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In a desperate bid to get some aid, residents of Maui start flying Israeli flags..
In a desperate bid to get some aid, residents of Maui start flying Israeli flags..
Maui finally getting some help, from a non-profit called SmartAID founded in Israel, and affiliated with the UN. The companies statement on their Maui assistance is fucking weird, I'm betting it won't take patnetters long to spot it.
What does "finally" mean in this context? The page you linked has no date but it has been up since at least Sep 26 (when it was crawled by the Wayback machine).
But it was totally not planned...
Or mummified inside their cars. And a new one I heard in that video, "flash frozen" pets?
In some of the latest news, it seems Hawaii has money for a few of the survivors, up to one million dollars, if they agree never to sue the state.
Also the new popular past time among survivors is jumping off the resort roof as many see no hope for their future. Lady's and gentlemen, the United States government!
In some of the latest news, it seems Hawaii has money for a few of the survivors, up to one million dollars, if they agree never to sue the state.
Also the new popular past time among survivors is jumping off the resort roof as many see no hope for their future. Lady's and gentlemen, the United States government!
I love Hawaii (Maui and Oahu especially).
But they'll keep voting blue, even after Biden basically said "screw them" and gave their rebuilding money to Ukraine.
Patrick says
I have to wonder if this is some kind of "Alioto" again. SF Mayor Alioto would remove police so that property values would fall, then buy cheap property, put the police back so that values would rise, and then sell for a huge gain.
No question that's what they are doing.
The City’s deplorable condition is not just a lifestyle issue. The City’s official dereliction of what is obviously a pretty simple security duty is literal property theft. By deliberately allowing rampant drugs, petty theft, and homeless mental patients to occupy downtown, the City has also accomplished the purposeful demolition of its commercial real estate market.
Hundreds of millions of private dollars have been vaporized, so that well-connected, donor-class oligarchs can snap up downtown San Fransisco real estate at pennies on the dollar.
They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. After last week’s spectacle, residents and property owners can see it for themselves: the City could’ve fixed the rampant crime problem anytime. They just haven’t wanted to solve the downtown crime problem.
Also heard another story of a family looking for their child who was told by "rescue workers" they weren't on the property. Family snuck in at night, found their son dead inside the house, and removed his body for burial. What the fuck..
Have any of you actually looked into what it would take to make a space DEW?
I see burned out cars like that all over Maui even before Lahaina burned. People do it on purpose for various reasons there. (Stolen, or don't want to pay disposal fees etc)
There you go. Lots of DEW that's fit to print. Yes, they have invented capacitor banks that can be recharged by solar panels that allow DEWs and their computerized targeting systems to operate from satellites at weights that can be launched into orbit.
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Called 17 minute fire by locals because once it reached the town, burned everything down in 17 minutes.
When firefighters finally responded, no water at the hydrants.
Emergency response system did not activate, so no warning people were in danger until they heard the screams or felt the heat, and by then was too late.
Thousands unaccounted for according to locals.
Direct energy weapon research facility located very close to the town.
Head of facility bragged about getting the first direct energy weapon fully functional in only 18 months.
Wind was blowing from inside the island out to the sea, not common.
Governor forcing sale of land.
Residents get $700
Police that showed up blocked only road out of town.
FEMA has blocked all outside aid
Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.
Ryan Cristian interviewed someone from Maui, he does not make claims without doing extensive research. This looks like warfare to me.