Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   68,718 views  1,043 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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374   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 8, 7:59am  

Yet another independent news source saying the same thing about the Flour Massacre:
375   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 9, 6:01pm  

NuttBoxer says

Yep, completely agree. I don't think you understand I'm saying you are pro-Hamas. You are exactly like those people you ridicule. No interest in the truth, no research, duped by propaganda put out by the deep state. You think you're on the other side of your false dichotomy, but both side are the same side. The real other side believes war is evil, killing women and children is always wrong, and governments are always out to screw over the people, on all sides.

NuttBoxer says

I side with the independent media

LOL. Independent Media sure isn't Electronic Intifada, Middle East Eye, Middle East Monitor, RT, etc. or their "repeaters" like Ryan Dawson and Corbett.
376   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 9, 6:02pm  

NuttBoxer says

Yet another independent news source saying the same thing about the Flour Massacre:

LOL I responded with the "Repeater" before I read this. Corbett, Ryan Dawson, throw in Syrian Girl, the Syrian Permasingle Aussie Shut In who poses with toy guns. Grifters like Hinkle, who was a Green Grifter before he was a PaliFluffer.
377   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 9, 6:06pm  

NuttBoxer says

The real other side believes war is evil, killing women and children is always wrong, and governments are always out to screw over the people, on all sides.

There is no third side. There are pro-Palis, pro-Zionists, or people who pretend to be for peace but are always for the brutal, election-never-having, leftist side in any conflict. Orwell spoke of them as false "Pacifists", I've posted it before

The kind that whinged endlessly at the UK about a guy caught with semtex in the boot of his lorry being forced to stand in a corner in his underpants for a few hours, while ignoring Irish Catholic middle aged mothers or retarded teenagers dragged out of their homes or schools on anonymous accusations of being touts and murdered extrajudicially and thrown in a bog. And cry over a terrorist who burned down a factory and got caught redhanded and starved himself to death. And mass bombings on civilians in pubs and marching band kids in London was endlessly excused and/or ignored by these "Independent Media types, but heaven forbid a collaborator was roughed up by the Paras.

They're finding bog bodies to this day.

Nothing new under the sun. Propaganda and Human Nature never changes
378   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 9, 6:21pm  

Captain Lém, an NLF Intelligence Officer, is executed by National Police Chief Loan after he was caught in the immediate aftermath of his home ambush and murder of ARVN Lieutenant Colonel Nguyễn Tuân, AND his wife, six children, and 80-year-old mother.

At the time, the Global Muh Underdog, Right or Wrong Pacificist PEACE! ACTIVIST! press left out the vital context and simply presented it as a suspected NLF guerilla being executed while in handcuffs.

The photographer himself wasn't a "Hurt the West, no matter what" type like many journalists then and many "independent media" morons today.

“General Loan was … a real warrior,” Adams wrote in a Time eulogy for Loan. “I’m not saying what he did was right, but you have to put yourself in his position…. He never blamed me. He told me if I hadn’t taken the picture, someone else would have, but I’ve felt bad for him and his family for a long time.”

Loan, who later lost a leg in combat, was treated for the injury at Washington’s old Walter Reed Army Hospital in 1969, which outraged some people. Then-Sen. Stephen M. Young (D-Ohio) called Loan a “brutal murderer” and said his treatment in the United States was “a disgraceful end to a … disgraceful episode.”

Loan was university-educated and had become a jet pilot before he was named national police chief. He was married and had five children. After the war, he made his way with his family to the United States and ran a restaurant in Northern Virginia. But the photograph stalked him. In the restaurant men’s room, someone scrawled on the wall: “We know who you are, you f—”

379   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 9, 6:27pm  

The IRA kidnaps two retarded boys from St. Patrick's School for handicapped kids and executes one of them. Ironically, the boys' father died in a crossfire in Ballymurphy in 1971


Red Ken, Corbyn, Sinn Fein, etc. all ignored this when it happened. They won't be ignoring any deaths in Gaza, however accidental or collateral.

Oh, and the same Faggy European Left rode the UK hard back then while studiously ignoring IRA atrocities. It compares well to another country today.

Look what side Jane Fonda is on:

From naming her son after an attempted assassin of MacNamara to supporting each and every retarded Leftist and Progressive cause from Climate Baloney to Castro to Population Control to TDS, now she's added "Anti-Zionism" - which she formally did like 22 years ago.

I apologize for the reddit link, but look at the comments from fellow Trans Left Redditors loving all over Hanoi Jane's "Brave new stance."

"Independent" people never change.
380   Ceffer   2024 Mar 9, 6:58pm  

I don't know what special form of psycho Jane Fonda is. Family is old Hollywood, of course, but still, that level of detachment in delusion is something special. I'm surprised she can memorize lines and deliver them coherently, and she did have a few good movies.
Sean Penn is another. Good roles and well done acting attached to a bizarre, narcissistic and delusional brain.
381   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 11, 7:43am  

AmericanKulak says

LOL. Independent Media sure isn't Electronic Intifada, Middle East Eye, Middle East Monitor, RT, etc. or their "repeaters" like Ryan Dawson and Corbett.

My sources are numerous and listed, feel free to investigate anytime. But you'll wait until public opinion officially turns, then you'll miraculously start agreeing with me...
383   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 11, 7:50am  

Speaking of Vietnam, Israel literally used food as a weapon. Kissenger would be proud!

For the first time I heard a reporter refer to this as a holocaust. Genocide is no longer accurate, and with the picture I saw of emaciated children, I have to agree. From the third side...
384   richwicks   2024 Mar 11, 7:55am  

AmericanKulak says

LOL. Independent Media sure isn't Electronic Intifada, Middle East Eye, Middle East Monitor, RT, etc. or their "repeaters" like Ryan Dawson and Corbett.

Yes it is.

It's not that hard to catch "news" in an error. Once they hit an error, and continue to repeat it, you know it's propaganda, especially if they can't be corrected. Anything that you can't give feedback to, don't waste your time on.

Here, you want to check the credibility of say, James Corbett?

original link

That's from Feb 24, 2022. Now do this, try to find anything that is remotely correct from 2022 that was on the propaganda box. You're going to spend weeks trying to find that.

What I sent you, I've not even listened to, but I'm going to do now. I'll find out how close on the mark he was. Corbett or his guests can and do make mistakes, but they don't like and they aren't consistently wrong.

Independent news, is the ONLY news that exists, and there's a lot of fraudsters in that space as well. I think Stew Peters and Alex Jones are worthless, they are only 50% pure bullshit, but still, they push bullshit knowing it's bullshit. Done with that crap.
385   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 12, 7:01am  

Jones has been right on a lot of stuff over the years, and does have some really good reporters working for him(Watson). Not sure what's happened with his head, looks like he's retaining massive amounts of water..
386   socal2   2024 Mar 12, 9:40am  

Muzzies attacking Jews on Ramadan! Shocker! Thought Biden was going on about how special Ramadan is for Muslims and that Israel has to stop searching for their hostages in Rafah out of respect to the "Religion of Pieces"?

Is there a bigger bunch of hypocrites and whiners on the planet?
387   socal2   2024 Mar 12, 9:43am  

NuttBoxer says

For the first time I heard a reporter refer to this as a holocaust. Genocide is no longer accurate


Jew haters on the Right are just like blue-haired Leftists LGTBQ's totally inverting words and reality.
388   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 12, 1:18pm  

You're so far up the Israeli governments ass, you don't get the most vocal opposition to the Palestinian holocaust comes from Jews. I guess Jews are anti-Semites now too, just like blacks who vote for Trump aren't really black? You are literally running the playbook you claim to hate. I'd call you a self-hating Leftist, but is there any other kind?

You've excused the Israeli government's false flag against their own people. Ignored IDF shelling Jews from tanks and shooting them from helicopters. Ignored the reports from released Jewish hostages blaming Israel. Ignored all the first hand accounts of IDF and Israel government claiming responsibility for bombing hospitals, killing women, children, and international journalists and aid workers. Ignored the Israeli government documentation planning a forced relocation of all of Gaza.

You've ignored the truth, because that's not your side. For me it's the only side that matters. But you tell me, since you support the Israeli government so fucking hard, will I find quotes of you doing the same when they pushed four covid shots on the Jews? What about when the US government pushed policy's that encouraged my former employer to fire me to refusing to talk about whether I'd taken that shot? Or just name a single thing the US government has done to make your life better?

Gell-Mann Amnesia...
389   stereotomy   2024 Mar 12, 7:13pm  

NuttBoxer says

What about when the US government pushed policy's that encouraged my former employer to fire me to refusing to talk about whether I'd taken that shot?

I'm sorry to hear that, brother. I came that close myself.I always insult medical people now when they say they can't give me certain information because of HIPPA. I say "I'm glad to see you're now following the law, especially when it suits you. Where was this respect for HIPPA during the Plandemic?"

Goddam motherfucking bastards.
390   WookieMan   2024 Mar 12, 8:46pm  

NuttBoxer says

What about when the US government pushed policy's that encouraged my former employer to fire me to refusing to talk about whether I'd taken that shot? Or just name a single thing the US government has done to make your life better?

No one was ever forced to take a vaccine. There was no law about forging a vaccine card. None. It wasn't illegal. Unless you're IN the military (not a contractor) no one ever had a right to your medical records and you can fake them. They made a card, you fake it and hand it to them and go on about your day.

Think about the language they used. "Mandate" and "Law" https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/mandate#:~:text=A%20mandate%20is%20an%20official,conferred%20upon%20the%20lower%20court.

A mandate involves a law. There was none. You simply lie or fake the vaccine card. Which I did. I was fortunate to not be working so I didn't have to deal with it directly. I just didn't get any vaccine. Had to use it once or twice to get into things but no one would have known. What are they going to do call a doctor I pulled out of a registry and verify my card is real out of probably thousands of vaccines they gave out? They can't even give that info out even if I did get the vaccine.

It was one of the dumbest moments in human history. There's no doubt about that and humans succumbed to the bull shit. I didn't.
391   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 12, 8:52pm  

socal2 says


Jew haters on the Right are just like blue-haired Leftists LGTBQ's totally inverting words and reality.

Yep, there is no genocide, Gaza Health Ministry (AKA Hamas) is full of shit, and the actual casualties for an Urban invasion is shockingly low.

If there was a genocide bodies would be piling up unburied.
392   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 13, 12:30am  

All this supposed suffering and everybody dying but still holding on to civilian hostages? Something doesn't add up.
393   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 13, 7:08am  

AmericanKulak says

Gaza Health Ministry (AKA Hamas)

Not the source, but I know you want it to be. I mean who wants to remember that you supported a Holocaust..?
394   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 13, 7:38am  

Everyone has seen the photos of the survivors of Nazi camps at the end of WWII, it's time to start seeing the photos of these children:

397   richwicks   2024 Mar 13, 7:43am  

AmericanKulak says

socal2 says


Jew haters on the Right are just like blue-haired Leftists LGTBQ's totally inverting words and reality.

Yep, there is no genocide, Gaza Health Ministry (AKA Hamas) is full of shit, and the actual casualties for an Urban invasion is shockingly low.

If there was a genocide bodies would be piling up unburied.

You mean like this?

That's a dog eating a corpse. I got that from the "dead terrorists" telegram channel. This is what was written in hebrew:

לחבר שלנו רקסי נמאס משקיות הבונזו פגות התוקף שהירדנים והאמריקאים מצניחים לתושבי עזה אז אתמול בערב הוא החליט לפנק את עצמו בפלטת בשרים משובחת של נתחי נוחבה אל מול חופי הים של רצועת הכחבות.
לבריאות רקסי אוהבים אותך נשמה🦮🔥

תודה לgabriel zedaka על הסרטון המלבב🥰

And this is the translation to English:

Our friend Rexie was fed up with the expired bonzo bags that the Jordanians and Americans drop to the residents of Gaza, so last night he decided to treat himself to a fine platter of Nahba meats off the coast of the Gaza Strip.
Bless you Rexie love you soul נשמה

Thank you Gabriel Zedaka for this amazing video.

And here's another translation:

Our friend Rexy is tired of the expired bonzo bags that the Jordanians and Americans are dropping on the residents of Gaza, so last night he decided to treat himself to a fine meat platter of pieces of Nochava in front of the beaches of the Black Sea.
Cheers Rexy love you soul

The second one is a GOOGLE translation, notice they oddly translated "Gaza Strip" to "Black Sea", as if this were Ukraine.

At the end of this, you will understand the brutality of Israel, and I feel sorry for the dumb Jewish people going along to get along. I think this is finally a breaking point. People are archiving what is happening and that's no longer in the domain of "the authorities"...
398   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 13, 7:59am  

Ham-ass doesn't give a fuck. They probably have a pool of deliberately starved children to parade around.
399   richwicks   2024 Mar 13, 11:03am  


Ham-ass doesn't give a fuck. They probably have a pool of deliberately starved children to parade around.

Really? You mean a government that got 44% of the vote back in 2006 when less than 1/2 the population of Gaza was even alive, that is funded by Israel, that has its "leadership" safely hanging out in Qatar, doesn't care about "their people"?

color me shocked.
400   socal2   2024 Mar 13, 12:56pm  


Ham-ass doesn't give a fuck. They probably have a pool of deliberately starved children to parade around.

The fighting would stop today if Hamas surrendered and released the remaining hostages. Even Netanyahu would not have cause to finish in Rafah if Hamas finally surrendered.

But all the Western Jew haters have absolutely no demands of Hamas and seem happy to see the fighting continue to the last Palestinian.

Why is that?
401   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 13, 12:58pm  

NuttBoxer says

Quick, run an IV to a kid's... finger?! Where the veins are! Pump air into it? LOL

NuttBoxer says

Everyone has seen the photos of the survivors of Nazi camps at the end of WWII, it's time to start seeing the photos of these children:

LOL. Give me a fucking break. Use some common sense, look how fleshy the mother is. Nice plump cheeks, normal volume in the fingers.

Gaza is top 3 in obesity for women - higher than the US, Germany, and UK for obesity - and top 15 for men, just a little slimmer than the average American. However, the average Gazan is about 15-20 YEARS YOUNGER.

Also, look at the IV. I know to start IVs as distal on the arm as possible but that thing is right at the wrist bone, if it's not just tucked under wrapping. Notice the bag is never in the picture so we can't tell if it's LR Solution or a blood transfusion or what.

Is this Gaza? Is this from somewhere else with a photo of a kid with a disease? Has the face been doctored or is it silicon like many of the picture's we've seen of 'babies' by Palbara?

I don't know where or what is going on in this photo, but it looks fake/staged AF.
402   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 13, 12:59pm  

My dead, vacant stare

Or may I should just close them so I'm not tempted to look around and blow my cover.

403   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 13, 1:09pm  

"Starving" Hamas fighters taken prisoner. Skinnyfat city.

404   richwicks   2024 Mar 13, 4:31pm  

socal2 says

The fighting would stop today if Hamas surrendered and released the remaining hostages.

No it wouldn't. More than 200 Palestinians were murdered prior to October 7th in 2023.
405   WookieMan   2024 Mar 14, 6:35am  

I'm sorry, I just don't give a fuck about this conflict. It's on the other side of the globe. Neither side provides any value to my country. People get in fights all the time. Let them duke it out. This topic is super annoying. Hamas prior to October 7 was lobbing rockets into Isreal forever. Isreal has had a lot of restraint.

The blame ultimately falls at the feet of Muslim nations and Hamas. The religion is basically barbarians running it based off a fiction character and book. Same for the Jews. Like I said, at least they have restraint when being attacked. Killing 1,200 people or whatever it was, not doing anything to Hamas deserves a response. So kids die. Your fellow Muslim neighbors don't want you. Let that soak in.

Hamas and Palestinians are the red headed step child no one wants. THEY could have worked this out. Lobbing rockets at Isreal is not working it out. It's going to be a blood bath. And people need to stop calling it a genocide. Palestinians have been attacking Israel before most of us on this site were born. This is why I don't practice any religion. Don't claim to be atheist or anarchist. I just don't fucking care. Let them kill each other over fiction novels. 20 people were probably killed over the weekend in Chicago.... Focus on home.
406   richwicks   2024 Mar 14, 6:41am  

WookieMan says

Hamas prior to October 7 was lobbing rockets into Isreal forever. Isreal has had a lot of restraint.

Israel has been killing Palestinians and stealing their land, one house at a time, for 75 years. What you are seeing is a revolt, and it's actually the Palestinians that have shown ENORMOUS restraint, which is why they have lost so much land. It's only 10 million people. Without the US being involved, it would be easy for Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon to end this. The only reason THAT didn't happen in the 1970's, is that both the Russians and the Americans negotiated an end to that particular phase of the conflict, that and Israel stole nuclear material from the United States and now has nuclear weapons, the only nation in the Middle East that does.
407   WookieMan   2024 Mar 14, 7:11am  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

Hamas prior to October 7 was lobbing rockets into Isreal forever. Isreal has had a lot of restraint.

Israel has been killing Palestinians and stealing their land, one house at a time, for 75 years. What you are seeing is a revolt, and it's actually the Palestinians that have shown ENORMOUS restraint, which is why they have lost so much land. It's only 10 million people. Without the US being involved, it would be easy for Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon to end this. The only reason THAT didn't happen in the 1970's, is that both the Russians and the Americans negotiated an end to that particular phase of the conflict, that and Israel stole nuclear material from the United States and now has nuclear weapons, the only nation in the Middle East that does.

I'll say it for probably the 100th time. Who cares? We have cities with human shit on the streets, high murder rates, crime, etc. Who the fuck cares about Isreal or Hamas? I fucking don't. Let them die. I don't even care about the civilians. This never ends and I think you know it. It's not happening in my back yard so zero shits should be given. The Eastern hemisphere has been trash for centuries. Won't stop. Why care? What is anyone on this site doing about it? Nothing. Just bitching and giving opinions on something that doesn't effect them.
408   richwicks   2024 Mar 14, 7:19am  

WookieMan says

I'll say it for probably the 100th time. Who cares?

Our government does. It's their top priority.

original link

WookieMan says

We have cities with human shit on the streets, high murder rates, crime, etc.

So? The criminals that run the government don't care about that.

What's the mystery here?

WookieMan says

Who the fuck cares about Israel or Hamas? I fucking don't.

The criminals that control our foreign policy do not care about what you think should be done or what shouldn't be done. Nothing complicated about that. They will go to war for 2 decades for Israeli interests, and let the United States be invaded across the border. You won't do anything about it.

WookieMan says

This never ends and I think you know it. It's not happening in my back yard so zero shits should be given.

Well, you pay for it. This would end, quick, if the US stopped sending money to Israel and put the Neocons that control US foreign policy into prison.

WookieMan says

The Eastern hemisphere has been trash for centuries. Won't stop. Why care?

The US government cares, and Americans won't do anything about it. They won't even pay attention to the fact that the US government has no obligation to the United States or US citizens.

You have no representation. The US government will spend a trillion dollars on Israel, and will leave people in East Palestine Ohio to slowly die. They've not even found the missing people in Maui. You see, the propaganda box doesn't talk about it, and since most people are subhuman zombies, they don't think about it.

Most people think exclusively what they are told to think about by the propaganda box. When is the last time you thought about what was going on in Syria? We're still at war there, why? Is there any US interest there? ISRAEL has an interest there. Why do you think we're there? And Iran is on the other side of the planet, why should the US care about it? But they do, Israel has a big problem - yet we have senators and congressmen advocating for war against them. See the problem yet?
409   WookieMan   2024 Mar 14, 7:49am  

I don't care... Not sure how much clearer I can be. No nation has the ability to attack us in any meaningful way. Someone nukes us they're toast.

I look at the US as a family. I don't give a shit about the drama elsewhere. If they want to fight and kill each other who cares. There's too many cultures on that side of the planet that it's never going to work out. Just let them do their thing. They'll be in perpetual war. Hell the Koreans are still technically at war.

Sure we get involved financially. I paid my taxes and so be it. As long as we don't put our young men into the situation any more. I can live with a gamble of tax payer money, just not our citizens. This doesn't end. Ever. We have a generally homogenous hemisphere with basically 2 languages. Europeans don't even speak the same language country to country. They don't understand Russian. Arab languages. Chinese. Indian. African languages. That side of the planet will never get along. No point in caring.

We should stick to protecting shipping lanes and a few bases and get the fuck out of everything. When it all melts down without our kids going there, we reap the spoils. We should have never been involved in WWI or II. Or Vietnam. Or Korea. Or Iraq. Or Afghanistan. I think we'd agree there. There's an entire continent on this planet that is totally shit.

I don't know. Don't really give a shit what our government does with Isreal. I don't give a shit about jews nor do I hate them. They're just people with a fucking fictional book. Blah blah blah. I don't get into fist fights over Lord of the Rings...
410   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 14, 8:00am  

@AmericanKulak You're a disgusting human being, a sociopath, and a hateful racist. I don't care what's happened to make you so bitter, you deserved it.

Yes, this is a personal attack. Anyone who laughs at children suffering does not deserve decency.
411   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 14, 8:10am  

socal2 says

The fighting would stop today if Hamas surrendered and released the remaining hostages. Even Netanyahu would not have cause to finish in Rafah if Hamas finally surrendered.

You keep repeating the same baseless lie, and keep ignoring the Israeli government documents where they outline a plan to force relocate all of Gaza. But I know you'd never call the Israeli government liars, because then by your definition they would be anti-Semites, so you're in quite a bind with your spurious logic right now...
412   WookieMan   2024 Mar 14, 8:28am  

NuttBoxer says

Yes, this is a personal attack. Anyone who laughs at children suffering does not deserve decency.

Do they not have parents? The photos posted are staged. Hook line and sinker...

Here's the adult thing to do, stop shooting at each other. Just came up on the anniversary of a friends kid that died that would have been same age as my oldest. They didn't adult and he died of a bacterial infection. 100% preventable. Adults need to adult. Kids will die. Adults will die. Choices have been made. They can change those choices.

The problem is both sides have religion. Reading fiction books has always been a problem. It's just a certain few that fuck up the world. Pick your poison I guess. Until Muslims, Jews and mainly Catholics can live in peace (they won't) this goes on forever. Humans are going to die. Kids included. You can have emotions, but you're not doing anything to get to the root of the problem. Religion.
413   richwicks   2024 Mar 14, 9:29am  

WookieMan says

I don't care... Not sure how much clearer I can be. No nation has the ability to attack us in any meaningful way.

We've already been conquered and we are currently occupied. Why do you think we spend money and resources on nations that have NOTHING to do with the United States?

WookieMan says

Hell the Koreans are still technically at war.

You realize they were about to sign the official end of the war until Bolton put an end to that, by saying that the US would deal with North Korea using the "Libya model". The use foments conflict, NOW. That's all it does. We don't have foreign enemies, we have a domestic one.

WookieMan says

Sure we get involved financially. I paid my taxes and so be it. As long as we don't put our young men into the situation any more. I can live with a gamble of tax payer money, just not our citizens. This doesn't end. Ever.

You are simply incapable of understanding what is going on.

Ukraine wouldn't be in war if the US didn't overthrow it, and then fund it, and 300,000+ Ukrainians wouldn't be dead, and Europe would have easy access to energy and we wouldn't have spent trillions of dollars on wars in the Middle East, or be dealing with Israel, and Afghanistan wouldn't be selling our latest military equipment to every Tom Dick and Harry, if we just left them alone.

It's not just money.

The "refugees" that keep coming into this nation, our government created a good deal of them, through sanctions, direct war, and other foreign interference.

Whatever, it's pointless to try to explain something that should be immediately obvious to anybody but you can't seem to comprehend.

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