Daniel Penny 2nd-degree manslaughter

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2023 Jun 14, 8:11pm   3,211 views  91 comments

by seesaw   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

After seeing this, it makes me wonder how many private citizens will just no longer give a shit. Guess I'll wear a mask full time out in public, wear womens clothes and if theirs a problem, kick any nut case in the balls.

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52   zzyzzx   2024 Dec 9, 5:54am  

I'm adding this story to my long list of reasons to never set foot in NY (or at least NYC) again. Even driving through it to get to Long Island sucks.
53   WookieMan   2024 Dec 9, 6:45am  

zzyzzx says

I'm adding this story to my long list of reasons to never set foot in NY (or at least NYC) again. Even driving through it to get to Long Island sucks.

Therein lies the point. GET THE FUCK OUT OF CITIES AND AVOID THEM! Not a joke I only generally go for the airport and make sure I have enough gas to get home and back without stopping. That's on the trip checklist, full tank of gas. I fortunately don't have to deal with real Chicago outside of Cicero Ave to Midway. Ghetto, but I've done work in the area. The classic 30/30/30 split for Chicago White/Black/Hispanic and then some other races. Crime and ugly but not bad. O'hare isn't Chicago at all. Just a shitty airport and grounds for parking and rental cars.

I get maybe 18-22 staying in a city. I would never have a kid in even the yuppiest part of Chicago or any city. I wouldn't marry a woman that wants to be in the city. Grew up in the country, did city for 10 years and will never go back. It's pure misery. I don't care about family either. Come to me. Realize you're on the dark side and see the light if you think cities are good.
55   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 9, 7:11am  

Patrick says

The election is over, so LatinX is back on the menu!
58   clambo   2024 Dec 9, 10:06am  

They can't convict a guy like Penny in New York because they can't find 12 people who have never been the victim of a mugging, assault, agressive panhandling, etc. in the entire city.
60   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 9, 12:14pm  

zzyzzx says

I'm adding this story to my long list of reasons to never set foot in NY (or at least NYC) again. Even driving through it to get to Long Island sucks.

Yeah, once in a while I get an urge for a great pizza or something. Or nostalgia for camping at Hither Hills on the South Fork as a kid.

Then I remember: The best pizza is in the burbs; and the South Fork has gone from Old Money to overrun by every rich asshole.

Then I also remember: Have to drive on the NJ Turnpike or worse 95, pay probably $20 to go over the Verazanno now, hours of traffic worse than it was, be in NYS, etc. And my friends tell me LI has multistory apt buildings all over now full of schlubs thanks Obama.
62   WookieMan   2024 Dec 9, 12:44pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Fully Aquitted!


No chance of riots. This story is a big nothing burger for the most part. He wasn't a cop. No gun on him with threat of life. Slow news cycle after the election and they wanted to make it a big story. As I've mention punching him was the best action as you don't know someone's health. Choking people out even properly can kill people in poor health.

One solid punch and he's on his ass and you walk away. The people getting harassed get on the train. 80% chance nothing even happens from it. A choke was not the right move in this scenario. He got lucky with a good jury. Good for him. A sucker punch out of no where would have been better and less drama.
63   clambo   2024 Dec 9, 12:51pm  

Prince Harry anecdote herewith.
In the early 70's I visited Manhattan.
A girl I knew and I went uptown to see her sister and husband. They lived near Gracie Mansion I think.
As we were leaving her sister asked how we were going downtown: "The subway."
"You're NOT taking the subway! Here's some cab money!"
The assholes in the subway are how cabs stay in business in Manhattan.
64   WookieMan   2024 Dec 9, 12:59pm  

clambo says

"You're NOT taking the subway! Here's some cab money!"
The assholes in the subway are how cabs stay in business in Manhattan.

I like my car and my legs. That's why I hate airports like Denver and Atlanta. Forces me to get on a bus/train just to get out of the place. Sit in other people's piss, puke and shit. I despise public transit. I'll sit in a car for 3 hours versus 1 hour in a train 10 out of 10 times. Or sharing spaces with others besides a restaurant or putting piss where it belongs in a toilet... a restroom.
66   REpro   2024 Dec 9, 5:49pm  

Alvin Bragg action is similar what is going on in Republic of South Africa.
68   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 9:42am  


it’s nice to see that self-defense is still legal in NYC. perhaps this will dissuade the next round of “process as punishment” railroading.

if we want to help end this, there are two simple things to support:

castle doctrine.

stand your ground laws.

castle doctrine means your home is your castle. (your car too as an extension) you need no pretext to defend it. someone breaks in, the fault becomes theirs. this law places the burden of due care upon intruders, not on those they threaten. it’s just, fair, reasonable, finds strong consonance with longstanding common law and practice, and it works. places that remove it see home invasions spike.

stand your ground means if some one comes at you, you need not move. you can stay where you are and defend the patch upon which you stand. NY does not have this law. they have a “duty to retreat” in the face of an aggressor. minnesota also imposes such a duty and has shoit down several attempts to change it, a stunning choice after the riots they had. their supreme court upheld it.

quite literally, i can pull a knife on you and even if you are armed you cannot draw your weapon if it’s possible that you can flee.

this is a gross abrogation of natural law. ...

with both castle doctrine and stand your ground in place, there is legal latitude for self-defense. without them, it’s license for aggressors to aggress without price. they pull a knife, you must run, you cannot fight back unless cornered. that’s a BAD incentive set, especially with these social justice DA’s and jurists.

the remedy for this and the genius of our system lies in juries. juries do NOT have to follow the law. they do not have to explain their choices. they can just say “no.” jury nullification is a very powerful tool to keep the nature of a society within the society itself.
69   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 11:10am  


Folks have wondered why the jury would deadlock after four days on the more serious crime of manslaughter, but then quickly find “not guilty” on the lesser charge of criminally negligent homicide.

We find a clue in a different article about Jordan Williams, a black subway passenger who claimed to have stabbed to death another passenger in self-defense, and who was not charged by the same team prosecuting Daniel Penny. In the Williams case, the DA’s office explained that “Under New York law, a person is justified in using deadly physical force when they reasonably believe it is necessary to use such force to defend themselves or others from imminent use of deadly or unlawful physical force.”

In short, Danny Penny’s jury was on solid legal ground to find him not guilty. Even had Penny meant to kill the Subway Terrorist, the jury only had to find that Penny’s headlock was “justified” in order to defend others from unlawful physical force that Danny reasonably expected would occur.

So black people aren't even charged for much worse crimes, like stabbing someone to death, but Penny got charged for an accidental death while defending the public from a literally insane guy shouting threats while stoned out of his mind.
71   rocketjoe79   2024 Dec 10, 12:14pm  

The NYC cops were also arresting BLM protesters outside the courthouse. But this:


Another message of unification from BLM.

But, Overall, nationwide, are the tides really turning? I'm hopeful and....

I feel unburdened by what has been.
73   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Dec 10, 1:46pm  

Patrick says

So black people aren't even charged for much worse crimes

In the eyes of toxic libtards, blacks have no agency, similar to retarded people.
79   Ceffer   2024 Dec 11, 11:10am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

In the eyes of toxic libtards, blacks have no agency, similar to retarded people.

Low forebrain activity, which doesn't allow them to gauge future negative outcomes from short term gratification strategies, so they have been anointed the subversive sacred cows for the time being. Perfect captagon excitation and chaos engines.
82   HeadSet   2024 Dec 15, 5:37pm  

Patrick says

They should have made a joke photo of Penny putting Vance in a choke hold.
83   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Dec 15, 7:12pm  

He's going to be sued civilly for sure. I hope he beats that too.
84   WookieMan   2024 Dec 15, 11:30pm  

Maga_Chaos_Monkey says

He's going to be sued civilly for sure. I hope he beats that too.

Unless he's making a bunch of money from this, what are they going to sue for? Younger guy, military, likely has little in cash savings. Retirement funds and pension are exempt from lawsuit or BK. I mean this happened on the subway after all so he's not rolling around in a $50k car. The lawsuit would likely get them less than attorney fees. Basically pointless.

Let the family sue what they want and represent yourself and know you'll lose. They end up with no money and a huge attorney bill. You bankrupt them. You can always restart. You killed him now kill his family. Just don't start collecting money until you know you won or lost on the civil side. Or have the payments go to a significant other in an LLC that you trust.

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