I don't want to sound hyperbolic but, this may be the most important thing you see/watch today.

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2023 Oct 7, 8:53am   719 views  8 comments

by GNL   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Understand what time it is in America:

• Trump is being prosecuted by Biden’s regime + multiple state level Democrats

• Every agency in government has been weaponized to investigate
because he’s trying to level the playing field online to empower citizens

• Newsweek just broke the story that the FBI is both investigating Trump voters and treating them like terrorists by using the same types of tools they used against ISIS

• DHS and CISA used proxies to censor influencers like me and
for opposing Democrats too effectively

• Grandma’s (including one with cancer) who thought they were allowed in the Capitol after police waved them in were thrown in prison over January 6th despite zero violence

• Soros DA’s are releasing pedophiles and criminals to carry out record crime

• Over 7 MILLION illegal immigrants have entered our country under Biden — Only 14 states have populations > 7.4M

• Schools are grooming kids about so called social justice, gender identity and sexual topics (including books with porn in them) while hiding all of it from parents

• People fear saying they vote Republican despite Republicans winning the 2022 popular vote because they know they can lose their jobs over it or be ostracized

• Doctors are giving kids sex changes with the full support of the White House including on children of our troops

• Doctors lose their licenses over disagreeing with the narrative of the Democrats

• Banks, Big Tech and online transaction services have banned prominent influencers for the crime of being conservative

• Inflation and interest rates are destroying our economy in ways that we’ll be dealing with for over a decade

• 80-90% of Congress represent their own interests and lobbyists instead of people

• Big Tech companies manipulate what the public sees to sell the Democrats narrative

• Soldiers were fired by the thousands for being conservatives who didn’t want the COVID jab — They even denied chaplains religious exemptions

• People are put through public struggle sessions if they say men can’t be women

• The DOJ and Democrat DA’s are deploying lawfare to bankrupt prominent Trump officials and supporters — "the process is the punishment"

• College kids won’t get into schools if they express any conservative views and many will be failed in classes if professors find out they’re conservative

• Parents were treated like terrorists by Merrick Garland and the DOJ for protesting school boards over COVID and the sexualization of children

• Professional programs to become doctors and nurses are adding steps to screen for ideology to eliminate conservatives: Many do it in sneaky ways (doctors do this with requirements to get the COVID vax in order to get a residency)

• Some states passed laws to take custody from parents who don’t affirm the new gender identity of their kids and even legalized kids running away to their state to get an abortion or sex change

• BLM and Antifa members received multi million dollar settlements after burning down cities with riots and looting for a year because they’re modern day brown shirts that the Democrats had to reward to ensure they do it again in the future

Our future is closer to Russia under Stalin, Cuba under Castro, China under Mao or Venezuela under Maduro than we are to the ideals of our constitution. We’re living through the intentional destruction of the country we know and love. Why? Because communism never becomes reality without chaos, destruction and separating kids from their parents.

America won’t survive unless Republican politicians get serious and recognize how far down the road to hell we are. It’s not time for Fox News hits where you get the one liner off that you hope to fundraise off of. It’s not time for another hearing that goes nowhere. It’s time to use EVERY lever of power you have to crush these new age communists and yes I mean communists.

It’s time to be ruthless.

Communism is no longer just about state ownership of the means of production because there’s no need to own it all on paper when corporations do everything you tell them to and fund your political pet projects. In fact, this tactic ushers new age communism in faster because such a large chunk of the population doesn’t realize what’s happening yet. Communist control tactics + a surveillance state and a technocracy that they control is more powerful than communist dictators like Mao could’ve ever hoped for.

"But they don’t call themselves communists" — Yeah, neither did Castro. He said he was just a humanist who cared about social justice, free healthcare and racial equity. Sound familiar? He only admitted to being a communist after he amassed enough power to crush dissent.

Republicans have one shot to get this right.

• Republican AG’s must start aggressively investigating and prosecuting criminal elements within the Democrat Party

• Republican Governors must call in the guard they control to carry out shock and awe raids on gangs in blue cities — work with your legislators to cut funding to every woke endeavor and institution — Map out a total wipeout of far left influences in your state with mass firings or funding cuts and don’t be afraid to take whatever action you can to replace failed blue city politicians

• Republican lawmakers on a state level need to use every tool they have to legislate and investigate in an aggressive manner that brings us back from the brink — you know what you have to do — DO IT

• Local Republican officials must use every lever of power they have to stop the extremists on the left

Leave no lever cold from not being pulled. Saving America is going to take EVERYTHING!

If you aren’t as ruthless as them, we will lose this country and if you bristle at the word ruthless — remember that there’s a difference between ruthlessness after you’re attacked and ruthlessly attacking. You’ve been attacked, your country has been attacked, your children have been attacked and your faith has been attacked. Righteous ruthlessness to save the values and people you love IS the virtue and legacy you should be chasing.

Ask yourself this: What would our founders do? A good motto to live by right now is one that was almost the motto of our country, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" or another favorite of mine from Thomas Jefferson "When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty".

There’s a reason so many survivors of communism and their children are warning you at the top of their lungs to take this deathly serious. Communism comes like a thief in the night that you don’t see coming but you have the advantage of warnings from people who’ve lived it or been the first generation after their family survived communism. Don’t waste that advantage and don’t squander the greatness built by our founders. In the end you’ll either have the courage America desperately needs or you’ll live to see your country die. The choice is yours.


Robby Starbuck
(Someone whose family had their country stolen once already by communists in Cuba)

Comments 1 - 8 of 8        Search these comments

1   Karloff   2023 Oct 7, 10:03am  

He's right. Few people understand how bad things are, and how much worse they will get if we just sit back and let the parasites have their way.

I hate to sound black-pilled on this, but I really don't think people will wake up to the horrors of the coming tyranny until it's fully upon them. Too many are too complacent, too weak, too decadent. They think this kind of thing can only happen in third world countries on the other side of the globe. That we're better than that, it can't happen here, we're too smart, our government protects us, and on and on. Arrogance and complacency will all but ensure that the parasites will get their way.

Look at how long they've been at it. During your upbringing you were told constantly, over and over again, how bad the Nazis were, and they were sure to reinforce the notion that they were "right wing" and then to associate your ideals of freedom and independence also as "right wing". They play this association tactic repeatedly. Find something bad, associate it with something, then take their enemies and associate them with that same thing and leave the association of enemy-to-bad to automatically occur in the minds of the public.

"You eat a lot of cheese.. You know, Hitler ate a lot of cheese, too!"
Insinuation: You==Hitler

Now for all those times they warned you of how bad Nazism was and never to repeat that again, how many times did they give you warnings about Communism? In school, for me? Never. They never did. It was only on TV and in movies in the 70's and 80's during the cold war with Communist countries did you hear about how bad communism was, but never in real detail, I don't remember them ever telling me about people resorting to cannibalism to avoid starving to death, or people being rounded up and executed. It was just vague "They don't have freedoms. They can't leave their country. They're poor." But then after Reagan was gone, that messaging dried up too.

How many "human-rights" museums focus on the atrocities caused by Communists? The one near me had to be publicly badgered before they beleaguerdly added a small holodomer exhibit.

They don't warn about Communism because these people are Communists who want power and they don't want you forewarned about their intent or methods. They want the power to make you do what they want. The power to shut you up and to imprison or even kill you.

These Davos, Bilderberg, CFR, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Chatham House creeps, and other globalist scum organizations are all about using these same tactics to get their one world government. Their so-called new world order.

This is a fight the people of the world have to stand up for. I just don't know if they have it in them. Most simply refuse to believe any of it even exists. They've been programmed to reject even any notion of it.
2   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 7, 11:13am  

we already live in plutocracy where fucking donor class picks actors to run the government for their benefit to our expense. most bullshit version of democracy ever.
3   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 2:08pm  

Karloff says

They don't warn about Communism because these people are Communists who want power and they don't want you forewarned about their intent or methods. They want the power to make you do what they want. The power to shut you up and to imprison or even kill you.

It was McCarthy that fucked it up. That guy was fucking full of shit, and discredited a lot of anti-Communists by being full of shit. He was Joe McCarthy was a fucking liar, and because of all the hysteria he created, it ended discussion about it.

Just like today, Putin is behind everything and under your bed. If you oppose this or that, you're a Russian bot.

The US never had a problem with communism ever. They have a problem with the Russians. We trade with China, no problem, just the dickheads in power in this nation hate Russia for some stupid reason. I think it's because Russia + Europe is a REAL powerhouse of an economy and it's England that doesn't want this, at all costs.
4   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 2:23pm  

@GNL I added the text from that video.
5   RC2006   2023 Oct 7, 2:31pm  

richwicks says

I think it's because Russia + Europe is a REAL powerhouse of an economy and it's England that doesn't want this, at all costs.


British were always fucking with everyone and then the same parasites jumped the pond to continue the same shit in the US. Russia, Germany, Middle East, Asia, British were fucking around with all of them and just continued under US power.
6   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 8, 3:41pm  

GNL says

America won’t survive unless Republican politicians get serious and recognize how far down the road to hell we are.

I'm sure they're quite serious as they've taken many of the crucial steps to get us there. From the mostly Republican Franklin Coverup in the 80's, to 9/11 and the War of Terror, they have quite a track record of fucking up this country.

If you follow false paradigms, you'll feed into divisiveness. The only chance is all of us, together, against them.
7   GNL   2023 Oct 8, 3:51pm  

NuttBoxer says

GNL says

America won’t survive unless Republican politicians get serious and recognize how far down the road to hell we are.

I'm sure they're quite serious as they've taken many of the crucial steps to get us there. From the mostly Republican Franklin Coverup in the 80's, to 9/11 and the War of Terror, they have quite a track record of fucking up this country.

If you follow false paradigms, you'll feed into divisiveness. The only chance is all of us, together, against them.

Agreed. The quote attributed to me is from transcript of the video though.
8   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 7:00am  

I was aware, but this forum has a lot of people who still subscribe to those exact thoughts. We need to always remember that Left vs Right is a scam to divide us.

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