Tie "reparations" to emigration

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2023 Dec 3, 5:36pm   800 views  23 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

If you feel mistreated by America, why stay here?

All proposed reparations should require giving up US citizenship and emigration back to Africa. Liberia is the obvious place, as it was settled by former US slaves.

But if you want to stay here, you have no right to complain, because it is entirely your choice to stay here.

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2   Ingrid   2023 Dec 4, 4:02am  

yes. They are all free to stay or leave. Those that want to be compensated must leave and not return, not ever. Of course, what about the native americans then? they have been betrayed, killed, raped, and their country stolen. How are you going to repair that?
3   clambo   2023 Dec 4, 6:02am  

Maybe some would go if there were Sec. 8 housing waiting for them in Liberia.
4   Ceffer   2023 Dec 4, 7:42am  

Cuckoo birds have no concept of infrastructure or forebrain generated future consequences unless they fake it. They rely on the foreign nest for resources, but cannot improve or preserve it, and generally just fuck it up with old fashioned primitive warlord tactics.

They are the front line of re-instupidating the general populace for the elites as beguiled serfs and instruments of subversion and destruction. After being deputized for their destructive ways, they will be removed through induced plagues, wars, starvation and bloodshed with the flogged survivors returned to the shackles intended for them.

Of course, if the forebrained ones allow the reptilian demons of dynastic royalties to persuade them that they should allow this degradation of civilization, their forebrains aren't working that well, either. You have been Tavistocked.
5   Patrick   2023 Dec 5, 11:44am  

From an anonymous commenter:

I agree. I also think it should also include a no-right-of-return clause for eternity. I am not joking.

I think it should look something like:

1. US government will purchase a home in Liberia or pay the cash equivalent of median home price in Liberia payable upon arrival and the granting of Liberain citizenship. (US will negotiate and ensure Liberian citizenship is immediately grant upon arrival and identity confirmation via digital and analog methods.)
2. US government will purchase a one way plane ticket voucher with Liberia's state airlines
3. A one-time $500,000 cash payment payable as follows:
- Initial 20% payable and US citizenship is immediately revoked upon agreement and fight is booked
- 30% payable when plane departs
- Final 50% when repatriation flight lands and person is granted Liberian citizenship.
3. No right of return for the repatriated person and any blood or marriage related descendent for eternity
4. US will purchase any home or property at fair market value. The home or property must have been purchased with funds traceable to legitimate and legal income activities excepting government employment and government or NGO subsidized activities.
5. Right of return policy also extends to prohibition for all visas granted for athletic participation, access to US education or any other purpose. This is a full and permanent separation ...
6. Any person who does not take the repatriation package forfeits the right to file suit or claim racial discrimination and forfeits in perpetuity any right to any taxpayer funded welfare programs or NGO provided equivalent programs and services and forfeits the right to vote and fund or participate in any form of political activity.
7. All political parties are forever banned for campaigning on explicit or implicit racial bias programs like affirmative active, reparations, equity ... They will be expressly forbidden to use language that demonizes Americans, (people of European descent), and denigrates demonizes and falsifies any aspect of the entirety of American and European modern and ancient history.
7. All civil rights laws are abolished restoring, freedom of association, freedom of speech and freedom from thought crime and accusations of the thought crime of "racism"
- this includes the abolition of all: race based government contracts
- all existing government contracts are terminated and open and subject to a fair and open bidding process.

Extend the program to other West African countries where a black person in America can prove they are from that homeland of origin via a DNA test.

I think we need to do this. One, we need to do this and do all we can in good faith and compassion to help them get back to where they will never feel the burden of racism, discrimination and oppression. Every human being deserves the right to live in a homeland of their own kind without any real or perceived racial animosity or discrimination. Secondly, if it is met with protest and howls of racism, then it will effectively prove their claims have been false. If they refuse reparations this is explicit confirmation that they prefer life in a European dominated and run society over self-rule an African country where they are given funds sufficient for at least one generation to never have to lift a finger and work as well as the advantages of having 400 years of accumulated knowledge from living in a European/Occidental society.

The WPPI has several comprehensive repatriation program proposals that would quickly and humanely and fairly restore our homeland to, well us.

Upon completion of the program, we will institute a national heritage restoration program. We will have an honest accounting of the slavery project that goes from its origin purchasing the sub-saharan peoples from their sub-saharan enslavers to the destruction of our Anglo-Saxon/European society via Civil Rights, Integration, The Great Migration ... ...

The restoration program will feature a real and deep reconciliation between the North and South where neither side is blamed or demonized and all are seen through a humane lense in this part of our civilization and nation's history. All Confederate monuments and statuary will be restored. All heritage sites where European peoples were once honored and even things like birds and animals named after their European discoverer will be restored. We will resurrect our full history and the story of our people that was erased and toppled as we foolishly pursued the path of South Africa in a suicidal project of self subjugation and guilt induced dispossession. Never again. May the next 500 years and beyond see us restored in our homeland and blacks in theirs where we are all free to pursue our destiny free from the inevitable strife and conflict that always comes in a multi-racial society. All people deserve a homeland and the ability to pursue their destiny as a people free from such strife. Onward and upward for all.
6   Patrick   2023 Dec 5, 1:18pm  

The sole point I personally want to make is that the claim to "reparations" for having ancestors who were brought here involuntarily here does not make sense without a willingness to leave voluntarily.

If the country is fundamentally unjust, why stay? If you want to stay in the land of your ancestors' captors, you have expressed a preference for that injustice, which negates the claim to reparations. By staying, you'd be saying that those captors did your ancestors a favor, one which you personally now benefit from.

So why should you get the benefit of remaining as well as the benefit of reparations, which in theory have paid for the harm done to you? And in fact the harm was never even done to you personally.
7   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 5, 1:52pm  

Ingrid says

yes. They are all free to stay or leave. Those that want to be compensated must leave and not return, not ever. Of course, what about the native americans then? they have been betrayed, killed, raped, and their country stolen. How are you going to repair that?

8   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 11:37am  


The woke world cried itself to sleep last week when the San Fransisco Examiner ran a hangdog story headlined, “SF reparations plan dealt blow by budget cuts.”

It was a blow all right. San Fransisco Mayor London Breed released her streamlined 2024 budget this month, and in light of a projected major deficit in 2024 tax revenues, the Mayor had to put the City’s budget on a diet. About $75 million worth of diet. It wasn’t easy, difficult decisions had to be made, and some people won’t get any snacks.

One of the saddest cuts was to San Francisco’s first-ever Office of Reparations. Two million dollars had been earmarked for the program, which had finally passed after years of activism by certain people. Certain people, that is, who want a license to legally steal other citizens’ property.

The new Office of Reparations suffered from not really having any kind of recognizable plan. It didn’t have a business plan or even really know how much money it needed, except of course that it was going to be very expensive. Office Supervisor Shamann Walton originally demanded $50 million dollars to create the Office of Reparations. Later he reluctantly reduced his request to only $10 million. Then he compromised some more and ultimately agreed to only $2 million.

It was a very flexible plan. And, you have to start somewhere.

But then reality rudely interrupted all of Shamann’s plans, or pre-plans, or ideas about how to get started pre-planning. San Fransisco’s budget disaster reflected a collision between two ideological trains. The controlled demolition of downtown has hollowed out the city’s tax revenues, leaving no money for reparations ideas.

In other words, the reparations train jumped the track and crashed right into the controlled-demolition-of-downtown train racing the other way.The political bodies are still laying all over the tracks.
9   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 19, 2:10pm  

10   Patrick   2024 Jan 11, 5:14pm  


San Francisco wanted to give blacks $5 million each. Instead it eliminated the entire reparations office.

Good riddance to an idiotic office that should never have existed in the first place. In a Brutal Turn for San Francisco Reparations, city budget cuts strip all funding.
11   Ceffer   2024 Jan 11, 5:54pm  

Patrick says

Instead it eliminated the entire reparations office.

LOL! The dangled carrot ploy that never fails. HeeHaw! "We'll be up in those Pacific Heights ordering our Colt 45 from gold Cadillacs! Wese ENTITLED."

"Have all the plantation votes been counted yet?" "Yes, Boss." "Good, eliminate the reparations office."
12   Bd6r   2024 Jan 11, 7:33pm  

Ingrid says

yes. They are all free to stay or leave. Those that want to be compensated must leave and not return, not ever. Of course, what about the native americans then? they have been betrayed, killed, raped, and their country stolen. How are you going to repair that?

American Indian case is very different and there is some legitimacy to their claims- US government which is still in existence signed treaties with tribes which are still in existence as legal entities and US government broke the treaties it signed.
In contrast slaves have died so they can not be paid off. I do not see how or why their descendants should be compensated for what happened to some of their ancestors…in the same way perhaps Russians should be compensated by Africans since one of the advisors to Peter the great of Russia was from Ethiopia (Gannibal) and after service he was granted an estate with thousands of Russian serfs.
13   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 12:43pm  


Sunny Hostin, a co-host of the far-left ABC propaganda show “The View,” has long advocated for the descendants of African American slaves to be given reparations.

However, during a recent appearance on the PBS documentary show “Finding Your Roots,” Hostin learned that her own ancestors were slave owners.

Does she owe herself money now?
14   HeadSet   2024 Feb 9, 4:02pm  

Bd6r says

American Indian case is very different and there is some legitimacy to their claims- US government which is still in existence signed treaties with tribes which are still in existence as legal entities and US government broke the treaties it signed.

If that is the case, the Democrat Party which is still in existence owes reparations for pushing slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow.

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