Maui Residents Intentionally Murdered

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2023 Aug 16, 10:20am   43,294 views  339 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Fire blazed for days before it got to the town, no response.
Called 17 minute fire by locals because once it reached the town, burned everything down in 17 minutes.
When firefighters finally responded, no water at the hydrants.
Emergency response system did not activate, so no warning people were in danger until they heard the screams or felt the heat, and by then was too late.
Thousands unaccounted for according to locals.
Direct energy weapon research facility located very close to the town.
Head of facility bragged about getting the first direct energy weapon fully functional in only 18 months.
Wind was blowing from inside the island out to the sea, not common.
Governor forcing sale of land.
Residents get $700
Police that showed up blocked only road out of town.
FEMA has blocked all outside aid

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.

Ryan Cristian interviewed someone from Maui, he does not make claims without doing extensive research. This looks like warfare to me.

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254   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 24, 10:12am  

just_passing_through says


You don't have to log in to watch.

Some pictures of downed powerlines too that you definitely cannot drive across.

CGI! CGI!! C! G!! I!!!
255   Ceffer   2023 Sep 24, 10:13am  

Pfizer. Now 'DEW safe'!

257   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 25, 7:38am  

just_passing_through says


You don't have to log in to watch.

Some pictures of downed powerlines too that you definitely cannot drive across.

This guy is the only one with this version so far. Every other account I've listened to, from people who where there, says police unnecessarily blocked roads. These people drove around the blockades safely in every instance, or even walked around them.

Something else to consider, if you look at this guys older videos, he seems to push the scamdemic narrative. Doesn't mean he's definitely wrong here, but does call into question his judgement on what's safe. Finally, and most importantly, why was he holding onto this information? Why wait? That more than anything seems sketchy.
258   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 25, 7:40am  

Also, the video is just of him talking in his car, no video or pictures of what he's saying. I don't that part matters so much, but title seems to indicate they are there, and people who don't watch it and just want to push the governments narrative might latch onto that...
259   Ceffer   2023 Sep 25, 12:00pm  

Local investors on board with snuffing the obstructionist native population, kidnapping the kids, and burning down the annoying traditional town and disguising the crime scene? All power to the Illuminati/Masonic kill switch and the sky weapons. Für die Investitionen uber alles!
260   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 27, 9:53am  

Longer video, about 20 minutes in, and pretty solid so far. Again several eye-witness accounts of police intentionally forcing everyone to Front Street where they were trapped. Especially disconcerting is the bizarre refusal by the Mayor to address the missing children in any meaningful way.

Remember the Maui Murdered.

261   Ceffer   2023 Sep 27, 10:48am  

Plow the earth with their ashes and boiled marrow, drink the blood of their children, and let the 15 minute slave cities and beach skyscraper condos for the elites blossom on Moloch's sacrifice!
262   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 27, 12:02pm  

One thing that surprised me in that video. The hard hitting questions being asked in that first press conference, I think the dude was from CNN, definitely some major network. Mainstream press is mostly dead, but not completely. Good people can be found almost anywhere.
263   Someone_else   2023 Sep 27, 5:45pm  

What's next? Ewa Beach? Nankuli just around the corner from Disey? It can be done ANYWHERE.
264   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 6, 9:52am  

Maui finally getting some help, from a non-profit called SmartAID founded in Israel, and affiliated with the UN. The companies statement on their Maui assistance is fucking weird, I'm betting it won't take patnetters long to spot it.

265   Ceffer   2023 Oct 6, 11:13am  

I don't know. Aid from Israel usually winds up with something being blown up. Maybe plinking the stragglers for the UN.
266   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 23, 8:48am  

In a desperate bid to get some aid, residents of Maui start flying Israeli flags..
267   komputodo   2023 Oct 23, 10:25am  

NuttBoxer says

In a desperate bid to get some aid, residents of Maui start flying Israeli flags..

If they really wanted to govt to react, they would call on Putin for aid.
268   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 23, 12:23pm  

NuttBoxer says

In a desperate bid to get some aid, residents of Maui start flying Israeli flags..

What happened to their fire insurance policies? They don't pay?
269   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 23, 12:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

Maui finally getting some help, from a non-profit called SmartAID founded in Israel, and affiliated with the UN. The companies statement on their Maui assistance is fucking weird, I'm betting it won't take patnetters long to spot it.


What does "finally" mean in this context? The page you linked has no date but it has been up since at least Sep 26 (when it was crawled by the Wayback machine).
270   SoTex   2023 Oct 23, 5:43pm  

So I'm out here in the Lahaina area right now. Took a trip to Home Depot last night and overheard some construction workers chatting near my truck.

Trump mumble mumble Trump mumble Trump.

Then they got in their truck and drove past me with windows down and one of the guys pumped his fist and yelled Trump! Trump!

.... they were not talking to me or looking in my direction.
271   SoTex   2023 Oct 23, 5:44pm  

Oh and people I've spoken to are not having problems with their insurance companies. However some people (very rich lady in my condo who owned two homes on Front Street that burned down) did not have insurance.
272   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 24, 9:55am  

Eric Holder says

What does "finally" mean in this context? The page you linked has no date but it has been up since at least Sep 26 (when it was crawled by the Wayback machine).

As in they haven't gotten shit despite the federal government spending billions on FEMA.
274   Ceffer   2023 Oct 25, 10:32am  

Lahaina was a multi layered, timed, planned Masonic event to murder the inheritors and kidnap the children for the pedos. I imagine BIS has an IPO with an investor sheet in a vault somewhere.
275   SoTex   2023 Oct 25, 3:09pm  

Yesterday I saw Kevin McCarthy riding in the back of a pickup truck near Lowes. Clearly he's here to help!
276   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 8, 5:59pm  

Shelby Hosana has co-written a book about the Lahaina murd.. err fire. Interesting fact, Green passed a law in July giving himself full power to seize land in the event of an emergency. But it was totally not planned...

original link

277   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 6:06pm  

NuttBoxer says

But it was totally not planned...

It was planned from top to bottom by Globalistas and the traditional Island Masonic complex (and whoever they hired to DEW the place into oblivion).

Ole Dammegard did a pretty good job of dissecting the months to a year of advance planning and political personnel placements that were required to pull this one off. Nobody still knows who all the strange 'police' and guards were except they were foreign storm troopers (NATO?) and not Hawaiian.
278   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 8, 6:35pm  

Oh yeah, Pelletier is not just the head sheriff, he's also the coroner. You can't make this shit up...
279   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 7:00pm  

Doesn't seem like many got out of there half burned and testifying. They were mostly gut exploded by the heat rays, except the abducted children.
280   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 8, 7:11pm  

Or mummified inside their cars. And a new one I heard in that video, "flash frozen" pets?
281   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 7:28pm  

NuttBoxer says

Or mummified inside their cars. And a new one I heard in that video, "flash frozen" pets?

Yeah. There was a video of somebody showing a DEW flashed frog frozen in mid jump. They said it was empty, just a shell, the guts apparently vaporized. The DEWs explode from within to outside rather than fire that burns from the outside in.
282   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 10:30pm  

Wall Street Apes
This Is The Most Comprehensive Research So Far That Proves Without A Doubt The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires Were PLANNED IN ADVANCED

“—Weeks prior to the fire, Green had an emergency proclamation. Why would it be emergency if there wasn't a catastrophe? But he did. He gets rid of the land use commission, red tape, just obliterates it setting the stage for the seizure of this land. Okay, stay with me, there's a lot more.

The governor can now because of this build anyway you wanted but he had another obstacle and that was the fact that Lahaina was declared to be an historical site.

But the historical site no longer exists. And the language said that the locals could keep out the businesses and the developers they didn't want so long as there wasn't a natural disaster. And then the state has the right to rezone the land. And listen, wait for it, and seize it. So some of you have been asking me, Dave, how can they evict and take people's land?

Well, I did some research on eminent domain and evictions in Hawaii state law. If you piece together, excuse me.

If you piece together different provisions of the law that have to be stacked to remove someone, the quickest you could do it is 15 days. This was done on the seventh day and there's no way it could be done in 15 days. But I'm saying when you stack the minimum numbers for the procedures, there's a one five day and a 110 day. And if you stack those back to back and there's no way to do that. I mean, you're probably looking at a month minimum.

This was enacted one week into the crisis, illegal. This is an illegal set of evictions and seizures of property, but it was set up by what I just told you. Interestingly enough, when the crisis hit, I thought I would let you know this, no one was on duty. Here's what I mean. The governor was out of the state.

The police chief and the head of their emergency management that's now resigned for health reasons, they weren't in Lahaina. Of course, I know we can just say, we'll add this up to one little conspiracy, but I think we have to be mindful of the fact that how many conspiracies, excuse me, coincidence I should say, pardon me, check that, coincidence, but then I would ask the question.

How many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy that's valid? Okay, there's more. There's more this governor did. In January of 2023, the department, this is under the direction of the governor, the Department of the Hawaiian Homeland proposed a $75 million housing project on 51 acres in Lahaina, where the fire destroyed these structures.

I've looked into this and I talked to some of the locals. And you know what they told me? Dave, they never came in here and had enough room to do this. They just did it. And people are saying, they were assuming these structures wouldn't be here at some point in time. That's what the locals are saying, universally. Now, I'm gonna say this to you too. There's a wifi problem on Maui, on the West End.

There's one wifi truck if you've ever been to Lahaina, you'll know what I'm talking about. There's one wifi truck in the parking lot of what was Safeway. One for the whole town.

The state of Hawaii does not want these people communicating with people like me. Fortunately, Elon Musk has come in and there are some Starlink availabilities to people. Compatibility has been an issue for some people. But most people in Lahaina still don't have internet.

They don't want videos. Now there are some coming out. TikTok is filled with them & when you start to see the people saying the same things, which I'm going to get into here in a minute, you can see why they don't want people on the internet. They've got a 12 mile wide swath that they only let in select reporters. ABC did a report yesterday that I saw.”

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits.

Directed Energy Weapon, BlackRock & the NWO #BlackRock Smart City / Smart Cities"

283   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 14, 6:25am  

In some of the latest news, it seems Hawaii has money for a few of the survivors, up to one million dollars, if they agree never to sue the state.

Also the new popular past time among survivors is jumping off the resort roof as many see no hope for their future. Lady's and gentlemen, the United States government!
284   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 14, 8:07am  

NuttBoxer says

In some of the latest news, it seems Hawaii has money for a few of the survivors, up to one million dollars, if they agree never to sue the state.

Also the new popular past time among survivors is jumping off the resort roof as many see no hope for their future. Lady's and gentlemen, the United States government!

Government underwriting all fire insurance for free now? I wish I knew that! So much money down the drain for all the fucking insurance premiums! How about cars? Will the gumbint pay for all my cars too in case of total loss?

Jesus H Christ on a stick: conservatives today crying for government tit to latch on to compensate for their failure to plan.

285   Ceffer   2023 Nov 14, 9:17am  

NuttBoxer says

In some of the latest news, it seems Hawaii has money for a few of the survivors, up to one million dollars, if they agree never to sue the state.

Also the new popular past time among survivors is jumping off the resort roof as many see no hope for their future. Lady's and gentlemen, the United States government!

Just like 9/11, when the law firms forced settlements, they DO NOT want any discovery related lawsuits making their way through the courts, or juries deciding monetary damages. I would imagine there will be a covert 'post assassination and gang stalking' group who will be intimidating any survivors or inheritors to give up their claims. Watch how survivors and inheritors start to 'blink out'. Also, with the Masonic sheriff collaborating as coroner, no deaths will be deemed suspicious, and entirely specious autopsy results will be generated (if generated at all). The missing children will be memory holed.
286   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 14, 9:47am  

Also, apparently when Hawaiians are being re-issued legal documents they lost in the fire, their ethnicity is being changed from Hawaiian to Pacific Islander/Asian. I'm sure it has nothing to do with maintaining claims to ancestral lands. Just good 'ole Josh making sure we use more inclusive ethnic definitions!
287   Goran_K   2023 Nov 14, 9:56am  

I love Hawaii (Maui and Oahu especially).

But they'll keep voting blue, even after Biden basically said "screw them" and gave their rebuilding money to Ukraine.
288   Ceffer   2023 Nov 14, 10:24am  

Well, they got the big Karma boomerang from their Blue masters now. Gave 'em a few crumbs from the table, then plowed them under at their leisure.

They thought they were owners and inheritors, now whoever have lived know they were just positioned as cattle for the Globalist slaughter demons.
289   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 14, 10:25am  

Goran_K says

I love Hawaii (Maui and Oahu especially).

But they'll keep voting blue, even after Biden basically said "screw them" and gave their rebuilding money to Ukraine.

Yeah, rebuilding Maui with these cluster ATACMS would be spectacular. I'd pay top coin for PPV. Alas, it the fucking Reds who's gonna enjoy them and all we get is shitty drone footage of their limbs flying in everywhich direction in the Telegram.
290   Patrick   2023 Nov 14, 12:51pm  

richwicks says

Patrick says

I have to wonder if this is some kind of "Alioto" again. SF Mayor Alioto would remove police so that property values would fall, then buy cheap property, put the police back so that values would rise, and then sell for a huge gain.

No question that's what they are doing.


The City’s deplorable condition is not just a lifestyle issue. The City’s official dereliction of what is obviously a pretty simple security duty is literal property theft. By deliberately allowing rampant drugs, petty theft, and homeless mental patients to occupy downtown, the City has also accomplished the purposeful demolition of its commercial real estate market.

Hundreds of millions of private dollars have been vaporized, so that well-connected, donor-class oligarchs can snap up downtown San Fransisco real estate at pennies on the dollar.

They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. After last week’s spectacle, residents and property owners can see it for themselves: the City could’ve fixed the rampant crime problem anytime. They just haven’t wanted to solve the downtown crime problem.
291   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 16, 7:54am  

Many people are still not allowed to visit their land after three months, and some won't be able to until next year. For those of us from California this should sound an alarm, as we typically see people back at their homes the day after a fire sweeps through the area.

Also heard another story of a family looking for their child who was told by "rescue workers" they weren't on the property. Family snuck in at night, found their son dead inside the house, and removed his body for burial. What the fuck..
292   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Dec 11, 6:14am  

And now the sirens in Tennessee have failed to go off...
293   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 11, 9:35am  

NuttBoxer says

Also heard another story of a family looking for their child who was told by "rescue workers" they weren't on the property. Family snuck in at night, found their son dead inside the house, and removed his body for burial. What the fuck..

Unwrap this one for us: since it can't be the incompetence of the diversity hires working on "island time" it must be something planned and sinister. Was the body deliberately kept there so Soros could come and fuck it with a knobby strap-on? Is having a body on the property helpful for expediting property rights transfer to Oprah?

Would be nice if Ceffer also chimed in. We need his expert opinion here.

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