Noam Chomsky on Jobs

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2023 Nov 22, 10:00am   991 views  26 comments

by gabbar   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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2   HeadSet   2023 Nov 22, 11:35am  

What a load of crap. This is the musings of a lazy teen girl, who fantasizes a society where she does as she pleases all day while "society" takes care of her needs. No need to work and be productive.

Did you really think anything he said is profound? Maybe he is just playing devil's advocate.
3   theoakman   2023 Nov 22, 11:39am  

Chomsky also suggested we exile anyone unvaccinated from Covid from society. This guy was always a looney. In his mind, every private enterprise is a bad one. In his mind, nobody actually works for themselves. In his mind, he and his followers are morally superior, therefore, you must give them all the power.
4   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 22, 1:46pm  

Chomsky is a stupid Commie cunt.
5   Patrick   2023 Nov 22, 1:52pm  

I remember having similar thoughts when working for minimum wage after college. Everything I was allowed to say or do was tightly restricted at work.

He should have said that the analogy to being killed is being fired. Any employer can fire you at any time, at least in the US. That is summary execution, as far as the job is concerned.

But what Chomsky really missed is that you can at least try to work for yourself.
6   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 22, 3:43pm  

It is true that a person with money essentially can establish a private tyranny. And history has proven the rich can get away with nearly every tyranny including murder, rape and slavery. But this is why we have the first and second amendments so we can at least expose and defend ourselves against tyrants both foreign and domestic.
7   gabbar   2023 Nov 22, 5:01pm  

Patrick says

Any employer can fire you at any time, at least in the US.

This is why labor unions have a role in our country.
8   RC2006   2023 Nov 22, 8:14pm  

Now they are trying to use legal system to force at will employees to not be able to quit. In this example hospital didn't want to spend a dime to try to keep employees but was willing to drop a fortune on lawyers to fuck them.

9   gabbar   2023 Nov 23, 4:45am  

RC2006 says

Now they are trying to use legal system to force at will employees to not be able to quit. In this example hospital didn't want to spend a dime to try to keep employees but was willing to drop a fortune on lawyers to fuck them.


This article talks about origin of at will employment:

"The at-will principle originated in the 19th century, when craft workers valued their independence and the right to negotiate the sale of their skills to employers as equals. By the 1920s, it had become a millstone around the necks of workers — especially less-skilled workers — because of the power it gave employers to treat them as interchangeable warm bodies."
10   Booger   2023 Nov 23, 4:52am  

RC2006 says

Now they are trying to use legal system to force at will employees to not be able to quit. In this example hospital didn't want to spend a dime to try to keep employees but was willing to drop a fortune on lawyers to fuck them.


"They asked ThedaCare to match the offers, but ThedaCare declined"

These people are dumb for asking for a counter offer and letting their current employer know where they are going. They are even dumber if they didn't just go ahead and go to the new place despite any court order.
11   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 23, 9:01am  

Patrick says

He should have said that the analogy to being killed is being fired. Any employer can fire you at any time, at least in the US. That is summary execution, as far as the job is concerned.

With unemployment hovering under 4% who gives a fuck? You cross the road - and voila: resurrected at a new place of employment.
12   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 23, 4:55pm  


resurrected at a new place of employment.

Just as woke and corrupt as the one you were axed from. Plus now you are lower on the vacation calendar seniority list and all the other perks you had built up at the old place. Don’t pretend that woke employers policies are not trapping workers in no win situations.
13   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 24, 8:53am  

Chomsky says that the worst kind of tyranny is to work for an employer. Really? The employee has the freedom to seek employment from someone else if he/she doesn't like their current situation. Being that they have that freedom, how is that tyranny?

Furthermore, he fails to recognize the real tyranny that is destroying people's freedom; personal debt. When people are heavily in debt, they become slaves to the lender. If you want to enjoy real freedom, live within your means and eliminate all debt from your life.
14   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 24, 9:13am  

But this cock sucker gives paid lectures to the so called "Masters of the Enterprise".
It's as if he's being the companion piece to his dystopian lectures to those Masters of the Enterprise.

I used to bemoan this Cock Sucker on the old Patnet, and you should have seen the Libby Shitfucks that would savage me for it, why it was as if I being blasphemous of some wholly deity.
15   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 24, 9:18am  

I know a retired business owner named Tom, along with one of his former employees, Ron, a unionized laborer.

Tom is one of the most generous people I have ever known in my life. He literally is the type that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I've seen examples of his generosity, and sometimes it extends to complete strangers. One day, I mentioned Tom's generosity to Ron and his response was a very bitter "you never worked for him, he tried to squeeze every last drop of blood out of you, so don't tell me about his generosity." (Ron was being Ron, and Ron is prone to exaggerate. He is also a dedicated liberal Democrat that is pro-union to the extreme.) My response to him was: "there's a lot more to running a business than you might think, and, there's a lot more pressure on a business owner than there is on employees." He hated my response and his attitude towards me has deteriorated significantly.

On a recent afternoon, I was conversing with Tom, the retired business owner. Without mentioning the conversation I had between Ron and myself, out of the blue, Tom said that Ron was the worst employee he ever had because he was always trying to get out of work, and, that he constantly made threats to 'call the union' on him. I never mentioned what Ron said about him.

I've known employees that stole from their employer because they believed they weren't being paid enough. I've known employees that did everything in their power to cheat their employer by not working a full day, etc., etc. It's kind of funny, but predictable, that Chomsky fails to mention anything about that type of employee.

Chomsky has been a loony liberal communist for decades. It's amazing that there is anyone left that would take anything that he has to say seriously.
16   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 24, 9:31am  

Small Business owners HAVE to be a good employer, or they will not keep quality employees. Only the greedy fucks, that doesn't give a shit about their customer, or really knows how to grow a business for the long run are shitty employers. Or they in the business that requires such low skill employees that never face the pubic.. But that shitty boss is doing his employees a huge service by injecting humility, worth and value of their time into those employees. If you have ever had a shitty boss, and went on to work for another shitty boss in a job just as shitty. Then you are the type that does not take well to life lessons.

Successful business owners, treat their employees with dignity and respect and value them.
Corporations on the other hand that is beholden to the shareholders, hire People who loath humanity to staff their Human Resources and Managerial roles.

It is why I have always sought to work for Mom and Pop shops in most of my Computing Programing career.
17   gabbar   2023 Nov 24, 10:17am  

RayAmerica says

Chomsky has been a loony liberal communist for decades. It's amazing that there is anyone left that would take anything that he has to say seriously.

There are billions (not exaggerating) who admire Noam Chomsky. People listen to what he says within and outside our country. Whether anyone likes him or not, depending on your political ideology, he always has something interesting to say. So does Professor Normal Finkelstein. BTW, loony=deplorable in politics, two sides of the same coin.
18   gabbar   2023 Nov 24, 10:20am  

Tenpoundbass says

If you have ever had a shitty boss, and went on to work for another shitty boss in a job just as shitty.

A good boss is worth about 10 to 20 percent of the paycheck.
19   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 24, 10:27am  

gabbar says

There are billions (not exaggerating) who admire Noam Chomsky. People listen to what he says within and outside our country.

I find that really hard to believe. I'd venture to say that if you stopped 100 people on the street here in America, no more than 5% would even recognize his name, let alone tell you any of his beliefs, etc. Now, admittedly, if you did your polling at one of America's campuses of lower learning, aka universities, you'd probably easily hit 95%.
20   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 24, 10:28am  


By the way, where did the so called "Star of David" come from? Any ideas?
21   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 24, 12:20pm  

PeopleUnited says


resurrected at a new place of employment.

Just as woke and corrupt as the one you were axed from. Plus now you are lower on the vacation calendar seniority list and all the other perks you had built up at the old place. Don’t pretend that woke employers policies are not trapping workers in no win situations.

What's "vacation calendar seniority"? I've had unlimited vacation and no
problem taking it when I need it for many-many years at various places. Yes, there used to be dependency of allowed vacation days on length of employment, but that went the way of Dodo in tech at least a decade ago. Everybody is jumping around from employer to employer like fucking fleas and it doesn't seem they even interested on retaining people and there are no perks dependent on tenure anymore. Everybody gets the same perks, be it your first or 21st year at the company. They even whine now that people don't quit often enough. Chomsky is a dinosaur out of touch with reality (and has been like that for a half a century or more). The fact that he had real scientific achievements in linguistics way back when doesn't make him an universal expert on everything under the sun.
22   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 24, 2:51pm  

Nom Chom is a looney. But changing employers is not a viable solution for a good number of employees is my only point. Employers are just like the government, they have leverage over the public and force people to do things they don’t want to do under threats of either fines, prison or poverty/loss of privilege.

I’m not against wealth and privilege, but those who abuse wealth and privilege are common. And they cause a lot of needless suffering.
23   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 24, 3:03pm  

PeopleUnited says

who abuse wealth and privilege are common. And they cause a lot of needless suffering.

And the mind numbing part is they are biggest philanthropists to protest against it, and "Raise Awareness".
24   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 24, 5:15pm  

PeopleUnited says

Nom Chom is a looney. But changing employers is not a viable solution for a good number of employees is my only point. Employers are just like the government, they have leverage over the public and force people to do things they don’t want to do under threats of either fines, prison or poverty/loss of privilege.

I’m not against wealth and privilege, but those who abuse wealth and privilege are common. And they cause a lot of needless suffering.

Again, with unemployment where it is there is no "threat of poverty". An employee can quit (or be fired/ laid off) and all all what happens to them is mild inconvenience. But most realistically his next job will pay better, especially if he spend more than 5 years in the old one.
25   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 24, 7:10pm  

Good for you. Not true for everyone, and certainly not most.
26   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 24, 7:11pm  

Tenpoundbass says

PeopleUnited says

who abuse wealth and privilege are common. And they cause a lot of needless suffering.

And the mind numbing part is they are biggest philanthropists to protest against it, and "Raise Awareness".

Yes, it’s kinda like the exact definition of hypocrisy. Pretend to hate the evil you are responsible for! In doing so distract everyone from seeing your evil and holding you accountable for it. It is the MO of the wealthy and powerful.

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