Maui Residents Intentionally Murdered

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2023 Aug 16, 10:20am   43,243 views  339 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Fire blazed for days before it got to the town, no response.
Called 17 minute fire by locals because once it reached the town, burned everything down in 17 minutes.
When firefighters finally responded, no water at the hydrants.
Emergency response system did not activate, so no warning people were in danger until they heard the screams or felt the heat, and by then was too late.
Thousands unaccounted for according to locals.
Direct energy weapon research facility located very close to the town.
Head of facility bragged about getting the first direct energy weapon fully functional in only 18 months.
Wind was blowing from inside the island out to the sea, not common.
Governor forcing sale of land.
Residents get $700
Police that showed up blocked only road out of town.
FEMA has blocked all outside aid

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.

Ryan Cristian interviewed someone from Maui, he does not make claims without doing extensive research. This looks like warfare to me.

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15   Robert Sproul   2023 Aug 17, 7:08am  

The official who, based on "indigenous knowledge", refused to release water to fight the fire:

16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 17, 7:13am  

NuttBoxer says

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.

Pulled up the official twatter account, he really fucking said this, what a piece of shit.
17   Robert Sproul   2023 Aug 17, 7:16am  

NuttBoxer says

what a piece of shit

To be fair, 700 bucks could pay for a cadaver dog to help you find your kids.
18   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 17, 7:17am  

Robert Sproul says

The official who, based on "indigenous knowledge", refused to release water to fight the fire:

I haven't seen anywhere that he said he refused to release the water, just links to his woke views. I'm sure he was complicit in this planned murder though. Maui residents, find his address.
20   SoTex   2023 Aug 17, 8:07am  

NuttBoxer says

I haven't seen anywhere that he said he refused to release the water, just links to his woke views. I'm sure he was complicit in this planned murder though. Maui residents, find his address.

I posted a video about that and am not sure if he did it either. I did hear they ran out of water and there has been a drought for the past couple of years. I'm not sure they'd be able to fight that with a full stash of water though either.

Right now the water is toxic all over West Maui and can't be fixed by boiling. (So says the govt anyway)
21   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 17, 8:41am  

NuttBoxer says

Eric Holder says

It's a perfect hoax if you think about it. No need for mannequins or crisis actors if you can just declare that "the bodies are so burned up they turn into dust the moment we touch them".

The hoax is they(mass media) are trying to say there aren't many burned bodies, pretty much the opposite of your opinion. Locals say hundreds of children died, at home, alone. If I was a religious man and believed in Satan, I might think his followers had a hand in that detail.

How do we know these supposed "locals" they show on tee-vee and twatter are really locals and not some crisis actors reading from a script? More bodies -> more govt money to spend on aid -> more for the Big Guy.
22   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 8:46am  

NuttBoxer says

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!?

Hmm, it should have been 'microwave focused'? One guy on internet thinks they may have sprayed aluminum oxide and superheated it with lasers, but I think that would have burnt everything uniformly.

It shows that those providing the teleprompter and earpiece feeds to the Biden Actor just itch to brag about their democide and flaunt their power.

Several instances of police saying they are following 'orders' without knowing exactly where the orders are coming from or why. Central planning from the Globalist murks, probably from offshore through the cuck WEF cock gobbler police chief emplaced to preside over the sacrifices?
23   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 17, 8:48am  

I know because my source has done extensive research on a number of topics, and does not throw accusations around wildly. I haven't watched a single video on this, not where I get most of my news. I've referenced his work a number of times, you not reading the interview is you not wanting to know.
25   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 17, 9:06am  

NuttBoxer says

I know because my source has done extensive research on a number of topics, and does not throw accusations around wildly. I haven't watched a single video on this, not where I get most of my news. I've referenced his work a number of times, you not reading the interview is you not wanting to know.

Why so cryptic? Give us the name of the guy!

(I hope it's Gonzalo!)
26   SoTex   2023 Aug 17, 9:08am  

NuttBoxer says

Video of police shutting down donation center because government told them to:

They shut down the placards in that video. The government was giving out placards to allow certain people back into West Maui. Even though I own a condo there I'm not qualified because I'm not a resident. Was planned to go soon but not sure when I can now.


I didn't watch all the videos though so maybe true in another one. The park videos are the placard shut down. They were distributing them in two parks on the East side of the island.
27   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 17, 9:15am  


Why so cryptic? Give us the name of the guy!

I have many times. I've listed my recommended sources, and name one here and in other posts. I don't think it's cryptic just because you don't read/ignore it...
28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 17, 9:29am  

just_passing_through says

They shut down the placards in that video.

Ok, a couple of lamestream sources on supplies being withheld:

On the placards, who would want to go into a disaster area with no electricity, phone, or water? Only people I can think of are residents, and real reporters. Why would they want to keep them out? What are they scrubbing while no one is allowed in?
29   SoTex   2023 Aug 17, 9:39am  

There is a whole lot of West Maui still standing just fine. Most of it. However, you have to drive through an edge of the North part of the burn to get to it. Also, there is only one road with single lanes and the traffic backs up on normal days so I would assume it's to get help in there. The electricity is on and you can buy water at Safeway.

There is another road wrapping around the North but it's treacherous.
30   SoTex   2023 Aug 17, 9:50am  

There is also a lot of looting going on and some dip shits that didn't follow the rules decided to go into the burn area. That's why the placards were shut down. My guest was stuck in Kihei for 4 days but barely got in there to retrieve his stuff from my condo before they stopped letting people in again.
31   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 9:51am  

The news curtain will fall on this pretty soon, and it will just wind up a bunch of unheralded private tragedies, all divided and conquered piecemeal and without public examination. I will bet everything will be 'settled' or forcibly settled out of court, so that nothing achieves the level of an evidentiary hearing, discovery, or jury trial (unless they put up some bogus commission to slow walk, disinform, cover up and dissemble).
The oligarchs will buy up the burned out parcels through a variety of shell companies and fronts, they'll pay off and infiltrate the local politicians, and in a coupla years, you'll see subtotal disenfranchisement of the natives and their properties. Klaus will stride through pissing on their faces, tossing them baggies of fentanyl and speed, as they rattle tin cups in rags on the street corners.
32   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 10:43am  

Fire patsy. Every false flag needs one. Woudna dood what they said it dood. Also, it wasn't a wildfire, which implies natural causation.

33   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 11:19am  


Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Announces Plan to ‘Acquire Land’ Destroyed by Wildfires

Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green has announced that his administration is planning to “acquire” the land that was ravaged by the recent wildfires.

Gov. Green said he is “already thinking of ways” that the state can buy up properties in Lahaina that have been devastated by the fires.

Much of the areas destroyed by the fires were occupied by beachfront properties built on sacred land.

As of Thursday morning, a total of 111 deaths were recorded as a result of the wildfires that occurred in Maui.

Concerns have been raised among officials regarding the potential increase in the death toll.

So far, just 25 percent of the burn area has been searched.

I have to wonder if this is some kind of "Alioto" again. SF Mayor Alioto would remove police so that property values would fall, then buy cheap property, put the police back so that values would rise, and then sell for a huge gain.

Maybe Lahaina was deliberately torched for similar reasons. Also makes good global warming propaganda!

I'm not sure of anything, of course.
35   RedStar   2023 Aug 17, 11:53am  

just_passing_through says

There is another road wrapping around the North but it's treacherous.

Ive done that road multiple times. Not bad at all unless the locals want to fuck with you.
36   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 17, 12:04pm  

Patrick says

I have to wonder if this is some kind of "Alioto" again. SF Mayor Alioto would remove police so that property values would fall, then buy cheap property, put the police back so that values would rise, and then sell for a huge gain.

Maybe Lahaina was deliberately torched for similar reasons. Also makes good global warming propaganda!

I'm not sure of anything, of course.

And, as pointed elsewhere in the thread, let's not forget the 10% for the Big Guy from all the funds flowing to aid the victims.
38   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 12:39pm  


LINKS to Testimonies and Perspectives from Hawaii, Following Unnatural Turbo Fires That Decimated Lahaina, setting the stage for it to Become a pilot Smart City, AS PLANNED

EVERYTHING was wrong on Aug 4, to ensure maximum destruction and non existent protection to the local people trying to flee with their children and animals through the Armageddon fires

AUG 16, 2023
Power was not off, WATER was off, escape roads were BLOCKADED by cops and much more.
39   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 12:39pm  


Mandalay Bay hotel Las Vegas, remember the mass shooting that killed over 50? Turns out Maui’s Police Chief Was Incident Commander During the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre;

This has led many conservatives to question whether there is a cover-up or not, along with a botched crime scene investigation by local authorities who changed the timeline multiple times.
40   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 17, 12:42pm  

Patrick says


Mandalay Bay hotel Las Vegas, remember the mass shooting that killed over 50? Turns out Maui’s Police Chief Was Incident Commander During the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre;

This has led many conservatives to question whether there is a cover-up or not, along with a botched crime scene investigation by local authorities who changed the timeline multiple times.

BTW, what came out of that LV shooting? Who benefited and how?
41   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 5:15pm  

Many pundits now, including several former Intel types, agree that this was a military weaponized attack. Anybody with common sense can now see and compare the flowing aluminum and melted glass to see that it was DEW weapon as was used in Santa Rosa and Paradise.

Pundit Juan O Savin (pseudonym, though he was military intelligence when Soviet Union collapsed) said that military satellites monitoring incoming missiles know the heat signatures of all fires instantly, and also know what causes them. He says our military know exactly what happened on 9/11, at Paradise, and Lahaina. He said a witness he talked with said the fire spread a mile in a SECOND. He also cited the observation of the Chinese satellite scanning Hawaii with lasers. That wasn't a backyard amateur photoshopping a picture for affect, it was an optical instrument on Mauna Kauai.

His observation was that it could either be a Chinese satellite weapon, or our own military weapon. The Chinese may be sending back a smoke signal because they think that we are manipulating their weather to cause their massive flooding. It could be the Globalists contracting the Chinese weapon. It could be the Globalists who are able to marshal our military to deploy a weapon on order or contract. If the Chinese did it as aggression, a new Pearl Harbor?

However, the entire set up of no water, people being ordered to stand in the wake of the destruction to be burned, the shill Masonic Police Chief, probably taking orders in turn from the SES and Europe, and all of the Globalist Mondo Bizarro demonstrated planning for Maui as a showcase for their insane AI and Green agendas points right at the NWO. They want to terrorize the natives and plow them aside for their plans.

I know people like to cling to the comfort of the blue pills, but this is pure audacious terrorism, right down to Biden Actor's teleprompter's 'laser' statement and $700, mocking the victims of the sacrifice.

Some of these pundits think that California is square in the sites of these DEWs and HAARP attacks again, too, the whole West Coast as well as Hawaii.

So, where is our military standing by while this shit goes down with their thumbs in their asses? Woo knows but the Woo.
42   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 5:36pm  

"Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui?" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/exclusive-is-government-hawaii-lying-about-missing-dead/

43   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 17, 6:18pm  

I have it on a very goid authority that the election server which some thought was on the military base in Italy, was in fact in Lahaina. They were afraid that Trump would get a hold of it and use it for his defence in the upcoming trial so they nuked the whole site from the orbit. It's the only way to be sure, after all.
44   richwicks   2023 Aug 17, 7:10pm  


I have it on a very goid authority that the election server which some thought was on the military base in Italy, was in fact in Lahaina. They were afraid that Trump would get a hold of it and use it for his defence in the upcoming trial so they nuked the whole site from the orbit. It's the only way to be sure, after all.

That's silly.
45   HeadSet   2023 Aug 17, 7:25pm  

richwicks says

That's silly.

RWSGFY is joking, he is not serious.
46   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 17, 7:33pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

That's silly.

RWSGFY is joking, he is not serious.

Yep, was channeling my inner Ceffer there.
47   Robert Sproul   2023 Aug 17, 7:41pm  

I wonder if this burn-over area gets designated an Opportunity Zone. Catherine Austin Fitts talks a lot about this tax scam. Apparently the legislation creating it was put forward by a Sean Parker group and creates a mechanism to move equity into O.Z. Real Estate from any other asset without capital gains taxation. Vast tracts of farmland and 'distressed' urban areas are under this designation for the convenience and pleasure of the Technocrats and their low-basis-obscene-gains stock portfolios.
48   SoTex   2023 Aug 17, 8:14pm  

RedStar says

Ive done that road multiple times. Not bad at all unless the locals want to fuck with you.

No kidding, I hadn't actually looked at the google map-sat until you said that and I've driven most of it already nuts. For the same reason I haven't driven very far past Hana on the South side of the island. Just because of what I've heard.

I think the rental car company was discouraging it at one point too. Definitely the South end.

I wonder what the locals do to fuck with people.
50   Ceffer   2023 Aug 17, 11:13pm  

Can't have a proper Globalist Satanic sacrifice if all the sacrifice victims get away.

52   Ceffer   2023 Aug 18, 1:18am  

Are Allen Dulles and Earl Warren still around to do this? A Maui Warren Commission with government selected witnesses and no evidentiary hearings, just like the original Warren Commission. Is that a whitewash? A blackwash? I'm confused.

53   Robert Sproul   2023 Aug 18, 6:56am  

“I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost.”
Hawaii Democrat Gov. Josh Green
54   HeadSet   2023 Aug 18, 7:06am  

Robert Sproul says

“I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost.”
Hawaii Democrat Gov. Josh Green

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