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When Lou Gerstner came in
Spoken by the (armchair) aeronautical engineer / commercial pilot.
But that was like over 30 years. The culture has been so corrupted like with DEI, etc. that this type of Gerstner-reform would never happen.
You guys are getting hung up on DEI and wokeness bull shit. The crashes were shit pilots. I get fly by wire. All of those systems can be overridden.
"You keep saying this."
Just saying "well, the pilots sucked" I don't think cuts it. Remember, the white race is a TINY minority in this world, I'm not surprised neither pilot was white, and I don't think that had anything to do with it. I don't think they were incompetent. I think the plane didn't respond to their input.
WookieMan says
"You keep saying this."
What part of "Boeing was found criminally liable for not informing the airlines and the
pilots about the 737 MAX instability and the presence of MCAS" don't you understand?
In addition, your so-called "pilot expertise" is irrelevant because flight simulators right after
the crashes proved that there was not enough time for any pilot regardless of experience to
get out of this deadly trap alive.
Give it a rest.
American pilots figured it out. These pilots didn't. You're fighting a losing battle.
Remember, the white race is a TINY minority in this world,
"Link it.... I've asked before. Simulators are the real deal... lol."
Not only Boeing refused to inform the airlines and the pilots about the presence of MCAS, they refused to provide training to the pilots. That is why Boeing was found criminally liable.
"Even if Boeing didn't train or give information, the fucking trim wheel going bonkers
should trigger the next step. Trained or not."
Not about skin color for me at all. It's language. English was not their first language. The plane was created by an English speaking company. I know you know the term lost in translation. It wasn't the pilots first language. I can speak or listen to broken/shitty Spanish. Doesn't mean I understand EVERYTHING.
This is all of the 737 history. Notice a trend?
Chill out, dude. We know you love Southwest Airlines and that you love travel on their jets.
Capt. ‘Sully’ on Boeing’s aviation safety: '"hey have lost their way"
C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger comments on Boeing’s string of quality issues and safety concerns.
English is the number #1 language in India. Everybody is taught it and everybody knows it in India.
Jesus christ, Sully fucked up bigly. Had a runway to land at and he freaked out and put the plane in the river.
You do know India and Indonesia are different right?
Ethiopian Air was Africa obviously. English was NOT their first language. And that does matter. They weren't proficient in the materials to fly the plane regardless of hours. Lost in translation.
No. Boy, you think everything is pilot error. Birdstrike took out all the engines.
No. Boy, you think everything is pilot error. Birdstrike took out all the engines.
You can only do so much if your a great operator like a pilot with a badly designed and/or maintained system.
I'll listen when you have an FAA license.
Yes, about Sully having no margin as all engines were taken out and look at how far he was from the airport.
I have one of those, a Commercial + Instrument. For small planes.
He had two options to land the plane on land. There was still a semi functioning engine as well. He fucked up. His fuck up worked out for the human life aspect. He fucked up an 8 figure airplane for no reason. He could have save the humans and the plane. He fucked up.
What planes did you fly?
The only regret is that I never shot an instrument approach in IFR where with the conditions near minimums. Probably just as well as it's a stupid thing to do in a single engine.
Bellanca Citabria (a tail dragger)
Looks like the "suicide" did not have the effect it thought it was going to have as far as silencing future critics.
Jesus christ, Sully fucked up bigly.
Why is that "stupid?" An IFR equipped C172 was designed to do exactly that, and you never would have passed your Instrument Check unless you were able to safety demonstrate that.
Looking back, one of the stupid things I did in my youth was instrument departures in a single engine plane.
There's an IFR procedure called "IFR to VRF over the top". You get an IFR clearance to fly by instruments till you're over the fog, then the IFR flight plan is ended and you're flying VFR above the fog.
True, twin engine gives redundancy, but when have you heard of and engine failure in flight?
HeadSet says
I do not remember "VRF,
It's a typo, bro.
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