Here they come for Russel Brand

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2023 Sep 16, 7:54pm   3,145 views  48 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Here we go! It's time for ancient 10+ year old sex charges again!

Russell Brand is accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse: Star 'attacked four women between 2006 and 2013 - including raping one against wall in his LA home and one he attacked when she was a 16-year-old schoolgirl he called The Child'

original link

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10   Ceffer   2023 Sep 17, 11:00pm  

There's that word 'credible' again. I guess we can put the word 'credible' in the propaganda assertion fallacy high suspicion index, if not basic Satanic inversion.

11   Ceffer   2023 Sep 17, 11:00pm  

"How dare they flip our Satanic inversion lies back to the truth!"

13   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 19, 11:30am  

Cardi B admitted to drugging clients and robbing them.

She's never been cancelled.
14   Patrick   2023 Sep 21, 9:50am  

Russell Brand has become too influential. He started stating too many truths that were uncomfortable for the elites in the UK and the USA.

The video below is a perfect example. They can't have these things being said by someone with a large audience. They tried to get Joe Rogan removed and it didn't work. Now they are trying for Russell Brand. Are you going to let it work?


15   PeopleUnited   2023 Sep 21, 7:09pm  

So they people who are trying to save us from destruction are responsible for the destruction they claim to be able to save us from?

Sounds like we live in an empire of lies.
16   richwicks   2023 Sep 21, 7:48pm  

Patrick says

The video below is a perfect example. They can't have these things being said by someone with a large audience. They tried to get Joe Rogan removed and it didn't work. Now they are trying for Russell Brand. Are you going to let it work?

Of course it's not going to work. They've cried wolf too many times.
17   richwicks   2023 Sep 21, 7:53pm  

PeopleUnited says

So the people who are trying to save us from destruction are responsible for the destruction they claim to be able to save us from?

Sounds like we live in an empire of lies.

Well, Bingo.

They've been doing this for a long long long time. In the empire of lies, truth is treason. We've been in an empire of lies for 30 years at least. I was too young before that to know and it took me until 2000 to figure out that everything I was told from 1990 to 2000 was false. From the Israeli conflict to the Iraq War - the first one, Desert Storm.

I wonder if it's not been going on for my entire lifetime. Iran Contra, the Church Committee, the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, the Kennedy assassination, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania, the cause of the American civil war even. We might be in a completely new time, where lies can't be used anymore.
18   PeopleUnited   2023 Sep 21, 8:51pm  

richwicks says

I wonder if it's not been going on for my entire lifetime. Iran Contra, the Church Committee, the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, the Kennedy assassination, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania, the cause of the American civil war even.

Yes, it has been going on longer than any of us has been alive. The lies have gotten better over time, better in that nobody dares question them. Because if you do, Snowden, Asange, Russel Brand, Donald Trump, they will tell you what happens if you dare question the lies.

You know when we will arrive at the time where lies cannot be used anymore? Read the book of Revelation.
19   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 21, 10:43pm  

Newest BS is that Brand must be a rapist for telling a rape joke.

If that's so, George Carlin must have been a rapist, too:
20   richwicks   2023 Sep 22, 1:10am  

PeopleUnited says

Yes, it has been going on longer than any of us has been alive. The lies have gotten better over time, better in that nobody dares question them. Because if you do, Snowden, Asange, Russel Brand, Donald Trump, they will tell you what happens if you dare question the lies.

I don't think they are getting better. What I dimly was aware of at 20, a 20 year old is starkly aware of now.

It was a real mystery to me what the hell was going one when I was a young man and I was trying really hard to understand it. It's not anywhere near as difficult now because the propaganda is a lot more sloppy, and stupid.
21   PeopleUnited   2023 Sep 22, 4:20am  

richwicks says

the propaganda is a lot more sloppy, and stupid.

Tell that to Brand, Asange, Snowden, heck even Epstein and Trump. The propaganda is stronger than ever.

People actually believe CRT, AGW, Trans and queer theory, safe and secure elections, Covid hysteria ( including vastly overinflated deaths and vastly underestimated negative consequences of MRNA injections).... should we go on?
22   Patrick   2023 Sep 22, 1:15pm  


In a letter shared on Twitter/X, Pavlovski responded:

Today we received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the UK Parliament.

While Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rape, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation, it is vital to note that recent allegations against Russell Brand have nothing to do with content on Rumble’s platform.

Just yesterday, YouTube announced that, based solely on these media accusations, it was barring Mr. Brand from monetizing his video content.

Rumble stands for very different values.

We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet – meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform.

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so.

Singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on Rumble.

We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.

Although it may be politically and socially easier for Rumble to join a cancel culture mob, doing so would be a violation of our company’s values and mission.

We emphatically reject the UK Parliament’s demands.
23   Ceffer   2023 Sep 22, 1:29pm  

When faced with violent enormity, it is kind of hard to formulate a response when you have the headlights in your eyes.

However, it does seem that the forces of justice are developing more brisk reflexes than in the past. The blitzkrieg hall pass and easy prey days of the KommieKunts are over. The flash bang 'guilty until proven innocent' virtue signaling isn't flying like it used to.
24   richwicks   2023 Sep 22, 5:34pm  

PeopleUnited says

Tell that to Brand, Asange, Snowden, heck even Epstein and Trump. The propaganda is stronger than ever.

No, it is weaker than ever. 20 years ago, they didn't even bother to shut up people. Whistleblowers were just written off as nuts. Ever heard of the John Birch Society? How about the Lyndon LaRouche PAC? I used to think they were off their rockers, but they were decades ahead of me. They were constantly mocked and denigrated, they just continued. They had a lot of courage to speak out at that time.

PeopleUnited says

People actually believe CRT, AGW, Trans and queer theory, safe and secure elections, Covid hysteria ( including vastly overinflated deaths and vastly underestimated negative consequences of MRNA injections).... should we go on?

They believe CRT in the same way they believe in Common Core Math - they just don't understand it, they just trust the government, which they ALWAYS have. It's a minority of people that believe in the the latest crazy shit, when i was a kid, EVERYBODY believed in it. I remember when "he doesn't trust the mainstream news" in a television episode would generate a laugh from the audience, it was code for "that guy is crazy".

If we had a fake pandemic in 1990, 99% of the population would have gotten the injection.

It's very different today. People openly mock the government. UFO's, the 2nd "wave of covid", get your masks again... I can't understand how you can think it's WORSE. Perhaps you don't realize our government and media has been bullshit for at least 20 years? I could point out a bunch of facts about the claims of the Bush administration, I was just "a crazy liberal", facts didn't matter, information didn't matter. I remember being on a message board and saying "in several years you will regret this and realize you were dupes and collaborators in murder". It's difficult to communicate with some people today, but 20 years, impossible. Either you were "left or right", if I complained about the stupid Bush administration, oh I must love the Obama administration, or vice-versa. Most of the country had this false dichotomy.
25   HeadSet   2023 Sep 23, 7:59am  

richwicks says

It's very different today. People openly mock the government.

Are you sure about a change? Remember, the Vietnam War had quite a few active and very public protestors. I do not see anyone out protesting the waste of the Ukraine war. Too many people today still believe BLM, LGBTQ+, Trump Russia Collusion, Biden won 81 million votes and whatever the MSM puts out. Plenty of folks will mask up and take the shots, and even push to require others do so. DEI, trans "rights" and illegal immigration are increasing, not being pared back.
26   richwicks   2023 Sep 23, 10:17pm  

HeadSet says

Are you sure about a change? Remember, the Vietnam War had quite a few active and very public protestors.

Yes, I am. The protests against Vietnam was because there was a draft, AND the people being drafted weren't even allowed to vote. We also didn't have wordwide communication, we were clearly bulkanized into either being a "conservative" or a "liberal". You couldn't be neither, I know that, if I criticized George W. Bush, I was accused of loving Clinton, and if I criticized Obama, I was accused of loving George W. Bush. FEW people could recognize I genuinely despised both. Don't have that problem today!

I was aghast when the generation that out of ALL the generations ought to know better fanatically supported Desert Storm onward. They knew the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag, it came out in the Pentagon Papers, and I knew about them, how could they not? When Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was revealed to be a fraud, I was waiting for the backlash, but there was none. It was reported in a corner of NPR briefly and never on "major news networks". You'd think a 15 year old daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador giving false testimony in front of congress to start a war that led to the death of 1/2 million children would be a big deal - boomers didn't even know in 2000 or 2005. Try to talk about to them, and it was hostility and disgust.

What's different today, is we can record history, we don't need to depend on newspapers or the government to do it. Ukraine I bet is a breaking point, our media and government has been very vocal about saying Ukraine is just about to win - what will they say when they don't, and Ukraine is just filled with dead bodies? Ukraine's casualties are going up exponentially, because who is fighting now are NOT trained soldiers and they are conscripts. It's a meat grinder.

HeadSet says

I do not see anyone out protesting the waste of the Ukraine war. Too many people today still believe BLM, LGBTQ+, Trump Russia Collusion, Biden won 81 million votes and whatever the MSM puts out. Plenty of folks will mask up and take the shots, and even push to require others do so. DEI, trans "rights" and illegal immigration are increasing, not being pared back.

IF this was 1990, I would be the 1 out of 100 that thought all this stuff was nonsense, not the 1 out of 2.

There's no point to protest, the government doesn't give a shit. We learned that in the 2003 Iraq War.

Let's say, DeSantis is president in 2025 - if he SUCKS - I will let you know I think he sucks and why. He might just be ReBiden, who is ReObama, who was ReBush, who was ReClinton, who was ReBush the First.

Do you remember the stupid social issues of the 1990's? School prayer, abortion rights, teaching CREATIONISM in schools in biology class, and homosexual acceptance. None of that really matters to the ruling class, they don't care how those "issues" are settled or even if they are settled. The followers of the establishment, are killing themselves. Well, fine. They are the pied pipers of rats marching them into oblivion - See NOTE at end...

The people that championed abortion, they are old cat ladies or at least had far less children - they are no longer a political force. Nobody cared when Roe v. Wade was over-turned because the people that felt strongly about "abortion rights" no longer were a political force. Could you IMAGINE what would have happened if Roe v. Wade was over-turned in 1997? Gore would have definitely been president in 2000.

I wouldn't be surprised to see school prayer come back, although I will oppose it. I'd really like to see civics come back.


NOTE: If you want to convert a person from transgendering their child, just agree with them. Tell them it's great that they are allowing their daughter to cut off her breasts, remove her uterus, and sewing on some meat to form a "penis". Tell them how wonderful it is that their son is getting breast implants, having his testicles removed, and inverting his penis. Less of them to worry about in just one generation. I can tell you, it works. Instead of fighting them, ENCOURAGE them, reminding them of what consequences there are. They shut up pretty fucking quick.

If you want to put icing on the cake, tell them that transgenocide is allowing their children to sterilize themselves, because it is.
28   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 4:29pm  


Of all the dictators in history, I have often thought that Maximilien Robespierre the most frightening in his sheer, merciless fanaticism. He believed, with absolute conviction, that when it came to the business of destroying those whom he deemed “the enemies of the nation,” the more cruel and shocking the measure, the better. Over a century before Hitler and Stalin were born, Robespierre expressly praised terror and cruelty in the service of what he deemed virtuous. “Terror is naught but prompt, severe, inflexible justice; it is therefore an emanation of virtue.”

I thought of this astonishing assertion a few days ago when I heard the news that the British actor, comedian, and public affairs commentator, Russell Brand, is facing accusations for crimes he allegedly committed in the years 2006-2013. As the Guardian reported:

"The 48-year-old comedian and actor has been accused of rape, assault and emotional abuse between 2006 and 2013, when he was at the height of his fame working for the BBC and Channel 4 and starring in Hollywood films. He denies the allegations."

Before we have seen any presentation of evidence—never mind a day in court—we are already hearing loud calls from every Establishment quarter in the UK to punish, demonetize, and humiliate him.

Why now, over ten years later? Might it have something to do, for example, with his criticism of COVID-19 vaccines?
29   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 5:08pm  

People forget that Robespierre was the model for Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.

Pol Pot didn't invent the year zero - the French Revolution invented it, along with the month of Themidor (heat), Fructidore (Fruiting), etc.
30   richwicks   2023 Oct 4, 5:29pm  

AmericanKulak says

People forget that Robespierre was the model for Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.

Pol Pot didn't invent the year zero - the French Revolution invented it, along with the month of Themidor (heat), Fructidore (Fruiting), etc.

The French revolution happened because of John Law, making a fiat monetary system. When the French finally revolted because their money went worthless, they went after bankers first, then they went after the aristocracy because they weren't paying taxes at all and were living off from the backs of everybody that DID work.

We will eventually have a revolution in the United States, and I wouldn't mind seeing the pattern repeated.
31   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 7:38pm  

That was the start of it, but the acts of the Jacobins during the Revolutionary years set the tone for totalitarian regimes going forward. Worshipping the Goddess of Reason, hanging bakers for charging what they had to pay for flour, hanging millers and farmers for not selling flour below cost, hanging people including fellow legislators for wrongthink, etc.
32   richwicks   2023 Oct 4, 8:00pm  

AmericanKulak says

That was the start of it, but the acts of the Jacobins during the Revolutionary years set the tone for totalitarian regimes going forward. Worshipping the Goddess of Reason, hanging bakers for charging what they had to pay for flour, hanging millers and farmers for not selling flour below cost, hanging people including fellow legislators for wrongthink, etc.

Reason is reasonable.

I'm not EXACTLY defending the French revolution, but the people who did it were justified with their outrage.

Be careful about what you THINK you know about it. I know, for certain, that our history is deformed by the people in power. WWII, I know tons of lies about it. 6 million Jews weren't killed in it, if that many were killed you'd expect serial numbers to go over a million, they are all under a million. There were no lampshades made from Jewish skin, nor was there any soap made from them. The piles of shoes make me laugh at this point, you mean they went through all this effort to destroy the bodies, but kept the shoes? Really? I've been to holocaust museums, and I always see that pile. It's stupidly childish.

It's a real test, can you figure out the contradiction? I can. I had to have it pointed out to me, but now I see it. Once your eyes are opened, you see a lot more. Once you understand ONE lie, you can start to see the others, without prodding, without that much effort. Assad gassed his own people - why would he do this? He didn't. Doing this guaranteed war with the US, so it was a false flag - HE might be this stupid, but his advisors aren't. It's bullshit.

We are at a true inflection point where a common asshole, like me or you, can actually record real history - not have it told to us. Access to publishers and the ability to print anything was very exclusive 200 years ago. It's not anymore.

We don't really know what happened in the French revolution, anymore than MOST Americans know about the US Civil War. Ask a typical person what the civil war was about, and they will say slavery. No, absolutely not. Do you think poor sharecropper farmers signed up for war over slavery? The Civil war in the US was about taxation that the South was under burden for, and most of the north were mercenaries, given citizenship IF they would fight. That was our influx of Irish (of which I am one) and other Europeans.

Governments always lie. Abraham Lincoln was a blatant racist. He thought that blacks were so inferior that they should be completely removed from the nation, by exporting them to Liberia. That's absolutely true, and you'll never find that in a history book. He wasn't an abolitionist because he though slavery was wrong, he was an abolitionist because he didn't think "black animals" should be around white people.

It was a different time though, don't judge him harshly for THAT. Judge him harshly for being an asshole that created a civil war. He really was a tyrant, and his murderer was absolutely justified. I respect John Wilkes Booth.

Don't judge the French revolution based on what books you can read today. Be cautious. They killed a lot of fucking assholes that deserved to be killed.

And they're going to do it again I bet. They have a reputation for being a nation of pussies, but they aren't. They stay out of war, and when they go to war, they win. They just didn't see a reason to be in WWII, and their criminal government, no worse than the Nazi government. They are actually quite coy and smart.
33   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 8:18pm  

richwicks says

We don't really know what happened in the French revolution, anymore than MOST Americans know about the US Civil War. Ask a typical person what the civil war was about, and they will say slavery. No, absolutely not. Do you think poor sharecropper farmers signed up for war over slavery? The Civil war in the US was about taxation that the South was under burden for, and most of the north were mercenaries, given citizenship IF the would fight. That was our influx of Irish (of which I am one) and other Europeans.

Uh, we have diaries from all sides, from foreign observers, transcripts of the procedings, lists of those guillotined on a given day, etc.

The Girondins, mostly moderate Republicans who viewed the US system as more of an ideal, were put on the chopping block extensively by the Jacobins and their Committee of Public Safety.

Robespierre was a nasty leftwing tyrant.

richwicks says

Don't judge the French revolution based on what books you can read today. Be cautious. They killed a lot of fucking assholes that deserved to be killed.

They killed a lot of reasonable, liberal people. While they killed Lavoisier (who was running the exchequer during Law's influence) justly, they could have impounded his wealth, put him under house arrest, and let him continue his research into chemistry.

richwicks says

, I know tons of lies about it. 6 million Jews weren't killed in it, if that many were killed you'd expect serial numbers to go over a million, they are all under a million. There were no lampshades made from Jewish skin, nor was there any soap made from them. The piles of shoes make me laugh at this point, you mean they went through all this effort to destroy the bodies, but kept the shoes? Really? I've been to holocaust museums, and I always see that pile. It's stupidly childish.

Yep, there were same exaggerated claims made in popular, pulp media, but we do have mass graves, 1000s of witnesses, an entire logistics system, etc.

It's a fact that thousands of Civilian Poles were executed by the Nazis simply for being leaders before the war: Professors, Mayors, Retired Officers, Deans, etc. Almost 1700, many confirmed by dental records, in the Palmiry Forest in the first few months alone. And that almost 1000 Polish Catholic Clerics were executed by the Nazis, again with abundant evidence.

There's plenty of lost cause bullshit, for example CNT-FAI Spanish Anarchist propaganda from the 1930s as well.

Losers who are not executed by the victors do a lot of lying to make themselves look good after they lose, so take their claims with a big grain of salt. As do radicals and tyrants, who lose, to try to make themselves out to be an unjust victim.
34   richwicks   2023 Oct 4, 8:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

Robespierre was a nasty leftwing tyrant.

I don't disagree. The "leaders" are what our institutions promote as being leaders.

AmericanKulak says

They killed a lot of reasonable, liberal people. While they killed Lavoisier (who was running the exchequer during Law's influence) justly, they could have impounded his wealth, put him under house arrest, and let him continue his research into chemistry.

I don't know about him, but I'm sure there were many innocent people killed.

AmericanKulak says

It's a fact that thousands of Civilian Poles were executed by the Nazis simply for being leaders before the war: Professors, Mayors, Retired Officers, Deans, etc. Almost 1700, many confirmed by dental records, in the Palmiry Forest in the first few months alone. And that almost 1000 Polish Catholic Clerics were executed by the Nazis, again with abundant evidence.

You misunderstand me.

There was a holocaust, certainly, Mass murder was common, that happened, no doubt about it.

I'm saying what is believed and told about the holocaust isn't true. There were mass murders, but it is VASTLY over-exaggerated.

AmericanKulak says

Losers who are not executed by the victors do a lot of lying to make themselves look good after they lose, so take their claims with a big grain of salt.

Winners lie too. The starvation in the slave labor camps happened because the Allies purposely cut off supply lines, because the slave labor camps were making munitions for the Axis powers. That is why we saw those poor starving people, and they weren't all Jewish.

The US and additional allies, murdered them by starving them to death, to reduce their production of munitions. War is an ugly thing, but our government will never tell you the truth of the horror of it. We murdered them, to win a war.

There are no rules in war, it's just a brawl. Now we live with propaganda from the 1950's as "fact", it's not true. It was absolutely brutal though, but it never includes "us" in the devastation. There are no "good guys" in a war. In a war, all sides are wrong, always. It's a failure of diplomacy. Saddam Hussein could have DIRECTLY appealed to the people of the US, but he didn't. I've seen Maduro do this.
35   KgK one   2023 Oct 4, 8:35pm  

They say pfizer but it should be pfizer stock holders who made $.

I think covid was creates with mild virus so people stay home n don't use much gasoline for car. Given russia attack, n oil storage, if they kept things as normal, gas price would go up a lot and high inflation
36   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 4, 8:47pm  

big pharma are evil sick satanic fucks
37   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 8:50pm  

richwicks says

I don't disagree. The "leaders" are what our institutions promote as being leaders.

Robespierre was the model for Lenin, Stalin, and especially Pol Pot. The whole new dating system and "Year Zero" is his.

Nothing is more dangerous than an ideologue who hopes to use the Blank Slate + Worship of Reason + Ideology to remake the world.

It tends to end up with "Shooting everybody who owns eyeglasses"richwicks says

I'm saying what is believed and told about the holocaust isn't true. There were mass murders, but it is VASTLY over-exaggerated.

I'd say the numbers for Jews are about half, maybe 2-3M. So is just 1000 Catholic clergy in Poland. The numbers for Poles and Russian POWs/Civilians is probably underreported. It's completely beyond the pale for 1700-1930 European Warfare and Society. Even for pre 1700s it's high relative to population. The Spanish Inquistion "only" had a few thousand murders a decade on average, and it lasted about 150 years in it's classic form. richwicks says

Winners lie too. The starvation in the slave labor camps happened because the Allies purposely cut off supply lines, because the slave labor camps were making munitions for the Axis powers. That is why we saw those poor starving people, and they weren't all Jewish.

No, the Nazis were executing non-Jews for being handicapped, sick, political enemies, etc. long before WW2. Asberger himself sent quite a few to a death hospital for euthanasia. There's also eyewitness accounts of mass shootings with mass graves. Some smuggled notes "Murdered in Palmiry" in their pockets and many had their own documents with them when shot and buried.

The civil incinerators they were using prior to AB Aktion had to be expanded outside cities as some days it rained hair due to overload and GERMAN locals were getting freaked, and incinerator workers were talking, all before 1939. I've mentioned the patent for multiple crematoria boilers, along with the orders and the rationale for them to be built.

richwicks says

The US and additional allies, murdered them by starving them to death, to reduce their production of munitions. War is an ugly thing, but our government will never tell you the truth of the horror of it. We murdered them, to win a war.

Nah, that's loser and symp distraction. The problem with that one is when the Allies were Invading Italy, the German Forces there were using Jews to dig trenches and set up tank traps; the German commander didn't want them sent to Germany as he wanted them as a Labor Force. He was overruled and an SS High Up came to take them to a train bound for Germany. Pretty odd behavior of a country on it's last logistics legs.

As for "Muh Dresden", remember the Nazis began by bombing targets inside Warsaw in 1939 and strafing civilian traffic to slow down reinforcements by Polish Army units by blocking the road with civilian cars and wagons with Untermensch families inside.

Rotterdam, 1940, complete obliteration of the downtown by German Bombers with INCINDIARY bombs

The Wehraboo LostCause response: Waaah, didn't happen, all Dutch lies.
38   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 8:59pm  

It's actually stunning to me how many forget basic, undisputed things:

Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemborg - The 5 neutral countries Hitler The Wonderful Misunderstood Savior invaded with no causus belli whatsoever.

Sudentenland: Not all of Czechia and Slovakia; Hitler took the rest after promising in writing only a portion of the first within weeks.

Poland: The Radio Station was a total lie as Nazi Saboteurs were arrested in Poland days before Fall Weiss began. They didn't get the attack delay order, proof that the attack was preplanned and the Radio Station attack was a False Flag.

Also Poland: The Nazis abrogated the Poland-Germany Non-Agression Pact when Poland refused to transfer Danzig with a corridor to Germany in April 1939.

richwicks says

6 million Jews weren't killed in it, if that many were killed you'd expect serial numbers to go over a million, they are all under a million.

You can find the answer to this in about 30 seconds.
39   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 9:02pm  

Finally, the demoralization process is multifaceted

As equally key to demoralizing resistance as futile by creating false consensus on Trannies, Ukraine, etc. is the opposite flank, where the propagandists seek to cheapen and undermine the GOOD things of the past by the people being gaslit: Civil Rights era, Emancipation Act, WW2 heroism, Founding Fathers Slaves, Slaves built everything, etc.

"Not only is Americanism outdated, but it's accomplishments are actually evil or outright falsehoods"

This all began in the 60s.
40   HeadSet   2023 Oct 5, 7:32am  

richwicks says

They have a reputation for being a nation of pussies, but they aren't. They stay out of war, and when they go to war, they win.

Which war has France won since the revolution? The French lost in Mexico, Franco-Prussian War, WW1, WW2, and Indochina. Now if you are talking Algeria, well, then yes, they won in the mid 1800s but were thrown out in the 1960s. In 1954, when Algeria was fighting to end French colonial rule, the French destroyed over 8,000 villages and sent over 2 million Algerians to concentration camps.
41   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 3:42am  

AmericanKulak says

You can find the answer to this in about 30 seconds.

Find it then. Don't tell me the answer is trivial to find, and then tell me to go look for it.

I give up. Show me the answer.
42   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 3:50am  

HeadSet says

Which war has France won since the revolution? The French lost in Mexico, Franco-Prussian War, WW1, WW2, and Indochina. Now if you are talking Algeria, well, then yes, they won in the mid 1800s but were thrown out in the 1960s. In 1954, when Algeria was fighting to end French colonial rule, the French destroyed over 8,000 villages and sent over 2 million Algerians to concentration camps.

They won in WWII, by staying out of it. They didn't get all their best men killed in another pointless war. That's all war is about. Killing off people, to make the nation weaker, not stronger.

Name any mission of the United States since 1950. What were the goals of any of those wars? How did any of them advantage or help this nation in any way?

Just sheep to the slaughter.

And if you don't believe it, just wait - see what happens to Ukraine. I hear the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is FORTY now. Propaganda? Possibly. We'll know in a couple of years. Anybody that was smart, left. There's no point in fighting a war you cannot win.
44   Patrick   2024 May 19, 7:21pm  


No wonder they are trying to cancel Russel Brand

45   GNL   2024 May 19, 8:34pm  

Russell Brand is very high IQ.
46   AD   2024 May 19, 8:51pm  

Yes, Google search found that Pfizer made about $100 billion from COVID pandemic and Moderna made about $44 billion.

Pfizer stock price:

May 1998: $28

Dec 2021: $60

Present day: $28.64

However, its current dividend is 5.84%
47   HeadSet   2024 May 20, 12:25pm  

Patrick says


No wonder they are trying to cancel Russel Brand

Bill Maher is squirming thinking "this will piss off my Pfizer and Lockheed Martin sponsors."
48   Patrick   2024 Jul 6, 8:58pm  


Britsh comedian Russell Brand has accused the corporate media of pushing to normalize the global crisis of young, healthy people dying suddenly from heart failure.

Brand argues that rather than highlight the fact that the surges in cardiac injuries and related only surged after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out, the corporate media is attempting to gaslight the public into believing it is completely normal.

During an episode of his “Stay Free” podcast this week, Brand said:

“On legacy media, it’s quite possible to watch a kind of bright breezy, cheerful news item about heart attacks as if it’s like some new trend, as if it’s Pogs or Pokemon Go or something.

“It’s a new sensation, heart disease in young people.” ...

Brand continued by mocking efforts by public health authorities and the media to sidestep any connection between increased incidences of heart attacks and the Covid injections.

“We’ve got to get to the bottom of this without ever indicting a major pharmaceutical company,” Brand said.

“In a way, this is hilarious and brilliant, but this is sort of also the way that the legacy media functions, even through innocuous soft power in introducing and normalizing ideas that should be galling and terrifying.”

Brand said some prominent journalists, such as Tucker Carlson, are an exception to this.

However, he noted that these journalists have been “vilified as sort of propagandists and figures of hatred” due to their public criticism of the Covid mRNA shots.

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