Deep state elimination of democracy is now undeniable: Trump disqualified from the Colorado ballot for the 2024 election

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2023 Dec 19, 5:08pm   13,489 views  176 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


It’s funny that the Democrats think that this is the best way to defeat Trump. All it does is make him more popular. On Twitter, the Left is cheering, as though this wasn’t an assault on our Democracy. Oh, history will not be kind.

From the Daily Caller:

Former President Donald Trump has been disqualified from the Colorado ballot for the 2024 election over the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist” ban.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision Trump violated the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban” and is ineligible to be on the ballot in the state. The ruling is on hold pending an appeal to the Supreme Court until Jan. 4, CNN reported. The issue must be settled by Jan. 5, which is when the statutory deadline is to set the list of candidates for the Republican primary, according to CNN.

The state’s supreme court ruling found Colorado courts do not need an act of Congress to remove Trump from the ballot and the Jan. 6 riot amounted to an insurrection that Trump allegedly “engaged” in.

Chief Justice Brian Boatright, who dissented, argued Colorado’s election law “was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection,” according to CNN.

“In the absence of an insurrection-related conviction, I would hold that a request to disqualify a candidate under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a proper cause of action under Colorado’s election code.”

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung slammed the ruling as “un-American.”

It is not only un-American, it is literally the elimination of democracy for the benefit of the CIA, NSA, and the corporations which run them and benefit from their treason and subversion.

I hope to be in the front row with a big bag of popcorn when the deep state criminals are hanged for their crimes.

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11   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 7:20pm  

More red pilling:

12   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 19, 7:21pm  

PumpingRedheads says

THREE justices actually behaved like, well...judges.

Normies: "Why, Judges are unbiased executors of the law"

Also Normies: "Why, if so-and-so gets elected to SCOTUS or State Supreme Court, it'll be bad!"

Well, if they're unbiased... how could any wonderful unbiased judge be bad.

There's videos on Youtube of Judges being tyrannical little assholes, fining some regular guy $500 trying to defend himself on a petty charge or minor civil matter for not knowing what to do or say precisely, and then footage of the same judges being arrested for a DUI and swearing at the cops and demanding they call so-and-so and big cheese this and that.
13   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 19, 7:23pm  

mell says

SCOTUS will overturn

Yep, why the Dems want Thomas out so bad before 2024 gets going
15   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 19, 7:25pm  

By the way, this shit was normal in the 19th Century, maybe not at the Fed level but definitely the State levels.

The difference is, today the Republicans don't fight back as dirty. They just act as a "Heel" when it comes time to cut taxes or start a war to the Democrats' Happy World Love "babyface".
17   WookieMan   2023 Dec 19, 7:27pm  

He didn't need CO anyway. Still could get it as a write in, long shot though.

As long as he's on the East Coast swing state ballots, this is likely all but over. I really don't get what Dems are trying to do. Every race will get nasty, but the R's have people in waiting after Trump. The Democrats are literally looking to destroy their party. They have no talent or potential future candidates. Literally none. No one can even contest Biden. Newsom is dead in the water nationally. The midwest swing states he'd get trashed.

They're gonna dump Biden. If it's Newsom it will be a blood bath. I like the people I've met in CA. I like CA. The rest of the country doesn't really like CA. Newsom is a clown. I don't think Biden is the nominee. He drops out. We'll see. 2024 is gonna be a shit show.
19   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 7:29pm  

WookieMan says

He didn't need CO anyway. Still could get it as a write in, long shot though.

What makes you think they are gonna stop at CO?

What makes you think they are gonna stop even if SCOTUS bitchslaps this?

WookieMan says

I really don't get what Dems are trying to do


Once again:

25   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 7:40pm  

Patrick says

Is RFK even on the CO ballot? They will probably keep him off too.
26   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 7:46pm  



This is what an actual attack on democracy looks like: in an un-American, unconstitutional, and unprecedented decision, a cabal of Democrat judges are barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate President Trump from running in this election, the bipartisan Establishment is now deploying a new tactic to bar him from ever holding office again: the 14th Amendment. I pledge to withdraw from the Colorado GOP primary unless Trump is also allowed to be on the state’s ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley to do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.

Today’s decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats put up this time by depriving Americans of the right to vote for their candidate of choice.

The 14th Amendment was part of the “Reconstruction Amendments” that were ratified following the Civil War. It was passed to prohibit former Confederate military and political leaders from holding high federal or state office. These men had clearly taken part in a rebellion against the United States: the Civil War. That makes it all the more absurd that a left-wing group in Colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the 45th President on the same grounds, equating his speech to rebellion against the United States.

And there’s another legal problem: Trump is not a former “officer of the United States,” as that term is used in the Constitution, meaning Section 3 does not apply. As the Supreme Court explained in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2010), an “officer of the United States” is someone appointed by the President to aid him in his duties under Article II, Section 2. The term does not apply to elected officials, and certainly not to the President himself.

The Framers of the 14th Amendment would be appalled to see this narrow provision—intended to bar former U.S. officials who switched to the Confederacy from seeking public office—being weaponized by a sitting President and his political allies to prevent a former President from seeking reelection. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers.

3:56 PM · Dec 19, 2023
30   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 8:03pm  

Holy Fuck. RINO consultant and Trump hater Frank Luntz just jumped on board.

31   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 8:07pm  


The order is actually stayed until Jan 4th by themselves, the day before the state decides who is on the Republican primary ballot.
32   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 8:11pm  

My asks whether those judges in Colorado are elected. Maybe this is also a bid to get re-elected on their part.
34   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 8:32pm  

Patrick says

My asks whether those judges in Colorado are elected. Maybe this is also a bid to get re-elected on their part.

Way ahead of you.

I looked it up. When they are first nominated, they serve on a probationary basis for two years and then face an election. They win that, they serve for life.

So the weird thing is the ones who are oldest on the court are the ones who went with this bullshit. It was the newest ones who dissented.
35   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 8:34pm  

This just became the GOP's abortion issue. Only Dems who think it 'ok' are much more clueless about the ramifications than GOPers are about abortion restrictions.
36   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 19, 8:58pm  

Primary ballot only.
39   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 10:44pm  

WookieMan says

He didn't need CO anyway. Still could get it as a write in, long shot though.

It amazes me how fucking stupid people can be.

This isn't about whether he needed Colorado or not.

This is about whether someone's rights can be taken away w/o due process.

42   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 20, 6:09am  

@Patrick check this out. Seems we have our answer.

43   zzyzzx   2023 Dec 20, 6:59am  

If they are trying to remove Trump from a ballot, it must be because Trump has a lead in the polls.
46   Patrick   2023 Dec 20, 10:36am  

PumpingRedheads says

Patrick check this out. Seems we have our answer.

This is true.

I actually lived in a Harvard dorm for most of a semester when I had a girlfriend who went there. I was 23 and she was 21. She kept me as kind of a pet, and I was OK with that. The lesson was that Harvard and other Ivy League students do feel better than everyone else, and entitled to rule because of their superiority. I proposed direct democracy to my girlfriend once, and she was horrified at the idea of letting the hoi polloi directly vote on laws that she would be subject to.
47   HeadSet   2023 Dec 20, 11:09am  

Patrick says

I proposed direct democracy to my girlfriend once, and she was horrified at the idea of letting the hoi polloi directly vote on laws that she would be subject to.

Well, that is why the Founding Fathers set up a Republic and not a democracy.
48   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 20, 11:36am  

How you can tell that things are really going to hell...

49   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:45am  

Judging from my oligarch ex in laws, they will let you borrow their grandiosities in a fleeting manner as a courtesy, but will also let you know in so many little gestures that you are not part of the Bohemian Grove happening. If you are lucky, you are granted a kind of quasi servant status to keep hanging around.
Stanford has entered full on disgrace mode, being integral with Silicon Valley and its designated DOD/DARPA/MKUltra/Tavistock spy and AI apparatus, and inoculating its pleb student layer relentlessly with the vaxicides. David Rothschild appears to be their world bankster executive officer, also in charge of CGI and Hollywood name stealing type theatrical effects for the tech operative fronts. He likes to portray as usual usual as hippy free spirit philanthropist.

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