IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   29,485 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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261   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 11:25pm  

PeopleUnited says

Great Britain moved its occupation out and left control of the land of Israel/Palestine to a new government. The new government took control in 1947-48. That government exists today, it is the Israeli government, the only legitimate government in Palestine/Israel.

Sorry @PeopleUnited.

The British left all their heavy weapons with the Kingdom of Jordan and left the country without settling anything, figuring the Arabs would drive the Jews to the sea (the "River to Sea" genocide phrase comes from that era).

The UN recognized Israel, then multiple Arab armies attacked, each seeking to add Fakestine to their territory. The Israelis pulled off a miracle and fought off 5 Arab Armies that outnumbered them in planes, tanks, etc. in both quantity and quality (a dozen old BF-109s against dozens of new Spitfires; no tanks at all against Cromwells and upgunned Shermans; a few stolen Enfields against hundreds of Sterling SMGs and Bren Guns).

East Palestine, aka Jordan, WAS created by the British from 2/3rd of the Mandate, for Arabs only - Jews were explicitly banned from living there, in 1922. The Jordanians seized Judea and Samaria ("West Bank" if you're King Hussein sitting in Amman) with their Arab Legion led by British volunteers kinda-sorta-not-but really working for the British Government that didn't want an Israel. Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia all tried to take a piece.

So before 1947, the Arab Muslims already got exclusive ~77% of Palestine just for Arab Muslims, no Jews allowed east of the Dan River.

At war end Gaza was controlled by the Egyptians and flew the Egyptian flag and never revolted against Egypt, since it's not about Arab Palestinians, but Arab Supremacy not allowing non-Muslim Arabs to rule anywhere in the Middle East(like in Lebanon), and Jordan controlled Judea-Samaria.

Israel TRIED to give Gaza back to Egypt but the Egyptians don't want it as the Gazans help ISIS in the Sinai and terror attacks in Egypt, so it gives them an excuse to have a 3-layer wall with Gaza.

Propaganda Repeaters aren't told that Gaza shares a non-Israeli border with Egypt, so why is it never open but locked shut? Because the Egyptians don't want Palestinians entering Egypt and attacking tourists at the Pyramids or Red Sea Resorts with their Hamas Islamicist Terror.

When Arabs say Israel "occupies" Gaza and West Bank, they lie. Gaza and West Bank were taken from Egypt and Jordan, not from a "Palestinian State".

And in fact, the 1964 KGB-sponsored PLO constitution says that Gaza and West Bank BELONG to Egypt and Jordan. So when Palestinians say just those, they are lying. They want the whole thing.

Israel offered to only keep Tel Aviv and a few miles around, not even Jerusalem, and that was refused by Arabs, too back in the 1940s.
262   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 11:28pm  

Kidnaped kid for convicted terrorist. Aka "Prisoner Exchange"

And of course since the adult on the right was "18", she'll be referred to in Leftist and Irano-Syrian Propaganda Mouthpiece as "Israel imprisons teenagers"
263   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 7, 9:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

The British left all their heavy weapons with the Kingdom of Jordan and left the country without settling anything, figuring the Arabs would drive the Jews to the sea (the "River to Sea" genocide phrase comes from that era).

The UN recognized Israel, then multiple Arab armies attacked, each seeking to add Fakestine to their territory. The Israelis pulled off a miracle and fought off 5 Arab Armies that outnumbered them in planes, tanks, etc. in both quantity and quality (a dozen old BF-109s against dozens of new Spitfires;

During the First World War, long before 1947, Britain signaled that they were going to leave the land known as Palestine (which is part of Israel that God told the children of Israel was theirs to occupy indefinitely). So when they left off occupation of Palestine it left a void in government/control of the region. The government that stepped in to that void exists today. It is called Israel. Yes the size/ borders of Israel have changed just like the borders of the United States and other nations have changed over time, the result of wars (started by Arabs primarily) new settlements just like manifest destiny in the USA, and treaties/unwritten agreements between nations and other powers that be. It is miraculous that a nation so hated by its neighbors and so outmatched in numbers, and armaments could fight off multiple enemies. Only by divine intervention could they achieve statehood and defend their state from such vicious attacks. But they did and will continue to do so until Christ returns.

Chances are decent that people alive today will someday miraculously see Israel expand its current footprint to occupy the full extent of the land known as “the promised land”. God specifically promised this land to Abraham’s descendants, and this promise was passed on through Jacob (aka Israel) and the children of Israel. Genesis 15:18 (From the Nile to the Euphrates. Probably includes all of Jordan and part of Syria all the way up to Turkey with parts of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and of course Egypt. But this might not happen until Jesus returns.
264   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 7, 9:35pm  

PeopleUnited says

During the First World War, long before 1947, Britain signaled that they were going to leave the land known as Palestine (which is part of Israel that God told the children of Israel was theirs to occupy indefinitely)

Yep, but the Mandate was a custodial responsibility: The British already took it upon themselves to give 3/4 of it to the Arabs as Jordan. They refused to divide the remaining quarter and just quit - leaving their heavy equipment deliberately in the hands of Jordan, who owed them for their creation.

And I'm an Anglophile.

Compare this with Malaya(sia), where the British refused to quit the country until the Communist Insurgency had been eliminated in the 1950s.
265   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 7, 9:54pm  

AmericanKulak says

The British already took it upon themselves to give 3/4 of it to the Arabs as Jordan.

Well the British didn’t see the value in keeping their occupation going and they wisely extricated themselves from the region. But, as we know the only recognized and defensible right any government has to claim control of a territory is political/military might.

Israel exists today as a testament to the political/military might of its people, and their God. Stay tuned because the final act in the story that began in Genesis and ends in Revelation is about to happen!

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