Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   77,674 views  1,148 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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753   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 30, 4:19pm  


"Palis are justified in killing, raping, maimimg and enslaving civvy Joos because oppression, colonialism, aparteid something something. Joos are not allowed to go after Ham-Ass because some civvy Palis can get hurt in
754   richwicks   2024 Apr 30, 4:41pm  

Eric Holder says

but not a single supposedly humanitarian-minded cunt has proposed a simple first step: unconditionally release ALL Oct 07 hostages

So, the solution is to agree to demands of the Israeli government with no conditions whatsoever in the hope that the country which has been displacing and pressuring the Palestinians to leave and give up for 75 years will just be nice all of a sudden when they have never been?

Brilliant plan!!!

People who listen to politicians and repeat what spokespeople say on TV are insane. What you have said I have heard repeated all over *news" by pundits, Israeli spokesmen, I think even Benjamin Netanyahu.

You are repeating a talking point just as mindlessly as any shitlib democrat saying January 6th was an attack on our democracy.

I swear to God most people blindy and stupidly repeat nonsense and don't spend a second to realize they are being used, like a prostitute working for free.

You won't even consider you are brainwashed. Why would you repeat the same exact words the propaganda box has said hundreds of times? Something that makes no sense to do at all? Coincidence?

Most people around me are brainwashed and they are INCAPABLE of realizing it. It's s maddening
755   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 30, 4:44pm  

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

757   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 30, 4:46pm  

Good, good stupid Quirk Chungus Lesbidumb Red Diaper Useful Idiot, yes, say the things I want you to - the actual leader, behind the figurehead.

758   PeopleUnited   2024 Apr 30, 7:49pm  

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

Yep same ones in MN too! ZDS, it’s everywhere!!! And apparently funded by the same donors. It’s almost as if it is a coordinationed effort funded by some overseas billionaire to divide and destabilize us in an election year. By George, haven’t they have done this before? In fact, it was 4 years ago in Minnesota when.... no that is probably just a coincidence right???
The shame of it all is it is even infecting anti Semitic “conservatives “
759   richwicks   2024 Apr 30, 8:10pm  

PeopleUnited says

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

Yep same ones in MN too! ZDS, it’s everywhere!!! And apparently funded by the same donors. It’s almost as if it is a coordinationed effort funded by some overseas billionaire to divide and destabilize us in an election year. By George, haven’t they have done this before? In fact, it was 4 years ago in Minnesota when.... no that is probably just a coincidence right???
The shame of it all is it is even infecting anti Semitic “conservatives “

Want to discredit an idea or a movement?

You recruit into the movement the most loathesome, disgusting, crazy, morons possible, then you associate that with the position or idea of the position or idea you are attempting to destroy.

Remember the smelly criminal hippie scum of the 1960's? They dealt drugs, they were unreliable, they were petty criminals, they were bums, and they were "anti-war".

During the civil rights movement, the black people marching went out of their way to wear suits, to be well manicured, they spoke intelligently.

Our "news" media focuses on what it wants to focus on, to control your perception of the entire movement.

So, you might be at a Trump gathering a football stadium and realize he really does have a lot of support right or wrong. Our "news" will never show you just how big that crowd it. People at the event might post it, but it will be suppressed on YouTube, Facebook, and probably Twitter still. The video won't be monetized so although you know he has authentic widespread support, your average midwid that didn't see if for themselves, that stick to television and the big 3 internet companies will think you're crazy if you explain he has actual and LARGE support.

You can easily recognize this on ONE side, but not the other "side".

Our government green lights everything Israel does, everything but there's an authentic resistance to what Israel is doing. These people in the same tents, or these people in the same clothing, or the people acting "crazy" - consider they might be our government infiltrating a group to destroy it.

During Occupy Wallstreet it was just a bunch of communist shitheads that were called by our media, repeatedly, "the leaders" - and this is designed to turn you against OWS and what did OWS want? They wanted banks and financial institutions to have to live in a free market, and when they fucked up, they paid for it, taxpayers didn't. Do you oppose that? That's what the Tea Party wanted too. Strange the "leaders" of these ACTUAL grass roots efforts never thought to join forces in that one demand, both their main demand.
760   Reality   2024 Apr 30, 8:42pm  

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

The pictures are obviously selected, a we saw many other campuses ordered batches of other colors. Even in those tightly cropped 3 photos you chose, the top and bottom photos each has red tent(s) in the background, and the middle one has yellow tents in the background.

Did you by any chance check the result of entering "tent" into Amazon search?
The green tent with grey/white edges is at the very top of the list, and is by far the most cost-effective tent for up to 5 people (at $34.99 with free shipping); by comparison, even the Amazon basic tent for 4/8 costs nearly double at $66.65, whereas the same "Camel Crown" branded tent for up to 6 people (1 more person) costs $109, more than 3 times as much money. If anyone is ordering a tent from Amazon right now, that one (with a limited few color choices) is the most cost-effective if the buyer doesn't mind having similar color and/or style to other campers.
761   Blue   2024 Apr 30, 11:00pm  

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

Most of them are from Suicide Bomber Mafia community
762   richwicks   2024 Apr 30, 11:26pm  

Blue says

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

Most of them are from Suicide Bomber Mafia community

Is it this tent:


$35 - seems like a pretty good deal. Isn't our centralization great? It's almost like communism.

Did you know that Amazon doesn't make any profit selling goods? All their money is made from AWS - Amazon Web Services, you rent time and space on a computer, all 17 intelligence agencies store their information there. I'm sure however, they are TOTALLY independent, and Amazon isn't an intelligence asset of some sort if not an outright creation.
763   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 3:47am  

Reality says

The green tent with grey/white edges is at the very top of the list, and is by far the most cost-effective tent for up to 5 people (at $34.99 with free shipping); by comparison, even the Amazon basic tent for 4/8 costs nearly double at $66.65, whereas the same "Camel Crown" branded tent for up to 6 people (1 more person) costs $109, more than 3 times as much money. If anyone is ordering a tent from Amazon right now, that one (with a limited few color choices) is the most cost-effective if the buyer doesn't mind having similar color and/or style to other campers.

No. That's the price ($34) for the 2 person, not a larger size, and it's not the same tent. First, it looks like these tents themselves are grey, not just the bottom few inches, covered with a green rain fly. The Poles are exposed on the bottom third of the store tent and there is no big white lettering on any of these photos.

Nor is it the same color green rain fly, either, the Hamassimp tents have a rain fly that is a much paler green and not an offered color, in or out of stock. And there's no grey tent at all on offer. It's clearly a different make/model entirely.

And I had to go down past the top three hits to find it, searching simply for 'tents'

Here's the next three. None of these tents look like the ones above.

People say they are from REI ... but I went there and simply searched tents and the first hits were all dedicated backpacking tents that look nothing like the ones shown in design, color, and footprint.

Finally, we have to assume that 3 different student groups all decided to have the same size tents, they all went on the same time to Amazon, and all chose the same exact tent? Unlikely.

Just like it's unlikely that large amounts of bricks show up wherever BLM protesters were concentrated by serendipity.

In any case, it's clear that the tents were purchased from somewhere and from "Student Activity Fees" of some group to insure that ALL students and the taxpayer subsidized it.
764   richwicks   2024 May 1, 4:54am  

AmericanKulak says

No. That's the price ($34) for the 2 person, not a larger size, and it's not the same tent.


Somebody else besides me checks facts and does research. I honestly thought I may be the only one.
765   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 5:15am  

Pro-Israeli female counter protester curb stomped into unconsciousness at UCLA yesterday by peaceful protesters. Was taken away unconscious by EMTs

You won't see this on MSM or Hamassimp media and their Bitchute Bloviator channels.

Last night: Students strike back and attack UCLA encampment
766   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 5:19am  

Hamassimps at Hamilton Hall whinge about "Muh Finals" they didn't care about when they occupied the building, as police insist anybody who leaves gets arrested.

It's all virtue signalling until they have to deal with the consequences, so much as a minor trespassing charge.
767   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 5:34am  

Where did Hamassimps get the metal barricades from?

Either the Authorities gave them the stamp of officialdom by providing their "Border Wall" to them, or... darker theories.

Notice the first thing Reds do is establish a border.

The authorities in Blue Cities will put up with a lot from Reds. It's only when the Reds attract counter protesters after days of running wild, that all of a sudden, Blue City Authorities decide "both" groups need to calm it down.
768   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:11am  

Blue says

AmericanKulak says

All these student groups all ordered the same model, what a coinky dinky.

Most of them are from Suicide Bomber Mafia community

More of the same grey with light green rainfly tents again, this time inside FORDHAM's student center.

Looks like a Mountain logo? Definitely not the cheapest ones off Amazon.
769   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:18am  

Got it. It's the Ozark Trail 4-person dome tent, one of the two hits NOT available on Amazon now:

OR, also not the Grey-Green one, $90, definitely not the cheapest and only 2 reviews, so not popular either:
770   richwicks   2024 May 1, 7:52am  

AmericanKulak says

You won't see this on MSM or Hamassimp media and their Bitchute Bloviator channels.

If it's real, you will be able to find out who the perpetrator and the victim is.

Got a problem using the most powerful research tool ever made by mankind, or do you constantly fall for psyops? Find out.

You've never uncovered a scam before but you've had them laboriously pointed out to you. George Floyd was just a victim of cop brutality calling out for his mother, right?

771   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:58am  

From Fordham in NYC to Yale to CT to UW Milwaukee to UMich, it's amazing how all these Student Groups all brought the same exact color model/make of tent.

It's a miracle!

Remember, Bitchute Bloviators never lie.

This "Syrian Social-National Party" - which calls for the entire Levant to be controlled by Damascus from Beirut to Jerusalem to Baghdad - member is a lifelong resident of Australia.
773   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 1, 11:08am  

Eric Holder says

"Joos must stop any kinetic action against Ham-Ass because humanitarian concerns. Ham-Ass should not release civilian hostages because fuck you and your humanitarian concerns"


"Palis are justified in killing, raping, maimimg and enslaving civvy Joos because oppression, colonialism, aparteid something something. Joos are not allowed to go after Ham-Ass because some civvy Palis can get hurt in

Feel free to link to real quotes from patnetters who said the above. Being objective like a man. Not emotional ranting like you have vaginas..
775   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 1, 11:11am  

Also, saw Biden is now extending his NO BORDER policy to Gazan's. What was that Zionist plan again to force relocate all of Gaza to Western countries...
776   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 1, 11:19am  

On the tents, several possibilities:

* These people don't own tents, planned to protest for a while, bought them together, or one person ordered a bunch and collected money
* They are all part of an organized protest movement
* They are all part of an organized protest disruption movement

Simplest explanation is the middle one. Lots of students are against genocide, and co-ordinated these protests via social media. But given that we do know Zionists have recruited protest disrupters, and they've even been caught on film, it certainly possible it's the Zionists as well. Or it's just the most popular tent...

When you using scant evidence to attempt to win an argument you're not even a conspiracy theorist, you're just a liar.
777   Reality   2024 May 1, 11:50am  

AmericanKulak says


LOL! Hardly anyone in the West is pro-Hamas, except the Israeli intelligence and related parties financing Hamas (if Israeli intelligence really wanted to kill Hamas, they could easily kill off Hamas leadership living in Qatar). Notice the flags the protesters are waving in representation of Palestinian victims is not the flag of Hamas (a green flag with white Arabic script) but that of Palestinian Authority/state. I doubt the protesters even support the corrupt Palestinian Authority (more or less also controlled by Israel). They are protesting due to humanitarian concerns for the Palestinian people (who are literally being genocided through war and starvation, just like Jewish victims were during WWII in Nazi death camps). You may indeed have caught up onto something about the green tents: unlike the early stages of different campuses each having their own prevalent color for tents, someone might be sending them the pale green color of Hamas in an effort to link protesters to Hamas. Most protesters probably never even knew who Hamas were before last fall (yes, Hamas were/are religious fanatics financed by western and Israeli intelligence to undermine Arab secularists; their fundamentalist religion is from the same school of religion that believes every word the Aryan (Iran/Persian) myth maker "Prophet"/Profit Ezra told what he invented and subjugated as "Jews," by making up those genocidal stories like Jericho (pretending "Killing all their men, women, children an livestock" was God's command). The current conflict is among descendants of the original Aryans (Iran/Persia, where Profit Ezra came from) invented the myth in 5th century BC, the predatory desert nomads that converted to a version of it (called "Islam") for trade route profit in the 7th century AD/CE and the Steppes nomadic psychos who converted to it in order to maintain their white-slavery empire in the 8th century AD/CE (long before the Atlantic black slave trade, there was the white-slavery scene in eastern European (today's southern Russian and Ukrainian) steppes, where slave traders routinely rounded up thousands if not tens of thousands of peaceful Slavic farmers on annual slave-drives. Most people in the world seem to be cluing in on the reality that a complete victory by any one of the 3 groups of psychos would be disastrous to humanity (including the psychos themselves, even the temporarily victorious psychos emerging from genocide, as the infighting for the spoils of a shrinking pie under monopoly would never end); nobody should be allowed to do what's being done to Palestinian children (and what was done to Jewish children 80 years ago); BTW, the Palestinian children are biologically the most probable descendants of biblical Jews still existing in the world.
778   richwicks   2024 May 1, 11:54am  

NuttBoxer says

Simplest explanation is the middle one.

"Durrr. I still don't know Occam''s Razor even though it's been explicitly explained to me multiple times. Either I'm a retard or I pretend not to know I'm purposely spreading propaganda"...

NuttBoxer says

When you using scant evidence to attempt to win an argument you're not even a conspiracy theorist, you're just a liar.

Accuse your enemies of which you are guilty .

Saul Alinsky never said that by the way.
779   Eric Holder   2024 May 1, 1:15pm  

NuttBoxer says

Feel free to link to real quotes from patnetters who said the above.

Reflects the argument. Exaggerates here and there a little to highlight ridiculous inconstitensies and leaps. Feel free to link to where anybody claims these satiric proclamations are exact quotes.
780   socal2   2024 May 1, 1:19pm  

The Ayatollah Islamist retards have the American anti-Semites' backs!

Actually, it would do humanity some good to put full-on burqas over these ugly AWFL's and LGBTQ mentals who have been shutting down our universities.

781   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:44pm  

Reality says

LOL! Hardly anyone in the West is pro-Hamas, except the Israeli intelligence and related parties financing Hamas (if Israeli intelligence really wanted to kill Hamas, they could easily kill off Hamas leadership living in Qatar). N

Who is this? Where have I seen the "One" sign flashed before?

The above graphic is way out of date, too.
782   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:50pm  

And this was very Okay

And this was even better ... it's not a Gasden Flag, but more important
783   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 7:54pm  

Reality says

They are protesting due to humanitarian concerns for the Palestinian people (who are literally being genocided through war and starvation, just like Jewish victims were during WWII in Nazi death camps).

Bullshit. There's no labor camps, humanitarian aid is getting through (though today the UNWRA guy goofed and told the truth that the aid went to the markets, but Gazans had no cash, proving what many long said about UN Aid sold by Hamas for Profit), no gas chambers, no mass shootings in Palmiry or Katyn or Babi Yar, there "Mass Graves" are in fact where Gazans have been burying dead for months.

There's nothing happening in Gaza that didn't happen in any other city under siege in warfare. This is the "Hold Israel to different standards that exist for nobody else, such as they can't fight in Urban terrain at all if there are any civilians present". I assure you the Germans didn't refuse to fight while there were civilians left in Stalingrad, or the Russians in Berlin, or the Russians in Grozny, or the Allies at Caen or Manilla, or the US in Hue City or Fallujah, etc etc etc. Or other nonsense, like you can't use arty or air support in urban combat at all because there are some civilians around.

"Hold Back, old Boy, we can't fight here in Arnhem, there are civilians about! Put the mortars away, Leftenant!" - said no British officer in 1944.

"Shit, there are civilians in a city, well fuckit! We can't fight or besiege our enemies! We'll just sit on our ass because it's a war crime to fight in a city with people in it!"

"OMG, the Russians used artillery and air strikes in Grozny, what war crimes are these?!"

I guess the Russians and Ukrainians commited a shitload of war crimes by fighting in and around Mariopol?

It's hilarious how anti-Zionists apply standards for Israel that didn't exist for others.
784   PeopleUnited   2024 May 1, 8:06pm  

NuttBoxer says

NuttBoxer says

When you using scant evidence to attempt to win an argument you're not even a conspiracy theorist, you're just a liar.

Anyone else see the irony here? The “protesters” are trespassing/disrupting life on campus in America over some BS ethnic struggle half the world away.

Give the George Floyd protesters (not the looters or violent offenders though) the high ground here, at least they were addressing an American issue and not some bullshit propaganda war in the Middle East.
785   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 8:09pm  

Hamassimps are currently occupying a Library in Portland Right Now

This visitor clearly has the incorrect party line, according to the Red Guards stationed outside.

I guess it would be an grave assault on the 1st Amendment if they were to be ejected and/or arrested for controlling access to Public Property, eh?

Started in 2020. And Hamassimps and the simps of Hamassimps are normalizing it permanently.

If this was about any other issue but Israel - Cow Farts, Redwood Forests, BLM, the Price of Tea in China - many on this board would have no problem with the perps being arrested immediately and thrown to the ground very roughly.

Congrats, suckers, the Dems and RINOs found the Right's faultline, and the "New Right" is handing the NWO it's new normal, that preferred party members get preferred treatment to flagrantly break the law, continuing the trend begun in 2020. This will now be the second set of issues the New Red Guard can run wild with.


BTW, your buddies are whinging that they were victims of Islamophobia for having to take off their hijabs for the arrest photo, before being allowed to go on No-Bail.
786   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 8:26pm  

The Most Zionist President in history is also the one with no new wars. Funny, that.

787   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 8:57pm  

Well look at that, a non-faculty, non-student, non-staff professional activist.

I think I posted her here on Pat.net the other day..

788   WookieMan   2024 May 1, 9:28pm  

PeopleUnited says

NuttBoxer says

NuttBoxer says

When you using scant evidence to attempt to win an argument you're not even a conspiracy theorist, you're just a liar.

Anyone else see the irony here? The “protesters” are trespassing/disrupting life on campus in America over some BS ethnic struggle half the world away.

For Nutt to quote Dan Bilzerian is the definition of a joke. He literally is one of the biggest con artists liars of modern history. No different than taking a quote from SBF on bitcoin. DB is a known bull shit artist just like his dad. He just hasn't gotten arrested for it.
789   AmericanKulak   2024 May 1, 9:44pm  

More and more my hypothesis is looking correct. It's not just the State Department, if you get my drift.
790   richwicks   2024 May 2, 2:30am  

791   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 2, 8:39am  

792   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 2, 8:40am  

Free speech, the enemy of the Zionist state..

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