They are so easily controlled. I still don't want to go down that path, but I've seen so many that have. Just repeat the propaganda, push it, insert yourself into it, profit. I went into engineering to make a better world though, build, create, not to make a worse world, ruin, destroy, but it's tempting. So there's the devil tempting me. Even though I don't believe in it, it's programmed into me before 5.

But societal good has never resulted from evil, or hiding evil. We are tasked with making this world a better place, and you're entirely unaware of that, aren't you? You have abandoned your obligation to humanity.

You, like all very religious Christians think this is "the end times", it's not. I will die, you will die, and the world will go on - what do you want to leave? Well, I don't want to leave a criminal government run by gangsters for the next generations to contend with. You don't give a shit, the world is going to end soon, RIGHT? Hating the gangsters and taking (a very small risk, seriously!) to speak out against them, I must be a glowie.

Because you don't even dare to speak up. You think this is terribly dangerous, well, not here, but I'm not only here.
178   PeopleUnited   2023 May 5, 3:44am  

richwicks says

you're a coward and never have gone against the fucking governmen

richwicks says

you don't know who Emad Salam

richwicks says

you don't know who Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ is

richwicks says

you don't know who Gary Webb is

richwicks says

you don't know anything about Iran Contra or what that was about

richwicks says

you don't know who Genie Energy is, who is on their Strategic Advisory Board, why they are in the Golan Heights

richwicks says

you don't know that George W. Bush ACKNOWLEDGED that the Iraq war was entirely unjustified

richwicks says

you don't know who Joseph Mifsud is

richwicks says

you don't know who Victoria Nuland is

richwicks says

you don't know that Bulger's brother was a congressman

richwicks says

you don't know who James Trafficant is

richwicks says

You just remain ignorant, because you're comfortable with that.

richwicks says

You wrap yourself in the flag, you crow endlessly about religion

richwicks says

You think you need to have direct access to intelligence to THINK. Trust me, very few people in the intelligence agencies think, they just follow orders. They are as corrupt and useless as you.

richwicks says

your complete lack of morality and civic duty, and do nothing, say nothing, learn nothing.

Baseless accusations, that is what you do. Just like any cornered rat. This is all just from one post.

So let’s recap here. You post about hating the government, endlessly harranging on the terrible things “the government has done” you want us to start hating the government too, and to prove that you are not a federal collaborator you insult me and accuse me to distinguish yourself from other informants who have pretended to be a friend and later stabbed their prey in the back.

You say you are not my friend. That part I believe. But pretty much every other thing you say is a distraction fomenting hatred of the very government you serve.

There are two governments, the real government made up of people who do the work of government. The day to day stuff that nobody talks about, and you constantly ignore. Simple stuff like enforcing the law, counting votes, prosecuting criminals, planning roads and other developments, maintenance.

And then there is the shadow government, The bankers that run the world through the shady, criminals who don’t follow the law, but rather do the bidding of globalists. Sometimes the bankers even recruit people from the legitimate government to do their evil work knowingly or unknowingly. But the evil you speak of comes from that shadow government. Influenced and directed by Satan worshipping globalists and their evil minion collaborators. You think you know who the bad guys are? George Bush? Lindsey Graham? Clinton? Biden? Right! Those guys are bad, but with the exception of Biden, at least people elected them. But they are not the shadow government, they are just collaborators with the globalists, doing their bidding in exchange for wealth and privilege. The real bad guys you don’t even know. Even Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Charles of England are just a public face fronting the cabal of globalists that are mostly unknown on purpose.

The government is not the enemy, the shadow government is. And only through the legitimate government can we protect ourselves from the criminals n the shadow government. That is what you miss. And if you are as smart and capable as you claim that is the story you would be sharing rather than tearing down the very means of holding the globalists accountable.
179   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 5, 10:26am  

PeopleUnited says

That’s just pride talking. Let’s talk after the shit hits the fan. My guess is humility will find most of the preppers. Sometimes humility comes the hard way.

I have nothing to lose, because I have nothing, to, lose. Get it! It is a wonderful way to live. It’s not for everyone but hey to each his own. My treasure, my concern, my hope, is not of this world.

I think it's more arrogant to assume you don't need to make preparations when the economy is falling down around your ears, than making them.

Do you have any family, anyone you care about? If you do, and end up under government control because you just sat on your hands, you really don't think you could be put into a situation where they would force you to betray them? Because the last two years didn't happen? But forget about that, have you warned them of what happens during an economic or government collapse? At least given them a chance to think about preparing?

What I prepared for has happened many, MANY times in history, even during our lifetime. What you're expecting has NEVER happened, because it will only happen once. Yet you have the gall to say you can predict it, despite the Bible making it crystal clear Christ will return when no one is expecting it. Again, pretty fucking arrogant.

And on your hopeless outlook, you don't know the people in this country, or the power God has given us, and you assume far too much power to the side of evil. The hard time has to come for real change to happen, it's always like that, but I see a renewing of society on the other side, a return to decentralization, community, true health and wealth. And the chances of that are FAR better than the NWO happening anytime soon.

And when we get there, I and my family will be a position to prosper, because we were humble enough to recognize what was will not always be, and to prepare for what's coming.
180   richwicks   2023 May 5, 10:41am  

PeopleUnited says

Baseless accusations, that is what you do. Just like any cornered rat. This is all just from one post.

OK, prove me wrong.

Explain to me, in YOUR words who Emad Salem, Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, and Gary Webb are, what Iran Contra was, who Genie Energy is and who is on their Strategic Advisory Board and why they are in the Golan Hights, tell me how you know George W. Bush acknowledged that the Iraq war was entirely unjustified, who Joseph Mifsud is, who Victoria Nuland is and her significantcy, who Whitey Bulger's brother was, and who Whitey Bulger was, who James Trafficant was

And that you DON'T remain ignorant and that you don't just wrap yourself in the flag, and use your religion as a shield for complete indifference and immorality.

Demonstrate I'm wrong. Let's see if you've learned anything

Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt it. Let's see if you can rattle off what everybody should fucking know but don't.

I want to see if you can acknowledge and look evil straight in the eyes. People turn away, they don't want to know, they deny it, they ignore. Out of sight, out of mind. Let's see if you know any fucking thing. You can't fix a problem unless you know about it, it's your responsibility to know, your moral duty.

NuttBoxer says

Do you have any family, anyone you care about? If you do, and end up under government control because you just sat on your hands, you really don't think you could be put into a situation where they would force you to betray them?

This will surprise you, I have been intentionally careful about not making connections all my life.

My parents are incredibly old, although both are alive, I've not involved my thinking with my sibling's children, I don't want to poison them. I don't educate my siblings, I know what I do is dangerous.

Ignorance is bliss. I wanted to know. I knew what I was doing when I made this decision and I don't regret it.

There's a lot of people like me with strings, I didn't want strings, I wanted as much freedom as possible. The government can't threaten me, but they can threaten people I'm connected with, so I've purposely limited that.

Either this fight is won, or life isn't worth living. You can't understand the urgency of this. I certainly wouldn't want children in this current world. It was too fucked up when I was 25.

NuttBoxer says

Yet you have the gall to say you can predict it, despite the Bible

And this is where I end reading. You're just indoctrinated into another system of thinking imposed on you by a central authority. You're not thinking, you're believing, this is faith.

The Bible was nothing more than another system of control, the Church was nothing more than a government. That government, at that time, created the Bible.

As I have said several times, I'll respect your faith, but I cannot believe in it. You were propagandized into your faith. There's some good parts to it, and a lot of bad parts to it. If there is a god, it doesn't represent or explain god.

If God exists, every living thing knows it innately, they don't have to read a book. Any book that claims to explain it, is nothing more than a perversion of what it really is. We all know right from wrong, we didn't need to read a book to explain this to us. We know it innately. It's part of us or we are part of it.

If there is a god. I don't dismiss the wisdom of religion, I just don't trust the reality of of it, the truthfulness of it, the reality of it.
181   Ceffer   2023 May 5, 10:49am  

How can you really prepare for what is huge in scope and unpredictable? Radically shifting your asset base on a gamble and a prayer, or rumors from other befuddled panic stricked persons isn't really a great strategy.

Every day, even alternative news is full of chicken little bellowing, end of the world fantasies etc. All of these are fear driven and much designed for particular narrow exploitive economic agendas.

Are we being poisoned by food and water? Yes, but probably not to the extent or in the ways claimed by many nutrition sales fear mongers at this point in time. Is the economy going to collapse? Maybe, but there are myriad frauds out there waiting for money from terrified investors. Are doctors trying to kill us? Yes, some of them, through narrow casual self interest and hierarchal obedience, but not all of them. Will the stock market collapse? Could be, but it has collapsed many times but will always have some value as long as the companies behind it have some level of necessary relative productivity.

The gold and silver bugs, after a hundred years of false predictions, are having a field day. The Iraqi Dinar and Zimbabwe gold currency schemes are frauds perpetrated by the Bush banking cartel, reaping the suckers into an endless hamster wheel of fake news theater and fraud sponsorship.

You can create that bunker in the mountains, but why would you presume you would even be able to reach that bunker unless you live there in isolation?

The true disasters are unpredictable, and belong to God, as it were, and jumping on chairs and clutching your pearls at every little doomsday slogan is sure fire way to have a fear ridden and unhappy life. Covid was rather exceptional because it was a programmed death epidemic, as sure as KommieKunts sweeping through your hood with rifles and putting you up on the lip of the trenches for execution.
182   richwicks   2023 May 5, 10:11pm  

WRG to what PeopleUnited said

Respond to me here: https://patrick.net/post/1379161/2023-04-24-tucker-out-at-faux-news?start=162#comment-1949213

You can't even conceive that somebody has genuine outrage to the point they don't care. I'm well beyond that point. I must be a fucking FED. I'm fearless at this point. They can do to me whatever they want. You can't even imagine people get to this point of disgust. I'm well beyond that point.

The WHOLE POINT of building this information system was to inform the public, the public doesn't give a shit, I don't want to live among you. That's how disgusted I am. You are honestly incapable of experiencing the disgust I have.

You claim I shit on the institutions that made this country a great nation, I don't. I shit on the institutions that have ruined this nation. You just think of institutions, period, and put them into one basket. The intelligence agencies are traitors, our military has betrayed us (at least the upper levels), the DOJ won't do anything, even our congress won't do fuck, what are we to do?

The only thing I want to keep is our congress, after reforming it. After we can validate the vote. 1/2 of them would be gone if we could validate the vote, I think. Our military does nothing but engage in stupid wars, we made the nuclear bomb to end that shit. We shouldn't interfere with foreign nations. We should lead, exclusively, by example. We used to be the best, I think we can return to that again, if we just stop fucking with foreign nations. We have no right or business to do this, no matter how awful they are.

But here we have our own FUCKING government inviting an invasion of illegal immigrants. Who are the traitors? I guess it must be me, talking about this. Our own government incited violence, defunds the police, prosecutes people for protecting themselves, protects criminals, incites violence and mayhem through Antifa and BLM. What a traitor I am for pointing this out, and now we're AGAIN in another fucking Cold War. How wonderful! More bloodshed, more war, more money for the military industrial complex. Let the nation rot, let our infrastructure fall apart, isn't this great??

Fuck the intelligence agencies. I'm sure there are plenty of people within them that THINK they are working for the greater good, however, I know what controls them. They don't think. Imagine being an agent provocateur - how can they NOT know? How can Ray Epps know he's not a traitor? He's either very stupid, or had no soul. I think it's the later. These people aren't stupid, they are sociopaths.
183   PeopleUnited   2023 May 6, 12:15am  

richwicks says

OK, prove me wrong.

richwicks says

I want to see if you can acknowledge and look evil straight in the eyes.

richwicks says

If there is a god, it is innate within us all.

We don't need books, we don't need to be led, we would innately understand it.

IF there is a god.

I’m looking at pure evil. Your word is pure evil. When you are able to tell us why you were created, why this country was created, and how to save both it and your self, then you might be qualified to lecture others.

Do you know who asks silly questions laden with half truths? The first thing Satan did when he found Eve alone in the garden was to question God’s word. You can answer your own silly questions and pretend God is something He is not, pretend you are something you are not, and take others to the lake of fire with you laughing as you go. Or you can start asking the right questions and actually learn something. When God teaches you something, then you will have something to teach others.

You claim to know evil. I call BS, if you don’t know good, you can not possibly understand true evil.
184   PeopleUnited   2023 May 6, 1:24am  

NuttBoxer says

I think it's more arrogant to assume you don't need to make preparations when the economy is falling down around your ears, than making them.

Not making any assumptions. It’s fine to keep a barn full of cattle and hay, a bin full of grain and a cabinet full of medicine. Those are good and reasonable preps. It’s like an insurance policy though, and for most people insurance costs you more than you ever get back.

So you can back off the accusations, I’m not your parents. I’m on your side.NuttBoxer says

If you do, and end up under government control because you just sat on your hands, you really don't think you could be put into a situation where they would force you to betray them?

Now you are just being absurd. It’s as if you are saying that God told Christians to prepare for government officials coming to your house, or rounding you up and forcing you to betray other people. Point that out in Jesus, or the disciples teaching?

No, Jesus and the disciples taught that Christians will be persecuted for their faith. Brother, if you are a brother, why persecute me for my faith. Since when did you forget: Matthew 6:31-32, Luke 12:31, Luke 12:24, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 21:22, Ephesians 3:20, Psalm 81:10, Philippians 4:19?

We are called to labor to feed ourselves and those who cannot labor. We are not called to prepare for doomsday with a stash and sword like some glorified rich man who acts as if he knows more than God.NuttBoxer says

But forget about that, have you warned them of what happens during an economic or government collapse? At least given them a chance to think about preparing?

Some people have a more pressing need than preparation for government collapse. But now I am confused, you said earlier that you are worried about the government forcing people to betray one another to survive, and now you are worried that people will not be prepared when the government collapses. Just what do you think we are needing to prepare for? Seriously.NuttBoxer says

What I prepared for has happened many, MANY times in history, even during our lifetime.

And that would be?
NuttBoxer says

What you're expecting has NEVER happened, because it will only happen once.

Are you speaking of the rapture or the tribulation?NuttBoxer says

Yet you have the gall to say you can predict it, despite the Bible making it crystal clear Christ will return when no one is expecting it.

No, the Bible warns against letting that day catch you unawares. It command us to observe, and watch for that day. Most people, perhaps even you, will be shocked when it happens, but there will be a remnant watching and waiting and rejoicing on that day.

Revelation 22:20 Context

17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 20He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

NuttBoxer says

Again, pretty fucking arrogant.

It sure does sound arrogant to the natural man, that one can know God and his will. But it is true. I’m sure that if you are a child of God you know the privilege of knowing God and what He has in store for you. What has God done for you? What do you know He will do for you?
NuttBoxer says

And on your hopeless outlook, you don't know the people in this country, or the power God has given us,

Far from it. I have the most hope imaginable. Not in mankind but in God. And I have great respect for the American people and our constitution which together with the testimony of Christians in positions of power and influence has made our nation great. As I said, this country will not be conquered by foreign invaders. The Japanese knew that and nothing has changed. The power God has given us though, only lasts as long as we serve Him. And every Christian, every nation is born, lives and eventually will die (unless the rapture comes first) that is not hopeless, that is just fact. If you don’t see that our nation and our world are doomed, I guess then what are you preparing for brother?NuttBoxer says

The hard time has to come for real change to happen, it's always like that, but I see a renewing of society on the other side, a return to decentralization, community, true health and wealth. And the chances of that are FAR better than the NWO happening anytime soon.

We’ve had real change. This country used to teach the Bible in school as a common shared knowledge. Now we teach the babies are fetuses to be disposed of, that the body you are born with can be mutilated and poisoned with unnatural hormones on a whim, and that sexual perversion should be openly celebrated. Worse than that, we are silencing those who preach and share the gospel and what God says about sins. The last time(s) a culture embraced these “real changes” God gave them the reward they had earned.
The new world order fully expects to be in operation by 2030. It seems to me their goal is right on track. Covid was just a dress rehearsal. What till you see what they have planned next.
NuttBoxer says

And when we get there, I and my family will be a position to prosper, because we were humble enough to recognize what was will not always be, and to prepare for what's coming.

The only thing that will prosper under the new world order is evil. But God will bring an end to it as well, just as He promised in Revelation and other places.
185   richwicks   2023 May 6, 8:00pm  

PeopleUnited says

I’m looking at pure evil. Your word is pure evil.

Look, this information is what I spread

original link

I bet you don't dare share that video with anybody. I bet you are afraid to. I bet you're afraid.

I'm not, and you go OUT OF YOUR WAY to badger me into silence. You call me FIB, you say I'm evil, you say I'm immoral,, whatever.

Why are you so desperate that I don't demonstrate the gross crimes of our government?

Tell me.

You'll blow up at ME for exposing that 20 years of war, millions killed, trillions spent, that it all began with a false flag of our own fucking government attacking US citizens.

You're OK with that. But if I talk about these, well you just about lose you're mind! How. DARE I ???

We've been betrayed by our government again, and again and again and again. You have no problem with this.

I guarantee with 100% confidence that some spook does watch this board. Come at me you fucking murders and killers. Fuck you scum. I use my real name. In most cases these people don't even have any idea what they are doing or what monstrous people they work for, but tell them.... Wow, they just can't handle that.

Just imagine finding out after you joined an organization to help serve the country, after years of working there, you find out you were betraying it all along and even.though it was your job to know, you didn't, and some nobody twat had to do your own job for free to show you e been played for a fool for your entire career?

Gee, I wonder what that feels like? Can you imagine it...?
186   PeopleUnited   2023 May 7, 4:35am  

richwicks says

Look, this information is what I spread

You’re like the guy who drives by the city park, and then posts on the internet bitching about how there are weeds growing in the baseball fields, fungal rot on the leaves of the bushes, and the branches of the trees need trimming. But you won’t lift a finger to do the work needed to fix the problem. In fact you don’t have any practical solutions that people can do today to even begin to fix the problem.

Instead you want us to hate the government because they don’t do it right all the time.
Never mind that without the government there would not even be a city park. No, you just complain about the problems and then do nothing to fix them.

Wow. That information you post is worthless. Unless you provide solutions you might as well be on MSNBC because that is all they do as well, bitch, Bitch, bitch. Shocking revelation after shocking revelation. But no solutions provided to prevent/fix the problems. Just bitching.

Here is an example. How do we prevent fraud in the next election? If we are going to prevent fraud we need to start now. It will take time and maybe even legislative or administrative changes to implement. Have you shown your state or county auditor and legislators how the fraud in the last election changed the result and how to prevent that from happening again? Or do you just bitch about fraud on internet? Blame the government for the problem? Foment hatred of the government rather than working to fix the problem?

Here is an example of what someone can do to stop tyranny. https://patrick.net/post/1379280/2023-05-07-please-email-the-san-jose-city-manager

You seem to be extremely dissatisfied with the result of the last election(s). Why not start a campaign like this with election fraud prevention as the topic/goal, instead of just bitching on the internet?
187   AD   2023 May 7, 2:13pm  

richwicks says

Just imagine finding out after you joined an organization to help serve the country, after years of working there, you find out you were betraying it all along and even.though it was your job to know, you didn't, and some nobody twat had to do your own job for free to show you e been played for a fool for your entire career?

They don't care. All they are thinking about is the next promotion or "scoring" the next arrest, etc.

A few are counting days until retirement.

And if they are not "retired while on payroll or on duty" then they are totally engrossed in their job as far as who to show up as far as coworkers in the next cubicle over, or how much bootlicking they are going to do.

The "ideologues" in the agencies are the worst as they are driven by Woke cult religion and Democrat party dogma. To them, what they do is a religion.

At any rate, you are not cynical enough to understand how they operate, even though you present (or pose ?) yourself as being cynical.

Or maybe you are an informant or undercover federal goon ?

188   PeopleUnited   2023 May 7, 6:16pm  

ad says

Or maybe you are an informant or undercover federal goon ?

Anyone who claims to hate to government as much as he does, but fails to give solutions on how to fix it certainly is suspect.
189   richwicks   2023 May 7, 7:01pm  

PeopleUnited says

You’re like the guy who drives by the city park, and then posts on the internet bitching about how there are weeds growing in the baseball fields

Why use a stupid analogy?

I'm the guy that is pointing out that our government purposely engages in terrorists attacks (the bombing of WTC, then the 9/11) to justify 20 years of war, spending trillions of dollars, and murdering millions.

Where's the baseball fields here?

I have a media system that constantly, and unrelentingly incites violence. They lied about Kyle Rittenouse, and George Floyd - then when some maniac believes their BULLSHIT, they mow down a parade, do you even remember Darrell Brooks?

Where's the baseball field here?

I have a government that overthrew Ukraine's government is using the media to support a possible entry into thermonuclear war.

Where's the baseball field here?

You just defend this government no matter what the fuck they do. You don't care, because you have no principles.

PeopleUnited says

Instead you want us to hate the government because they don’t do it right all the time.

They don't "do it right" ever. They purposely harm society, they are NOT making mistakes. Are you a woman with 5 baby daddies, here's a shitload of money to the most selfish, shitty fucking mother possible. Think that's not intentional? They kill US citizens intentionally to make war that isn't needed. The open the borders, they protect violent criminals, they misinform us, they propagandize us, they just fuck with us because they can.

Yeah, I do want you to hate the government. You're the one that loves these fucking murderers and sociopaths.

I don't have Stockholm Syndrome, YOU do.

"Just because the US government did 9/11 to start 20 years of war to kill innocent people and rape the country for the EXCLUSIVE benefit of a few rich multinational corporations, doesn't mean it's ALL evil" - well, yes it does actually and apparently I am evil for pointing it out. Just disgusting.

You LOVE this government, why? Explain why. You suck on its asshole for your nutrition?

What's good about this government? The fact they make roads? FINE, let's keep the Department of Transportation, and get rid of everything else.
190   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 7, 7:15pm  

Ceffer says

Are we being poisoned by food and water? Yes, but probably not to the extent or in the ways claimed by many nutrition sales fear mongers at this point in time.

I have yet to hear anyone over-exaggerate this point. Chronic sickness is not normal, yet I see it everywhere. Tells me we have plenty of poisons in circulation.

Ceffer says

How can you really prepare for what is huge in scope and unpredictable? Radically shifting your asset base on a gamble and a prayer, or rumors from other befuddled panic stricked persons isn't really a great strategy.

This kind extremist argument is patently ridiculous. Whether you're trying to be the first to predict Christ's return, or just don't want to prepare for life without government, it's always the same over-the-top excuses for not making simple preparations. It also ignore history, ancient and recent, of every collapse to ever occur, and the warning signs that always preceded them. Shall we stop our hears and cover our eyes because we don't like what we see? Or shall we take reasonable steps to prepare. Nothing I've done has cost me very much, all of it has benefit whether a collapse occurs or not.
What is so bad about having land, or a bug-out location with water, rations, ammo, guns? What is wrong with hedging against another fiat collapse(there have been SO MANY)? What is so terrible about separating from a system meant to enslave you and forming communities where we build independence from tyrannical government?

I mean are you guys just gonna keep complaining forever, and never do shit about it? The cut-off always seems to be between the philosophers, who's knowledge is endless, but application is lacking, and the realists, who live what they. How do philosophers usually fare in a collapse? At the very least you guys represent the dinosaur class, clinging to the convenience and comfort of your government jail cells, afraid to go out into the real world. You will follow us eventually. But you'll never thank us for clearing the way.
191   AmericanKulak   2023 May 7, 7:30pm  

9/11 was a reaction to "Westtoxification". The WTC had been a target before. The Golden Chain and the Philippines Islamists all had indicators to use a plane to smash into US landmarks.

The Bush White house was obsessed with three things before 9/11: Tax Cuts for the Rich, Massive Unlimited Immigration, and ripping up the ABM treaty and spending a shitton of money on a Missile Defense system. When asked in August 2001, Condi Rice didn't get nervous, or dodge, she asked for clarification and claimed she would have to get back on "Al Qaeda". She was either genuinely ignorant of OBL or deserves the Academy Award, and mostly she was dealing with the aforementioned ABM issue.

The problem with demoralization and destabilization is it can provoke the "America is an Evil, Imperialist Nation" from ALL sides

Just like American "Imperialism" and Anti-Occidentalism is the boogeyman to the Left and Islamists, there's an aspect of the Right that wants to use the WTC to go after their perennial Boogeyman, the Khazarian Mafia. The Arab Street was gleeful when the WTC was attacked.

The real enemy is Fascist (and I mean that in the Government-Corporate Monopolist Sense) Neoliberalism.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, don't get distracted. It's the corrupt Government-Corporate Revolving Door and Hyper-Globalist Anti-Nationalism that is the key issue.

ANYTHING that is a threat to Globalism and MNC Monopolies will be responded to with "Disinformation" Censorship and deriding of free speech, insisting we'll all die without massive hyperimmigration, and the willingness to brazenly rig elections and defy the general will of the public to keep it safe.

Don't think for a minute that Neoliberal Agencies and Operatives won't assist or invent distractions to keep people away from concentrating maximum outrage on the Neoliberal Fascist system to boogeymen. Whole fake fronts, like a Social Media site that never runs out of money by a guy who doesn't get much from anywhere and whose own parents declared bankruptcy (yet received scholarship money year after year, then invited to a lucrative IT incubator despite being a PHILOSOPHY major), exist.

The great thing is that one boogeyman can distract another entity. "OMG, look at these Christian Nationalist Fascists over there!" by people who might otherwise focus on the Great Neoliberalism problem.

EDIT: This post is a general musing on Neoliberal deflection and NOT a reflection on ANY poster. The only oblique reference I intend is to a "Chatty" Mastodon clone operator from PA who never runs out of money despite his very limited run in an IT incubator in the second to last paragraph.
192   PeopleUnited   2023 May 7, 10:19pm  

NuttBoxer says

Or shall we take reasonable steps to prepare. Nothing I've done has cost me very much, all of it has benefit whether a collapse occurs or not.
What is so bad about having land, or a bug-out location with water, rations, ammo, guns? What is wrong with hedging against another fiat collapse(there have been SO MANY)? What is so terrible about separating from a system meant to enslave you

Hey man, that is all good and fine if you believe that is what God will have you do with your time and resources of course that is exactly what you should do!

I just think that most preppers who think they are going to ride out the next major calamity (we are talking about an extended power grid failure, extended period of anarchy, war/invasion, etc... major societal/technological collapse ) are wishful thinking. Not that it is wrong or stupid to think about how you might handle that kind of calamity. Just think about it though, even if you make it to your bugout location safely, are you going to be able to defend it? It’s pretty much a guarantee there will be people looking to find a safe place of their own, or supplies, or just looking for people to harass because the criminals will have nothing better to do. So they will be coming, some criminals, some good guys just looking to provide for themselves and their loved ones. What are you gonna do when they come?

A skilled marksman can take out a human sized target at 600 yards all day long. Is your spot safe from that kind of predator? A Small squad of men with the right equipment or even just malotov cocktails could easily overrun or burn down any structure that they found too well defended to take easily. The point I am making is that when shit hits the fan it gets ugly fast. Partnering with a larger group that can watch a perimeter all hours of the day and night will help preserve the resources and people but how long can you keep that up? And if there is a sniper (and there will be some) it’s only a matter of time before there is a breach.

I’m just saying when it comes to survival during a major collapse, it’s tough. Really tough. And unless you are good at tactics, essentially good at warfare, it’s likely that those who are better at tactics will outlast those that are not prepared on a tactical level. More than likely people will be fighting for everything, and even fight against the elements, (pets left behind or unable to be fed by their owners), and maybe even radiation or other types of pollutants.

I don’t think most people have the constitution to do what it takes to survive under these conditions, let alone the training and equipment to be effective at it.

But maybe you do, and it doesn’t hurt to try. If we see that day come, of course we all will be doing our best to live through it!
193   PeopleUnited   2023 May 7, 10:31pm  

richwicks says

You just defend this government no matter what the fuck they do. You don't care

richwicks says

They don't "do it right" ever. They purposely harm society.

You want to see a government that doesn’t get it right ever? That harms the people they are supposed to serve and protect?

Places where refugees come from. Somalia, Sudan, Syria (civil war), Afghanistan, Mexico, North Korea, China, Ukraine (Biden’s war) and plenty more in modern day as well as historical (for example the puritans who fled persecution in Europe). Those are example of governments that basically don’t get it right ever. Nobody wants to live there, they want to get away! But in our country there is no reason to flee the government, there is no where better to flee too!

richwicks says

Yeah, I do want you to hate the government.

Ok Special Agent Epps, lets say you convinced us all to hate the government. What should we do with our hatred? Storm the capitol? Form a militia? Take out a criminal? What are we supposed to do special agent? What will make your Superviser give you that promotion? Or maybe you are not a special agent, the question remains, what are we supposed to do?
194   richwicks   2023 May 7, 10:40pm  

ad says

At any rate, you are not cynical enough to understand how they operate, even though you present (or pose ?) yourself as being cynical.

Dude, this is about the survival of this nation. If the US falls, the world falls. It will be the book 1984.

People simply don't appreciate where we are. If the USSR existed today, it wouldn't fall for a 1000 years just because of technology. The race now is decentralization of technology.

This is where we are in technology, in 100 years, a current computer will be perfectly usable for watching film, listening to music, communicating across the planet, etc. Look at a documentary or a family film from 1920. Or 1970 even. You can see that it's a film from that time. There will be no improvements in audio or video quality from this point forward. A family film made in 3000 AD won't look at better or worse than what we have now. It might have much better video compression, that's it.

They're trying to move us into augmented reality, I don't think that's going to work. It's nauseating, it doesn't replace reality at all. That was Meta's big bet, we'd all live in pods and being in the metaverse all the time.
195   richwicks   2023 May 8, 12:50am  

PeopleUnited says

You want to see a government that doesn’t get it right ever? That harms the people they are supposed to serve and protect?

Places where refugees come from. Somalia, Sudan, Syria (civil war), Afghanistan, Mexico, North Korea, China, Ukraine (Biden’s war) and plenty more in modern day as well as historical

They are exporting their criminals and their mentally ill. Not saying these are good governments, they aren't, but they aren't stupid governments either. We're causing the problems in these government, how do you think they feel about us? The US government is fucking up Venezuela - I'm not saying their system can work, I'm saying the US is doing everything in it's power to ensure it doesn't work, and it's creating those ECONOMIC refugees.

When the US allowed unfettered immigration from Cuba, Castro emptied all his jails and send them to Florida. Our government KNOWS THIS. I know this. You think I'm some sort of fucking genius, or do you think my government just pretends to be stupid?

Listen to me. We have a government that is ENCOURAGING children to sexually transition, and we know it's geographical - this only happens in large quantities in certain locales, so it's ASSUMED to be a social contagion. What if it's not? What if it's an environmental toxin doing this? Has there been ANY investigation into that possibility? We know, for certain our government has experimented on the population - what IF this is an experiment? What if these children are being purposely exposed to a toxin that's modifying their hormones?

It would bring the government down, wouldn't it? The Tuskegee Trials should have brought it down, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident should have, the murder of JFK by the CIA should have.

You think I'm OVERLY distrustful of the government, believe I'm me anything but.

PeopleUnited says

Ok Special Agent Epps

I'm not suggesting any course of action.

Education is the key.

You want to spot a Fed? That's the person that is the most radical that breaks the law constantly, is never arrested, where other people are. They're the innocents. They entrap people. But then you have all these bleating sheep "our government we pay for are on our side, they'll do what's right", no they won't. They don't get a paycheck from you, they get a paycheck from the government, who will kill you if you don't give them their due.

Fuck you for calling me a Fed - they're traitors to the Constitution.

How many people in the Intelligence community knew that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a false flag, if ONLY one came forward, maybe a war could have been avoided, and 50,000 Americans wouldn't have died in a pointless war. Same thing with Iraq I, Iraq II, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine. They are all fucking scum.

I hear RUMORS, but I don't know where they are sourced from. This is why Ceffer pisses me off to the Nth degree, it's always work to source them, and shitload of work. It's people like me that confirms them and 90% of what I hear, is bullshit. The Internet still has a lot of talk, if you know where to look - but what does it matter when Julian Assange is in jail, and people don't even say anything? There should be constant protests, but we don't have a press. We have to destroy what is hilariously and very cynically called "our free press", for certain. Who knows, maybe 2/3rds of the country will be dead in 5 years because they took an injection. I wouldn't put it beyond this government, but it's unthinkable to me, because I would expert revolt at that time, but I expected revolt when it was clear George W. Bush lied us into a completely unjustified war in Iraq. I was wrong about that. Nothing pisses off the cattle.

PeopleUnited says

What are we supposed to do special agent?

I don't know. Can't do anything until you recognize the problem, , or if you refuse to recognize the problem, can you? Got any suggestions? YOU won't see the problem. You attack people that point out the problem.

If you Proles want to be slaves forever, while psychopaths run your life... So be it. We still have the 1st amendment, for now.

I'm just telling you, if you won't even see the problem, you're doomed.

Oh Epstein was running a child rape ring, and was murdered to keep him quiet? I'm sure there's GOOD parts to our federal government.. Oh, 800 people were put into prison for what they thought was a stolen election (properly probably?), oh who cares? Is your Department of Education telling your kid that they're gender fluid and maybe they ought to surgically transition to another sex? Oh, big deal!

I don't have kids. I saw this fucking disaster 20 years ago. You have good luck with selling your children into slavery. Don't fight. Don't even consider it - isn't that your attitude?

30 years ago, we could see our nation was moving into NeoFeudalism. Nobody listened to us. Well here it is.

What makes you outraged? Nothing. In 30 years, the state will be raping children, nobody will stand up. Well, I will, and fuck it, I don't want to live in the world you all accept. Death comes to us all, and I don't want to be around for this shit. You'll tolerate any injustice, and you won't even speak up. In fact, you'll speak out against anybody telling you to speak up. Evil me..

I'm the spy that is telling you "holy shit, this fucked up thing is happening!" and you're like "no it's not, you must be a disinformation agent". Want me to find posts of mine warning you that "Big Tech" was intelligence, BEFORE Elon Musk took it over? We all know this in Silly Con Valley, or at least the people in the know do. You still use this shit. We can't get the word out or have we, and you just don't give a fuck? I don't know.

I honestly struggle to see a good percentage of the people as "human". You won't even talk about it, you can't learn, you deny it. I know engineers that think Rachael Maddow is the paragon of truth.

original link

Nothing will wake you up, and you sheep are driving me off the cliff. That SHIT is considered "news" today.

If it was possible to avoid you and just let you all walk into the gulf, I'd do it in a second. I'm not trying to save you, I'm trying to save me. I can do this one of 2 ways, I can exploit you even if it means killing you, or I can educate you. I was a vegetarian for 25 years for "moral reasons", I'm not now. I refuse to become a predator, but I know it's within me, but I don't want to exploit. It's emotionally destroying to me.
196   PeopleUnited   2023 May 8, 5:48am  

richwicks says

Dude, this is about the survival of this nation. If the US falls, the world falls.

Wait I thought the Republic was already dead. Glad you woke up to recognize we still have a country!

richwicks says

They are exporting their criminals and their mentally ill.

What if I told you that almost anyone who lives under a harsh government/war could become mentally ill or be labeled a criminal? You have an argument for everything. But again you miss the point. A government that is so corrupt that people are fleeing from it (not to it) is evil. People are fleeing to this country. That is the biggest endorsement that can be made. Of course criminals and mentally ill would be among the refugees, that doesn’t change the fact that people want to come here.

Yep, our government should not be meddling in the affairs of other countries. And it has been doing this for many many decades. The corporations in the US have been using the US government and US military to exploit people at home and around the world since Eisenhower (actually before that) warned about it.

Unless you provide a solution your anger is counterproductive. Ron Paul became a congressmen to do his part. Do you think that if you bitch enough on the internet that the good guys will start to run and be elected? Nope, not going to happen. You have to run, or convince someone to run and keep running until all the criminal collaborators are replaced. Put pressure on those in office to do their jobs and do the right thing.

But no you just bitch on the internet and claim the high road. Unfortunately the road you are on is leading nowhere good.richwicks says

I don't know. Can't do anything until you recognize the problem. Got any suggestions?

Yes, the problem is that “good men are doing nothing.” They need to run for office and replace the criminal collaborators. They need to hold those in power accountable though the political and legal process, and the young people need to be trained in how to do the same. Bitching on the internet doesn’t change anything.
richwicks says

If it was possible to avoid you and just let you all walk into the gulf, I'd do it in a second. I'm not trying to save you, I'm trying to save me.

I do believe that you have selfish motives. But again, you won’t save anyone, and certainly won’t save yourself bitching on the internet. But you will continue to bitch, because it’s what you do. Which is why you seem to be an agent provocateur, because what you are doing is entirely irrational.
197   richwicks   2023 May 8, 7:08am  

PeopleUnited says

Wait I thought the Republic was already dead.

It is dead. I'm talking about the nation, not the Republic. It can get much worse, and it should have NEVER gotten to this fucking point. You just refuse to see the problem.

Oh, so what? Our nation created a terrorist attack in NYC and against the Pentagon to murder around 3,000 US citizens to justify the murder of 800,000 Iraqis? I can forgive you for not recognizing the false flag, that's not easy to figure out, but the "weapons of mass destruction" bullshit sure was easy to figure out, then it was on to 6 more nations.

PeopleUnited says

What if I told you that almost anyone who lives under a harsh government/war could become mentally ill or be labeled a criminal?

DUH. Thank you Captain Obvious.

The only reason I'm not institutionalized is we don't have any mental hospitals anymore.

I don't blame Ted Kaczynski for losing it, he had an IQ of 160, I only have an IQ of 140. I'm a moron genius, it just means I can recognize patterns. I see patterns like, people who "fuck up" never get fired, and people who are right DO get fired. There was a purge of the intelligence agencies that went against the narrative of "Hussein has a weapons of mass destruction program", they destroyed Scott Ritter, he was charged and convicted of soliciting for child sex, not that it matters when Jeffrey Epstein does it. His crime was indicating that there was no evidence of a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq, because he was Chief Weapons Inspector there.

PeopleUnited says

A government that is so corrupt that people are fleeing from it (not to it) is evil.

It's a society that is failing that people flee from. The government can cause this society to fail, or OUR government can cause it to fail. How's Ukraine doing since the US overthrew it? How's Syria since we've bombed it? Afghanistan? We are in Nicaragua and Venezuela as well. Think all the people coming in are just looking for a better life, or revenge?

PeopleUnited says

People are fleeing to this country.

Yeah. That's right. Why? To make this a better nation?

PeopleUnited says

Of course criminals and mentally ill would be among the refugees, that doesn’t change the fact that people want to come here.

Their question is their motivation. Oh, their entire family died in a bombing attack under Obama, I'm sure there's just here for a better life, no sabotage or anything.

PeopleUnited says

Unless you provide a solution your anger is counterproductive.

I'm angry at complacence. This could all be avoided, if you SIMPLY KNEW, and you refuse to know.

PeopleUnited says

Ron Paul became a congressmen to do his part. Do you think that if you bitch enough on the internet that the good guys will start to run and be elected?

I guarantee that I will accomplish as much as Ron Paul did, nothing. His only effect was informing the public, and he's milquetoast about it, because he's well aware that the CIA killed Kennedy. He's said, just like RFK did.


But that's CRAZY isn't it? Put him away.

PeopleUnited says

But no you just bitch on the internet and claim the high road.

I have the high road over you, you won't even bitch. Keep your head down, go along to get along. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!

PeopleUnited says

Yes, the problem is that “good men are doing nothing.” They need to run for office and replace the criminal collaborators.

We had a stolen election. Good men, won't be coming through elections.

PeopleUnited says

They need to hold those in power accountable though the political and legal process

What? You mean like the poor poor man that was choked out by a marine who had 40 prior arrests? Oh, legal system, save us! You can steal $999 from a store in San Francisco, and there's no threat of prosecution, and if you're injured in your crime spree, the person that attacked you will be arrested, and prosecuted.

PeopleUnited says

I do believe that you have selfish motives

Everybody does. There's no such thing as altruism. When you preach your BS religion, that gets you closer to heaven doesn't it? It's your good deed. Look at a risk you take, you might be mocked for your beliefs, and you will urge people to pray, which is the same as doing nothing.

That about sum it up? You don't know what motivates you, I know what motivates me, and I'm honest about it.

PeopleUnited says

But you will continue to bitch, because it’s what you do. Which is why you seem to be an agent provocateur, because what you are doing is entirely irrational.

It's not irrational to be desperate.

Wake the fuck up you fucking cattle.
198   Patrick   2023 May 8, 10:29am  

They want to shut him up until after the next election fraud.
199   AD   2023 May 8, 5:02pm  

richwicks says

Dude, this is about the survival of this nation. If the US falls, the world falls. It will be the book 1984.

Since when do you have that much faith that the USA is the (only) savior of the world, especially free world ?

As far as your other comment as far as moving us into augmented reality or metaverse I think of Hollywood movies like Surrogates (with Bruce Willis) as well as Minority Report.

Hollywood tends to want to produce movies with futuristic ideas and technology that have a good chance of eventually becoming reality. Sometimes they have their own think tanks or advisors consulting them on what to promote in order to have influence on their audiences.

Even Disney did this such as when I went to Epcot in 1986 and there was a video conferencing exhibit where you can communicate with one of the EPCOT staff. It was a good harbinger as far as video conference via Yahoo Instant Messaging back in 2000 using my DSL connection with Verizon.
200   AD   2023 May 8, 5:13pm  

Patrick says

They want to shut him up until after the next election fraud.

Yeah, its "pay or play". Even Carlson is still getting paid and they don't play (or broadcast) him, then he still gets paid.

That means as long as he gets paid by the original contract, then he cannot work for another competitor.

The terms of the contract still apply as long as they continue to pay him.

201   mell   2023 May 8, 5:38pm  

ad says

Patrick says

They want to shut him up until after the next election fraud.

Yeah, its "pay or play". Even Carlson is still getting paid and they don't play (or broadcast) him, then he still gets paid.

That means as long as he gets paid by the original contract, then he cannot work for another competitor.

The terms of the contract still apply as long as they continue to pay him.


One thing though - to be devils advocate - how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him, he could quit anytime, sure probably would lose a lot of severance, maybe there is a penalty for early exit, but he knew all that before signing, so he should be true to this word and quit so he can immediately start a better show outside of faux. He surely must have enough money by now to be able to afford this easily.
202   AD   2023 May 8, 5:47pm  

mell says

how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him,

I wonder if he could just quit and tell them to stop paying him. I agree they are paying him only to keep him on the sidelines.

Can they force him to remain until the contract end of 2025 ?

Unless there was a clause where he would get penalized if he quit before the end of the contract ?

He can take off for 2 years and then come back strong anyhow. He'd be a good fit for broadcasting on Rumble.

203   HeadSet   2023 May 8, 6:36pm  

ad says

He can take off for 2 years and then come back strong anyhow.

2 years is a long time. Tucker will have dropped out of memory by then, and some new talent will have come along. Tucker better get back in the game soon if he wants to stay relevant.
204   PeopleUnited   2023 May 8, 8:16pm  

richwicks says

You just refuse to see the problem.

Dude, the problem is that people like you just bitch, but don’t get off your ass and do something about all the corruption.richwicks says

We had a stolen election. Good men, won't be coming through elections.

Wahhhh Momma, he cheated. I won’t play ever again because someone might cheat. Get over it and get better at stopping the cheaters. You have given up. So you just bitch. richwicks says

gets you closer to heaven doesn't it? It's your good deed. Look at a risk you take, you might be mocked for your beliefs,

Nope preaching or doing “good deeds” most certainly does not get you any closer to heaven.

So the problem is much bigger than criminals in our government. It is a global cabal of criminals in banking and satanic influences that are corrupting and leading the world into a satanic new world order that will control people like never before. It’s coming soon. You are not going to like it.
205   WookieMan   2023 May 8, 8:54pm  

mell says

One thing though - to be devils advocate - how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him, he could quit anytime, sure probably would lose a lot of severance, maybe there is a penalty for early exit, but he knew all that before signing, so he should be true to this word and quit so he can immediately start a better show outside of faux. He surely must have enough money by now to be able to afford this easily.

People don't realize that 90% of contracts are bull shit. As in they can't be enforced. If Tucker wants to do work he can. He's choosing not to. Either party can cancel a contract. Might cost some legal fees, employment contracts are pure bull shit though. Non-competes. NDA's. All that shit gets settled by who's willing to pay their attorney the most.

Tucker could have a podcast tomorrow. Doesn't matter what's in his contract. Unless the wording is specific to politics it doesn't matter. Maybe he starts a sports podcast where he talks politics. There are so many ways around a NC that it's laughable. I think there's more to this story than we'll know.
206   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:37am  

ad says

Since when do you have that much faith that the USA is the (only) savior of the world, especially free world ?

We're the only one with guaranteed freedom of speech. That is the first amendment for a reason. When that fails, well, it's on to the next amendment.

We can only fix the world by leadership, by the carrot, not the stick. 20 years of stupid wars has alienated us to the entire planet. Our stupid criminal government has weaponized the dollar, and REPEATEDLY sabotaged nations, and overthrown them. This is not in the interest of this nation. Most of the illegal immigrants we get really are refugees, from this government's fuckery in their nation.

They aren't all coming to get along with us. Some of them certainly want revenge. Our government doesn't care if we get killed, or raped, or brutalized. They no longer protect or even represent the interests of the people of the United States.
207   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:38am  

mell says

One thing though - to be devils advocate - how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him, he could quit anytime,

No, he's under contract. You have no idea what the contract says, but you can bet he can't compete against Fox "news".ad says

Can they force him to remain until the contract end of 2025 ?

I'm sure the contract has an expiry date.
208   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:47am  

PeopleUnited says

Dude, the problem is that people like you just bitch, but don’t get off your ass and do something about all the corruption

What am I to do? Run for office, and have the ballot box stuffed?

PeopleUnited says

Wahhhh Momma, he cheated. I won’t play ever again because someone might cheat.

He didn't cheat, the intelligence agencies did. The DOJ refuses to investigate, the Supreme Court, in fact NO court will hear any cases. The entire government at this point is all swamp. They are all criminals. This is a banana republic. Been one for years. What keeps this going is spergs still believing that it ain't so.

PeopleUnited says

Nope preaching or doing “good deeds” most certainly does not get you any closer to heaven. The Catholic’s messed you up with their BS.

Oh? Are you one of those people there are like "I can be as big of a piece of shit as I want to be, Jesus will forgive me and I will repent 1 second before I expire". That's a terrible religion, entirely separated from morality and good behavior.

PeopleUnited says

If you want to know about the true Catholic Church

The Catholic Church was basically the leadership of Europe, basically the head of the Roman empire. Europe was a bunch of states underneath it. It was, and still is, a political entity, not really religious which used religion for centuries to maintain control. It's very cynical.

PeopleUnited says

So the problem is much bigger than criminals in our government. It is a global cabal of criminals in banking and Rome that are corrupting and leading the world into a satanic new world order that will control people like never before. It’s coming soon. You are not going to like it.

Our government should have as little to do as possible with the rest of the world.

We don't need to cooperate with them, we can't be invaded, we have nuclear weapons, we don't need to put up with the rest of the world's shit. We're not the world police either, and never have been, we're the world's thugs, and by "we", I mean the US government.

Put those fuckers on a short chain, and beat them mercilessly when they get out of line.
209   WookieMan   2023 May 9, 7:43am  

richwicks says

No, he's under contract. You have no idea what the contract says, but you can bet he can't compete against Fox "news"

This is not true. He can make a podcast tomorrow. Tucker can deny payment. It's a contract, both sides can break it. This is what I'm talking about in the housing thread. People are led to believe they can't do something by the power structure. Contracts can be broken.

I'm not getting into details but I've read a non-compete from a family member in a prominent job, TV specific. It was absolute bull shit. They're unenforceable unless it's proprietary info. I don't eat fast food, but say you have the secret sauce to the Big Mac and use it. Sure, that's illegal. Doesn't mean McDonalds can stop you from working for Burger King the day you leave/quit. I can work for whoever I want. Attorneys have scared people into this NDA and non-compete shit because it makes them $200/hr.

If whatever Tucker is doing is legal, like a podcast is, he doesn't have to answer to anyone. Fox will just sue him and he'll have to pay attorneys. That's the game. Most don't have the ability. He does. I think he's too much of a pussy to challenge it. He has a great lifestyle I'm sure. He can get paid and not work. 99% of us would do the same.

This story is being blown up too much. Tucker would have started a podcast yesterday if he had balls. It doesn't matter what's in the contract. A private employer cannot stop you from speaking words on your own. Hell, it's doesn't even have to be monetized. He can just talk, not make money and stay relevant. He clearly doesn't want that. He's not some knight in shining armor. He's your classic rich bitch commentator.
210   HeadSet   2023 May 9, 7:47am  

WookieMan says

He can get paid and not work.

This. If he works, he loses the multi-million dollar payday from Fox.
211   richwicks   2023 May 9, 7:59am  

WookieMan says

This is not true. He can make a podcast tomorrow. Tucker can deny payment. It's a contract, both sides can break it. This is what I'm talking about in the housing thread. People are led to believe they can't do something by the power structure. Contracts can be broken.

The contract might stipulate that if he violates it, the penalty is returning all of his salary since he began working at Fox.

Yeah, he CAN break it, but at what cost?

WookieMan says

This story is being blown up too much. Tucker would have started a podcast yesterday if he had balls. It doesn't matter what's in the contract. A private employer cannot stop you from speaking words on your own.

Look, for all I know Tucker still works at Fox and wasn't fired, he was just taken off the air.

I don't think it matters much really, I don't think anything on television is worth consuming.
212   PeopleUnited   2023 May 9, 7:43pm  

richwicks says

Oh? Are you one of those people there are like "I can be as big of a piece of shit as I want to be, Jesus will forgive me and I will repent 1 second before I expire".

Nope, not exactly. You see there is a time to be born and a time to die. God is faithful and just. While He can forgive anyone’s sins, He won’t tolerate rebellion indefinitely. The person who makes a choice to sin with the idea that God will forgive them at the last minute, likely has made their choice not to repent, and therefore I highly doubt that God will offer a second chance to that person. If God speaks to you, and tells you to repent and you say no, that could very well be your last chance,
213   PeopleUnited   2023 May 9, 7:49pm  

richwicks says

He didn't cheat, the intelligence agencies did.

Biden knew the fix was in. That’s why he didn’t bother running a campaign, they hired enough voters and paid enough illegal ballot harvesters and they brainwashed enough useless idiots and they mailed out enough ballots to people that never voted to add tens of millions new voters and votes. That is cheating, but it is also politics. They just played the game slimy better. But no the DOJ won’t investigate because they got the outcome they wanted. Intelligence agencies were not needed. But since you insist that they were, where is your evidence?

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